F5 Big-IP by SNMP
This template is designed for the effortless deployment of F5 Big-IP monitoring by Zabbix via SNMP and doesn't require any external scripts.
Zabbix version: 7.2 and higher.
Tested versions
This template has been tested on:
- F5 Big-IP
Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the Templates out of the box section.
Refer to the vendor documentation.
Macros used
Name | Description | Default |
{$SNMP.TIMEOUT} | The time interval for SNMP agent availability trigger expression. |
5m |
{$BIGIP.LLD.FILTER.PART.NAME.MATCHES} | Filter of discoverable mount point names. |
.* |
{$BIGIP.LLD.FILTER.PART.NAME.NOT_MATCHES} | Filter to exclude discovered by mount point names. |
{$BIGIP.LLD.OVERRIDE.PART.FILTER_LOW_SPACE_TRIGGER} | Partitions that low free space trigger should ignore. |
^/usr$ |
{$BIGIP.CERT.MIN} | Minimum number of days before certificate expiration. |
7 |
{$BIGIP.CPU.UTIL.WARN.MAX} | The warning threshold of the CPU utilization expressed in %. |
85 |
{$BIGIP.CPU.UTIL.WARN.MIN} | The recovery threshold of the CPU utilization expressed in %. |
65 |
{$BIGIP.MEMORY.UTIL.WARN.MAX} | The warning threshold of the memory utilization in %. |
85 |
{$BIGIP.MEMORY.UTIL.WARN.MIN} | The recovery threshold of the memory utilization in %. |
65 |
{$BIGIP.SWAP.UTIL.WARN.MAX} | The warning threshold of the swap utilization in %. |
85 |
{$BIGIP.SWAP.UTIL.WARN.MIN} | The recovery threshold of the swap utilization in %. |
65 |
{$BIGIP.FS.FREE.WARN.MAX} | The recovery threshold of the file system utilization in %. |
20 |
{$BIGIP.FS.FREE.WARN.MIN} | The warning threshold of the file system utilization in %. |
10 |
{$BIGIP.TEMP.HIGH} | The critical threshold of the temperature in °C |
50 |
{$BIGIP.TEMP.WARN} | The warning threshold of the temperature in °C |
45 |
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
SNMP agent availability | Zabbix internal | zabbix[host,snmp,available] Preprocessing
Chassis serial number | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB Serial number |
SNMP agent | bigip.serialnumber Preprocessing
Hardware model name | MIB: RFC1213-MIB A textual description of the entity. This value should include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and networking software. It is mandatory that this only contain printable ASCII characters. |
SNMP agent | bigip.model Preprocessing
Contact | MIB: RFC1213-MIB The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. |
SNMP agent | Preprocessing
Host name | MIB: RFC1213-MIB An administratively-assigned name for this managed node. By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. |
SNMP agent | Preprocessing
Location | MIB: RFC1213-MIB The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). |
SNMP agent | bigip.location Preprocessing
Uptime | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The system up time in 1/100 seconds since boot. |
SNMP agent | bigip.uptime Preprocessing
Product name | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The product name. |
SNMP agent | Preprocessing
Product version | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The product version. |
SNMP agent | bigip.product.version Preprocessing
Product build | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The product build number. |
SNMP agent | Preprocessing
Product edition | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The product edition. |
SNMP agent | bigip.product.edition Preprocessing
Product build date | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The product build date. |
SNMP agent | Preprocessing
Open TCP connections | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The number of current open TCP connections. |
SNMP agent | |
Open UDP connections | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The number of current open UDP connections. |
SNMP agent | |
TCP connections, CLOSE-WAIT/LAST-ACK | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The number of current TCP connections in CLOSE-WAIT/LAST-ACK. |
SNMP agent | bigip.tcp.close_wait |
TCP connections, FIN-WAIT-1/CLOSING | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The number of current TCP connections in FIN-WAIT-1/CLOSING. |
SNMP agent | bigip.tcp.fin1_wait |
TCP connections, FIN-WAIT-2 | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The number of current TCP connections in FIN-WAIT-2. |
SNMP agent | bigip.tcp.fin2_wait |
TCP connections, TIME-WAIT | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The number of current TCP connections in TIME-WAIT. |
SNMP agent | bigip.tcp.time_wait |
Failover status | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The failover status ID on the system. unknown - the failover status of the device is unknown; offline - the device is offline; forcedOffline - the device is forced offline; standby - the device is standby; active - the device is active. |
SNMP agent | bigip.failover |
Sync Status | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The sync status ID on the system. unknown - the device is disconnected from the device group; syncing - the device is joining the device group or has requested changes from device group or inconsistent with the group; needManualSync - changes have been made on the device not syncd to the device group; inSync - the device is consistent with the device group; syncFailed - the device is inconsistent with the device group, requires user intervention; syncDisconnected - the device is not connected to any peers; standalone - the device is in a standalone configuration; awaitingInitialSync - the device is waiting for initial sync; incompatibleVersion - the device's version is incompatible with rest of the devices in the device group; partialSync - some but not all devices successfully received the last sync. |
SNMP agent | bigip.syncstatus |
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
F5 Big-IP: No SNMP data collection | SNMP is not available for polling. Please check device connectivity and SNMP settings. |
max(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/zabbix[host,snmp,available],{$SNMP.TIMEOUT})=0 |
Warning | |
F5 Big-IP: Chassis has been replaced | Chassis serial number has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually. |
last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.serialnumber,#1)<>last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.serialnumber,#2) and length(last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.serialnumber))>0 |
Info | Manual close: Yes |
F5 Big-IP: Host has been restarted | Uptime is less than 10 minutes. |
last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.uptime)<10m |
Info | Manual close: Yes |
F5 Big-IP: Cluster not in sync | count(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.failover,10m,"ne","3")>8 and count(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.failover,10m,"ne","4")>6 |
Warning | Manual close: Yes | |
F5 Big-IP: The device is inconsistent with the device group | The device is inconsistent with the device group, requires user intervention |
last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.syncstatus)=4 |
Warning | Manual close: Yes |
F5 Big-IP: Changes have been made on the device not sync | Changes have been made on the device not sync to the device group, requires user intervention |
last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.syncstatus)=2 |
Warning | Manual close: Yes |
LLD rule File system discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
File system discovery | A table containing entries of system disk usage information. |
SNMP agent | bigip.disktable.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for File system discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Mount point [{#PART.NAME}]: Block size | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The number of bytes in the specified partition. |
SNMP agent | bigip.disktable.blocksize[{#PART.NAME}] |
Mount point [{#PART.NAME}]: Total blocks | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The number of total blocks in the specified partition. |
SNMP agent | bigip.disktable.totalblocks[{#PART.NAME}] |
Mount point [{#PART.NAME}]: Free blocks | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The number of free blocks in the specified partition. |
SNMP agent | bigip.disktable.freeblocks[{#PART.NAME}] |
Mount point [{#PART.NAME}]: Total nodes | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The number of total file nodes in the specified partition. |
SNMP agent | bigip.disktable.totalnodes[{#PART.NAME}] |
Mount point [{#PART.NAME}]: Free nodes | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The number of free file nodes in the specified partition. |
SNMP agent | bigip.disktable.freenodes[{#PART.NAME}] |
Trigger prototypes for File system discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
F5 Big-IP: Low free space in file system [{#PART.NAME}] | The system is running out of free space. |
last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.disktable.freeblocks[{#PART.NAME}])/last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.disktable.totalblocks[{#PART.NAME}])*100<{$BIGIP.FS.FREE.WARN.MIN:"{#PART.NAME}"} |
Warning | Manual close: Yes |
LLD rule Memory discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Memory discovery | Containing system statistics information of the memory usage |
SNMP agent | bigip.memory.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Memory discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Host [{#HOST.ID}]: Total memory | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The total host memory in bytes for the specified host. |
SNMP agent |[{#HOST.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}]: Used memory | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The host memory in bytes currently in use for the specified host. |
SNMP agent | bigip.memory.used[{#HOST.ID}] Preprocessing
Host [{#HOST.ID}]: Total other non-TMM memory | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The total other non-TMM memory in bytes for the specified host. |
SNMP agent |[{#HOST.ID}] Preprocessing
Host [{#HOST.ID}]: Used other non-TMM memory | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The other non-TMM memory in bytes currently in use for the specified host. |
SNMP agent | bigip.memory.used.other[{#HOST.ID}] Preprocessing
Host [{#HOST.ID}]: Total swap | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The total swap in bytes for the specified host. |
SNMP agent |[{#HOST.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}]: Used swap | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The swap in bytes currently in use for the specified host. |
SNMP agent | bigip.memory.used.swap[{#HOST.ID}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for Memory discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
F5 Big-IP: High memory utilization in host [{#HOST.ID}] | The system is running out of free memory. |
last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.memory.used[{#HOST.ID}])/last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/[{#HOST.ID}])*100>{$BIGIP.MEMORY.UTIL.WARN.MAX} |
Warning | Manual close: Yes |
F5 Big-IP: High swap utilization in host [{#HOST.ID}] | The system is running out of free swap memory. |
last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.memory.used.swap[{#HOST.ID}])/last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/[{#HOST.ID}])*100>{$BIGIP.SWAP.UTIL.WARN.MAX} |
Warning | Manual close: Yes |
LLD rule CPU discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
CPU discovery | A table containing entries of system CPU usage information for a system. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for CPU discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: User, avg 5s | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor in user context for the associated host in the last five seconds. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.user.5s[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: Nice, avg 5s | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor running niced processes for the associated host in the last five seconds. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.nice.5s[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: System, avg 5s | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor servicing system calls for the associated host in the last five seconds. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.system.5s[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: Idle, avg 5s | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor doing nothing for the associated host in the last five seconds. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.idle.5s[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: IRQ, avg 5s | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor servicing hardware interrupts for the associated host in the last five seconds. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.irq.5s[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: Soft IRQ, avg 5s | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor servicing soft interrupts for the associated host in the last five seconds. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.spftirq.5s[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: IO wait, avg 5s | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor waiting for external I/O to complete for the associated host in the last five seconds. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.iowait.5s[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: Usage ratio, avg 5s | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB This is average usage ratio of CPU for the associated host in the last five seconds. It is calculated by (sum of deltas for user, niced, system)/(sum of deltas of user, niced, system, idle, irq, softirq, and iowait), where each delta is the difference for each stat over the last 5-second interval; user:sysMultiHostCpuUser5s; niced:sysMultiHostCpuNiced5s; stolen:sysMultiHostCpuStolen5s; system:sysMultiHostCpuSystem5s; idle:sysMultiHostCpuIdle5s; irq:sysMultiHostCpuIrq5s; iowait:sysMultiHostCpuIowait5s |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.usageratio.5s[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: User, avg 1m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor in user context for the associated host in the last one minute. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.user.1m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: Nice, avg 1m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor running niced processes for the associated host in the last one minute. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.nice.1m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: System, avg 1m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor servicing system calls for the associated host in the last one minute. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.system.1m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: Idle, avg 1m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor doing nothing for the associated host in the last one minute. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.idle.1m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: IRQ, avg 1m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor servicing hardware interrupts for the associated host in the last one minute. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.irq.1m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: Soft IRQ, avg 1m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor servicing soft interrupts for the associated host in the last one minute. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.spftirq.1m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: IO wait, avg 1m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor waiting for external I/O to complete for the associated host in the last one minute. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.iowait.1m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: Usage ratio, avg 1m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB This is average usage ratio of CPU for the associated host in the last one minute. It is calculated by (sum of deltas for user, niced, system)/(sum of deltas of user, niced, system, idle, irq, softirq, and iowait), where each delta is the difference for each stat over the last 5-second interval; user:sysMultiHostCpuUser1m; niced:sysMultiHostCpuNiced1m; stolen:sysMultiHostCpuStolen1m; system:sysMultiHostCpuSystem1m; idle:sysMultiHostCpuIdle1m; irq:sysMultiHostCpuIrq1m; iowait:sysMultiHostCpuIowait1m |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.usageratio.1m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: User, avg 5m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor in user context for the associated host in the last five minutes. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.user.5m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: Nice, avg 5m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor running niced processes for the associated host in the last five minutes. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.nice.5m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: System, avg 5m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor servicing system calls for the associated host in the last five minutes. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.system.5m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: Idle, avg 5m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor doing nothing for the associated host in the last five minutes. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.idle.5m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: IRQ, avg 5m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor servicing hardware interrupts for the associated host in the last five minutes. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.irq.5m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: Soft IRQ, avg 5m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor servicing soft interrupts for the associated host in the last five minutes. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.spftirq.5m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: IO wait, avg 5m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time spent by the specified processor waiting for external I/O to complete for the associated host in the last five minutes. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.iowait.5m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: Usage ratio, avg 5m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB This is average usage ratio of CPU for the associated host in the last five minutes. It is calculated by (sum of deltas for user, niced, system)/(sum of deltas of user, niced, system, idle, irq, softirq, and iowait), where each delta is the difference for each stat over the last 5-second interval; user:sysMultiHostCpuUser5m; niced:sysMultiHostCpuNiced5m; stolen:sysMultiHostCpuStolen5m; system:sysMultiHostCpuSystem5m; idle:sysMultiHostCpuIdle5m; irq:sysMultiHostCpuIrq5m; iowait:sysMultiHostCpuIowait5m |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.usageratio.5m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: Stolen, avg 1s) | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time 'stolen' from the specified processor for the associated host in the last five seconds. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.stolen.1s[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: Stolen, avg 1m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time 'stolen' from the specified processor for the associated host in the last one minute. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.stolen.1m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Host [{#HOST.ID}] CPU{#CPU.ID}: Stolen, avg 5m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The average time 'stolen' from the specified processor for the associated host in the last five minutes. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.stolen.5m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}] |
Trigger prototypes for CPU discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
F5 Big-IP: High CPU utilization | The CPU utilization is too high. The system might be slow to respond. |
last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.cpu.usageratio.5m[{#HOST.ID},{#CPU.ID}])>{$BIGIP.CPU.UTIL.WARN.MAX} |
Warning | Manual close: Yes |
LLD rule Network interface discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Network interface discovery | A table containing statistic information of the interfaces on the device. |
SNMP agent | Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Network interface discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Incoming packet, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The rate of packets received on this interface. |
SNMP agent |[{#IF.NAME}] Preprocessing
Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Incoming traffic, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The rate of bytes received on this interface. |
SNMP agent |[{#IF.NAME}] Preprocessing
Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Outgoing packet, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The rate of packets transmitted out of the specified interface. |
SNMP agent |[{#IF.NAME}] Preprocessing
Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Outgoing traffic, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The rate of bytes transmitted out of the specified interface. |
SNMP agent |[{#IF.NAME}] Preprocessing
Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Incoming multicast packet, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The rate of multicast packets received on this interface. |
SNMP agent |[{#IF.NAME}] Preprocessing
Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Outgoing multicast packet, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The rate of multicast packets transmitted out of the specified interface. |
SNMP agent |[{#IF.NAME}] Preprocessing
Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Incoming packet error | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The number of received packets that are either undersized, oversized, or have FCS errors by the specified interface. |
SNMP agent |[{#IF.NAME}] Preprocessing
Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Outgoing packet error | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The number of excessive collisions, incremented for each frame that experienced 16 collisions during transmission and was aborted on the specified interface. |
SNMP agent |[{#IF.NAME}] Preprocessing
Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Incoming packet drops | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The number of packets dropped on ingress for various reasons on the specified interface. |
SNMP agent |[{#IF.NAME}] Preprocessing
Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Outgoing packet drops | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The number of packets aged out or with excessive transmission delays due to multiple deferrals on the specified interface. |
SNMP agent |[{#IF.NAME}] Preprocessing
Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Collisions | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The number of collisions on the specified interface, incremented by the number of collisions experienced during transmissions of a frame |
SNMP agent |[{#IF.NAME}] Preprocessing
Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Incoming QnQ packet, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The rate of double tagged packets received on the specified interface. |
SNMP agent |[{#IF.NAME}] Preprocessing
Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Outgoing QnQ packet, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The rate of double tagged packets transmitted out of the specified interface. |
SNMP agent |[{#IF.NAME}] Preprocessing
Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Pause state | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The pause state of the specified interface. none - no pause; txrx - pause all data flow; tx - pause outgoing data flow; rx - pause incoming data flow. |
SNMP agent |[{#IF.NAME}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for Network interface discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
F5 Big-IP: There are errors on the network interface | last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/[{#IF.NAME}])>last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/[{#IF.NAME}],#2) or last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/[{#IF.NAME}])>last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/[{#IF.NAME}],#2) |
Average | Manual close: Yes |
LLD rule Chassis fan discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Chassis fan discovery | A table containing information of chassis fan status of the system |
SNMP agent | Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Chassis fan discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
FAN [{#FAN.INDEX}]: Status | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The status of the indexed chassis fan on the system., This is only supported for the platform where the sensor data is available. Possible values: 0 - bad, 1 - good, 2 - notpresent. |
SNMP agent |[{#FAN.INDEX}] Preprocessing
FAN [{#FAN.INDEX}]: Speed | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The actual speed of the indexed chassis fan on the system. This is only supported for the platform where the actual fan speed data is available. '0' means fan speed is unavailable while the associated chassis status is good. |
SNMP agent |[{#FAN.INDEX}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for Chassis fan discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
F5 Big-IP: Fan[{#FAN.INDEX}] is in critical state | Please check the fan unit |
last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/[{#FAN.INDEX}])=0 |
Average | Manual close: Yes |
F5 Big-IP: Fan[{#FAN.INDEX}] is not present | Please check the fan unit |
last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/[{#FAN.INDEX}])=2 |
Info | Manual close: Yes |
LLD rule Chassis power supply discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Chassis power supply discovery | A table containing information of chassis power supply status of the system. |
SNMP agent | bigip.chassis.power.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Chassis power supply discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Power supply [{#POWER.INDEX}]: Status | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The status of the indexed power supply on the system., This is only supported for the platform where the sensor data is available. Possible values: 0 - bad, 1 - good, 2 - notpresent. |
SNMP agent | bigip.chassis.power.status[{#POWER.INDEX}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for Chassis power supply discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
F5 Big-IP: Power supply [{#POWER.INDEX}] is in critical state | Please check the power supply unit |
last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.chassis.power.status[{#POWER.INDEX}])=0 |
High | Manual close: Yes |
F5 Big-IP: Power supply [{#POWER.INDEX}] is not present | Please check the power supply unit |
last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.chassis.power.status[{#POWER.INDEX}])=2 |
Info | Manual close: Yes |
LLD rule Chassis temperature discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Chassis temperature discovery | A table containing information of chassis temperature of the system |
SNMP agent | bigip.chassis.temp.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Chassis temperature discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Sensor [{#TEMP.INDEX}]: Temperature | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The chassis temperature (in Celsius) of the indexed sensor on the system., This is only supported for the platform where the sensor data is available. |
SNMP agent | bigip.chassis.temp.value[{#TEMP.INDEX}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for Chassis temperature discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
F5 Big-IP: Chassis temperature | last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.chassis.temp.value[{#TEMP.INDEX}])>{$BIGIP.TEMP.HIGH} |
High | ||
F5 Big-IP: Chassis temperature | last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.chassis.temp.value[{#TEMP.INDEX}])>{$BIGIP.TEMP.WARN} |
Warning | Depends on:
LLD rule Blade temperature discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Blade temperature discovery | Containing information of blade temperature of the system |
SNMP agent | bigip.blade.temp.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Blade temperature discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Sensor [{#SLOT.INDEX}:{#TEMP.INDEX}]: Temperature | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB Location: {#TEMP.LOCATION} The blade temperature (in Celsius) of the indexed sensor on the system., This is only supported for the platform where the sensor data is available. |
SNMP agent | bigip.blade.temp.value[{#SLOT.INDEX},{#TEMP.INDEX}] Preprocessing
LLD rule Blade voltage discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Blade voltage discovery | A table containing information of blade voltage of the system. |
SNMP agent | bigip.blade.voltage.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Blade voltage discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Voltage [{#VOLT.INDEX}]: Value | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The blade voltage (in V) of the indexed sensor on the system., This is only supported for the platform where the sensor data is available. |
SNMP agent | bigip.blade.voltage.value[{#VOLT.INDEX}] Preprocessing
Voltage [{#VOLT.INDEX}]: Slot | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The chassis slot number, if applicable. |
SNMP agent | bigip.blade.voltage.slot[{#VOLT.INDEX}] Preprocessing
LLD rule CPU sensor discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
CPU sensor discovery | A table containing information of CPU sensor status on the system. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.sensor.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for CPU sensor discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Sensor [{#CPU.SENSOR.SLOT}:{#CPU.SENSOR.INDEX}]: Temperature | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB CPU: {#CPU.SENSOR.NAME} The temperature of the indexed CPU on the system. This is only supported for the platform where the sensor data is available. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cpu.sensor.temperature[{#CPU.SENSOR.SLOT},{#CPU.SENSOR.INDEX}] Preprocessing
Sensor [{#CPU.SENSOR.SLOT}:{#CPU.SENSOR.INDEX}]: FAN speed | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB CPU: {#CPU.SENSOR.NAME} The fan speed (in RPM) of the indexed CPU on the system., This is only supported for the platform where the sensor data is available. |
SNMP agent |[{#CPU.SENSOR.SLOT},{#CPU.SENSOR.INDEX}] Preprocessing
Sensor [{#CPU.SENSOR.SLOT}:{#CPU.SENSOR.INDEX}]: Name | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB Identifier for the CPU. |
SNMP agent |[{#CPU.SENSOR.SLOT},{#CPU.SENSOR.INDEX}] Preprocessing
LLD rule Module discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Module discovery | Resource allocation information about modules on the system |
SNMP agent | bigip.module.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Module discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Module [{#MODULE.NAME}]: Provision level | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The provisioning level indicates how the systems resources are distributed amongst the modules Possible values: 1 - none, 2 - minimum, 3 - nominal, 4 - dedicated, 5 - custom. |
SNMP agent | bigip.module.provision.level[{#MODULE.NAME}] Preprocessing
Module [{#MODULE.NAME}]: Memory ratio | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The ratio of available memory to allocate. Only valid if level is 'custom' |
SNMP agent | bigip.module.memory.ratio[{#MODULE.NAME}] Preprocessing
Module [{#MODULE.NAME}]: CPU ratio | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The ratio of CPU to allocate to this module. Only valid if level is 'custom' |
SNMP agent | bigip.module.cpu.ratio[{#MODULE.NAME}] Preprocessing
Module [{#MODULE.NAME}]: Disk ratio | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The ratio of available disk space to allocate to this module. Only valid if level is 'custom' |
SNMP agent | bigip.module.disk.ratio[{#MODULE.NAME}] Preprocessing
LLD rule Certificate discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Certificate discovery | A table containing certificate configuration. |
SNMP agent | bigip.cert.discovery |
Item prototypes for Certificate discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Certificate [{#CERT.NAME}]: Expiration date | MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB The expiration date of the certificate in unix time. |
SNMP agent |[{#CERT.NAME}] |
Trigger prototypes for Certificate discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
F5 Big-IP: Certificate expires ({#CERT.NAME}) | Please check certificate |
last(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/[{#CERT.NAME}]) - 86400 * {$BIGIP.CERT.MIN} < now() |
Warning | Manual close: Yes |
LLD rule Virtual server discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Virtual server discovery | A table containing information of virtual servers. |
SNMP agent | bigip.virtual_server.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Virtual server discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Virtual server [{#VSERVER.NAME}]: Incoming packet, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The rate of packets received by the specified virtual server from client-side. |
SNMP agent |[{#VSERVER.NAME}] Preprocessing
Virtual server [{#VSERVER.NAME}]: Incoming traffic, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The rate of bytes received by the specified virtual server from client-side. |
SNMP agent |[{#VSERVER.NAME}] Preprocessing
Virtual server [{#VSERVER.NAME}]: Outgoing packet, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The rate of packets sent to client-side from the specified virtual server. |
SNMP agent |[{#VSERVER.NAME}] Preprocessing
Virtual server [{#VSERVER.NAME}]: Outgoing traffic, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The rate of bytes sent to client-side from the specified virtual server. |
SNMP agent |[{#VSERVER.NAME}] Preprocessing
Virtual server [{#VSERVER.NAME}]: Current connections | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The current connections from client-side to the specified virtual server. |
SNMP agent |[{#VSERVER.NAME}] Preprocessing
Virtual server [{#VSERVER.NAME}]: Usage ratio, avg 5s | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The percentage of time Virtual Server was busy over the last 5 seconds. |
SNMP agent | bigip.vserver.usage.5s[{#VSERVER.NAME}] Preprocessing
Virtual server [{#VSERVER.NAME}]: Usage ratio, avg 1m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The percentage of time Virtual Server was busy over the last 1 minute. |
SNMP agent | bigip.vserver.usage.1m[{#VSERVER.NAME}] Preprocessing
Virtual server [{#VSERVER.NAME}]: Usage ratio, avg 5m | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The percentage of time Virtual Server was busy over the last 5 minutes. |
SNMP agent | bigip.vserver.usage.5m[{#VSERVER.NAME}] Preprocessing
Virtual server [{#VSERVER.NAME}]: Connections hit a rate limit | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The last recorded value for the number of connections to the virtual server when connections hit a rate limit; this calculation is only maintained if rate limiting is configured for the service. |
SNMP agent | bigip.vserver.overlimit[{#VSERVER.NAME}] Preprocessing
Virtual server [{#VSERVER.NAME}]: Duration of exceeding rate limit | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB Duration of time in seconds the specified virtual server has exceeded the configured connection rate limit. |
SNMP agent | bigip.vserver.overtime[{#VSERVER.NAME}] Preprocessing
LLD rule Node discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Node discovery | A table containing statistic information of node addresses. |
SNMP agent | bigip.node.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Node discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Node [{#NODE.NAME}]: Incoming packet, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The rate of packets received by the specified node address from server-side. |
SNMP agent |[{#NODE.NAME}] Preprocessing
Node [{#NODE.NAME}]: Incoming traffic, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The rate of bytes received by the specified node address from server-side. |
SNMP agent |[{#NODE.NAME}] Preprocessing
Node [{#NODE.NAME}]: Outgoing packet, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The rate of packets sent to server-side from the specified node address. |
SNMP agent |[{#NODE.NAME}] Preprocessing
Node [{#NODE.NAME}]: Outgoing traffic, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The rate of bytes sent to server-side from the specified node address. |
SNMP agent |[{#NODE.NAME}] Preprocessing
Node [{#NODE.NAME}]: Current connections | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The current connections from server-side to the specified node address. |
SNMP agent |[{#NODE.NAME}] Preprocessing
Node [{#NODE.NAME}]: Current sessions | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The number of current sessions going through the specified node address. |
SNMP agent |[{#NODE.NAME}] Preprocessing
Node [{#NODE.NAME}]: Connections hit a rate limit | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The last recorded value for the number of connections to the node address when connections hit a rate limit; this calculation is only maintained if rate limiting is configured for the node. |
SNMP agent | bigip.node.overlimit[{#NODE.NAME}] Preprocessing
Node [{#NODE.NAME}]: Duration of exceeding rate limit | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB Duration of time in seconds the specified node address has exceeded the configured connection rate limit. |
SNMP agent | bigip.node.overtime[{#NODE.NAME}] Preprocessing
LLD rule Pool discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Pool discovery | A table containing statistic information of pools. |
SNMP agent | bigip.pool.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Pool discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Pool [{#POOL.NAME}]: Incoming packet, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The rate of packets received by the specified pool from server-side. |
SNMP agent |[{#POOL.NAME}] Preprocessing
Pool [{#POOL.NAME}]: Incoming traffic, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The rate of bytes received by the specified pool from server-side. |
SNMP agent |[{#POOL.NAME}] Preprocessing
Pool [{#POOL.NAME}]: Outgoing packet, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The rate of packets sent to server-side from the specified pool. |
SNMP agent |[{#POOL.NAME}] Preprocessing
Pool [{#POOL.NAME}]: Outgoing traffic, rate | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The rate of bytes sent to server-side from the specified pool. |
SNMP agent |[{#POOL.NAME}] Preprocessing
Pool [{#POOL.NAME}]: Current connections | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The current connections from server-side to the specified pool. |
SNMP agent |[{#POOL.NAME}] Preprocessing
Pool [{#POOL.NAME}]: Current sessions | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The number of current sessions going through the specified pool. |
SNMP agent |[{#POOL.NAME}] Preprocessing
Pool [{#POOL.NAME}]: Queue | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB Number of connections currently in queue, sum. |
SNMP agent | bigip.pool.queue[{#POOL.NAME}] Preprocessing
Pool [{#POOL.NAME}]: Age of the oldest queue entry | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB Age of the oldest queue entry, max. |
SNMP agent | bigip.pool.queue.age[{#POOL.NAME}] Preprocessing
Pool [{#POOL.NAME}]: Status available | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB none(0), green(1), tyellow(2), tred(3), tblue(4), tgrey(5) |
SNMP agent | bigip.pool.available[{#POOL.NAME}] Preprocessing
Pool [{#POOL.NAME}]: Status enabled | MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB The activity status of the specified pool, as specified by the user. none(0), enabled(1), disabled(2), disabledbyparent(3) |
SNMP agent | bigip.pool.enabled[{#POOL.NAME}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for Pool discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
F5 Big-IP: Pool {#POOL.NAME} is not available in some capacity: {ITEM.VALUE1} | count(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.pool.available[{#POOL.NAME}],120m,"ne","1")>20 |
Average | Depends on:
F5 Big-IP: Pool {#POOL.NAME} is not enabled in some capacity: {ITEM.VALUE1} | count(/F5 Big-IP by SNMP/bigip.pool.enabled[{#POOL.NAME}],120m,"ne","1")>4 |
Average |
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