

integer/array discoveryrule.get(object parameters)

The method allows to retrieve LLD rules according to the given parameters.

This method is available to users of any type. Permissions to call the method can be revoked in user role settings. See User roles for more information.


(object) Parameters defining the desired output.

The method supports the following parameters.

Parameter Type Description
itemids ID/array Return only LLD rules with the given IDs.
groupids ID/array Return only LLD rules that belong to the hosts from the given groups.
hostids ID/array Return only LLD rules that belong to the given hosts.
inherited boolean If set to true return only LLD rules inherited from a template.
interfaceids ID/array Return only LLD rules use the given host interfaces.
monitored boolean If set to true return only enabled LLD rules that belong to monitored hosts.
templated boolean If set to true return only LLD rules that belong to templates.
templateids ID/array Return only LLD rules that belong to the given templates.
selectFilter query Return a filter property with data of the filter used by the LLD rule.
selectGraphs query Returns a graphs property with graph prototypes that belong to the LLD rule.

Supports count.
selectHostPrototypes query Return a hostPrototypes property with host prototypes that belong to the LLD rule.

Supports count.
selectHosts query Return a hosts property with an array of hosts that the LLD rule belongs to.
selectItems query Return an items property with item prototypes that belong to the LLD rule.

Supports count.
selectTriggers query Return a triggers property with trigger prototypes that belong to the LLD rule.

Supports count.
selectLLDMacroPaths query Return an lld_macro_paths property with a list of LLD macros and paths to values assigned to each corresponding macro.
selectPreprocessing query Return a preprocessing property with LLD rule preprocessing options.
selectOverrides query Return an lld_rule_overrides property with a list of override filters, conditions and operations that are performed on prototype objects.
filter object Return only those results that exactly match the given filter.

Accepts an object, where the keys are property names, and the values are either a single value or an array of values to match against.

Does not support properties of text data type.

Supports additional properties:
host - technical name of the host that the LLD rule belongs to.
limitSelects integer Limits the number of records returned by subselects.

Applies to the following subselects: selectItems, selectGraphs, selectTriggers.
sortfield string/array Sort the result by the given properties.

Possible values: itemid, name, key_, delay, type, status.
countOutput boolean These parameters are described in the reference commentary.
editable boolean
excludeSearch boolean
limit integer
output query
preservekeys boolean
search object
searchByAny boolean
searchWildcardsEnabled boolean
sortorder string/array
startSearch boolean

Return values

(integer/array) Returns either:

  • an array of objects;
  • the count of retrieved objects, if the countOutput parameter has been used.


Retrieving discovery rules from a host

Retrieve all discovery rules for specific host ID.


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "discoveryrule.get",
           "params": {
               "output": "extend",
               "hostids": "10202"
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": [
                   "itemid": "27425",
                   "type": "0",
                   "snmp_oid": "",
                   "hostid": "10202",
                   "name": "Network interface discovery",
                   "key_": "net.if.discovery",
                   "delay": "1h",
                   "status": "0",
                   "trapper_hosts": "",
                   "templateid": "22444",
                   "valuemapid": "0",
                   "params": "",
                   "ipmi_sensor": "",
                   "authtype": "0",
                   "username": "",
                   "password": "",
                   "publickey": "",
                   "privatekey": "",
                   "interfaceid": "119",
                   "description": "Discovery of network interfaces as defined in global regular expression \"Network interfaces for discovery\".",
                   "lifetime": "30d",
                   "jmx_endpoint": "",
                   "master_itemid": "0",
                   "timeout": "",
                   "url": "",
                   "query_fields": [],
                   "posts": "",
                   "status_codes": "200",
                   "follow_redirects": "1",
                   "post_type": "0",
                   "http_proxy": "",
                   "headers": [],
                   "retrieve_mode": "0",
                   "request_method": "0",
                   "ssl_cert_file": "",
                   "ssl_key_file": "",
                   "ssl_key_password": "",
                   "verify_peer": "0",
                   "verify_host": "0",
                   "allow_traps": "0",
                   "uuid": "",
                   "lifetime_type": "0",
                   "enabled_lifetime_type": "2",
                   "enabled_lifetime": "0",
                   "state": "0",
                   "error": "",
                   "parameters": []
                   "itemid": "27426",
                   "type": "0",
                   "snmp_oid": "",
                   "hostid": "10202",
                   "name": "Mounted filesystem discovery",
                   "key_": "vfs.fs.discovery",
                   "delay": "1h",
                   "status": "0",
                   "trapper_hosts": "",
                   "templateid": "22450",
                   "valuemapid": "0",
                   "params": "",
                   "ipmi_sensor": "",
                   "authtype": "0",
                   "username": "",
                   "password": "",
                   "publickey": "",
                   "privatekey": "",
                   "interfaceid": "119",
                   "description": "Discovery of file systems of different types as defined in global regular expression \"File systems for discovery\".",
                   "lifetime": "30d",
                   "jmx_endpoint": "",
                   "master_itemid": "0",
                   "timeout": "",
                   "url": "",
                   "query_fields": [],
                   "posts": "",
                   "status_codes": "200",
                   "follow_redirects": "1",
                   "post_type": "0",
                   "http_proxy": "",
                   "headers": [],
                   "retrieve_mode": "0",
                   "request_method": "0",
                   "ssl_cert_file": "",
                   "ssl_key_file": "",
                   "ssl_key_password": "",
                   "verify_peer": "0",
                   "verify_host": "0",
                   "allow_traps": "0",
                   "uuid": "",
                   "lifetime_type": "0",
                   "enabled_lifetime_type": "2",
                   "enabled_lifetime": "0",
                   "state": "0",
                   "error": "",
                   "parameters": []
           "id": 1

Retrieving filter conditions

Retrieve the name of the LLD rule "24681" and its filter conditions. The filter uses the "and" evaluation type, so the formula property is empty and eval_formula is generated automatically.


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "discoveryrule.get",
           "params": {
               "output": ["name"],
               "selectFilter": "extend",
               "itemids": ["24681"]
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": [
                   "itemid": "24681",
                   "name": "Filtered LLD rule",
                   "filter": {
                       "evaltype": "1",
                       "formula": "",
                       "conditions": [
                               "macro": "{#MACRO1}",
                               "value": "@regex1",
                               "operator": "8",
                               "formulaid": "A"
                               "macro": "{#MACRO2}",
                               "value": "@regex2",
                               "operator": "9",
                               "formulaid": "B"
                               "macro": "{#MACRO3}",
                               "value": "",
                               "operator": "12",
                               "formulaid": "C"
                               "macro": "{#MACRO4}",
                               "value": "",
                               "operator": "13",
                               "formulaid": "D"
                       "eval_formula": "A and B and C and D"
           "id": 1

Retrieve LLD rule by URL

Retrieve LLD rule for host by rule URL field value. Only exact match of URL string defined for LLD rule is supported.


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "discoveryrule.get",
           "params": {
               "hostids": "10257",
               "filter": {
                   "type": 19,
                   "url": ""
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": [
                   "itemid": "28336",
                   "type": "19",
                   "snmp_oid": "",
                   "hostid": "10257",
                   "name": "API HTTP agent",
                   "key_": "api_discovery_rule",
                   "delay": "5s",
                   "status": "0",
                   "trapper_hosts": "",
                   "templateid": "0",
                   "valuemapid": "0",
                   "params": "",
                   "ipmi_sensor": "",
                   "authtype": "0",
                   "username": "",
                   "password": "",
                   "publickey": "",
                   "privatekey": "",
                   "interfaceid": "5",
                   "description": "",
                   "lifetime": "30d",
                   "jmx_endpoint": "",
                   "master_itemid": "0",
                   "timeout": "",
                   "url": "",
                   "query_fields": [
                           "name": "mode",
                           "value": "json"
                           "name": "elements",
                           "value": "2"
                   "posts": "",
                   "status_codes": "200",
                   "follow_redirects": "1",
                   "post_type": "0",
                   "http_proxy": "",
                   "headers": [
                           "name" : "X-Type",
                           "value": "api"
                           "name": "Authorization",
                           "value": "Bearer mF_A.B5f-2.1JcM"
                   "retrieve_mode": "0",
                   "request_method": "1",
                   "ssl_cert_file": "",
                   "ssl_key_file": "",
                   "ssl_key_password": "",
                   "verify_peer": "0",
                   "verify_host": "0",
                   "allow_traps": "0",
                   "uuid": "",
                   "lifetime_type": "0",
                   "enabled_lifetime_type": "2",
                   "enabled_lifetime": "0",
                   "state": "0",
                   "error": "",
                   "parameters": []
           "id": 1

Retrieve LLD rule with overrides

Retrieve one LLD rule that has various override settings.


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "discoveryrule.get",
           "params": {
               "output": ["name"],
               "itemids": "30980",
               "selectOverrides": ["name", "step", "stop", "filter", "operations"]
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": [
                   "name": "Discover database host",
                   "overrides": [
                           "name": "Discover MySQL host",
                           "step": "1",
                           "stop": "1",
                           "filter": {
                               "evaltype": "2",
                               "formula": "",
                               "conditions": [
                                       "macro": "{#UNIT.NAME}",
                                       "operator": "8",
                                       "value": "^mysqld\\.service$",
                                       "formulaid": "A"
                                       "macro": "{#UNIT.NAME}",
                                       "operator": "8",
                                       "value": "^mariadb\\.service$",
                                       "formulaid": "B"
                               "eval_formula": "A or B"
                           "operations": [
                                   "operationobject": "3",
                                   "operator": "2",
                                   "value": "Database host",
                                   "opstatus": {
                                       "status": "0"
                                   "optag": [
                                           "tag": "database",
                                           "value": "mysql"
                                   "optemplate": [
                                           "templateid": "10170"
                           "name": "Discover PostgreSQL host",
                           "step": "2",
                           "stop": "1",
                           "filter": {
                               "evaltype": "0",
                               "formula": "",
                               "conditions": [
                                       "macro": "{#UNIT.NAME}",
                                       "operator": "8",
                                       "value": "^postgresql\\.service$",
                                       "formulaid": "A"
                               "eval_formula": "A"
                           "operations": [
                                   "operationobject": "3",
                                   "operator": "2",
                                   "value": "Database host",
                                   "opstatus": {
                                       "status": "0"
                                   "optag": [
                                           "tag": "database",
                                           "value": "postgresql"
                                   "optemplate": [
                                           "templateid": "10263"
           "id": 1

See also


CDiscoveryRule::get() in ui/include/classes/api/services/CDiscoveryRule.php.