Plugins provide an option to extend the monitoring capabilities of Zabbix. Plugins are written in Go programming language and are supported by Zabbix agent 2 only. Plugins provide an alternative to loadable modules (written in C), and other methods for extending Zabbix functionality.
The following features are specific to agent 2 and its plugins:
Since Zabbix 6.0, plugins don't have to be integrated into the agent 2 directly and can be added as loadable plugins, thus making the creation process of additional plugins for gathering new monitoring metrics easier.
This page lists Zabbix native and loadable plugins, and describes plugin configuration principles from the user perspective.
For instructions on writing your own plugins, see Developer center and Example plugin for Zabbix agent 2.
For details on the communication process between Zabbix agent 2 and a loadable plugin as well as the metric collection process, see Connection diagram.
This section provides common plugin configuration principles and best practices.
All plugins are configured using Plugins.* parameter, which can either be part of the Zabbix agent 2 configuration file or a plugin's own configuration file. If a plugin uses a separate configuration file, path to this file should be specified in the Include parameter of Zabbix agent 2 configuration file.
A typical plugin parameter has the following structure:
Additionally, there are two specific groups of parameters:
Plugins.<PluginName>.Default.<Parameter>=<Value> used for defining default parameter values.
Plugins.<PluginName>.<SessionName>.<Parameter>=<Value> used for defining separate sets of parameters for different monitoring targets via named sessions.
All parameter names should adhere to the following requirements:
For example, to perform active checks that do not have Scheduling update interval immediately after the agent restart only for the Uptime plugin, set Plugins.Uptime.System.ForceActiveChecksOnStart=1
in the configuration file. Similarly, to set custom limit for concurrent checks for the CPU plugin, set the Plugins.CPU.System.Capacity=N
in the configuration file.
You can set default values for the connection-related parameters (URI, username, password, etc.) in the configuration file in the format:
For example, Plugins.Mysql.Default.Username=zabbix, Plugins.MongoDB.Default.Uri=tcp://, etc.
If a value for such parameter is not provided in an item key or in the named session parameters, the plugin will use the default value. If a default parameter is also undefined, hardcoded defaults will be used.
If an item key does not have any parameters, Zabbix agent 2 will attempt to collect the metric using values defined in the default parameters section.
Named sessions represent an additional level of plugin parameters and can be used to specify separate sets of authentication parameters for each of the instances being monitored. Each named session parameter should have the following structure:
A session name can be used as a connString item key parameter instead of specifying a URI, username, and/or password separately.
In item keys, the first parameter can be either a connString or a URI. If the first key parameter doesn't match any session name, it will be treated as a URI. Note that passing embedded URI credentials in the item key is not supported, use named session parameters instead.
The list of available named session parameters depends on the plugin.
It is possible to override session parameters by specifying new values in the item key parameters (see example).
If a parameter is not defined for the named session, Zabbix agent 2 will use the value defined in the default plugin parameter.
Zabbix agent 2 plugins search for connection-related parameter values in the following order:
Monitoring of two instances “MySQL1” and “MySQL2”.
Configuration parameters:
As a result of this configuration, each session name may be used as a connString in an item key, e.g.,[MySQL1]
Providing some of the parameters in the item key.
Configuration parameters:
Item key:[session1,new_username,,postgres]
As a result of this configuration, the agent will connect to PostgreSQL using the following parameters:
Collecting a metric using default configuration parameters.
Configuration parameters:
Item key:[,,,postgres]
As a result of this configuration, the agent will connect to PostgreSQL using the parameters:
Some plugins support gathering metrics from multiple instances simultaneously. Both local and remote instances can be monitored. TCP and Unix-socket connections are supported.
It is recommended to configure plugins to keep connections to instances in an open state. The benefits are reduced network congestion, latency, and CPU and memory usage due to the lower number of connections. The client library takes care of this.
Time period for which unused connections should remain open can be determined by Plugins.<PluginName>.KeepAlive parameter. Example: Plugins.Memcached.KeepAlive
All metrics supported by Zabbix agent 2 are collected by plugins.
The following plugins for Zabbix agent 2 are available out-of-the-box. Click on the plugin name to go to the plugin repository with additional information.
Plugin name | Description | Supported item keys | Comments |
Agent | Metrics of the Zabbix agent being used. | agent.hostname,, agent.version | Supported keys have the same parameters as Zabbix agent keys. |
Ceph | Ceph monitoring. | ceph.df.details, ceph.osd.stats, ceph.osd.discovery, ceph.osd.dump,, ceph.pool.discovery, ceph.status |
CPU | System CPU monitoring (number of CPUs/CPU cores, discovered CPUs, utilization percentage). | system.cpu.discovery, system.cpu.num, system.cpu.util | Supported keys have the same parameters as Zabbix agent keys. |
Docker | Monitoring of Docker containers. | docker.container_info, docker.container_stats, docker.containers, docker.containers.discovery, docker.data_usage, docker.images, docker.images.discovery,, |
See also: Configuration parameters |
File | File metrics collection. | vfs.file.cksum, vfs.file.contents, vfs.file.exists, vfs.file.md5sum, vfs.file.regexp, vfs.file.regmatch, vfs.file.size, vfs.file.time |
Supported keys have the same parameters as Zabbix agent keys. |
Kernel | Kernel monitoring. | kernel.maxfiles, kernel.maxproc | Supported keys have the same parameters as Zabbix agent keys. |
Log | Log file monitoring. | log, log.count, logrt, logrt.count | Supported keys have the same parameters as Zabbix agent keys. See also: Plugin configuration parameters (Unix/Windows) |
Memcached | Memcached server monitoring. |, memcached.stats | |
Modbus | Reads Modbus data. | modbus.get | Supported keys have the same parameters as Zabbix agent keys. |
MQTT | Receives published values of MQTT topics. | mqtt.get | To configure encrypted connection to the MQTT broker, specify the TLS parameters in the agent configuration file as named session or default parameters. Currently, TLS parameters cannot be passed as item key parameters. |
MySQL | Monitoring of MySQL and its forks. | mysql.custom.query, mysql.db.discovery, mysql.db.size, mysql.get_status_variables,, mysql.replication.discovery, mysql.replication.get_slave_status, mysql.version |
To configure encrypted connection to the database, specify the TLS parameters in the agent configuration file as named session or default parameters. Currently, TLS parameters cannot be passed as item key parameters. |
NetIf | Monitoring of network interfaces. | net.if.collisions, net.if.discovery,, net.if.out, | Supported keys have the same parameters as Zabbix agent keys. |
Oracle | Oracle Database monitoring. | oracle.diskgroups.stats, oracle.diskgroups.discovery,, oracle.archive.discovery,, oracle.custom.query, oracle.datafiles.stats, oracle.db.discovery, oracle.fra.stats,,, oracle.pdb.discovery, oracle.pga.stats,, oracle.proc.stats,, oracle.sga.stats, oracle.sessions.stats, oracle.sys.metrics, oracle.sys.params, oracle.ts.stats, oracle.ts.discovery,, oracle.version |
Install the Oracle Instant Client before using the plugin. |
Proc | Process CPU utilization percentage. | proc.cpu.util | Supported key has the same parameters as Zabbix agent key. |
Redis | Redis server monitoring. | redis.config,,, redis.slowlog.count | |
Smart | S.M.A.R.T. monitoring. | smart.attribute.discovery, smart.disk.discovery, smart.disk.get | The minimum required smartctl version is 7.1. Sudo/root access rights to smartctl are required for the user executing Zabbix agent 2. The plugin uses only the following commands: /usr/sbin/smartctl -a * /usr/sbin/smartctl --scan * /usr/sbin/smartctl -j -V Supported keys can be used with Zabbix agent 2 only on Linux/Windows, both as a passive and active check. See also: Configuration parameters |
SW | Listing of installed packages. | system.sw.packages, system.sw.packages.get | The supported keys have the same parameters as Zabbix agent key. |
Swap | Swap space size in bytes/percentage. | system.swap.size | Supported key has the same parameters as Zabbix agent key. |
SystemRun | Runs specified command. | | Supported key has the same parameters as Zabbix agent key. See also: Plugin configuration parameters (Unix/Windows) |
Systemd | Monitoring of systemd services. | systemd.unit.discovery, systemd.unit.get, | |
TCP | TCP connection availability check. | net.tcp.port | Supported key has the same parameters as Zabbix agent key. |
UDP | Monitoring of the UDP services availability and performance. | net.udp.service, net.udp.service.perf | Supported keys have the same parameters as Zabbix agent keys. |
Uname | Retrieval of information about the system. | system.hostname, system.sw.arch, system.uname | Supported keys have the same parameters as Zabbix agent keys. |
Uptime | System uptime metrics collection. | system.uptime | Supported key has the same parameters as Zabbix agent key. |
VFSDev | VFS metrics collection. |,, | Supported keys have the same parameters as Zabbix agent keys. |
WebCertificate | Monitoring of TLS/SSL website certificates. | web.certificate.get | |
WebPage | Web page monitoring. |,, | Supported keys have the same parameters as Zabbix agent keys. |
ZabbixAsync | Asynchronous metrics collection. | net.tcp.listen, net.udp.listen, sensor, system.boottime, system.cpu.intr, system.cpu.load, system.cpu.switches, system.hw.cpu, system.hw.macaddr, system.localtime, system.sw.os,, system.swap.out, vfs.fs.discovery |
Supported keys have the same parameters as Zabbix agent keys. |
ZabbixStats | Zabbix server/proxy internal metrics or number of delayed items in a queue. | zabbix.stats | Supported keys have the same parameters as Zabbix agent keys. |
ZabbixSync | Synchronous metrics collection. | net.dns, net.dns.record, net.tcp.service, net.tcp.service.perf, proc.mem, proc.num, system.hw.chassis, system.hw.devices, system.sw.packages, system.users.num, vfs.dir.count, vfs.dir.size, vfs.fs.get, vfs.fs.inode, vfs.fs.size, vm.memory.size. |
Supported keys have the same parameters as Zabbix agent keys. |
Loadable plugins for Zabbix agent 2 are not available out-of-the-box and need to be installed separately:
Click on the plugin name to go to the plugin repository with additional information.
Plugin name | Description | Supported item keys | Comments |
Ember+ | Monitoring of Ember+. | ember.get | Currently only available to be built from the source (for both Unix and Windows). See also Ember+ plugin configuration parameters. |
MongoDB | Monitoring of MongoDB servers and clusters (document-based, distributed database). | mongodb.collection.stats, mongodb.collections.discovery, mongodb.collections.usage, mongodb.connpool.stats, mongodb.db.stats, mongodb.db.discovery, mongodb.jumbo_chunks.count, mongodb.oplog.stats,,,, mongodb.server.status,, mongodb.version |
To configure encrypted connections to the database, specify the TLS parameters in the agent configuration file as named session parameters. Currently, TLS parameters cannot be passed as item key parameters. See also MongoDB plugin configuration parameters. |
MSSQL | Monitoring of MSSQL database. |, mssql.custom.query, mssql.db.get, mssql.job.status.get, mssql.last.backup.get, mssql.local.db.get, mssql.mirroring.get, mssql.nonlocal.db.get, mssql.perfcounter.get,, mssql.quorum.get, mssql.quorum.member.get, mssql.replica.get, mssql.version | To configure encrypted connection to the database, specify the TLS parameters in the agent configuration file as named session or default parameters. Currently, TLS parameters cannot be passed as item key parameters. See also MSSQL plugin configuration parameters. |
NVIDIA GPU | Monitoring of NVIDIA GPU. | nvml.device.count, nvml.device.decoder.utilization, nvml.device.ecc.mode, nvml.device.encoder.stats.get, nvml.device.encoder.utilization,, nvml.device.errors.memory, nvml.device.errors, nvml.device.errors.register,, nvml.device.get,, nvml.device.memory.bar1.get, nvml.device.memory.fb.get, nvml.device.memory.frequency, nvml.device.pci.utilization, nvml.device.performance.state, nvml.device.power.limit, nvml.device.power.usage, nvml.device.serial,, nvml.device.temperature, nvml.device.utilization,, nvml.system.driver.version, nvml.version | See also NVIDIA GPU plugin configuration parameters. |
PostgreSQL | Monitoring of PostgreSQL and its forks. | pgsql.autovacuum.count, pgsql.archive, pgsql.bgwriter, pgsql.cache.hit, pgsql.connections, pgsql.custom.query, pgsql.dbstat, pgsql.dbstat.sum, pgsql.db.age, pgsql.db.bloating_tables, pgsql.db.discovery, pgsql.db.size, pgsql.locks, pgsql.oldest.xid,, pgsql.queries, pgsql.replication.count, pgsql.replication.process, pgsql.replication.process.discovery, pgsql.replication.recovery_role, pgsql.replication.status, pgsql.replication_lag.b, pgsql.replication_lag.sec, pgsql.uptime, pgsql.version, pgsql.wal.stat |
To configure encrypted connections to the database, specify the TLS parameters in the agent configuration file as named session or default parameters. Currently, TLS parameters cannot be passed as item key parameters. See also PostgreSQL plugin configuration parameters. |
Loadable plugins, when launched with:
- -V --version - print plugin version and license information;
- -h --help - print help information.