
Memcached is a general-purpose distributed memory-caching system. It is often used to speed up dynamic database-driven websites by caching data and objects in RAM to reduce the number of times an external data source (such as a database or API) must be read.

Available solutions

This template is for Zabbix version: 7.2


Memcached by Zabbix agent 2


This template is designed for the effortless deployment of Memcached monitoring by Zabbix via Zabbix agent 2 and doesn't require any external scripts.


Zabbix version: 7.2 and higher.

Tested versions

This template has been tested on:

  • Memcached 1.4, 1.5, 1.6


Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the Templates out of the box section.


Setup and configure zabbix-agent2 compiled with the Memcached monitoring plugin.

Test availability: zabbix_get -s memcached-host -k

Macros used

Name Description Default

Connection string in the URI format (password is not used). This param overwrites a value configured in the "Plugins.Memcached.Uri" option of the configuration file (if it's set), otherwise, the plugin's default value is used: "tcp://localhost:11211"


Maximum number of throttled connections per second


Maximum number of queued connections per second


Maximum percentage of connected clients


Maximum percentage of memory used



Name Description Type Key and additional info
Get status Zabbix agent memcached.stats["{$MEMCACHED.CONN.URI}"]
Ping Zabbix agent["{$MEMCACHED.CONN.URI}"]


  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 10m

Max connections

Max number of concurrent connections

Dependent item memcached.connections.max


  • JSON Path: $.max_connections

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 30m

Maximum number of bytes

Maximum number of bytes allowed in cache. You can adjust this setting via a config file or the command line while starting your Memcached server.

Dependent item memcached.config.limit_maxbytes


  • JSON Path: $.limit_maxbytes

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 30m

CPU sys

System CPU consumed by the Memcached server

Dependent item memcached.cpu.sys


  • JSON Path: $.rusage_system

CPU user

User CPU consumed by the Memcached server

Dependent item memcached.cpu.user


  • JSON Path: $.rusage_user

Queued connections per second

Number of times that memcached has hit its connections limit and disabled its listener

Dependent item memcached.connections.queued.rate


  • JSON Path: $.listen_disabled_num

  • Change per second
New connections per second

Number of connections opened per second

Dependent item memcached.connections.rate


  • JSON Path: $.total_connections

  • Change per second
Throttled connections

Number of times a client connection was throttled. When sending GETs in batch mode and the connection contains too many requests (limited by -R parameter) the connection might be throttled to prevent starvation.

Dependent item memcached.connections.throttled.rate


  • JSON Path: $.conn_yields

  • Change per second
Connection structures

Number of connection structures allocated by the server

Dependent item memcached.connections.structures


  • JSON Path: $.connection_structures

Open connections

The number of clients presently connected

Dependent item memcached.connections.current


  • JSON Path: $.curr_connections

Commands: FLUSH per second

The flush_all command invalidates all items in the database. This operation incurs a performance penalty and shouldn't take place in production, so check your debug scripts.

Dependent item memcached.commands.flush.rate


  • JSON Path: $.cmd_flush

  • Change per second
Commands: GET per second

Number of GET requests received by server per second.

Dependent item memcached.commands.get.rate


  • JSON Path: $.cmd_get

  • Change per second
Commands: SET per second

Number of SET requests received by server per second.

Dependent item memcached.commands.set.rate


  • JSON Path: $.cmd_set

  • Change per second
Process id

PID of the server process

Dependent item memcached.process_id


  • JSON Path: $.pid

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1d

Memcached version

Version of the Memcached server

Dependent item memcached.version


  • JSON Path: $.version

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1d


Number of seconds since Memcached server start

Dependent item memcached.uptime


  • JSON Path: $.uptime

Bytes used

Current number of bytes used to store items.

Dependent item memcached.stats.bytes


  • JSON Path: $.bytes

Written bytes per second

The network's read rate per second in B/sec

Dependent item memcached.stats.bytes_written.rate


  • JSON Path: $.bytes_written

  • Change per second
Read bytes per second

The network's read rate per second in B/sec

Dependent item memcached.stats.bytes_read.rate


  • JSON Path: $.bytes_read

  • Change per second
Hits per second

Number of successful GET requests (items requested and found) per second.

Dependent item memcached.stats.hits.rate


  • JSON Path: $.get_hits

  • Change per second
Misses per second

Number of missed GET requests (items requested but not found) per second.

Dependent item memcached.stats.misses.rate


  • JSON Path: $.get_misses

  • Change per second
Evictions per second

"An eviction is when an item that still has time to live is removed from the cache because a brand new item needs to be allocated.

The item is selected with a pseudo-LRU mechanism.

A high number of evictions coupled with a low hit rate means your application is setting a large number of keys that are never used again."

Dependent item memcached.stats.evictions.rate


  • JSON Path: $.evictions

  • Change per second
New items per second

Number of new items stored per second.

Dependent item memcached.stats.total_items.rate


  • JSON Path: $.total_items

  • Change per second
Current number of items stored

Current number of items stored by this instance.

Dependent item memcached.stats.curr_items


  • JSON Path: $.curr_items


Number of worker threads requested

Dependent item memcached.stats.threads


  • JSON Path: $.threads


Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
Memcached: Service is down last(/Memcached by Zabbix agent 2/["{$MEMCACHED.CONN.URI}"])=0 Average Manual close: Yes
Memcached: Failed to fetch info data

Zabbix has not received any data for items for the last 30 minutes.

nodata(/Memcached by Zabbix agent 2/memcached.cpu.sys,30m)=1 Warning Manual close: Yes
Depends on:
  • Memcached: Service is down
Memcached: Too many queued connections

The max number of connections is reached and a new connection had to wait in the queue as a result.

min(/Memcached by Zabbix agent 2/memcached.connections.queued.rate,5m)>{$MEMCACHED.CONN.QUEUED.MAX.WARN} Warning
Memcached: Too many throttled connections

Number of times a client connection was throttled is too high.
When sending GETs in batch mode and the connection contains too many requests (limited by -R parameter) the connection might be throttled to prevent starvation.

min(/Memcached by Zabbix agent 2/memcached.connections.throttled.rate,5m)>{$MEMCACHED.CONN.THROTTLED.MAX.WARN} Warning
Memcached: Total number of connected clients is too high

When the number of connections reaches the value of the "max_connections" parameter, new connections will be rejected.

min(/Memcached by Zabbix agent 2/memcached.connections.current,5m)/last(/Memcached by Zabbix agent 2/memcached.connections.max)*100>{$MEMCACHED.CONN.PRC.MAX.WARN} Warning
Memcached: Version has changed

The Memcached version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.

last(/Memcached by Zabbix agent 2/memcached.version,#1)<>last(/Memcached by Zabbix agent 2/memcached.version,#2) and length(last(/Memcached by Zabbix agent 2/memcached.version))>0 Info Manual close: Yes
Memcached: has been restarted

Uptime is less than 10 minutes.

last(/Memcached by Zabbix agent 2/memcached.uptime)<10m Info Manual close: Yes
Memcached: Memory usage is too high min(/Memcached by Zabbix agent 2/memcached.stats.bytes,5m)/last(/Memcached by Zabbix agent 2/memcached.config.limit_maxbytes)*100>{$MEMCACHED.MEM.PUSED.MAX.WARN} Warning


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