See breaking changes for this version.
New history functions have been added for timestamp tracking:
- timestamp of the oldest value within the defined evaluation period;lastclock
- timestamp of the Nth most recent value within the defined evaluation period;logtimestamp
- log message timestamp of the Nth most recent log item value.New macros have been added for item-value time tracking:
Macro | Description |
{ITEM.LASTVALUE.AGE} | The time that elapsed between the latest item value collection and macro evaluation. |
{ITEM.LASTVALUE.DATE} | The date when the latest item value was collected. |
{ITEM.LASTVALUE.TIME} | The time when the latest item value was collected. |
{ITEM.LASTVALUE.TIMESTAMP} | The timestamp when the latest item value was collected. |
{ITEM.VALUE.AGE} | The time that elapsed between the item value collection and macro evaluation. |
{ITEM.VALUE.DATE} | The date when the item value was collected. |
{ITEM.VALUE.TIME} | The time when the item value was collected. |
{ITEM.VALUE.TIMESTAMP} | The timestamp when the item value was collected. |
It is now possible to configure that secret vault macro values are retrieved by Zabbix server and Zabbix proxy independently.