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14 Hostnavigator


Deze parameters en de mogelijke eigenschapswaarden voor de respectievelijke dashboardwidgetveldobjecten maken het mogelijk om de widget Host navigator te configureren in de methoden dashboard.create en dashboard.update.

Widget fields-eigenschappen worden niet gevalideerd tijdens het maken of bijwerken van een dashboard. Hierdoor kunnen gebruikers ingebouwde widgets wijzigen en aangepaste widgets maken, maar dit brengt ook het risico met zich mee dat widgets onjuist worden gemaakt of bijgewerkt. Om de succesvolle creatie of update van de widget Host navigator te garanderen, raadpleegt u het parametergedrag dat in de onderstaande tabellen wordt beschreven.


The following parameters are supported for the Host navigator widget.

Parameter type name value
Refresh interval 0 rf_rate 0 - No refresh;
10 - 10 seconds;
30 - 30 seconds;
60 - (default) 1 minute;
120 - 2 minutes;
600 - 10 minutes;
900 - 15 minutes.
Host groups 2 groupids.0 Host group ID.

Note: To configure multiple host groups, create a dashboard widget field object for each host group with an incremented number in the property name.

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.
Hosts 1 hosts.0 Host name or pattern.

Note: To configure multiple hosts, create a dashboard widget field object for each host with an incremented number in the property name. For multiple hosts, the parameter Host groups must either be not configured at all or configured with at least one host group that the configured hosts belong to.

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.
Host status 0 status -1 - (default) Any;
0 - Enabled;
1 - Disabled.

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.
Host tags
Evaluation type 0 host_tags_evaltype 0 - (default) And/Or;
2 - Or.

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.
Tag name 1 host_tags.0.tag Any string value.

Note: The number in the property name references tag order in the tag evaluation list.

Parameter behavior:
- required if configuring Host tags

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.
Operator 0 host_tags.0.operator 0 - Contains;
1 - Equals;
2 - Does not contain;
3 - Does not equal;
4 - Exists;
5 - Does not exist.

Note: The number in the property name references tag order in the tag evaluation list.

Parameter behavior:
- required if configuring Host tags

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.
Tag value 1 host_tags.0.value Any string value.

Note: The number in the property name references tag order in the tag evaluation list.

Parameter behavior:
- required if configuring Host tags

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.
Severity 0 severities.0 0 - Not classified;
1 - Information;
2 - Warning;
3 - Average;
4 - High;
5 - Disaster.

Default: empty; all enabled.

Note: To configure multiple values, create a dashboard widget field object for each value with an incremented number in the property name.
Show hosts in maintenance 0 maintenance 0 - (default) Disabled;
1 - Enabled.
Show problems 0 show_problems 0 - All;
1 - (default) Unsuppressed;
2 - None.
Group by
Attribute 0 group_by.0.attribute 0 - Host group;
1 - Tag value;
2 - Severity.

Note: The number in the property name references attribute order in the grouping attribute list.

Parameter behavior:
- required if configuring Group by
Value 1 group_by.0.tag_name Any string value.

Note: The number in the property name references attribute order in the grouping attribute list.

Parameter behavior:
- required if configuring Group by and Attribute is set to "Tag value"
Host limit 0 show_lines Possible values range from 1-9999.

Default: 100.

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.
Reference 1 reference Any string value consisting of 5 characters (e.g., ABCDE or JBPNL). This value must be unique within the dashboard to which the widget belongs.

Parameter behavior:
- required


De volgende voorbeelden zijn bedoeld om alleen de configuratie van de dashboardwidgetveldobjecten voor de Host navigator-widget te beschrijven. Voor meer informatie over het configureren van een dashboard, zie dashboard.create.

Configuring a Host navigator widget

Configure a Host navigator widget that displays hosts grouped by their host group and, then, by the "City" tag value.


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "dashboard.create",
           "params": {
               "name": "My dashboard",
               "display_period": "30",
               "auto_start": "1",
               "pages": [
                       "widgets": [
                               "type": "hostnavigator",
                               "name": "Host navigator",
                               "x": "0",
                               "y": "0",
                               "width": "4",
                               "height": "5",
                               "view_mode": "0",
                               "fields": [
                                       "type": 2,
                                       "name": "groupids.0",
                                       "value": 2
                                       "type": 2,
                                       "name": "groupids.1",
                                       "value": 4
                                       "type": 0,
                                       "name": "group_by.0.attribute",
                                       "value": 0
                                       "type": 0,
                                       "name": "group_by.1.attribute",
                                       "value": 1
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "group_by.1.tag_name",
                                       "value": "City"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "reference",
                                       "value": "SWKLB"
               "userGroups": [
                       "usrgrpid": 7,
                       "permission": 2
               "users": [
                       "userid": 1,
                       "permission": 3
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": {
               "dashboardids": [
           "id": 1

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