Poznámky k vydání verze Zabbix 3.0.4

Zabbix tým s potěšením oznamuje dostupnost nové verze Zabbixu 3.0.4.

Zabbix je podnikové open source řešení pro distribuovaný monitoring. Zabbix je vydáván pod licencí GPL, takže je zdarma pro komerční i nekomerční použití. Úplný text licence je k dispozici na adrese http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.

Tento dokument obsahuje poznámky k verzi Zabbix 3.0.4. Stáhnout si ho můžete v sekci ke stažení.

Následující sekce podrobně popisují vydání a poskytují důležité nebo jiné informace, které doplňují hlavní dokumentaci.

Nové vlastnosti a vylepšení

ZBX-1357 Updated Chinese (China), Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Slovak translations; thanks to Zabbix translators API Frontend

Oprava chyb

ZBX-11023 Fixed SQL injection vulnerability in "Latest data" page; thanks to 1N3 at Early Warning Services, LLC Frontend
ZBX-10907 Fixed remote command execution via SSH with no Zabbix agent interface Server
ZBX-6370 Added ability to monitor SNMP devices returning OIDs in decreasing or mixed order Proxy Server
ZBX-10918 Fixed severity filter in map.view action Frontend
ZBX-10840 Fixed selecting of group in popup page filter Frontend
ZBX-10791 Fixed web monitoring automatic refresh Frontend
ZBX-10736 Fixed overlapping of row and table borders Frontend
ZBX-10880 Fixed support of sending several Request object at the same time to JSON-RPC API
ZBX-10895 Fixed option URL value in step of web scenario popup; thanks to Fernando Schmitt for patch Frontend
ZBX-10931 Fixed strings being untranslatable in Reports -> Triggers top 100 Frontend
ZBX-10866 Fixed calendar time for cases when local time zone differs from servers time zone Frontend
ZBX-10866 Fixed starting value of time selector for events, graphs and screens Frontend
ZBX-10732 Fixed default values for "Show", "Area type" and "Automatic icon selection" options in Map element popup Frontend
ZBX-10622 Fixed handling of socket connection error messages on Windows; thanks to Yuri Volkov for patch Agent
ZBX-10828 Fixed server/proxy crashes when performing Simple checks with invalid key parameters hidden in user macro Proxy Server
ZBX-10789 Fixed drawing graphs with items that have scheduling intervals Frontend
ZBX-10852 Fixed agent compilation on AIX 5.2, AIX 5.3 Agent
ZBX-10457 Fixed copying triggers to groups with multiple hosts or templates Frontend
ZBX-10872 Fixed selection of application in application popup Frontend
ZBX-10848 Fixed applications getting unlinked from undiscovered items Server
ZBX-10819 Fixed server/proxy compilation error on Solaris 10 Proxy Server
ZBX-9455 Fixed length limit for host prototype name API Frontend
ZBX-10806 Fixed whitespace between elements in host, host mass update, host prototype and proxy forms Frontend
ZBXNEXT-3263 Moved image type selection to top in administration->general->images Frontend
ZBXNEXT-3263 Added "No data found." message in administration->general->images Frontend
ZBX-10731 Fixed textarea visibility in monitoring->maps properties Frontend
ZBX-10723 Forced quoting of item key parameter if macro resolution resulted in unquoted parameter with leading spaces Server
ZBX-10825 Reverted table header capitalization, fixed calendar header Frontend
ZBX-8096 Allowed "noSuchName" to be returned for SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 Proxy Server
ZBX-10794 Fixed saving of "Show text as HTML" checkbox in Monitoring->Screens Frontend
ZBX-10504 Decreased padding and margins in tables and across the whole UI Frontend
ZBX-10504 Added compression of generated CSS files to reduce size from 99K to around 56K Frontend
ZBX-10760 Fixed agent, get and sender being erroneously linked against UnixODBC Agent Instalace
ZBX-10647 Removed disabled status for "Export to CSV" button Frontend
ZBX-10679 Fixed vertical scrollbar overlapping in messages Frontend
ZBX-10778 Fixed users online status in users.php users table Frontend
ZBX-10605 Fixed access_deny() message layout for not logged in page visitors Frontend
ZBX-10605 Fixed access to popup_media for Zabbix Admin user in profile->media Frontend
ZBX-10806 Fixed whitespace between elements in the IT services form Frontend

Poznámky k instalaci a upgradu


Prohlédněte si Zabbixu manuál abyste získali informace o všech detailech.


Prohlédněte si Postup upgradu for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 3.0.4.

Obchodní podpora

Společnost Zabbix poskytuje celou řadu profesionálních služeb. Poskytuje také služby ohledně Upgrade služby pro snadnou migraci z dřívějších verzí Zabbixu. Prosím obraťte se na náš obchodní tým ohledně ceny a dalších podrobností.


Zabbix 3.0 Manual

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Zabbix je profesionálně vyvíjený Open Source Software bez limitů a skrytých poplatků.