integer/array trigger.get(objektumparaméterek)
A módszer lehetővé teszi a triggerek lekérését a megadottak szerint paramétereket.
Ez a módszer bármilyen típusú felhasználó számára elérhető. Engedélyek A metódus meghívása a felhasználói szerepkör beállításaiban visszavonható. Lásd: User roles további információért.
Parameters defining the desired output.
The method supports the following parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description |
triggerids | string/array | Return only triggers with the given IDs. |
groupids | string/array | Return only triggers that belong to hosts from the given host groups. |
templateids | string/array | Return only triggers that belong to the given templates. |
hostids | string/array | Return only triggers that belong to the given hosts. |
itemids | string/array | Return only triggers that contain the given items. |
functions | string/array | Return only triggers that use the given functions. Refer to the supported function page for a list of supported functions. |
group | string | Return only triggers that belong to hosts from the host group with the given name. |
host | string | Return only triggers that belong to host with the given name. |
inherited | boolean | If set to true return only triggers inherited from a template. |
templated | boolean | If set to true return only triggers that belong to templates. |
dependent | boolean | If set to true return only triggers that have dependencies. If set to false return only triggers that do not have dependencies. |
monitored | flag | Return only enabled triggers that belong to monitored hosts and contain only enabled items. |
active | flag | Return only enabled triggers that belong to monitored hosts. |
maintenance | boolean | If set to true return only enabled triggers that belong to hosts in maintenance. |
withUnacknowledgedEvents | flag | Return only triggers that have unacknowledged events. |
withAcknowledgedEvents | flag | Return only triggers with all events acknowledged. |
withLastEventUnacknowledged | flag | Return only triggers with the last event unacknowledged. |
skipDependent | flag | Skip triggers in a problem state that are dependent on other triggers. Note that the other triggers are ignored if disabled, have disabled items or disabled item hosts. |
lastChangeSince | timestamp | Return only triggers that have changed their state after the given time. |
lastChangeTill | timestamp | Return only triggers that have changed their state before the given time. |
only_true | flag | Return only triggers that have recently been in a problem state. |
min_severity | integer | Return only triggers with severity greater or equal than the given severity. |
evaltype | integer | Rules for tag searching. Possible values: 0 - (default) And/Or; 2 - Or. |
tags | array of objects | Return only triggers with given tags. Exact match by tag and case-sensitive or case-insensitive search by tag value depending on operator value. Format: [{"tag": "<tag>", "value": "<value>", "operator": "<operator>"}, ...] .An empty array returns all triggers. Possible operator types: 0 - (default) Like; 1 - Equal; 2 - Not like; 3 - Not equal 4 - Exists; 5 - Not exists. |
expandComment | flag | Expand macros in the trigger description. |
expandDescription | flag | Expand macros in the name of the trigger. |
expandExpression | flag | Expand functions and macros in the trigger expression. |
selectGroups | query | Return the host groups that the trigger belongs to in the groups property. |
selectHosts | query | Return the hosts that the trigger belongs to in the hosts property. |
selectItems | query | Return items contained by the trigger in the items property. |
selectFunctions | query | Return functions used in the trigger in the functions property.The function objects represent the functions used in the trigger expression and has the following properties: functionid - (string) ID of the function;itemid - (string) ID of the item used in the function;function - (string) name of the function;parameter - (string) parameter passed to the function. Query parameter is replaced by $ symbol in returned string. |
selectDependencies | query | Return triggers that the trigger depends on in the dependencies property. |
selectDiscoveryRule | query | Return the low-level discovery rule that created the trigger. |
selectLastEvent | query | Return the last significant trigger event in the lastEvent property. |
selectTags | query | Return the trigger tags in tags property. |
selectTriggerDiscovery | query | Return the trigger discovery object in the triggerDiscovery property. The trigger discovery objects link the trigger to a trigger prototype from which it was created.It has the following properties: parent_triggerid - (string) ID of the trigger prototype from which the trigger has been created. |
filter | object | Return only those results that exactly match the given filter. Accepts an array, where the keys are property names, and the values are either a single value or an array of values to match against. Supports additional filters: host - technical name of the host that the trigger belongs to;hostid - ID of the host that the trigger belongs to. |
limitSelects | integer | Limits the number of records returned by subselects. Applies to the following subselects: selectHosts - results will be sorted by host . |
sortfield | string/array | Sort the result by the given properties. Possible values are: triggerid , description , status , priority , lastchange and hostname . |
countOutput | boolean | These parameters being common for all get methods are described in detail in the reference commentary page. |
editable | boolean | |
excludeSearch | boolean | |
limit | integer | |
output | query | |
preservekeys | boolean | |
search | object | |
searchByAny | boolean | |
searchWildcardsEnabled | boolean | |
sortorder | string/array | |
startSearch | boolean |
A következőket adja vissza:
paramétert használták.Retrieve all data and the functions used in trigger "14062".
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "trigger.get",
"params": {
"triggerids": "14062",
"output": "extend",
"selectFunctions": "extend"
"auth": "038e1d7b1735c6a5436ee9eae095879e",
"id": 1
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [
"triggerid": "14062",
"expression": "{13513}<10m",
"description": "{HOST.NAME} has been restarted (uptime < 10m)",
"url": "",
"status": "0",
"value": "0",
"priority": "2",
"lastchange": "0",
"comments": "The host uptime is less than 10 minutes",
"error": "",
"templateid": "10016",
"type": "0",
"state": "0",
"flags": "0",
"recovery_mode": "0",
"recovery_expression": "",
"correlation_mode": "0",
"correlation_tag": "",
"manual_close": "0",
"opdata": "",
"functions": [
"functionid": "13513",
"itemid": "24350",
"triggerid": "14062",
"parameter": "$",
"function": "last"
"id": 1
Retrieve the ID, name and severity of all triggers in problem state and sort them by severity in descending order.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "trigger.get",
"params": {
"output": [
"filter": {
"value": 1
"sortfield": "priority",
"sortorder": "DESC"
"auth": "038e1d7b1735c6a5436ee9eae095879e",
"id": 1
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [
"triggerid": "13907",
"description": "Zabbix self-monitoring processes < 100% busy",
"priority": "4"
"triggerid": "13824",
"description": "Zabbix discoverer processes more than 75% busy",
"priority": "3"
"id": 1
Retrieve a specific trigger with tags.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "trigger.get",
"params": {
"output": [
"selectTags": "extend",
"triggerids": [
"auth": "038e1d7b1735c6a5436ee9eae095879e",
"id": 1
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [
"triggerid": "17370",
"description": "Service status",
"tags": [
"tag": "service",
"value": "{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub(\"Service (.*) has stopped\", \"\\1\")}"
"tag": "error",
"value": ""
"id": 1
CTrigger::get() az ui/include/classes/api/services/CTrigger.php-ban.