Zabbix Users Group was created for people who use Zabbix software for monitoring their environment. It is a convenient platform to meet Zabbix professionals.
- Zabbix company page (en)
- Zabbix Brazil company page (en)
- Zabbix users group (en)
Various local Telegram groups help to get in contact with the community and solve different issues very quickly.
- ZabbixTech (en)
- ZabbixPro (ru)
- ZabbixJunior (ru)
- ZabbixBrasil channel (pt)
- ZabbixBrasil (pt)
- ZabbixAPI (pt)
- ZabbixEspañol (es)
- ZabbixLatAm channel (es)
- ZabbixCommunityMéxico (es)
- ZabbixItalia (it)
- zabbix_germany (de)
- zabbix_czechia (cz)
Zabbix Facebook groups are very popular due to the ability to open new discussions, sharing screenshots and getting fast feedback.
- Zabbix company page (en)
- Zabbix Brazil company page (pt)
- Zabbix LatAm company page (es)
- Zabbix monitoring public group (en)
- Zabbix Brasil public group (pt)
- Zabbix Latam public group (es)
- Zabbix & Grafana public group (he)
- Zabbix in Thailand public group (th)
The discord groups are designed to connect the local community users with the purpose of quick connection and immediate response.
- Zabbix Francophone (fr)
- Zabbix International Community (en)
- Zabbix Sverige (se)
Follow our Zabbix Instagram accounts to get the latest news and discover what it's like to be a Zabbixer.
- Zabbix Official Channel (en)
- zabbixlatam (pt)
The channel is quite popular and a great place to discuss any topics. It is very likely that some of Zabbix team members hang there. If you are behind a firewall, you may use FreeNode's WEB interface at https://web.libera.chat/
Zabbix中文手册译者长期招募,详询[email protected]。