Notas de Lançamento para o Zabbix 3.2.0alpha2

A Equipe Zabbix tem o prazer de anunciar a disponibilidade do Zabbix 3.2.0alpha2.

O Zabbix é uma solução de monitoramento distribuído empresarial de código aberto. O Zabbix é distribuído sob a GPL, portanto, é gratuito para uso comercial e não comercial. A licença completa está disponível em

Este documento contém as notas de lançamento do Zabbix 3.2.0alpha2. Para efetuar o download clique aqui.

As seções a seguir descrevem o lançamento em detalhes e fornecem as informações mais recentes ou outras informações que complementam a documentação principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-3201 Added history of events in Monitoring->Problems view Frontend Installation Server
ZBXNEXT-3201 Added new filtering options in event.get() and problem.get() methods API
ZBXNEXT-3201 Dropped Monitoring->Events view Frontend
ZBXNEXT-104 Implemented ability to manually close problems API Frontend Installation Server
ZBXNEXT-3358 Added a beautiful favorites icon Frontend
ZBXNEXT-3195 Implemented independent escalations for each problem event Server
ZBXNEXT-3277 Added global event correlation API Frontend Installation Server
ZBXNEXT-3274 Added event correlation on trigger level API Frontend Installation Server
ZBXNEXT-3201 Added high-performance view of current problems, implemented problem.get() method API Frontend Installation Server
ZBXNEXT-3296 Added basic filtering for several frontend pages Frontend
ZBXNEXT-2430 Added new items log.count[] and logrt.count[], added option for monitoring fast-growing log files Frontend Agent
ZBXNEXT-3175 Added filtering for the list of templates and host groups Frontend
ZBXNEXT-821 Added possibility to view, copy, mass update and delete lld created elements API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-3193 Added event_recovery table to link problem and recovery events, added problem table to cache active problem events Installation Server
ZBXNEXT-3267 Added one minute delay for repeated SNMP trap file error log entries Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-3196 Added action option to pause escalations during maintenance API Frontend Server
ZBXNEXT-178 Implemented web scenarios import/export API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-2087 Added trigger and event tags API Frontend Server
ZBXNEXT-1638 Added macro functions to allow substring extraction from item value macros in triggers and notifications API Frontend Server
ZBXNEXT-2118 Added support of trigger option "OK event generation" and recovery expression API Frontend Server
ZBXNEXT-1250 Added two new options "regexp" and "iregexp" to the third parameter <operator> of trigger function count(); thanks to Michael Kolomiets for patch API Server
ZBX-1357 Updated Chinese (China), Chinese (Taiwan), Czech, English (United States), French, Georgian, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese translations; thanks to Zabbix translators API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-3135 Removed id field from history text and log tables API Frontend Server

Correções de bugs

ZBX-11100 Fixed minor bugs and use of magic numbers in IP range parsers Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-11098 Corrected log messages about completion of the trend data synchronization Server
ZBX-11072 Fixed problem with string truncation for IBM DB2 databases which contain the char '\r' Server
ZBX-11081 Fixed compilation error with curl library Installation
ZBX-7602 Added error messages about invalid regular expressions in eventlog items Agent
ZBX-11093 Fixed possible crash when copying cached correlation rules Server
ZBX-10901 Added missing highlighting for some UI elements in focused state Frontend
ZBX-11075 Fixed host full clone with discovered items and discovered triggers Frontend
ZBXNEXT-3351 Decreased padding in screens to make them more compact Frontend
ZBX-3101 Fixed EVENT macro processing in recovery operations Server
ZBX-10761 Added upgrade patch to clean wrong values in 'triggers' table Server
ZBX-11059 Fixed duplicate notifications sending from one media type Server
ZBX-11050 Changed translation strings "Alarm acknowledgements" => "Event acknowledgements" and "Status of triggers" => "Triggers" and changed few other translation strings to singular form Frontend
ZBX-11060 Fixed copying correlation_mode, correlation_tag, tags of trigger and trigger prototype API Frontend
ZBX-11073 Fixed compilation with Net-SNMP library support Installation Proxy Server
ZBX-10263 Fixed incorrect record count in getPagingLine() when search limit is reached Frontend
ZBX-10768 Fixed compilation warning on FreeBSD Agent
ZBX-10561 Improved style consistency for disabled elements Frontend
ZBX-3823 Improved validation and error messaging when history, discovery, autoregistration and host availability data sent by passive and active proxies are processed on server Server
ZBX-10030 Fixed API action update method request with only "actionid" property API
ZBX-9972 Changed SERVICE_SLA constant to match database default goodsla value Frontend
ZBX-10049 Fixed optional field validation in drule.update API method API
ZBX-10076 Fixed text information containing non-ASCII characters being saved incorrectly to IBM DB2 database in case of system locale misconfiguration Frontend Proxy Server
ZBX-9989 Optimized SQL queries for graphs building Frontend

Notas de instalação e atualização


Veja Manual do Zabbix para maiores detalhes.


Veja Procedimento de atualização for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 3.2.0.

Suporte comercial

A empresa Zabbix fornece uma completa Serviços profissionais. Também fornecemos sem problemas Serviço de atualização para uma migração fácil de versões anteriores do Zabbix. Por favor Contato de vendas para preços e mais detalhes.


Zabbix 3.2 Manual

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O Zabbix é um software gratuito e de código aberto. Sem limites ou custos ocultos.