Notas de Lançamento para o Zabbix 7.0.0alpha3

A Equipe Zabbix tem o prazer de anunciar a disponibilidade do Zabbix 7.0.0alpha3.

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3), thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. More about Zabbix license.

Este documento contém as notas de lançamento do Zabbix 7.0.0alpha3. Para efetuar o download clique aqui.

As seções a seguir descrevem o lançamento em detalhes e fornecem as informações mais recentes ou outras informações que complementam a documentação principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-6974 Implemented new "Top triggers" widget; added new filtering options to "Top triggers" report page API Frontend Installation
ZBXNEXT-6524 Added operations "Add host tags", "Remove host tags" for autoregistration and discovery actions API Frontend Installation Server
ZBXNEXT-8190 Increased MariaDB maximum supported version to 11.0 Frontend Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8582 Increased MySQL maximum supported version to 8.1 Frontend Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8481 Added PostgreSQL by ODBC template Templates
ZBXNEXT-8561 Added nodata trigger to remote Zabbix proxy and server health templates Templates
ZBXNEXT-8560 Added messages that Oracle DB is deprecated Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8505 Added Cisco SD-WAN templates Templates
ZBXNEXT-8482 Added integration with OpenStack Nova Templates
Implemented audit logging of LLD rule API object API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8451 Disabled spell checking for nondescriptive textareas Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8569 Added asynchronous agent and HTTP agent poller metrics to Zabbix health templates Templates
ZBXNEXT-743 Implemented new "Gauge" widget Frontend
ZBXNEXT-6144 Added proxy data memory cache to avoid using proxy history tables in normal operation Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-7944 Excluded edgeupdate service from services discovery in Windows by Zabbix agent templates Templates
ZBXNEXT-8460 Added asynchronous Zabbix agent and HTTP agent pollers Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8422 Added AWS ECS templates Templates
ZBXNEXT-8515 Switched Zabbix frontend SVG icons to fonts Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8413 Moved Alerts -> Media types configuration form to modal window Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8497 Removed unnecessary JavaScript preprocessing in discovery rules in Kubernetes templates Templates
ZBXNEXT-8445 Changed Data collection -> Event correlation form to modal window Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8465 Updated JavaScript scripts in Kubernetes templates Templates
ZBXNEXT-297 Added remote command execution via active checks Agent Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8447 Added new discovery manager, worker and queue metrics to Zabbix server and proxy health templates Templates
ZBXNEXT-7072 Fixed hintbox to be automatically closed when target element disappears Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8294 Added filters of node labels and annotations for Kubelet discovery in Kubernetes cluster state template Templates
ZBXNEXT-2299 Implemented problem/event filtering by performed update actions and user; reworked problem filter to support filtering by acknowledgement status and current user API Frontend Installation
ZBXNEXT-2732 Improved network discovery by implementing concurrent checks within single discovery rule API Frontend Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8425 Increased the maximum length for username and password fields used in HTTP authentication from 64 to 255 characters Frontend Installation
ZBXNEXT-8402 Implemented support of non-numeric vectors in aggregated calculations Server
ZBXNEXT-8245 Converted advanced configuration from checkbox to collapsible block Frontend Installation
ZBXNEXT-8323 Added preprocessing cache support for Prometheus to JSON step Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8387 Changed Alerts->Scripts configuration form to modal window Frontend
ZBXNEXT-7640 Updated widget help icon link to documentation link of a specific widget Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8386 Changed Data collection->Discovery configuration form to modal window Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8211 Added support for new binary item value type API Frontend Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8390 Added state filter for items in monitoring latest data Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8355 Added various improvements for aggregation functions Frontend Server
ZBXNEXT-8270 Added support of non-blocking sockets and thread-safe connect, accept, read, write operation timeouts based on poll Agent Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8086 Implemented ability to use all widgets in dashboard templates Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8079 Added an option to choose whether redirected ICMP ping response is treated as host up or host down API Frontend Installation Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8235 Implemented simplified cloning in the UI by leaving only one Clone button for Hosts, Templates and Maps Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8326 Added Zabbix server and Zabbix frontend version to system information report Frontend Server
ZBXNEXT-8324 Dropped support for floats of limited range API Frontend Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-7569 Added support for Portage in system.sw.packages{,.get} items Agent
ZBXNEXT-8237 Changed module details view to a modal (popup) and updated module details Frontend
ZBXNEXT-7132 Added option of getting fully qualified domain name in system.hostname key to Zabbix agent and Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBXNEXT-8226 Fixed the problem of insufficient length of URL fields Frontend Installation
ZBXNEXT-8256 Renamed action operation types related to template linkage Frontend

Correções de bugs

ZBX-23147 Fixed problem count indicators in Monitoring hosts page Frontend
ZBX-23072 Fixed web scenario step variable uniqueness validation if multiple variable names are empty Frontend
ZBX-23096 Fixed fields with key-value pairs being misaligned in web scenario configuration form Frontend
ZBX-23107 Fixed small memory leak in Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBX-22822 Fixed displaying the correct threshold color in "Top hosts" widget when value exceeds maximum Frontend
ZBX-22777 Fixed item test form sending incorrectly resolved macros to server if item uses SNMP interface Frontend
ZBX-23075 Fixed processing of network discovery rule with short update interval Proxy Server
ZBX-23097 Fixed use of uninitialised value when verifying subject and issuer with TLS Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-23112 Fixed runtime errors in the inheritance of the trigger and trigger prototype dependencies API
ZBX-22539 Fixed SLI calculation for days with daylight-saving-time transitions API
ZBX-22916 Fixed action condition type dropdown not reloading the form if mouse is clicked and dragged Frontend
ZBX-22814 Fixed PHP runtime errors in API trigger.get method when using "expandComment" option API
ZBX-23037 Fixed memory leak in vfs.fs.get[] Agent
ZBX-22915 Fixed unfocusable dashboard pages in editing mode Frontend
ZBX-23014 Fixed Zabbix agent build on HP-UX Agent
ZBX-23049 Fixed default condition for log item macro resolution Server
ZBX-21909 Updated setup section in README for PHP-FPM templates to include configuration example for Apache Templates
ZBX-20148 Fixed the issue with housekeeper failing to delete some of the events that required deletion Server
ZBX-21970 Fixed console error in "Map navigation tree" widget; disabled add button on a 10th depth level Frontend
ZBX-19393 Fixed undefined index errors in configuration.importcompare API
ZBX-22811 Removed CSRF token from the URL Frontend
ZBX-22290 Fixed generation of double page headers when general warning appears Frontend
ZBX-22830 Fixed free bytes calculation for temporary tablespace in Oracle Zabbix agent 2 plugin Agent
ZBX-21845 Fixed Zabbix agent 2 systemd plugin failing with newer dbus Agent
ZBX-21547 Fixed reading of non-UTF-8 encoded files in Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBX-22800 Fixed detection of authentication LDAP userdirectory when user is assigned to multiple user groups with LDAP authentication API Frontend
ZBX-22808 Fixed broken timeline breakpoint in "Problems by severity" widget Frontend
ZBX-21571 Updated pod crash loop trigger expressions in Kubernetes nodes and cluster state templates Templates
ZBX-22825 Fixed Zabbix access to the first page for user with specific page access Frontend
ZBX-22711 Fixed incorrectly displayed simple graphs with non-numeric items in Host graphs page Frontend
ZBX-22369 Fixed suffix interpretation in threshold values for "Item value" and "Top hosts" widget Frontend
ZBX-22987 Fixed inefficient URL schema validation Frontend
ZBX-21892 Fixed wrong fs type returned by vfs.fs.get for file systems with identical mount point Agent
ZBX-21859 Fixed active checks occasionally not being executed on Zabbix agent 2 if checks for a plugin have long and short update intervals Agent
ZBX-22941 Prevented clearing of the user macro secret values on inherited host prototypes as the result of user macros modifications on the parent host prototype of a template API
ZBX-22889 Fixed performance problems by creating problem.cause_eventid index Installation
ZBX-22695 Fixed eventlog duplicate timestamps Agent
ZBX-22903 Fixed scale calculation for Graph and Graph (classic) widgets Frontend
ZBX-22838 Fixed Zabbix proxy reporting JSON error instead of TCP Proxy
ZBX-22904 Fixed streaming of metrics with large float numbers Server
ZBX-22148 Fixed the crash when updating a webhook to JavaScript that cannot be compiled Proxy Server
ZBX-22868 Fixed Zabbix agent 2 plugin Defaults when hardcoded value is provided Agent
ZBX-22399 Added TLS and Default parameters support to MQTT plugin for Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBX-20280 Fixed page selection in a dashboard after refresh Frontend
ZBX-22883 Fixed occasional crash of user parameters on Windows when using Zabbix agent 2 with UserParameterDir defined Agent
ZBX-22953 Fixed metric names in the Top hosts widget in global view dashboard, added missing connector queue metric to graph in Zabbix server health dashboard Installation
ZBXNEXT-8392 Added a documentation link for each standard item key Frontend
ZBX-22243 Fixed navigation away from edited dashboard without user confirmation Frontend
ZBX-22844 Fixed compilation of Zabbix on OpenBSD when linking with libevent Proxy Server
ZBX-22798 Fixed incorrect output of vfs.file.contents when reading frequently modified file Agent
ZBX-22805 Increased memory allocation limit for JavaScript execution from 64M to 512M Proxy Server
ZBX-21877 Fixed unnecessary proxy name wrapping into multiple lines in proxy list Frontend
ZBX-22264 Added optional empty state for dynamic rows library Frontend
ZBX-22697 Fixed VMware tags update error related to curl communication problems Proxy Server
ZBX-21573 Optimized preprocessing steps in the AWS EC2 by HTTP template Templates
ZBX-16326 Fixed displaying of the first and last data points on the graphs Frontend
ZBX-22467 Fixed missing bracket in a trigger event name in Windows templates Templates
ZBXNEXT-8467 Updated max supported TimescaleDB version to 2.11 Server
ZBX-22738 Fixed flickering debug info while editing empty dashboards Frontend
ZBX-22231 Removed host and interface macros resolution from HTTP proxy fields in items, item prototype and discovery rule test dialogues Frontend
ZBX-22681 Fixed wrongly displayed Revert button for text macros in host, template and host prototype clone forms Frontend
ZBX-21194 Fixed filter form submission upon pressing Enter key in Safari Frontend
ZBX-22348 Added user role requirement for creating a user or updating a user with role already set to the frontend Frontend
ZBX-21804 Removed requirement for write permissions on hosts, host groups, triggers, discovery rules, discovery checks and proxies when creating or updating actions API Frontend
ZBX-22743 Fixed user list filtering with user roles specified Frontend
ZBX-22418 Fixed popup form fields overlapping labels when textarea width is resized Frontend
ZBX-19590 Changed count_foreach to add 0 when no data are in the requested period Server
ZBX-22594 Fixed fatal error when a request contains invalid authentication parameters Frontend
ZBX-22397 Fixed disabled input field text color in Safari Frontend
ZBX-22691 Fixed action operations edit form opening wrong operation details popup window Frontend
ZBX-21593 Optimized preprocessing steps in the templates PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent and PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent 2 Templates
ZBX-22470 Fixed hang on logging when establishing an encrypted connection in Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBX-20263 Prevented the ability to link two or more templates with matching item keys to a host or template; improved the check for double template linkage and related error messages API
ZBX-22254 Fixed support of special characters in LDAP group pattern API Frontend
ZBX-22571 Fixed "service not equal" action condition not working as expected Server
ZBX-22644 Fixed Graph widget not showing all problems for multiple items with dataset aggregation enabled Frontend
ZBX-22698 Fixed spelling mistakes in the templates Templates
ZBX-21883 Changed Select map field of the Map widget to multiselect Frontend
ZBX-22762 Fixed race condition in Zabbix agent 2 when reading filesystem Agent
ZBX-22593 Changed representation of boolean item values in wmi.get, wmi.getall items in Zabbix agent 2 to match the format in classic Zabbix agent Agent
ZBX-22793 Fixed LogSlowQueries not taken into account by server Server
ZBX-22314 Fixed OpenSSL, yaml, cmocka compiling in a non-standard location Proxy Server
ZBX-14557 Expanded the range of possible forecast return values to double precision Server
ZBX-22598 Fixed singular and plural forms in success and error messages and in confirmation messages Frontend
ZBX-22343 Removed use of deprecated cURL setopt options Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-22147 Updated default buffer size to 1000 in Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBX-22587 Fixed JSON validation not detecting invalid unicode characters and out-of-bounds access with JSONPath on invalid unicode character Proxy Server
ZBX-21976 Added support of OneLogin and Azure SCIM, fixed some issues with provisioning API Frontend

Notas de instalação e atualização


Veja Manual do Zabbix para maiores detalhes.


Veja Procedimento de atualização for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 7.0.0.

Suporte comercial

A empresa Zabbix fornece uma completa Serviços profissionais. Também fornecemos sem problemas Serviço de atualização para uma migração fácil de versões anteriores do Zabbix. Por favor Contato de vendas para preços e mais detalhes.


Zabbix 7.0 Manual

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