Os hosts são exportados com vários objetos associados e relacionados.
Uma exportação de host contêm:
O processo de importação de hosts só adiciona associações com templates, nunca as removendo.
<host>Zabbix server</host>
<name>Zabbix server</name>
<description>Zabbix monitoring server.</description>
<name>Zabbix servers</name>
<name>Zabbix agent</name>
<name>Agent ping</name>
<description>The agent always returns 1 for this item. It could be used in combination with nodata() for availability check.</description>
<name>Zabbix agent</name>
<name>Zabbix agent ping status</name>
<name>Available memory</name>
<description>Available memory is defined as free+cached+buffers memory.</description>
<name>Mounted filesystem discovery</name>
<filter>{#FSTYPE}:@File systems for discovery</filter>
<description>Discovery of file systems of different types as defined in global regular expression "File systems for discovery".</description>
<name>Free disk space on $1</name>
<expression>{Zabbix server 2:vfs.fs.size[{#FSNAME},pfree].last()}<20</expression>
<name>Free disk space is less than 20% on volume {#FSNAME}</name>
<name>Disk space usage {#FSNAME}</name>
<host>Zabbix server 2</host>
<host>Zabbix server 2</host>
Parâmetro | Tipo | Descrição | Detalhes |
host | string | Nome do host. | |
name | string | Nome visível do host. | |
description | string | Descrição do host. | |
status | int | Status do host. | |
proxy | int | Nome do proxy utilizado para sua monitoração. | |
ipmi_authtype | int | Tipo de autenticação IPMI. | |
ipmi_privilege | int | Privilégio IPMI. | |
ipmi_username | string | Usuário de autenticação no IPMI. | |
ipmi_password | string | Senha de autenticação no IPMI. |
Parâmetro | Tipo | Descrição | Detalhes |
name | string | Nome do grupo. |
Parâmetro | Tipo | Descrição | Detalhes |
name | string | Nome técnico do template. |
Nome da coluna | Tipo | Descrição |
default | inteiro | Status da interface: |
0 - Não é a interface padrão | ||
1 - Interface padrão | ||
type | inteiro | Tipo de interface: |
1 - Agente | ||
2 - SNMP | ||
3 - IPMI | ||
4 - JMX | ||
useip | inteiro | Como será a conexão ao host: |
0 – através do nome de DNS | ||
1 – através do endereço IP | ||
ip | texto | Endereço IP, pode ser no padrão IPv4 ou IPv6. |
dns | texto | Nome de DNS. |
port | texto | Número da porta. |
interface_ref | texto | Nome de referencia de interface a ser utilizada nos itens. |
Parâmetro | Tipo | Descrição | Detalhes |
name | string | Nome da aplicação. |
Parâmetro | Tipo | Descrição |
type | int | Tipo do item: |
0 - Agente Zabbix | ||
1 - SNMPv1 | ||
2 - Trapper | ||
3 - Verificação simples | ||
4 - SNMPv2 | ||
5 - Interno | ||
6 - SNMPv3 | ||
7 - Agente Zabbix Ativo | ||
8 - Agregado | ||
9 - Teste HTTP (passo de monitoração web) | ||
10 - Externo | ||
11 - Monitoração de banco de dados | ||
12 - IPMI | ||
13 - SSH | ||
14 - telnet | ||
15 - Calculado | ||
16 - JMX | ||
17 - trap SNMP | ||
snmp_community | string | Nome da comunidade SNMP |
snmp_oid | string | OID SNMP |
port | int | Porta customizada do item |
name | string | Nome do item |
key | string | Chave do item |
delay | int | Intervalo entre verificações |
history | int | Tempo de retenção de dados no histórico (dias) |
trends | int | Tempo de retenção de dados de médias (dias) |
status | int | Status do item |
value_type | int | Tipo do dado |
trapper_hosts | string | |
units | string | Unidade do valor |
multiplier | int | Multiplicador |
delta | int | Guardar o delta dos valores |
snmpv3_securityname | string | SNMPv3 - nome de segurança |
snmpv3_securitylevel | int | SNMPv3 - nível de segurança |
snmpv3_authpassphrase | string | SNMPv3 - frase de autenticação |
snmpv3_privpassphrase | string | SNMPv3 - frase privada |
formula | string | |
delay_flex | string | Intervalo flexível |
params | string | |
ipmi_sensor | string | IPMI - Sensor |
data_type | int | |
authtype | int | |
username | string | |
password | string | |
publickey | string | |
privatekey | string | |
interface_ref | varchar | Referência a interface do host |
description | string | Descrição do item |
inventory_link | int | Número do campo de inventário do host associado, o campo será populado automaticamente com o valor do item |
applications | Aplicações do item | |
valuemap | Mapeamento de valor associado ao item | |
logtimefmt | string | Formato de hora nas entradas do log. Usado apenas para itens de log. |
Parâmetro | Tipo | Descrição | Detalhes |
name | string | Nome da aplicação. |
Element | Element property | Type | Range | Description |
discovery_rules | Root element for low-level discovery rules. | |||
discovery_rule | Individual low-level discovery rule. | |||
For most of the element tag values, see element tag values for a regular item. Only the tags that are specific to low-level discovery rules, are described below. | ||||
lifetime | string |
Time period after which items that are no longer discovered will be deleted. Seconds, time unit with suffix or user macro. | ||
filter | Individual filter. | |||
evaltype | integer |
0 - And/or logic 1 - And logic 2 - Or logic 3 - custom formula |
Logic to use for checking low-level discovery rule filter conditions. | |
formula | string |
Custom calculation formula for filter conditions. | ||
conditions | Root element for filter conditions. | |||
condition | Individual filter condition. | |||
macro | string |
Low-level discovery macro name. | ||
value | string |
Filter value: regular expression or global regular expression. | ||
operator | integer |
formulaid | character |
Filter condition ID. Used in the custom calculation formula. | ||
item_prototypes | Root element for item_prototypes. | |||
item_prototype | Individual item_prototype. | |||
For most of the element tag values, see element tag values for a regular item. Only the tags that are specific to item_prototypes, are described below. | ||||
application_prototypes | Root element for application prototypes. | |||
application_prototype | Individual application prototype. | |||
name | Application prototype name. | |||
master_item | Individual item prototype master item/item prototype data. | |||
key | string |
Dependent item prototype master item/item prototype key value. |
Element | Element property | Type | Range | Description |
triggers | Root element for triggers. | |||
trigger | Individual trigger. | |||
expression | string |
Trigger expression. | ||
recovery_mode | integer |
0 - expression 1 - recovery expression 2 - none |
Basis for generating OK events. | |
recovery_expression | string |
Trigger recovery expression. | ||
name | string |
Trigger name. | ||
correlation_mode | integer |
0 - no event correlation 1 - event correlation by tag |
Correlation mode. | |
correlation_tag | string |
The tag name to be used for event correlation. | ||
url | string |
Trigger URL. | ||
status | integer |
0 - enabled 1 - disabled |
Trigger status. | |
priority | integer |
0 - not classified 1 - information 2 - warning 3 - average 4 - high 5 - disaster |
Trigger severity. | |
description | text |
Trigger description. | ||
type | integer |
0 - single problem event 1 - multiple problem events |
Event generation type. | |
manual_close | integer |
0 - not allowed 1 - allowed |
Manual closing of problem events. | |
dependencies | Root element for dependencies. | |||
dependency | Individual dependency. | |||
name | string |
Dependency trigger name. | ||
expression | string |
Dependency trigger expression. | ||
recovery_expression | string |
Dependency trigger recovery expression. | ||
tags | Root element for event tags. | |||
tag | Individual event tag. | |||
tag | string |
Tag name. | ||
value | string |
Tag value. |
Element | Element property | Type | Range | Description |
graphs | Root element for graphs. | |||
graph | Individual graph. | |||
name | string |
Graph name. | ||
width | integer |
Graph width, in pixels. Used for preview and for pie/exploded graphs. | ||
height | integer |
Graph height, in pixels. Used for preview and for pie/exploded graphs. | ||
yaxismin | double |
Value of Y axis minimum if 'ymin_type_1' is 1. | ||
yaxismax | double |
Value of Y axis maximum if 'ymax_type_1' is 1. | ||
show_work_period | integer |
0 - no 1 - yes |
Highlight non-working hours if 'type' is 0,1. | |
show_triggers | integer |
0 - no 1 - yes |
Display simple trigger values as a line if 'type' is 0,1. | |
type | integer |
0 - normal 1 - stacked 2 - pie 3 - exploded 4 - 3D pie 5 - 3D exploded |
Graph type. | |
show_legend | integer |
0 - no 1 - yes |
Display graph legend. | |
show_3d | integer |
0 - 2D 1 - 3D |
Enable 3D style if 'type' is 2,3. | |
percent_left | double |
Show the percentile line for left axis if 'type' is 0. | ||
percent_right | double |
Show the percentile line for right axis if 'type' is 0. | ||
ymin_type_1 | integer |
0 - calculated 1 - fixed 2 - last value of the selected item |
Minimum value of Y axis if 'type' is 0,1. | |
ymax_type_1 | integer |
0 - calculated 1 - fixed 2 - last value of the selected item |
Maximum value of Y axis if 'type' is 0,1. | |
ymin_item_1 | string |
null or item details | Item details if 'ymin_type_1' is 2. | |
ymax_item_1 | string |
null or item details | Item details if 'ymax_type_1' is 2. | |
graph_items | Root element for graph items. | |||
graph_item | Individual graph item. | |||
sortorder | integer |
Draw order. The smaller value is drawn first. Can be used to draw lines or regions behind (or in front of) another. | ||
drawtype | integer |
0 - single line 1 - filled region 2 - bold line 3 - dotted line 4 - dashed line |
Draw style if graph 'type' is 0. | |
color | string |
Element color (6 symbols, hex). | ||
yaxisside | integer |
0 - left axis 1 - right axis |
Y axis position (left or right) the element belongs to if graph 'type' is 0,1. | |
calc_fnc | integer |
1 - minimum 2 - average 4 - maximum 7 - all (minimum, average and maximum, if graph 'type' is 0) 9 - last (if graph 'type' is not 0,1) |
Data to draw if more than one value exists for an item. | |
type | integer |
1 - value of the item is represented proportionally on the pie 2 - value of the item represents the whole pie (graph sum) |
Draw type for pie/exploded graphs. | |
item | Individual item. | |||
host | string |
Item host. | ||
key | string |
Item key. |
Element | Element property | Type | Range | Description |
httptests | Root element for web scenarios. | |||
httptest | Individual web scenario. | |||
name | string |
Web scenario name. | ||
delay | string |
Frequency of executing the web scenario. Seconds, time unit with suffix or user macro. | ||
attempts | integer |
1-10 | The number of attempts for executing web scenario steps. | |
agent | string |
Client agent. Zabbix will pretend to be the selected browser. This is useful when a website returns different content for different browsers. | ||
http_proxy | string |
Specify an HTTP proxy to use, using the format: http://[username[:password]@]proxy.example.com[:port] |
variables | text |
List of scenario-level variables (macros) that may be used in scenario steps. | ||
headers | text |
HTTP headers that will be sent when performing a request. | ||
status | integer |
0 - enabled 1 - disabled |
Web scenario status. | |
authentication | integer |
0 - none 1 - basic 2 - NTLM |
Authentication method. | |
http_user | string |
Authentication user name. | ||
http_password | string |
Authentication password for specified user name. | ||
verify_peer | integer |
0 - no 1 - yes |
Verify the SSL certificate of the web server. | |
verify_host | integer |
0 - no 1 - yes |
Verify that the Common Name field or the Subject Alternate Name field of the web server certificate matches. | |
ssl_cert_file | string |
Name of the SSL certificate file used for client authentication. | ||
ssl_key_file | string |
Name of the SSL private key file used for client authentication. | ||
ssl_key_password | string |
SSL private key file password. | ||
steps | Root element for web scenario steps. | |||
step | Individual web scenario step. | |||
name | string |
Web scenario step name. | ||
url | string |
URL for monitoring. | ||
posts | text |
List of 'Post' variables. | ||
variables | text |
List of step-level variables (macros) that should be applied after this step. If the variable value has a 'regex:' prefix, then its value is extracted from the data returned by this step according to the regular expression pattern following the 'regex:' prefix |
headers | text |
HTTP headers that will be sent when performing a request. | ||
follow_redirects | integer |
0 - no 1 - yes |
Follow HTTP redirects. | |
retrieve_mode | integer |
0 - content 1 - headers only |
HTTP response retrieve mode. | |
timeout | string |
Timeout of step execution. Seconds, time unit with suffix or user macro. | ||
required | string |
Required string. Ignored if empty. | ||
status_codes | string |
A comma delimited list of accepted status codes. Ignored if empty. For example: 200-201,210-299 |