Table of Contents

> User object

The following objects are directly related to the user API.


The user object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
userid string (readonly) ID of the user.
string User alias.
attempt_clock timestamp (readonly) Time of the last unsuccessful login attempt.
attempt_failed integer (readonly) Recent failed login attempt count.
attempt_ip string (readonly) IP address from where the last unsuccessful login attempt came from.
autologin integer Whether to enable auto-login.

Possible values:
0 - (default) auto-login disabled;
1 - auto-login enabled.
autologout string User session life time. Accepts seconds and time unit with suffix. If set to 0s, the session will never expire.

Default: 15m.
lang string Language code of the user's language.

Default: en_GB.
name string Name of the user.
refresh string Automatic refresh period. Accepts seconds and time unit with suffix.

Default: 30s.
rows_per_page integer Amount of object rows to show per page.

Default: 50.
surname string Surname of the user.
theme string User's theme.

Possible values:
default - (default) system default;
blue-theme - Blue;
dark-theme - Dark.
type integer Type of the user.

Possible values:
1 - (default) Zabbix user;
2 - Zabbix admin;
3 - Zabbix super admin.
url string URL of the page to redirect the user to after logging in.


The media object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
string ID of the media type used by the media.
string/array Address, user name or other identifier of the recipient.

If type of Media type is e-mail, values are represented as array. For other types of Media types, value is represented as a string.
active integer Whether the media is enabled.

Possible values:
0 - (default) enabled;
1 - disabled.
severity integer Trigger severities to send notifications about.

Severities are stored in binary form with each bit representing the corresponding severity. For example, 12 equals 1100 in binary and means, that notifications will be sent from triggers with severities warning and average.

Refer to the trigger object page for a list of supported trigger severities.

Default: 63
period string Time when the notifications can be sent as a time period or user macros separated by a semicolon.

Default: 1-7,00:00-24:00
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