Localizing Zabbix

Zabbix UI and documentation translations in languages other than English are maintained by the community.

If you want to make Zabbix UI or documentation available in your native language or improve existing translations, join the vibrant community of Zabbix translators.

Your contribution will be appreciated by thousands of users worldwide!

Language teams

In January 2022, we introduced the new translation portal translate.zabbix.com to manage Zabbix translations. You may contribute by translating any of the existing languages, or be the first and set up a new team to localize Zabbix documentation and UI in your language.

Why localize Zabbix?

Zabbix is an open source software, and a lot of our users rely on the documentation to set up monitoring of their infrastructure correctly. Adding a new translation for your native language or improving an existing one helps make Zabbix available to large groups of people who do not speak English well enough.

How to start?

To become a translator, you need to register yourself and receive credentials to access Zabbix translation portal. You will find instructions for registration, translation process, and useful tutorials on the Getting started page.

Translator Community Reward Program

The fast growing Zabbix Translator Community has already reached 400 members. Owing to your contribution, Zabbix is becoming more and more accessible to the users around the globe. In appreciation of our contributors' work, we regularly send rewards to the most active translators. When you translate the content for the Documentation 6.0, Documentation 6.4, or Documentation 7.0 project, you automatically join the Reward Program. The levels are based on the number of strings you have translated for the project. Once you have reached a new level, you will receive the rewards according to the reward scheme.

Reward scheme

Level Number of strings Category Reward
1st 250 Junior translator a small souvenir from Zabbix
2nd 500 Mid-level translator a branded H2O bottle
3rd 1000 Senior translator a Zabbix backpack and the official Zabbix Translator certificate
4th 2000 Translation leader a free spot at the online Zabbix Certified Specialist 7.0 training

Useful things to know:

  • The number of strings is counted at the beginning of each month.
  • Chinese translators are rewarded according to a separate system.
  • Translations are counted only for the Documentation 6.0, Documentation 6.4, and Documentation 7.0 project (the total).
  • You can check your translation stats on the Contributors page. For this purpose, explore the ALL STRINGS field showing the total number of strings translated by you.