13 Upgrade notes for 7.0.2

Zabbix 7.0.2 is not released yet.

Breaking changes

Binary data history converted to hypertable on TimescaleDB

The history_bin table has been converted to hypertable on TimescaleDB to benefit from automatic partitioning on time (1 day by default) and better performance.

To successfully upgrade existing installations:

  1. Start Zabbix server; this will upgrade the existing database.
  2. Check the server log file that the database upgrade has been successful; if so, stop Zabbix server and proceed to the next step.
  3. Run the postgresql/timescaledb/schema.sql script (since Zabbix 7.0.0, the script's location and name has been changed from postgresql/timescaledb.sql to postgresql/timescaledb/schema.sql). Note that Zabbix server will log a warning if started without running this script.

See also: