Report object

The following objects are directly related to the report API.


The report object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
reportid ID ID of the report.

Property behavior:
- read-only
- required for update operations
userid ID ID of the user who created the report.

Property behavior:
- required for create operations
name string Unique name of the report.

Property behavior:
- required for create operations
dashboardid ID ID of the dashboard that the report is based on.

Property behavior:
- required for create operations
period integer Period for which the report will be prepared.

Possible values:
0 - (default) previous day;
1 - previous week;
2 - previous month;
3 - previous year.
cycle integer Period repeating schedule.

Possible values:
0 - (default) daily;
1 - weekly;
2 - monthly;
3 - yearly.
start_time integer Time of the day, in seconds, when the report will be prepared for sending.

Default: 0.
weekdays integer Days of the week for sending the report.

Possible bitmap values:
1 - Monday;
2 - Tuesday;
4 - Wednesday;
8 - Thursday;
16 - Friday;
32 - Saturday;
64 - Sunday.

This is a bitmask field; any sum of possible bitmap values is acceptable (for example, 21 for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).

Default: 0.

Property behavior:
- required if cycle is set to "weekly".
active_since string On which date to start.

Possible values:
empty string - (default) not specified (stored as 0);
specific date in YYYY-MM-DD format (stored as a timestamp of the beginning of a day (00:00:00)).
active_till string On which date to end.

Possible values:
empty string - (default) not specified (stored as 0);
specific date in YYYY-MM-DD format (stored as a timestamp of the end of a day (23:59:59)).
subject string Report message subject.
message string Report message text.
status integer Whether the report is enabled or disabled.

Possible values:
0 - Disabled;
1 - (default) Enabled.
description text Description of the report.
state integer State of the report.

Possible values:
0 - (default) report was not yet processed;
1 - report was generated and successfully sent to all recipients;
2 - report generating failed; "info" contains error information;
3 - report was generated, but sending to some (or all) recipients failed; "info" contains error information.

Property behavior:
- read-only
lastsent timestamp Unix timestamp of the last successfully sent report.

Property behavior:
- read-only
info string Error description or additional information.

Property behavior:
- read-only


The users object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
userid ID ID of user to send the report to.

Property behavior:
- required
access_userid ID ID of user on whose behalf the report will be generated.

0 - (default) Generate report by recipient.
exclude integer Whether to exclude the user from mailing list.

Possible values:
0 - (default) Include;
1 - Exclude.

User groups

The user groups object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
usrgrpid ID ID of user group to send the report to.

Property behavior:
- required
access_userid ID ID of user on whose behalf the report will be generated.

0 - (default) Generate report by recipient.
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