3 Web scenarios


Host web scenario information can be accessed from Monitoring → Hosts by clicking on Web for the respective host.

Clicking on the host name brings up the host menu. Data of disabled hosts is also accessible. The name of a disabled host is listed in red.

The maximum number of scenarios displayed per page depends on the Rows per page user profile setting.

By default, only values that fall within the last 24 hours are displayed. This limit has been introduced with the aim of improving initial loading times for large pages of latest data. You can extend this time period by changing the value of Max history display period parameter in the Administration → General → GUI menu section.

The scenario name is link to more detailed statistics about it:

Using filter

The page shows a list of all web scenarios of the selected host. To view web scenarios for another host or host group without returning to the Monitoring → Hosts page, select that host or group in the filter. You may also filter scenarios based on tags.


View mode buttons being common for all sections are described on the Monitoring page.

To toggle search highlight, press Ctrl+Alt+H
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