
Discord is a proprietary freeware VoIP application and digital distribution platform designed for video gaming communities, that specializes in text, image, video and audio communication between users in a chat channel.

Available solutions

This template is for Zabbix version: 7.2

Source: https://git.zabbix.com/projects/ZBX/repos/zabbix/browse/templates/media/discord?at=release/7.2

Discord webhook


This guide describes how to integrate your Zabbix installation with Discord using the Zabbix webhook feature, providing instructions on setting up a media type, user, and action in Zabbix.


Zabbix version: 7.2 and higher.


After importing the webhook, you can configure it using webhook parameters.

Configurable parameters

The configurable parameters are intended to be changed according to the webhook setup as well as the user's preferences and environment.

Name Value Description
zabbix_url {$ZABBIX.URL} The URL of the Zabbix frontend.
user_agent ZabbixServer (zabbix.com, 7.2) The user agent to use in the request.

Internal parameters

Internal parameters are reserved for predefined macros that are not meant to be changed.

Name Value Description
event_source {EVENT.SOURCE} Numeric value of the event source. Possible values: 0 - Trigger, 1 - Discovery, 2 - Autoregistration, 3 - Internal, 4 - Service.
event_value {EVENT.VALUE} Numeric value of the event that triggered an action (1 for problem, 0 for recovering).
event_nseverity {EVENT.NSEVERITY} Numeric value of the event severity. Possible values: 0 - Not classified, 1 - Information, 2 - Warning, 3 - Average, 4 - High, 5 - Disaster.
event_severity {EVENT.SEVERITY} Name of the event severity.
event_update_nseverity {EVENT.UPDATE.NSEVERITY} Numeric value of the event update severity. Possible values: 0 - Not classified, 1 - Information, 2 - Warning, 3 - Average, 4 - High, 5 - Disaster.
event_update_severity {EVENT.UPDATE.SEVERITY} Name of the event update severity.
event_update_status {EVENT.UPDATE.STATUS} Numeric value of the problem update status. Possible values: 0 - Webhook was called because of problem/recovery event, 1 - Update operation.
alert_subject {ALERT.SUBJECT} 'Default subject' value from action configuration.
alert_message {ALERT.MESSAGE} 'Default message' value from action configuration.
trigger_id {TRIGGER.ID} Numeric ID of the trigger of this action.
event_id {EVENT.ID} Numeric ID of the event that triggered an action.
discord_endpoint {ALERT.SENDTO} The URL of the Discord webhook.

Please be aware that each webhook supports an HTTP proxy. To use this feature, add a new media type parameter with the name http_proxy and set its value to the proxy URL.

Service setup

  1. Go to https://discord.com/app or open the Discord desktop application. Open your Server Settings and head to the Integrations tab.

  2. Press the Create Webhook button to create a new webhook.

  1. Click on the webhook that has been created and edit the details if needed. You can:
  • Edit the avatar.
  • Choose what channel the webhook posts to.
  • Rename the webhook.
  1. After setting up your Discord webhook, press Save Changes.

You can copy the Discord webhook URL now by pressing Copy Webhook URL, or you can view it later.

Zabbix configuration

  1. Before you can start using the Discord webhook, you need to set up the global macro {$ZABBIX.URL}:
  • In the Zabbix web interface, go to Administration > Macros in the top-left dropdown menu.
  • Set up the global macro {$ZABBIX.URL} which will contain the URL to the Zabbix frontend. The URL should be either an IP address, a fully qualified domain name, or a localhost.
  • Specifying a protocol is mandatory, whereas the port is optional. Depending on the web server configuration, you might also need to append /zabbix to the end of URL. Good examples:
    • http://zabbix.com
    • https://zabbix.lan/zabbix
    • http://server.zabbix.lan/
    • http://localhost
  • Bad examples:
    • zabbix.com
    • http://zabbix/

  1. Import the media type:
  1. Create a Zabbix user and add media:
  • If you want to create a new user, go to the Users > Users section and click the Create user button in the top-right corner. In the User tab, fill in all the required fields (marked with red asterisks).
  • In the Media tab, add a new media and select Discord from the Type drop-down list. The Send to field must contain the URL of the Discord webhook created previously.
  • Make sure this user has access to all the hosts for which you would like problem notifications to be sent to Discord.

  1. Done! You can now start using this media type in actions and receive alerts.

For more information, please see Zabbix and Discord documentation.


Please report any issues with the media type at https://support.zabbix.com.

You can also provide feedback, discuss the media type, or ask for help at ZABBIX forums.

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