Poznámky k vydání verze Zabbix 2.0.15rc1

Zabbix tým s potěšením oznamuje dostupnost nové verze Zabbixu 2.0.15rc1.

Zabbix je podnikové open source řešení pro distribuovaný monitoring. Zabbix je vydáván pod licencí GPL, takže je zdarma pro komerční i nekomerční použití. Úplný text licence je k dispozici na adrese http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.

Tento dokument obsahuje poznámky k verzi Zabbix 2.0.15rc1. Stáhnout si ho můžete v sekci ke stažení.

Následující sekce podrobně popisují vydání a poskytují důležité nebo jiné informace, které doplňují hlavní dokumentaci.

Nové vlastnosti a vylepšení

ZBXNEXT-786 Made net.tcp.service[ntp] item work over UDP Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-8839 Added timeout configuration option to Java gateway Java gateway
ZBX-1357 Updated Czech, Japanese and Polish translations; thanks to Zabbix translators API Frontend

Oprava chyb

ZBX-9703 Fixed a memory leak in SSH checks when configured public and/or private key is not a regular file Server
ZBX-9657 Fixed timeout error being recognized as success when executing scripts on nodes Server
ZBX-9623 Fixed possible SQL error when network discovery rule and LLD rule are processed at the same time Server
ZBX-9592 Fixed possible crash due to uninitialized counterpath variable Agent
ZBX-9290 Fixed log file reloading if its size is updated later than modification time Agent
ZBX-9456 Fixed system.cpu.util item to work correctly on OpenBSD 5.7 Agent
ZBX-4529 Fixed security vulnerability in alerter script execution by using strong quoting for script arguments; thanks to Pavel for the report Server
ZBX-8299 Fixed SQL errors in case a network discovery rule or check is deleted during processing Proxy Server
ZBX-9467 Fixed agent compilation error related to "ifnet" and "ifnet_head" structs on OpenBSD 5.5 and above Agent
ZBX-5717 Fixed incorrect calculation of icmppingloss[] due to floating-point errors Proxy Server
ZBX-9436 Fixed zabbix_server to not exit in case of database connection loss in the middle of transaction Server
ZBX-9352 Fixed execution of remote commands on the server in case trigger expression contains multiple hosts Server
ZBX-3507 Fixed SMS sending with Huawei GSM modems Server
ZBX-9251 Added missing socket closing to avoid large number of opened sockets Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-9410 Fixed agent logging to eventlog (syslog option) on Windows Agent
ZBX-9367 Fixed "Status of Zabbix" and "System status" widget default refresh intervals Frontend
ZBX-5656 Fixed maintenance.create and maintenance.update methods "timeperiods" parameter to be an array of arrays API
ZBX-9331 Changed value type of system.stat[kthr,*] items in "Template OS AIX" to float and added them to "Performance" application Instalace Šablony
ZBX-9368 Fixed possible SQL errors when linking of several templates Server
ZBX-9344 Fixed infinite looping in telnet.run[] in case there is no password prompt Proxy Server
ZBX-9281 Fixed undefined offset in template screens when resource is URL Frontend
ZBX-4633 Fixed host inventories not displaying all filtered results when record count exceeds global limit Frontend
ZBX-9284 Added Zabbix log file locking to avoid incomplete logging on log file rotation Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-9087 Fixed DB_ID validation expression to properly validate upper bound of received value and fixed various front-end forms not properly validating IDs Frontend
ZBX-9241 Fixed possible vfs.fs.discovery item crash on AIX systems Agent
ZBX-9104 Fixed repeated error messaging if SSH channel failed to close Proxy Server
ZBX-8993 Added check for a valid reference of a global regular expression in LLD rules Server
ZBX-9088 Fixed parsing of SNMP traps for correct processing of delayed traps Proxy Server
ZBX-9093 Fixed API host.create method for MySQL strict mode when given partial data in "inventory" property API
ZBX-9168 Fixed incorrect keys and added missing keys in the item key helper Instalace
ZBX-9197 Fixed PHP fatal error "Call to undefined function array_fill_keys()" in trigger.get method with PHP<5.2.0 API
ZBX-9195 Fixed lastlogsize and mtime being updated on proxy for unsupported items; thanks to Yoshinori Komuro for patch Proxy
ZBX-8828 Made ICMP items go unsupported if ICMP packets cannot be sent to their host Proxy Server
ZBX-9176 Fixed {DISCOVERY.SERVICE.NAME} macro to expand properly for HTTPS and Telnet services Server
ZBX-9126 Fixed processing of trigger/graph prototypes in case when all item prototypes in trigger/graph prototypes were changed Server

Poznámky k instalaci a upgradu


Prohlédněte si Zabbixu manuál abyste získali informace o všech detailech.


Prohlédněte si Postup upgradu for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 2.0.15.

Obchodní podpora

Společnost Zabbix poskytuje celou řadu profesionálních služeb. Poskytuje také služby ohledně Upgrade služby pro snadnou migraci z dřívějších verzí Zabbixu. Prosím obraťte se na náš obchodní tým ohledně ceny a dalších podrobností.


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Zabbix je profesionálně vyvíjený Open Source Software bez limitů a skrytých poplatků.