Host object

The following objects are directly related to the host API.


The host object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
hostid ID ID of the host.

Property behavior:
- read-only
- required for update operations
host string Technical name of the host.

Property behavior:
- required for create operations
description text Description of the host.
flags integer Origin of the host.

Possible values:
0 - a plain host;
4 - a discovered host.

Property behavior:
- read-only
inventory_mode integer Host inventory population mode.

Possible values:
-1 - (default) disabled;
0 - manual;
1 - automatic.
ipmi_authtype integer IPMI authentication algorithm.

Possible values:
-1 - (default) default;
0 - none;
1 - MD2;
2 - MD5
4 - straight;
5 - OEM;
6 - RMCP+.
ipmi_password string IPMI password.
ipmi_privilege integer IPMI privilege level.

Possible values:
1 - callback;
2 - (default) user;
3 - operator;
4 - admin;
5 - OEM.
ipmi_username string IPMI username.
maintenance_from timestamp Starting time of the effective maintenance.

Property behavior:
- read-only
maintenance_status integer Effective maintenance status.

Possible values:
0 - (default) no maintenance;
1 - maintenance in effect.

Property behavior:
- read-only
maintenance_type integer Effective maintenance type.

Possible values:
0 - (default) maintenance with data collection;
1 - maintenance without data collection.

Property behavior:
- read-only
maintenanceid ID ID of the maintenance that is currently in effect on the host.

Property behavior:
- read-only
name string Visible name of the host.

Default: host property value.
monitored_by integer Source that is used to monitor the host.

Possible values:
0 - (default) Zabbix server;
1 - Proxy;
2 - Proxy group.
proxyid ID ID of the proxy that is used to monitor the host.

Property behavior:
- required if monitored_by is set to "Proxy"
proxy_groupid ID ID of the proxy group that is used to monitor the host.

Property behavior:
- required if monitored_by is set to "Proxy group"
status integer Status and function of the host.

Possible values:
0 - (default) monitored host;
1 - unmonitored host.
tls_connect integer Connections to host.

Possible values:
1 - (default) No encryption;
2 - PSK;
4 - certificate.
tls_accept integer Connections from host.
This is a bitmask field, any combination of possible bitmap values is acceptable.

Possible bitmap values:
1 - (default) No encryption;
2 - PSK;
4 - certificate.
tls_issuer string Certificate issuer.
tls_subject string Certificate subject.
tls_psk_identity string PSK identity; must be paired with only one PSK (across autoregistration, hosts, and proxies).

Do not include sensitive information in the PSK identity, as it is sent unencrypted over the network to inform the receiver which PSK to use.

Property behavior:
- write-only
- required if tls_connect is set to "PSK", or tls_accept contains the "PSK" bit
tls_psk string Pre-shared key (PSK); must be at least 32 hex digits.

Property behavior:
- write-only
- required if tls_connect is set to "PSK", or tls_accept contains the "PSK" bit
active_available integer Host active interface availability status.

Possible values:
0 - interface status is unknown;
1 - interface is available;
2 - interface is not available.

Property behavior:
- read-only
assigned_proxyid ID ID of the proxy assigned by Zabbix server, if the host is monitored by a proxy group.

Property behavior:
- read-only

Host inventory

The host inventory object has the following properties.

Each property has it's own unique ID number, which is used to associate host inventory fields with items.

ID Property Type Description Maximum length
4 alias string Alias. 128 characters
11 asset_tag string Asset tag. 64 characters
28 chassis string Chassis. 64 characters
23 contact string Contact person. Depends on the database used:
- 65535 characters for SQL databases
- 2048 characters for Oracle databases
32 contract_number string Contract number. 64 characters
47 date_hw_decomm string HW decommissioning date. 64 characters
46 date_hw_expiry string HW maintenance expiry date. 64 characters
45 date_hw_install string HW installation date. 64 characters
44 date_hw_purchase string HW purchase date. 64 characters
34 deployment_status string Deployment status. 64 characters
14 hardware string Hardware. 255 characters
15 hardware_full string Detailed hardware. Depends on the database used:
- 65535 characters for SQL databases
- 2048 characters for Oracle databases
39 host_netmask string Host subnet mask. 39 characters
38 host_networks string Host networks. Depends on the database used:
- 65535 characters for SQL databases
- 2048 characters for Oracle databases
40 host_router string Host router. 39 characters
30 hw_arch string HW architecture. 32 characters
33 installer_name string Installer name. 64 characters
24 location string Location. Depends on the database used:
- 65535 characters for SQL databases
- 2048 characters for Oracle databases
25 location_lat string Location latitude. 16 characters
26 location_lon string Location longitude. 16 characters
12 macaddress_a string MAC address A. 64 characters
13 macaddress_b string MAC address B. 64 characters
29 model string Model. 64 characters
3 name string Name. 128 characters
27 notes string Notes. Depends on the database used:
- 65535 characters for SQL databases
- 2048 characters for Oracle databases
41 oob_ip string OOB IP address. 39 characters
42 oob_netmask string OOB host subnet mask. 39 characters
43 oob_router string OOB router. 39 characters
5 os string OS name. 128 characters
6 os_full string Detailed OS name. 255 characters
7 os_short string Short OS name. 128 characters
61 poc_1_cell string Primary POC mobile number. 64 characters
58 poc_1_email string Primary email. 128 characters
57 poc_1_name string Primary POC name. 128 characters
63 poc_1_notes string Primary POC notes. Depends on the database used:
- 65535 characters for SQL databases
- 2048 characters for Oracle databases
59 poc_1_phone_a string Primary POC phone A. 64 characters
60 poc_1_phone_b string Primary POC phone B. 64 characters
62 poc_1_screen string Primary POC screen name. 64 characters
68 poc_2_cell string Secondary POC mobile number. 64 characters
65 poc_2_email string Secondary POC email. 128 characters
64 poc_2_name string Secondary POC name. 128 characters
70 poc_2_notes string Secondary POC notes. Depends on the database used:
- 65535 characters for SQL databases
- 2048 characters for Oracle databases
66 poc_2_phone_a string Secondary POC phone A. 64 characters
67 poc_2_phone_b string Secondary POC phone B. 64 characters
69 poc_2_screen string Secondary POC screen name. 64 characters
8 serialno_a string Serial number A. 64 characters
9 serialno_b string Serial number B. 64 characters
48 site_address_a string Site address A. 128 characters
49 site_address_b string Site address B. 128 characters
50 site_address_c string Site address C. 128 characters
51 site_city string Site city. 128 characters
53 site_country string Site country. 64 characters
56 site_notes string Site notes. Depends on the database used:
- 65535 characters for SQL databases
- 2048 characters for Oracle databases
55 site_rack string Site rack location. 128 characters
52 site_state string Site state. 64 characters
54 site_zip string Site ZIP/postal code. 64 characters
16 software string Software. 255 characters
18 software_app_a string Software application A. 64 characters
19 software_app_b string Software application B. 64 characters
20 software_app_c string Software application C. 64 characters
21 software_app_d string Software application D. 64 characters
22 software_app_e string Software application E. 64 characters
17 software_full string Software details. Depends on the database used:
- 65535 characters for SQL databases
- 2048 characters for Oracle databases
10 tag string Tag. 64 characters
1 type string Type. 64 characters
2 type_full string Type details. 64 characters
35 url_a string URL A. 2048 characters
36 url_b string URL B. 2048 characters
37 url_c string URL C. 2048 characters
31 vendor string Vendor. 64 characters

Host tag

The host tag object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
tag string Host tag name.

Property behavior:
- required
value string Host tag value.
automatic integer Type of host tag.

Possible values:
0 - (default) manual (tag created by user);
1 - automatic (tag created by low-level discovery)