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> Template screen item object

The following objects are directly related to the templatescreenitem API.

Template screen item

The template screen item object defines an element displayed on a template screen. It has the following properties.

Property Type Description
screenitemid string (readonly) ID of the template screen item.
string ID of the object from the parent template displayed on the template screen item. Depending on the type of screen item, the resourceid property can reference different objects. Unused by clock and URL template screen items.

Note: the resourceid property always references an object used in the parent template object, even if the screen item itself is inherited on a host or template.
integer Type of template screen item.

Possible values:
0 - graph;
1 - simple graph;
3 - plain text;
7 - clock;
11 - URL;
19 - simple graph prototype;
20 - graph prototype.
string ID of the template screen that the item belongs to.
colspan integer Number of columns the template screen item will span across.

Default: 1.
elements integer Number of lines to display on the template screen item.

Default: 25.
halign integer Specifies how the template screen item must be aligned horizontally in the cell.

Possible values:
0 - (default) center;
1 - left;
2 - right.
height integer Height of the template screen item in pixels.

Default: 200.
max_columns integer Specifies the maximum amount of columns a graph prototype or simple graph prototype screen element can have.

Default: 3.
rowspan integer Number or rows the template screen item will span across.

Default: 1.
style integer Template screen item display option.

Possible values for clock screen items:
0 - (default) local time;
1 - server time;
2 - host time.

Possible values for plain text screen items:
0 - (default) display values as plain text;
1 - display values as HTML.
url string URL of the webpage to be displayed in the template screen item. Used by URL template screen items.
valign integer Specifies how the template screen item must be aligned vertically in the cell.

Possible values:
0 - (default) middle;
1 - top;
2 - bottom.
width integer Width of the template screen item in pixels.

Default: 320.
x integer X-coordinates of the template screen item on the screen, from left to right.

Default: 0.
y integer Y-coordinates of the template screen item on the screen, from top to bottom.

Default: 0.
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