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6 Web scenarios


The web scenario list for a template can be accessed from Configuration → Templates and then clicking on Web for the respective template.

The web scenario list for a host can be accessed from Configuration → Hosts and then clicking on Web for the respective host.

A list of existing web scenarios is displayed. From the dropdown to the right in the Scenarios bar you can choose whether to display all web scenarios or only those belonging to one particular group and host. Additionally you can choose to hide disabled scenarios (or show them again) by clicking on the respective link.

Displayed data:

Column Description
Name Name of the web scenario. Clicking on the web scenario name opens the web scenario configuration form.
Number of steps The number of steps contained in the scenario.
Update interval How often the scenario is performed.
Attempts How many attempts for executing web scenario steps are performed.
Authentication Authentication method is displayed - Basic, NTLM on None.
HTTP proxy Displays HTTP proxy or 'No' if not used.
Application Web scenario application is displayed.
Status Web scenario status is displayed - Enabled or Disabled.
By clicking on the status you can change it.
Info If everything is fine, no icon is displayed in this column. If there are errors, a red square icon with a cross is displayed. Move the mouse over the icon and you will see a tooltip with the error description.

To configure a new web scenario, click on the Create web scenario button in the top right-hand corner.

Mass editing options

Buttons below the list offer some mass-editing options:

  • Enable - change the scenario status to Enabled
  • Disable - change the scenario status to Disabled
  • Clear history - clear history and trend data for the scenarios
  • Delete - delete the web scenarios

To use these options, mark the checkboxes before the respective web scenarios, then click on the required button.

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