PHP coding guidelines

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.


  • All code and comments MUST be written in English.
  • Global variables MUST NOT be used.
  • .htaccess files only define settings for the current directory. This is done to avoid the possibility of missing a change for this file if some sub-directory is renamed.
  • Zabbix API methods MUST be used instead of writing direct SQL queries to database.


  • In PHP files one opening <?php tag MUST exist at the first line of the file.
  • The closing ?> tag MUST be omitted from files containing only PHP.
  • All PHP files MUST use only UTF-8 without BOM for PHP code.
  • All PHP files MUST use the Unix LF (linefeed) line ending only.
  • All PHP files MUST end with a non-blank line, terminated with a single LF.


  • Lines MUST NOT be longer than 120 characters; lines longer than that MUST be split into multiple subsequent lines of no more than 120 characters each with two exceptions:
    • Validation rules MUST always be written on one line.
    • Translation strings MUST always be written on one line.
  • There MUST NOT be trailing whitespace at the end of lines.
  • Blank lines MAY be added to improve readability and to indicate related blocks of code except where explicitly forbidden.
  • There MUST NOT be more than one statement per line.


  • Code MUST use an indent of one tab for each indent level, and MUST NOT use spaces for indenting.

Declare, namespace and import statements

The header of a PHP file may consist of a number of different blocks. If present, each of the blocks below MUST be separated by a single blank line, and MUST NOT contain a blank line. Each block MUST be in the order listed below, although blocks that are not relevant may be omitted.

  • Opening <?php tag with declare statement declare(strict_types = 0);. (starting from 5.0)
  • Copyright comment.
  • The namespace declaration of the file.
  • One or more use import statements.
  • The remainder of the code in the file.

When a file contains a mix of HTML and PHP, any of the above sections may still be used. If so, they MUST be present at the top of the file, even if the remainder of the code consists of a closing PHP tag and then a mixture of HTML and PHP.

The following example illustrates a complete list of all blocks:

<?php declare(strict_types = 0);
       ** Zabbix
       ** Copyright (C) 2001-2020 Zabbix SIA
       ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
       ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
       ** (at your option) any later version.
       ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       ** GNU General Public License for more details.
       ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
       ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
       ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
       namespace Vendor\Package;
       use Vendor\Package\{ClassA as A, ClassB, ClassC as C};
       use Vendor\Package\SomeNamespace\ClassD as D;
       use Vendor\Package\AnotherNamespace\ClassE as E;
        * CExampleClass is an example class.
       class CExampleClass {
           // some logic here

Keywords and types

  • All PHP reserved keywords and types MUST be in lower case.
  • Any new types and keywords added to future PHP versions MUST be in lower case.
  • Short form of type keywords MUST be used i.e. bool instead of boolean, int instead of integer, etc.

Directory hierarchy

  • All classes SHOULD be placed under classes directory.
  • If there is a bunch of classes that are related to one functionality, they SHOULD be placed in a sub-directory.



Define locations

  • Global defines are located in /frontends/php/include/
  • Translatable defines are located in /frontends/php/include/


Directory hierarchy in MVC

  • MVC files are located in /frontends/php/app/ directory.


// controller
       // view
       // partial 
       // JavaScript file used in the view
       // JavaScript file used in the partial

MVC controllers

  • By default controllers are performing SID validation.
    • It is possible to disable it with disableSIDValidation() method for pages that we expect to be accessed by direct link.
    • We MUST make sure SID validation remains enabled for:
      • any controllers that make changes;
      • any controllers that are intended for internal use only.
protected function init(): void {

MVC views and partials

Each MVC view and partial files must contain the following PHPDoc comment below the copyright comment, leaving two empty lines above the comment and one empty line after.

For MVC view files:

        * @var CView $this
        * @var array $data

For MVC partial files:

        * @var CPartial $this
        * @var array    $data

Naming conventions


  • Variable names SHOULD be self-describing, short as possible, but still readable.
  • Variables SHOULD contain only lowercase letters. Numbers are permitted in variable names but are discouraged in most cases.
  • Each word SHOULD be separated by an underscore.


// correct
       $hostid = 12345;
       $item_applications = [];
       $db_application_prototypes = [];
       // wrong
       $hostId = 12345;
       $host_id = 12345;
       $itemApplications = [];
       $dbapplication_prototypes = [];

Defines and constants

  • Names representing constants (final variables) MUST be all uppercase using underscore to separate words.


// global define
       define('ZBX_DB_MYSQL', 'MYSQL');
       // translatable define
       define('DATE_FORMAT', _('Y-m-d'));
       // constant in class
       const STATE_NEW = 0;

Functions and methods

  • Visibility MUST be declared on all methods.
  • Method names MUST NOT be prefixed with a single underscore to indicate protected or private visibility.
  • Function and method names MUST always start with a lowercase letter. When a function or method name consists of more than one word, the first letter of each new word MUST be capitalized (camelCase).
  • Method and function names MUST NOT be declared with space after the method name. There MUST NOT be a space after the opening parenthesis, and there MUST NOT be a space before the closing parenthesis.


// correct
       function create() {
           // some logic here
       function getName() {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       function Create() {
           // some logic here
       function get_name() {
           // some logic here
  • Abbreviations and acronyms SHOULD NOT be uppercase when used as a name.


// correct
       function exportHtmlSource() {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       function exportHTMLSource() {
           // some logic here


  • The term "class" refers to all classes, interfaces, and traits.
  • All Zabbix class names MUST start with a "C" prefix and be written in CUpperCamelCase. The "C" prefix serves as a historical alternative to namespaces.
  • If a class extends another class, child class name SHOULD be prefixed to parent class name.


class CWriter {
           // some logic here
       class CXmlWriter extends CWriter {
           // some logic here
       class CFastXmlWriter extends CXmlWriter {
           // some logic here


  • Spaces in filenames are strictly prohibited.
  • Include and view file names are written in lowercase letters.
  • View file name represents the menu sections and actions separated by dots.


// Administration → Media type → Edit
  • Class file naming SHOULD be named as the class name (starting with capital "C") with ".php" extension.


class CWriter {} → CWriter.php
       class CXmlWriter {} → CXmlWriter.php
  • MVC controller class file names SHOULD be prefixed with "Controller" name.


class CControllerProxyEdit {} → CControllerProxyEdit.php


Variable declaration

  • Each variable MUST be declared on a separate line.


// correct
       $itemids = [];
       $hostids = [];
       // wrong
       $itemids = $hostids = [];
  • Arrays MUST be declared using the [] shorthand.
// correct
       $itemids = [];
       // wrong
       $itemids = array();
  • When instantiating a new class, parentheses MUST always be present even when there are no arguments passed to the constructor.
$relation_map = new CRelationMap();
  • Closing parenthesis SHOULD be on a new line.
// correct
       $another_filter_set = ($filter['select'] !== '' || $filter['application'] !== '' || $filter['groupids']
           || $filter['hostids']
       // wrong
       $another_filter_set = ($filter['select'] !== '' || $filter['application'] !== '' || $filter['groupids']
           || $filter['hostids']);
  • Variable variables SHOULD NOT be used.
  • Variable variables can only be used if the following criteria are met:
    • the resulting static variables are used in the function and are reasonable;
    • usage of variable variables simplifies the code better than other methods.
// correct
       $array = [];
       foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
           $array[$key] = convert($value);
       foreach (array_keys($array) as $key) {
       // correct
       $variable1 = 'value1';
       $variable2 = 'value2';
       foreach (['variable1', 'variable2'] as $variable) {
           $$variable = convert($$variable);
       // wrong
       foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
           $$key = convert($value);
       foreach (array_keys($array) as $key) {

Superglobal variables

See for a list of superglobal variables.

  • Superglobal variables SHOULD never be modified during script execution.
  • $_REQUEST values SHOULD NOT be accessed directly. For newer MVC controllers (located in the /ui/app/controllers folder) dedicated methods hasInput(), getInput(), etc. SHOULD be used instead. For older controllers (located directly in the /ui folder) dedicated functions like hasRequest(), getRequest() SHOULD be used instead.


// correct (for newer MVC controllers)
       if ($this->hasInput('name')) {
           echo $this->getInput('name');
       // correct (for older controllers)
       if (hasRequest('name')) {
           echo getRequest('name');
       // wrong
       if (isset($_REQUEST['name'])) {
          echo $_REQUEST['name'];

Variables in SQL queries

  • Variables in SQL queries MUST be escaped using zbx_dbstr() function, regardless of value origin.
  • To add equality condition of a field to known array of values, dbConditionString(), dbConditionInt() or dbConditionId() functions SHOULD be used, depending on database field type. These functions will take care of correctly escaping values.


DBselect('SELECT c.actionid FROM conditions c WHERE '.dbConditionString('c.value', $values));
       DBselect('SELECT oh.operationid FROM opcommand_hst oh WHERE '.dbConditionId('oh.hostid', $hostids));
  • Constants MUST NOT be processed by zbx_dbstr().


// correct
       DBselect('SELECT r.rightid FROM rights r WHERE r.permission>'.PERM_DENY);
       // wrong
       DBselect('SELECT r.rightid FROM rights r WHERE r.permission>'.zbx_dbstr(PERM_DENY));

Pre-processing of variables for use in views

All logic related to data visualization SHOULD be part of the view. No pre-processing aimed to simplify views is allowed in controllers.

Note that this restriction does not apply to situations when we really need to perform complex calculations in the controller and pass the result of the calculation to a view.


// correct
       // controller
       $data["host"]["status"] = $host["status"];
       // view
       if ($data["host"]["status"] == HOST_STATUS_MONITORED) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       // controller
       $data["isHostEnabled"] = ($host["status"] == HOST_STATUS_MONITORED);
       // view
       if ($data["isHostEnabled"]) {
           // some logic here
  • Views MUST use variable $data instead of class variable $this->data.


// correct
       if ($data['groups']) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       if ($this->data['groups']) {
           // some logic here
  • Views MUST NOT use API calls and SQL queries.

Conditional statements

  • The opening brace MUST be on the same line as the conditional statement.
  • The closing brace MUST be on the next line after the body.


// correct
       if (hasRequest('add')) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       if (hasRequest('add'))
           // some logic here

if, elseif, else

  • if statements MUST always use curly braces {}.


// correct
       if (hasRequest('add')) {
           $action = 'add';
       // wrong
       if (hasRequest('add'))
           $action = 'add';
  • For if statements that include elseif or else, the formatting conventions are similar to the if construct.


// correct
       if (hasRequest('add')) {
           // some logic here
       if (hasRequest('add')) {
           // some logic here
       else {
           // some logic here
       // correct
       if (hasRequest('add')) {
           // some logic here
       elseif (hasRequest('update')) {
           // some logic here
       else {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       if (hasRequest('add')) {
           // some logic here
       } else {
           // some logic here
  • For if statements that include elseif, the elseif is written as one word.
// correct
       if (hasRequest('add')) {
           // some logic here
       elseif (hasRequest('update')) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       if (hasRequest('add')) {
           // some logic here
       else if (hasRequest('update')) {
           // some logic here
  • Inline assignments are only allowed if the variables are only used within the statement body.


if (($messages = getMessages($result, $msg_title)) !== null) {
           $output['messages'] = $messages->toString();
  • If the conditional statement causes the line length to exceed the maximum line length, conditions are broken into multiple lines using two tabs.


if ($long_expression1 == $very_long_expression2
               || $long_expression2 == $very_long_expression2) {
           // some logic here
       if ($long_expression1 == $very_long_expression2
               && $long_expression2 == $very_long_expression2
               && $long_expression3 == $very_long_expression3) {
           // some logic here
  • First conditional statement is indented by two tabs, but inner statements are indented by one tab.


if (($expression1 == $expression2 && $expression3 == $expression4)
               || ($expression5 == $expression6
                   && $expression7 == $expression8)
               || $expression9 == $expression10) {
           // some logic here

Ternary operator

  • The conditional operator, also known as the ternary operator, MUST be preceded and followed by at least one space around both the ? and : characters.


$name = $expression1 == $expression2 ? 'a' : 'b';
       $name = array_key_exists('name_expanded', $items) ? $items['name_expanded'] : $items['name'];
  • Left-hand operator can only be omitted for array condition types. In such case ?: characters MUST be written together.


// correct
       $array = $input_array ?: $default;
       // wrong
       $int = $input_int ?: $default;
       $string = $input_string ?: $default;
  • If a statement exceeds maximum line length, it MUST be split to separate lines.


$name = ($long_expression1 == $very_long_expression1 || $long_expression2 == $very_long_expression2)
           ? 'a'
           : 'b';

Null coalescing operator

  • Usage of null coalescing operator ?? is prohibited.

switch, case

  • break; can be omitted only for the default case.

Smaller switch example:

switch ($type) {
           case 1:
               // line 1
           case 2:
               // line 1
               // line 1

Larger switch example:

switch ($type) {
           case 1:
               // line 1
               // line 2
               // line 3
           case 2:
               // line 1
               // line 2
               // line 3
               // line 1
               // line 2
               // line 3
  • If there's a case label followed by code that falls through to another case label, comment MUST be present, confirming that it's intentional.


switch ($type) {
           case 1:
               // line 1
               // break; is not missing here
           case 2:
           case 3:
               // line 1
               // line 1
               // line 2
  • Curly braces are not used for case blocks.
  • break; MUST use one indentation.


// correct
       switch ($type) {
           case 1:
               // line 1
           case 2:
               // line 1
               // line 1
       // wrong
       switch ($type) {
           case 1:
               // line 1
           case 2: {
               // line 1
               // line 1

try, catch, finally


try {
           DB::insert('auditlog', [$values]);
           return true;
       catch (DBException $e) {
           // catch body
       finally {
           // finally body


  • Strict comparison MUST always be used for comparing strings.


// correct
       if ($string1 === $string2) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       if ($string1 == $string2) {
           // some logic here
  • Strict comparison MUST be used only when there is a reason to use it.


// correct - preg_match() method can return integer 0 or 1, or "false".
       if (preg_match(...) === 0) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong - both variables contains integers. There is no need for strict comparison.
       if ($length1 === $length2) {
           // some logic here
  • The "Equal" or "Not equal" operators MUST be used to compare numeric values to zero.


// correct
       if ($itemid != 0) {}
       // wrong
       if ($itemid) {}
  • Implicitly nullable parameters are not allowed.


// correct
       function (?int $itemid = null) {}
       // correct
       function (null|int $itemid = null) {}
       // wrong
       function (int $itemid = null) {}
  • To check an expression against null, the "Identical" operator MUST be used instead of the 'is_null()' function.
  • Nullsafe operator is not allowed. Make sure to check for null explicitly.


// correct
       if ($var === null) {
           // some logic here
       // correct
       $form = $this->hasForm() ? $this->getForm()->toString() : null;
       // wrong
       if (is_null($var)) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       $form = $this->getForm()?->toString();
  • For database ID comparison and large integers, bclib functions SHOULD be used. This will also normalize the IDs before the comparison (remove leading zeros).


// correct
       if (bccomp($data['proxyid'], $host['proxy_hostid']) == 0) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       if ($data['proxyid'] == $host['proxy_hostid']) {
           // some logic here
  • Function empty() MUST NOT be used.


if ($i == 0) {
           // some logic here
       if ($string === '') {
           // some logic here
       if ($array) {
           // some logic here




// single variable
       for ($i = 0; $i < $weeks; $i++) {
           $period_start = $start + SEC_PER_WEEK * $i;
       // multiple variables
       for ($x = $x1, $y = $y1; $x <= $x2; $x++, $y = $y1 + ($x - $x1) * $dy / $dx) {
           // some logic here
  • Calling count() in a for loop in PHP is slower than assigning the count to a variable and using that variable in the for loop instead.
// correct
       $cnt = count($array);
       for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) {
           // some logic here


  • Key variable in foreach loop MUST NOT be defined if not used.


$items = [0 => 'a', 1 => 'b', 2 => 'c'];
       foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
           // some logic here
       $items = [10001 => 'a', 10002 => 'b', 10003 => 'c'];
       foreach ($items as $itemid => $item) {
           // some logic here
  • If array elements are modified within the loop, precede the value with & instead of the array index. In the end of the loop, the variable SHOULD be unset. Avoid using assignment by reference when working with large arrays.


$arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 'b' => 5, 'a' => 6];
       // correct
       foreach ($arr as &$value) {
           $value = (int) $value * 2;
       // wrong
       foreach ($arr as $i => $value) {
           $arr[$i] = (int) $value * 2;
  • Array keys MUST NOT be modified while iterating arrays in foreach cycles. PHP does not guarantee the same result in such scenarios.


foreach ($eventids as $i => $eventid) {
           if ($eventid == 10150) {
       foreach ($eventids as $i => $eventid) {
           $eventids = array_flip($eventids);

while, do while


while ($item = DBfetch($db_items)) {
           // some logic here


do {
           echo $i--;
       while ($i > 0);



  • Single quotes SHOULD be used to define strings.
  • Variable substitution is not permitted in double-quoted strings.


// correct
       $a = 'Example String';
       // wrong
       $a = "Example $string";
  • If a concatenation with . (a dot) spans multiple lines, the dot is at the end of the previous line (not in the beginning of the next one).
  • Space (if required) is added at the beginning of the next rows.


// correct
       $sql = 'SELECT i.itemid'.
           ' FROM items i';
       // wrong
       $sql = 'SELECT i.itemid '
           .'FROM items i';
  • Translatable strings are not split into multiple lines.


// correct
       $error = _s('Graph "%1$s" already exists on "%2$s" (inherited from another template).');
       // wrong
       $error = _s('Graph "%1$s" already exists on "%2$s"'.
           ' (inherited from another template).'
  • %s MUST NOT be used even if there is one parameter.


// correct
       $error = _s('Invalid key "%1$s".', $item['_key']);
       // wrong
       $error = _s('Invalid key "%s".', $item['_key']);

Translatable strings

In order to make a string translatable in Zabbix you have to just wrap the original string in a function call:

$hello = _('Hello, dear user!');

New translatable strings are automatically parsed behind the scene and stored in /ui/locale directory.

To use string translations in preprocessed JavaScript files (.js.php files) PHP short tags MUST be used, and the json_encode will take care of correctly escaping the potential quotes in the actual translation.


const label = <?= json_encode(_('Trigger')); ?>;

To use string translations in global JavaScript files (.js files), the translations MUST be added to the $translate_strings array in /ui/jsLoader.php.


To put variables inside the string, you SHOULD use the Zabbix frontend _s() function:

_s('Hosts deleted: %1$s.', $hosts_deleted);

If more than one variable is inserted, variable placeholders MUST have order number.


_s('Item [%1$s] deleted from template [%2$s].', $item, $template);


The output from the previous example would be: "Hosts deleted: 8.". To make this string more human-readable, you can use the Zabbix frontend _n() function:

_n('Deleted %1$s host.', 'Deleted %1$s hosts.', $hosts_deleted);
"Deleted 1 host."
       "Deleted 8 hosts."

Even if the original text might not require any count for singular form, the number placeholder still MUST be used. For example, "Last %1$s issue" instead of just "Last issue". Omitting the number from the English version requires the translators to know that it MUST be added, and thus is error-prone.

Make sure both Singular and Plural strings have the same parameters used in them. Otherwise, translation file sync will be broken.

For information on plural strings in the po file, consult and

Disambiguation by context

Sometimes one term is used in several contexts and although it is one and the same word in English it has to be translated differently in other languages. For example, the word Post can be used both as a verb (Click here to post your comment) and as a noun (Edit this post). In such cases the _x() function SHOULD be used. It is similar to _s(), but it has an additional second argument - the context:

$column = _x('Change', 'noun in latest data');
       // some other place in the code
       $button = _x('Change', 'action button');

By using this method in both cases we will get the "Change" string for the original version, but the translators will see two "Change" strings for translation, each in the different contexts.

_xn() function is similar to _n() function except that it also supports context as the fourth parameter.

Both functions support the unlimited number of placeholders.


_x('Message for arg1 "%1$s" and arg2 "%2$s"', 'context', 'arg1Value', 'arg2Value');
       //returns: 'Message for arg1 "arg1Value" and arg2 "arg2Value"'
       _xn('%1$s message for arg1 "%2$s"', '%1$s messages for arg1 "%2$s"', 3, 'context', 'arg1Value');
       //returns: '3 messagges for arg1 "arg1Value"'


It's recommended to avoid using the context and gettext comments together for a particular string. But if the short context is not sufficiently descriptive, then the gettext comment is allowed. The reason is that Pootle, Virtaal tools have a minor disadvantage in using gettext comments (// GETTEXT:) together with the context. The gettext comment will replace information about source code lines where this string is used.

A very short context (in one word) is NOT RECOMMENDED, it's less clear and less noticeable in the translation tools. The recommended length is 2-3 words. It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use any punctuation for context string.

For example the code could be (a real approved usage):

$pagespan = new CSpan('< '._x('Previous', 'page navigation'), 'darklink');
       DOBJECT_STATUS_UP => _x('Up', 'discovery status'),
       new CCol(_x('Up', 'discovery results in dashboard')),
       $maintenance_status = new CSpan(_x('Active', 'maintenance status'), 'green');
       ['pow' => 3, 'short' => _x('G', 'Giga short'), 'long' => _('Giga')],

Date and time

Rather than using the built-in PHP locale switching features, which are not configured for very many languages on most hosts, Zabbix uses its internal translation module and gettext functions to accomplish date and time translations and formatting.

These are PHP date() formatting strings, and they allow you to change the formatting of the date and time for your locale.

Zabbix uses the translations elsewhere in the localization file for full and short textual representations of month names and weekday names. Format characters that will give translated representations are: D l F M. Description of returned values are the same as for PHP date() function.

This special string is to select which elements to include in the date & time, as well as the order in which they're presented.

Comments for translators

If a translatable string might benefit from clarification, a comment for translators SHOULD be added. Such comments SHOULD be prefixed with GETTEXT:, for example:

// GETTEXT: r is date format string as described in

This comment will be applied to the first found string in the source code after this comment.


  • There MUST be no trailing comma after the last element, even if it's defined on a separate line.
  • The values of non-associative arrays SHOULD be listed in-line.
  • If an array is defined on several lines, the closing parenthesis MUST be on a separate line.


// correct
       $data = [
           'username' => $username,
           'password' => $password,
           'email' => $email
       // wrong
       $data = [
           'username' => $username,
           'password' => $password,
           'email' => $email,
       // correct
       $data = [$username, $password, $email];
       // wrong
       $data = [
       // correct
       $trigger_options = [
           'output' => ['triggerid', 'expression', 'description', 'status',
               'value', 'priority'
           'monitored' => true,
           'preservekeys' => true
       // wrong
       $trigger_options = [
           'output' => ['triggerid', 'expression', 'description', 'status',
               'value', 'priority'],
           'monitored' => true,
           'preservekeys' => true];

Array merging

  • Merging of associative arrays SHOULD be done using the + operator due to better performance.


// correct
       $options += $default_options;
       // wrong
       $options = array_merge($default_options, $options);

Built-in array functions

  • It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use array_push().


// correct
       foreach ($hosts as $host) {
            $hostids[] = $host['hostid'];
       // wrong
       foreach ($hosts as $host) {
            array_push($hostids, $host['hostid']);
  • For better performance it is RECOMMENDED to use array_keys(array_flip()) instead of array_unique().


// correct
       $hostids = array_keys(array_flip($hostids));
       // wrong
       $hostids = array_unique($hostids);
  • For better performance a unique data (like IDs) SHOULD be stored as array keys instead of values.


// correct
       $hostids = [];
       foreach ($hosts as $host) {
           $hostids[$host['hostid']] = true;
       if (array_key_exists($hostid, $hostids)) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       $hostids = [];
       foreach ($hosts as $host) {
           $hostids[] = $host['hostid'];
       if (in_array($hostid, $hostids)) {
           // some logic here
  • For array keys, array_key_exists() MUST be used instead of isset().


// correct
       if (array_key_exists('name', $items)) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       if (isset($items['name'])) {
           // some logic here


  • The shorthand [] MUST be used for list().


$data = [
           ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Tom'],
           ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'Fred']
       // correct (single line)
       ['id' => $id, 'name' => $name] = $data[0];
       // correct (multiple lines)
           'id' => $id,
           'name' => $name
       ] = $data[0];
       // wrong
       list('id' => $id, 'name' => $name) = $data[0];
       // correct
       foreach ($data as ['id' => $id, 'name' => $name]) {
           // logic here with $id and $name
       // wrong
       foreach ($data as list('id' => $id, 'name' => $name)) {
           // logic here with $id and $name

Three dot operator

  • Arrays and Traversable objects MUST NOT be unpacked into argument lists when calling functions by using the ... operator.


// wrong
       function add($a, $b, $c) {
           return ($a + $b + $c);
       $operators = [2, 3];
       $result = add(1, ...$operators);


Function declaration

  • For function parameter definitions there is no trailing comma after the last element both for definitions on single and multiple lines.
  • If a function parameter definition spans multiple lines, closing parenthesis SHOULD be similar to if statement.


// correct
       public function __construct(array $options, CImportReferencer $referencer,
               CImportedObjectContainer $imported_object_container, CTriggerExpression $trigger_expression) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       public function __construct(array $options, CImportReferencer $referencer,
               CImportedObjectContainer $imported_object_container, CTriggerExpression $trigger_expression
           ) {
           // some logic here
  • Setting defaults for function parameters is discouraged, except when semantically justified.
  • Using named arguments is allowed, but it's recommended to evaluate whether function refactoring can eliminate their necessity.


// correct
       public function __construct(string $name, string $value, string $action, array $items) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       public function __construct(string $name = 'combobox', ?string $value, ?string $action, array $items = []) {
           // some logic here
       // correct
       public function setEnabled(bool $enabled = true) {
           // some logic here
  • Parameters, that do not fit into a single line SHOULD be written on a separate line:


// correct
       monitor_stuff($hostid, $itemid,
           'A long informative message that would not fit if written together with the other parameters'
       // correct
       monitor_stuff($hostid, $itemid, [
           'parameter' => 'value',
           'another_parameter' => 'value'
       // wrong
       monitor_stuff($hostid, $itemid, 'A long informative message that would not fit if written together with the other parameters');
  • The closing line containing the closing parenthesis of a function call MUST always be on the same indentation level as the opening line.


// correct
           'A pretty long message that contains the following parameters: "%1$s", "%2$s", "%3$s"',
           'parameter one',
           'parameter two',
           'parameter three'
       // wrong
           'A pretty long message that contains the following parameters: "%1$s", "%2$s", "%3$s"',
           'parameter one',
           'parameter two',
           'parameter three'));
  • Functions should not access superglobals even using hasRequest() and getRequest() functions, but accept them as parameters.


// correct
       function processItems(array $items): void {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       function processItems(): void {
           $items = getRequest('items');
           // more logic here

Return values

  • If the function receives a parameter and modifies it, it SHOULD be returned, not passed by reference. This SHOULD make the code easier to understand and prevent situations when a function modifies the array unexpectedly.


// correct
       function modifyValues(array $values): array {
           // some logic here
           // return the modified values
           return $values;
       // wrong
       function modifyValues(array &$values): void {
           // some logic here
  • Functions SHOULD return values early.


// good
       function foo(int $a, int $b): bool {
           if ($a == 0) {
               return false;
           // more logic here
           return true;
       // bad
       function foo(int $a, int $b): bool {
           if ($a == 0) {
               $result = false;
           // more logic here
           return $result;


  • The term "class" refers to all classes, interfaces, and traits.
  • Only one class is permitted in each PHP file.
  • Variables and methods inside classes MUST always declare their visibility by using one of the private, protected, or public modifiers. The var construct is not permitted.
  • Method chaining MUST be supported and used where applicable.


// single method
       $passwd_field = (new CPassBox('passwd'))->setWidth(ZBX_TEXTAREA_SMALL_WIDTH);
       // multiple methods
       $mediatype_form = (new CForm())
           ->addVar('form', 1);
       // multiple methods with submethods
           ->addRow(_('Type'), $row)
           ->addRow(_('SMTP server'),
               (new CTextBox('smtp_server', $data['smtp_server']))->setWidth(ZBX_TEXTAREA_STANDARD_WIDTH)
           ->addRow(_('SMTP email'), (new CTextBox('smtp_email', $data['smtp_email']))->setWidth(ZBX_TEXTAREA_STANDARD_WIDTH))
           ->addRow(_('Connection security'),
               (new CRadioButtonList('smtp_security', (int) $data['smtp_security']))
                   ->addValue(_('None'), SMTP_CONNECTION_SECURITY_NONE)
           ->addRow(_('SSL verify peer'), (new CCheckBox('smtp_verify_peer'))->setChecked($data['smtp_verify_peer']));
       // when parameters do not fit into one line, the closing parenthesis for the object is on a new line
       $delay_input = (new CNumericBox('delay_flex['.$i.'][delay]', $delay_flex['delay'], 5, $discovered_item, true,
       ))->setAttribute('placeholder', 50);


  • Constructor property promotion is not allowed.
// correct
       protected string $name;
       protected string $value;
       public function __construct(string $name, string $value = '') {
           $this->name = $name;
           $this->value = $value;
       // wrong
       public function __construct(protected string $name, protected string $value = '') {}

Method and function arguments

  • In the argument list, there MUST NOT be a space before each comma, and there MUST be one space after each comma.
  • When using the reference operator & before an argument, there MUST NOT be a space after it.
  • Since IDs are often stored as array keys, the type of which get automatically converted to int or string, ID arguments SHOULD NOT have any type specified.


public function functionName(int $arg1, int &$arg2, array $arg3 = []): void {
           // some logic here
  • When a return type declaration is present, there MUST be one space after the colon followed by the type declaration. The colon and declaration MUST be on the same line as the argument list closing parenthesis with no spaces between the two characters.


public function functionName(int $arg1, int $arg2): string {
           return 'foo';
       public function anotherFunction(string $arg1, string $arg2,
               int $arg3): string {
           return 'foo';
  • In nullable type declarations, there MUST NOT be a space between the question mark and the type.


public function functionName(?string $arg1, ?int &$arg2, ?array $arg3): ?string {
           return 'foo';

abstract, final, and static

  • When present, the abstract and final declarations MUST precede the visibility declaration.
  • When present, the static declaration MUST come after the visibility declaration.


abstract class ClassName {
           protected static $foo;
           abstract protected function methodName();
           final public static function anotherMethod() {
               // some logic here

Blank spaces

  • One blank space MUST be present after commas in argument lists.


// correct
       $a = [1, 2, 3];
       // wrong
       $a = [1,2,3];
       // correct
       function updateHostStatus(array $hostids, int $status) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       function updateHostStatus(array $hostids,int $status) {
           // some logic here
  • No blank spaces in a conditional statement after the opening and before the closing parenthesis.


// correct
       if ($this->parseConstant()) {
           $constant = end($this->constants);
       // wrong
       if ( $this->parseConstant() ) {
           $constant = end($this->constants);
  • The increment/decrement operators MUST NOT have any space between the operator and operand.


  • Type casting operators MUST NOT have any space within the parentheses.


$int_value = (int) $input;


// correct
       if (hasRequest('action') && getRequest('action') === 'add') {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       if (hasRequest('action')&&getRequest('action') === 'add') {
           // some logic here
       // correct
       for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++) {
           // some logic here
       // correct
       function updateHostStatus(array $hostids, int $status) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       function updateHostStatus(array $hostids, int $status){
           // some logic here
       // correct
       function updateHostStatus(array $hostids, int $status) {
           // some logic here
       // wrong
       function updateHostStatus (array $hostids, int $status) {
           // some logic here

Blank lines

  • Blank line SHOULD appear before block comments.
  • One blank line after class declaration.
  • One blank line after method definition in class.
  • Two blank lines after license comment.


  • License comments SHOULD NOT be minified (comment with /*!).
  • Double slashes are only used for simple comments.
  • Full sentence comments are preferred over simple comments.
  • Readable and self-explaining code is preferred over the comments.


// simple comment
  • Full sentence in a comment starts with a capital letter and ends with a dot.


// This is a full sentence comment.
  • If a comment pertains to the whole block between { and }, it SHOULD be written on a separate line at the top of the block followed by a blank line.


if (!$this->error) {
           // Initializing local variables.
           $this->is_valid = true;
           $this->pos = 0;
  • Block comments can be used with the first letter being capital.


        * New block comment.
  • Full words SHOULD be used in comments instead of shortened versions - for example, "parameter" instead of "param".
  • Multiline comments MUST use "block comment" syntax.


        * After {$ there was something else. This is not a valid macro. Reset and look for macros
        * in the rest of the string.
  • Standalone term "ID" and its plural form "IDs" MUST be written with capital "ID".


// Collect IDs.


  • All public functions, methods, and properties SHOULD have a PHPDoc comment with a brief description of its purpose and interface.
  • Private functions, methods, and properties, while exempt from PHPDoc comments, MUST be named in a self-explanatory manner, ensuring clear understanding of their purpose within the codebase.
  • Tag descriptions MUST be aligned using spaces and tags belonging to one group SHOULD be separated by a single line to improve readability.
  • If the function doesn't return a value @return is not needed.
  • For more than two types it's better to combine types using the pipe char instead of mixed.
  • It is better to write @throws after parameters.
  • Methods and functions marked as @deprecated MUST NOT be used for new code.

Example :

<?php declare(strict_types = 0);
        * Performs a cool magic trick.
        * @param FairyDust $fairy_dust    The FairyDust object to use in the trick.
        * @param array     $magic_stones  An array of magic stones.
        * @param int       $stones_limit  Limit of magic stones.
        * @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
        * @return int|null
       function performMagic(FairyDust $fairy_dust, array $magic_stones, int $stones_limit): ?int {
           // some logic here
  • Additional parameter '@see' can be used. It SHOULD be written after the description and before the parameters.


<?php declare(strict_types = 0);
        * Performs a cool magic trick.
        * @see MyClass::__constructor()
        * @param FairyDust $fairy_dust    The FairyDust object to use in the trick.
        * @param array     $magic_stones  An array of magic stones.
        * @param int       $stones_limit  Limit of magic stones.
        * @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
       public static function performMagic(FairyDust $fairy_dust, array $magic_stones, int $stones_limit): void {
           // some logic here
  • Class properties SHOULD have a PHPDoc comment with @var parameter and property type.


        * IP address range with maximum amount of IP addresses.
        * @var string
       private $max_ip_range;

File includes

For file include require_once is used. require_once raises a fatal error if the file is not found. The path MUST be relative to the directory of the current file.


// correct
       require_once __DIR__.'/include/';
       // wrong
       require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/include/';
       // wrong
       require_once 'include/';

Using PHP in HTML or JavaScript

  • When using PHP in HTML or JavaScript code the alternative control structure syntax MUST be used.
  • Do not generate dynamic JavaScript code using PHP. Instead, move the logic directly into the JavaScript code.


<!-- correct -->
           <?php if ($list): ?>
               <?php foreach ($list as $element): ?>
                   <li><?= $li ?></li>
               <?php endforeach ?>
           <?php endif ?>
       <!-- wrong -->
           <?php if ($list) { ?>
               <?php foreach ($list as $element) { ?>
                   <li><?php echo $li ?></li>
               <?php } ?>
           <?php } ?>
// correct
       var is_profile = <?= $this->data['is_profile'] ?>;
       if (is_profile) {
           document.addEventListener('load', () => {
               fields_to_trim.push('#alias', '#name', '#surname');
       // wrong
       <?php if ($data['is_profile']): ?>
           document.addEventListener('load', () => {
               fields_to_trim.push('#alias', '#name', '#surname');
       <?php endif ?>

Data escaping

  • The unsafe data must be correctly escaped for output in HTML and JavaScript to prevent XSS attacks.
  • To output unsafe data directly into an HTML context, usage of CTag class or its descendants like CDiv, CSpan, CLink and others is RECOMMENDED, as the CTag class will take care of correctly escaping the data.


// correct
       (new CDiv($data['unsafe_content']))->show();
       // wrong
       <div><?= $data['unsafe_content'] ?></div>
  • To output unsafe data without wrapping it into an HTML tag, CHtml::encode() method MUST be used. This approach is only allowed if there is no possibility to make use of CTag class or its descendants like CDiv, CSpan, CLink and others.


// correct
       <?= CHtml::encode($data['unsafe_content']) ?>
       // wrong
       <?= $data['unsafe_content'] ?>
       // wrong
       <div><?= CHtml::encode($data['unsafe_content']) ?></div>
  • To encode the unsafe data into HTML attributes, the CTag::setAttribute() method MUST be used for each data string.


// correct
       (new CDiv())
           ->setAttribute('data-unsafe-string', $data['unsafe_string'])
       // wrong
       <div data-unsafe-string="<?= $data['unsafe_string'] ?>"></div>
       // wrong
       <div data-unsafe-string="<?= CHtml::encode($data['unsafe_string']) ?>"></div>
  • To encode array of unsafe data into a single HTML attribute, the data MUST first be JSON encoded and then the CTag::setAttribute() method MUST be used for the encoded JSON string.


// correct
       (new CDiv())
           ->setAttribute('data-unsafe-array', json_encode($data['unsafe_array']))
  • Multiple escaping layers or partial escaping of HTML attributes MUST NOT be ever used for HTML output.


// correct
       (new CDiv())
           ->setAttribute('data-unsafe-string', $data['unsafe_string'])
           ->setAttribute('onclick', 'alert(this.dataset.unsafeString);')
       // wrong
       (new CDiv())
           ->setAttribute('onclick', 'alert("'.$data['unsafe_string'].'");')
       // wrong
       (new CDiv())
           ->setAttribute('onclick', 'alert("'.CHtml::encode($data['unsafe_string']).'");')
  • The PHP data SHOULD NOT be directly accessed by the JavaScript code. Instead, the PHP should initialize the JavaScript code by JSON-encoding the necessary data as function parameters.


// correct
       (new CScriptTag('
               'unsafe_string' => $data['unsafe_string',
               'unsafe_array' => $data['unsafe_array']
// correct
       const view = new class {
           init({unsafe_string, unsafe_array}) {
  • Translatable strings MUST also be encoded because they can contain special characters like ampersands or quotes.
// correct
       console.log(<?= json_encode(_('Triggers')) ?>);

Using the API

  • API_OUTPUT_EXTEND MUST never be used when performing get requests since it will request unnecessary data and may result in poor performance. Pass an array of specific fields instead.
  • API get() method options SHOULD be sorted in the following order:
    • output (only the fields that will be used in the following code MUST be specified) or countOutput
    • groupCount (is only used together with countOutput)
    • additional table fields, for example, selectItems
    • IDs, for example hostids
    • flags (skipDependent, monitored, editable etc.)
    • filter
    • search
    • sortfield
    • sortorder
    • limit
    • preservekeys


$triggers = API::Trigger()->get([
           'output' => ['triggerid', 'description'],
           'selectItems' => ['itemid', 'name'],
           'selectLastEvent' => ['acknowledged'],
           'hostids' => $hostids,
           'skipDependent' => true,
           'monitored' => true,
           'editable' => true,
           'filter' => ['state' => null],
           'sortfield' => ['priority'],
           'sortorder' => ZBX_SORT_UP,
           'limit' => 1,
           'preservekeys' => true

Input field limits

All input fields in the frontend are limited according to what the receiving database field length limit is. API does input length validation the same way.

For example:

  • IP input fields are limited to 39 characters (to accommodate IPv6 addresses and user macros).
  • DNS input fields are limited to 64 characters.
  • Port input fields are limited to 64 characters (to accommodate user macros).

Handling incorrect user input

If the user input is incorrect (text for a numeric value, too large number, incorrect symbols used, etc.), it is never trimmed, discarded, or modified - all user input is preserved as-is.

API development rules

  • API method chaining should not be used, because it would simply not work correctly.
// correct
       $groupids = API::HostGroup()->get([]);
           'groupids' => $groupids
       // wrong
           'groupids' => API::HostGroup()->get([])
  • $sql_parts['limit'] vs $options['limit'] : limit should be validated. If API method has API validation and limit is validated as part of it, no additional validation is required and $options['limit'] SHOULD be used. Otherwise we should use the following code sample.
// limit
       if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
           $sql_parts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
  • API_ALLOW_NULL flag SHOULD often be used in validation in api.get methods (make sure to check it's usage in similar fields in existing APIs). This flag SHOULD NOT be used in api.create and api.update methods, where validation should be more strict.
  • All $sql_parts SHOULD be initialized in beginning of api.get method (don't omit unused ones). limit SHOULD be omitted, if $options['limit'] will be used as in rule above.
$sql_parts = [
           'select'    => ['dashboard' => 'd.dashboardid'],
           'from'      => ['dashboard' => 'dashboard d'],
           'where'     => [],
           'order'     => [],
           'group'     => [],
           'limit'     => null
  • api.get SHOULD NOT return primary key in its objects, if it was not requested in output.
  • If possible, API validation rules SHOULD be formatted as a single block without separation into variables or functions.
  • api.create and api.update methods should return ids in wrapper object.
    return ['dashboardids' => $dashboardids];
  • API_NOT_EMPTY flag was not implemented for API_OBJECT validation on purpose. If an object has no required fields, it MAY be empty.
  • createRelationMap() and related methods SHOULDN'T be used. Instead fetch each row from select separately and put the data, where needed.
// correct
       $groupPrototypes = DBFetchArrayAssoc(DBselect('...'), 'group_prototypeid');
       foreach ($result as $id => $host) {
           $result[$id]['groupPrototypes'] = [];
       $query = DBselect(
           'SELECT ...'.
           ' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('group_prototypeid', array_keys($groupPrototypes))
       while ($groupPrototype = DBFetch($query)) {
           $result[$groupPrototype['hostid']]['groupPrototypes'][] = $groupPrototype;
       // wrong
       $groupPrototypes = DBFetchArray(DBselect('...'));
       $relationMap = $this->createRelationMap($groupPrototypes, 'hostid', 'group_prototypeid');
       $groupPrototypes = API::getApiService()->select('group_prototype', [
           'group_prototypeids' => $relationMap->getRelatedIds(),
       $result = $relationMap->mapMany($result, $groupPrototypes, 'groupPrototypes');
  • Functions DBstart() and DBend() are useful in controllers to revert changes from multiple API requests if later one fails. But there is no need to use these functions for just one API call, as an API call uses them itself.
// correct
       $result = API::HostGroup()->update([
           'groupid' => $groupid,
           'name' => $name
       if ($result) {
         $result = API::HostGroup()->propagate([
           'groups' => ['groupid' => $groupid],
           'permissions' => true
       $result = DBend($result);
       $result = API::HostGroup()->create(['name' => $name]);
       $result = DBend($result);