6 Web interface installation

This section provides step-by-step instructions for installing Zabbix web interface. Zabbix frontend is written in PHP, so to run it a PHP supported webserver is needed.

You can find out more about setting up SSL for Zabbix frontend by referring to these best practices.

Welcome screen

Open Zabbix frontend URL in the browser. If you have installed Zabbix from packages, the URL is:

  • for Apache: http://<server_ip_or_name>/zabbix
  • for Nginx: http://<server_ip_or_name>

You should see the first screen of the frontend installation wizard.

Use the Default language drop-down menu to change system default language and continue the installation process in the selected language (optional). For more information, see Installation of additional frontend languages.

Note that setting the language to English (en_US) will also enable the US time/date format in the frontend.

Check of pre-requisites

Make sure that all Zabbix frontend mandatory pre-requisites are met.

Pre-requisite Minimum value Description
PHP version 8.0.0
PHP option "memory_limit" 128MB In php.ini: memory_limit = 128M
PHP option "post_max_size" 16MB In php.ini: post_max_size = 16M
PHP option "upload_max_filesize" 2MB In php.ini: upload_max_filesize = 2M
PHP option "max_execution_time" 300 seconds In php.ini: max_execution_time = 300 (values 0 and -1 are also allowed)
PHP option "max_input_time" 300 seconds In php.ini: max_input_time = 300 (values 0 and -1 are also allowed)
PHP databases support One of: MySQL, PostgreSQL See Requirements for the list of all mandatory and optional PHP extensions. Note that failed optional pre-requisites are displayed with a red Warning status, and the setup process can proceed even if they are not met.
PHP bcmath must be enabled
PHP mbstring must be enabled
PHP option "mbstring.func_overload" must be disabled In php.ini: mbstring.func_overload = 0
PHP option "session.auto_start" must be disabled In php.ini: session.auto_start = 0
PHP option "arg_separator.output" & In php.ini: arg_separator.output = "&" (value "&amp;" is also allowed)

If the Apache user or user group needs to be changed, verify the permissions to the session folder; otherwise, Zabbix setup may be unable to continue.

Configure DB connection

Enter details for connecting to the database. Zabbix database must already be created.

If the Database TLS encryption option is checked, then additional fields for configuring the TLS connection to the database appear in the form (MySQL or PostgreSQL only).

If Store credentials in is set to HashiCorp Vault or CyberArk Vault, additional parameters will become available:

  • for HashiCorp Vault: Vault API endpoint, vault prefix, secret path, and authentication token;

  • for CyberArk Vault: Vault API endpoint, vault prefix, secret query string, and certificates. Upon marking Vault certificates checkbox, two new fields for specifying paths to SSL certificate file and SSL key file will appear.


Entering a name for Zabbix server is optional, however, if submitted, it will be displayed in the menu bar and page titles.

Set the default time zone and theme for the frontend.

Pre-installation summary

Review a summary of settings.


If installing Zabbix from sources, download the configuration file and place it under conf/ in the webserver HTML documents subdirectory where you copied Zabbix PHP files to.

Providing the webserver user has write access to conf/ directory the configuration file would be saved automatically and it would be possible to proceed to the next step right away.

Finish the installation.

Log in

Zabbix frontend is ready! The default user name is Admin, password zabbix.

Proceed to getting started with Zabbix.

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