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10 Upgrade notes for 7.4.0

These notes are for upgrading from Zabbix 7.2.x to Zabbix 7.4.0.

All notes are grouped into:

  • Breaking changes - changes that may break existing installations and other critical information related to the upgrade process
  • Other - all remaining information describing the changes in Zabbix functionality

See also:

  • Upgrade procedure for all relevant information about upgrading from versions before Zabbix 7.4.0;
  • Upgrading HA cluster for instructions on upgrading servers in a high-availability (HA) cluster.

Upgrade process

To complete a successful Zabbix server upgrade on MySQL/MariaDB, you may require to set GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1 in MySQL if binary logging is enabled, there are no superuser privileges and log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1 is not set in MySQL configuration file.

To set the variable using the MySQL console, run:

mysql> SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1;

Once the upgrade has been successfully completed, this option can be disabled:

mysql> SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 0;

Breaking changes

PCRE library dropped

The PCRE (or PCRE1) library has been dropped. Zabbix is now compiled with PCRE2.

Escaping of backslashes in history function parameters

Proper escaping of backslashes has been added in history function string parameters since Zabbix 7.0.0.

As additional backslashes are added during the upgrade from pre-7.0 Zabbix versions, this leads to longer parameters which may result in broken trigger functions if the parameter length exceeds the maximum data size of 255 characters.

To avoid this problem it is suggested to manually move long parameters into user macros before the upgrade.

Additional checks for the resulting parameter length have been added for upgrades from pre-7.0 Zabbix versions. If the resulting length exceeds the maximum size, such parameters are not upgraded while printing a warning in the logs asking users to fix the listed parameters manually.

See also escaping-related upgrade issues.

MSSQL Zabbix agent 2 plugin update

The template MSSQL by Zabbix agent 2 has been updated with filters to include or exclude discovered quorum members by name as well as a service filter that allows filtering by cluster name to exclude empty clusters. To have the template work without errors, the MSSQL Zabbix agent 2 plugin must be updated to a version equal to or above 7.4.0.


Managing history cache

In some data collection scenarios, specific items can temporarily block the server/proxy history cache. This may delay writing history data to the database and slow down the system. To help manage the history cache, the following improvements have been introduced:

  • Manual cache clearing: The new history_cache_clear=target runtime command for Zabbix server/proxy allows you to manually clear the history cache for a specific item by its ID.
  • Automatic cache clearing: When you disable an item, it is immediately removed from the history cache (except for its last value, which is kept for logs). Similarly, when you disable a host, all its items are removed from the history cache (except for their last values).
  • Cache diagnostics logging: When the history cache is full, Zabbix server/proxy now logs history cache diagnostic information starting from DebugLevel=3 (previously DebugLevel=4). The log contains items with the most values in the history cache.

For long-term system stability, make sure that data collection is balanced with available resources (database performance, cache size, collection intervals, log item parameters, etc.). You can monitor Zabbix history cache using the zabbix[wcache] internal item. You can also consider increasing the size of the history cache for Zabbix server/proxy.

Separate menu section for user notifications

For better visibility of user media, user notifications now have their own menu section under User settings.

The new Notifications section contains two tabs - Media and Frontend notifications, which previously were part of the user profile section.

Correct information from nested host groups in maps

Information from nested host groups is now correctly displayed in maps, for example:

  • Host group label now displays the problem summary from all hosts in nested host groups;
  • "Host group elements" view now displays a separate map element for each host in the nested host groups;
  • Map label now displays summary of all problems contained in nested host groups.

Database table for settings converted

The settings table now replaces the config table for storing global configuration parameters. The new table uses a key-value format instead of storing parameters in a single row with a column per parameter. For an example of how this affects data exchange, see Server-proxy data exchange protocol ("settings" object).