10 proc.get parameters


The item proc.get[<name>,<user>,<cmdline>,<mode>] is supported on Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD.

List of process parameters returned by the item varies depending on the operating system and 'mode' argument value.


The following process parameters are returned on Linux for each mode:

mode=process mode=thread mode=summary
pid: PID pid: PID name: process name
ppid: parent PID ppid: parent PID processes: number of processes
name: process name name: process name vsize: virtual memory size
cmdline: command with arguments user: user (real) the process runs under pmem: percentage of real memory
user: user (real) the process runs under group: group (real) the process runs under rss: resident set size
group: group (real) the process runs under uid: user ID data: size of data segment
uid: user ID gid: ID of the group the process runs under exe: size of code segment
gid: ID of the group the process runs under tid: thread ID lib: size of shared libraries
vsize: virtual memory size tname: thread name lck: size of locked memory
pmem: percentage of real memory cputime_user: total CPU seconds (user) pin: size of pinned pages
rss: resident set size cputime_system: total CPU seconds (system) pte: size of page table entries
data: size of data segment state: thread state size: size of process code + data + stack segments
exe: size of code segment ctx_switches: number of context switches stk: size of stack segment
hwm: peak resident set size page_faults: number of page faults swap: size of swap space used
lck: size of locked memory cputime_user: total CPU seconds (user)
lib: size of shared libraries cputime_system: total CPU seconds (system)
peak: peak virtual memory size ctx_switches: number of context switches
pin: size of pinned pages threads: number of threads
pte: size of page table entries page_faults: number of page faults
size: size of process code + data + stack segments pss: proportional set size memory
stk: size of stack segment
swap: size of swap space used
cputime_user: total CPU seconds (user)
cputime_system: total CPU seconds (system)
state: process state (transparently retrieved from procfs, long form)
ctx_switches: number of context switches
threads: number of threads
page_faults: number of page faults
pss: proportional set size memory

BSD-based OS

The following process parameters are returned on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD for each mode:

mode=process mode=thread mode=summary
pid: PID pid: PID name: process name
ppid: parent PID ppid: parent PID processes: number of processes
jid: ID of jail (FreeBSD only) jid: ID of jail (FreeBSD only) vsize: virtual memory size
jname: name of jail (FreeBSD only) jname: name of jail (FreeBSD only) pmem: percentage of real memory (FreeBSD only)
name: process name name: process name rss: resident set size
cmdline: command with arguments user: user (real) the process runs under size: size of process (code + data + stack)
user: user (real) the process runs under group: group (real) the process runs under tsize: text (code) size
group: group (real) the process runs under uid: user ID dsize: data size
uid: user ID gid: ID of the group the process runs under ssize: stack size
gid: ID of the group the process runs under tid: thread ID cputime_user: total CPU seconds (user)
vsize: virtual memory size tname: thread name cputime_system: total CPU seconds (system)
pmem: percentage of real memory (FreeBSD only) cputime_user: total CPU seconds (user) ctx_switches: number of context switches
rss: resident set size cputime_system: total CPU seconds (system) threads: number of threads (not supported for NetBSD)
size: size of process (code + data + stack) state: thread state stk: size of stack segment
tsize: text (code) size ctx_switches: number of context switches page_faults: number of page faults
dsize: data size io_read_op: number of times the system had to perform input fds: number of file descriptors (OpenBSD only)
ssize: stack size io_write_op: number of times the system had to perform output swap: size of swap space used
cputime_user: total CPU seconds (user) io_read_op: number of times the system had to perform input
cputime_system: total CPU seconds (system) io_write_op: number of times the system had to perform output
state: process state (disk sleep/running/sleeping/tracing stop/zombie/other)
ctx_switches: number of context switches
threads: number of threads (not supported for NetBSD)
page_faults: number of page faults
fds: number of file descriptors (OpenBSD only)
swap: size of swap space used
io_read_op: number of times the system had to perform input
io_write_op: number of times the system had to perform output


The following process parameters are returned on Windows for each mode:

mode=process mode=thread mode=summary
pid: PID pid: PID name: process name
ppid: parent PID ppid: parent PID processes: number of processes
name: process name name: process name vmsize: virtual memory size
user: user the process runs under user: user the process runs under wkset: size of process working set
sid: user SID sid: user SID cputime_user: total CPU seconds (user)
vmsize: virtual memory size tid: thread ID cputime_system: total CPU seconds (system)
wkset: size of process working set threads: number of threads
cputime_user: total CPU seconds (user) page_faults: number of page faults
cputime_system: total CPU seconds (system) handles: number of handles
threads: number of threads io_read_b: IO bytes read
page_faults: number of page faults io_write_b: IO bytes written
handles: number of handles io_read_op: IO read operations
io_read_b: IO bytes read io_write_op: IO write operations
io_write_b: IO bytes written io_other_b: IO bytes transferred, other than read and write operations
io_read_op: IO read operations io_other_op: IO operations, other than read and write operations
io_write_op: IO write operations
io_other_b: IO bytes transferred, other than read and write operations
io_other_op: IO operations, other than read and write operations
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