2 Zabbix proxy


The parameters supported by the Zabbix proxy configuration file (zabbix_proxy.conf) are listed in this section.

The parameters are listed without additional information. Click on the parameter to see the full details.

Parameter Description
AllowRoot Allow the proxy to run as 'root'.
AllowUnsupportedDBVersions Allow the proxy to work with unsupported database versions.
CacheSize The size of the configuration cache.
ConfigFrequency This parameter is deprecated (use ProxyConfigFrequency instead).
How often the proxy retrieves configuration data from Zabbix server in seconds.
DataSenderFrequency The proxy will send collected data to the server every N seconds.
DBHost The database host name.
DBName The database name or path to the database file for SQLite3.
DBPassword The database password.
DBPort The database port when not using local socket.
DBSchema The database schema name. Used for PostgreSQL.
DBSocket The path to the MySQL socket file.
DBUser The database user.
DBTLSConnect Setting this option to the specified value enforces to use a TLS connection to the database.
DBTLSCAFile The full pathname of a file containing the top-level CA(s) certificates for database certificate verification.
DBTLSCertFile The full pathname of a file containing the Zabbix proxy certificate for authenticating to database.
DBTLSKeyFile The full pathname of a file containing the private key for authenticating to database.
DBTLSCipher The list of encryption ciphers that Zabbix proxy permits for TLS protocols up through TLS v1.2. Supported only for MySQL.
DBTLSCipher13 The list of encryption ciphersuites that Zabbix proxy permits for the TLS v1.3 protocol. Supported only for MySQL, starting from version 8.0.16.
DebugLevel The debug level.
EnableRemoteCommands Whether remote commands from Zabbix server are allowed.
ExternalScripts The location of external scripts.
Fping6Location The location of fping6.
FpingLocation The location of fping.
HistoryCacheSize The size of the history cache.
HistoryIndexCacheSize The size of the history index cache.
Hostname A unique, case sensitive proxy name.
HostnameItem The item used for setting Hostname if it is undefined.
HousekeepingFrequency How often Zabbix will perform the housekeeping procedure in hours.
Include You may include individual files or all files in a directory in the configuration file.
JavaGateway The IP address (or hostname) of Zabbix Java gateway.
JavaGatewayPort The port that Zabbix Java gateway listens on.
ListenBacklog The maximum number of pending connections in the TCP queue.
ListenIP A list of comma-delimited IP addresses that the trapper should listen on.
ListenPort The listen port for trapper.
LoadModule The module to load at proxy startup.
LoadModulePath The full path to the location of proxy modules.
LogFile The name of the log file.
LogFileSize The maximum size of the log file.
LogRemoteCommands Enable logging of executed shell commands as warnings.
LogSlowQueries How long a database query may take before being logged.
LogType The type of the log output.
MaxConcurrentChecksPerPoller The maximum number of asynchronous checks that can be executed at once by each HTTP agent poller, agent poller or SNMP poller.
PidFile The name of the PID file.
ProxyBufferMode Specifies history, discovery and autoregistration data storage mechanism (disk/memory/hybrid).
ProxyConfigFrequency How often the proxy retrieves configuration data from Zabbix server in seconds.
ProxyLocalBuffer The proxy will keep data locally for N hours, even if the data have already been synced with the server.
ProxyMemoryBufferAge The maximum age of data in proxy memory buffer in seconds.
ProxyMemoryBufferSize The size of shared memory cache for collected history, discovery and auto registration data.
ProxyMode The proxy operating mode (active/passive).
ProxyOfflineBuffer The proxy will keep data for N hours in case of no connectivity with Zabbix server.
Server If ProxyMode is set to active mode: Zabbix server IP address or DNS name (address:port) or cluster (address:port;address2:port) to get configuration data from and send data to.
If ProxyMode is set to passive mode: List of comma delimited IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation, or DNS names of Zabbix server.
SNMPTrapperFile The temporary file used for passing data from the SNMP trap daemon to the proxy.
SocketDir The directory to store the IPC sockets used by internal Zabbix services.
SourceIP The source IP address.
SSHKeyLocation The location of public and private keys for SSH checks and actions.
SSLCertLocation The location of SSL client certificate files for client authentication.
SSLKeyLocation The location of SSL private key files for client authentication.
SSLCALocation Override the location of certificate authority (CA) files for SSL server certificate verification.
StartAgentPollers The number of pre-forked instances of asynchronous Zabbix agent pollers.
StartBrowserPollers The number of pre-forked instances of browser item pollers.
StartDBSyncers The number of pre-forked instances of history syncers.
StartDiscoverers The number of pre-forked instances of discovery workers.
StartHTTPAgentPollers The number of pre-forked instances of asynchronous HTTP agent pollers.
StartHTTPPollers The number of pre-forked instances of HTTP pollers.
StartIPMIPollers The number of pre-forked instances of IPMI pollers.
StartJavaPollers The number of pre-forked instances of Java pollers.
StartODBCPollers The number of pre-forked instances of ODBC pollers.
StartPingers The number of pre-forked instances of ICMP pingers.
StartPollersUnreachable The number of pre-forked instances of pollers for unreachable hosts (including IPMI and Java).
StartPollers The number of pre-forked instances of pollers.
StartPreprocessors The number of pre-started instances of preprocessing workers.
StartSNMPPollers The number of pre-forked instances of asynchronous SNMP pollers.
StartSNMPTrapper If set to 1, an SNMP trapper process will be started.
StartTrappers The number of pre-forked instances of trappers.
StartVMwareCollectors The number of pre-forked VMware collector instances.
StatsAllowedIP A list of comma-delimited IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation, or DNS names of external Zabbix instances. The stats request will be accepted only from the addresses listed here.
Timeout Specifies how long to wait for connection to server, agent, Zabbix web service, or SNMP checks (except SNMP walk[OID] and get[OID] items), in seconds.
TLSAccept What incoming connections to accept from Zabbix server.
TLSCAFile The full pathname of a file containing the top-level CA(s) certificates for peer certificate verification, used for encrypted communications between Zabbix components.
TLSCertFile The full pathname of a file containing the server certificate or certificate chain, used for encrypted communications between Zabbix components.
TLSCipherAll The GnuTLS priority string or OpenSSL (TLS 1.2) cipher string. Override the default ciphersuite selection criteria for certificate- and PSK-based encryption.
TLSCipherAll13 The cipher string for OpenSSL 1.1.1 or newer in TLS 1.3. Override the default ciphersuite selection criteria for certificate- and PSK-based encryption.
TLSCipherCert The GnuTLS priority string or OpenSSL (TLS 1.2) cipher string. Override the default ciphersuite selection criteria for certificate-based encryption.
TLSCipherCert13 The cipher string for OpenSSL 1.1.1 or newer in TLS 1.3. Override the default ciphersuite selection criteria for certificate-based encryption.
TLSCipherPSK The GnuTLS priority string or OpenSSL (TLS 1.2) cipher string. Override the default ciphersuite selection criteria for PSK-based encryption.
TLSCipherPSK13 The cipher string for OpenSSL 1.1.1 or newer in TLS 1.3. Override the default ciphersuite selection criteria for PSK-based encryption.
TLSConnect How the proxy should connect to Zabbix server.
TLSCRLFile The full pathname of a file containing revoked certificates. This parameter is used for encrypted communications between Zabbix components.
TLSKeyFile The full pathname of a file containing the proxy private key, used for encrypted communications between Zabbix components.
TLSPSKFile The full pathname of a file containing the proxy pre-shared key, used for encrypted communications with Zabbix server.
TLSPSKIdentity The pre-shared key identity string, used for encrypted communications with Zabbix server.
TLSServerCertIssuer The allowed server certificate issuer.
TLSServerCertSubject The allowed server certificate subject.
TmpDir The temporary directory.
TrapperTimeout How many seconds the trapper may spend processing new data.
UnavailableDelay How often a host is checked for availability during the unavailability period.
UnreachableDelay How often a host is checked for availability during the unreachability period.
UnreachablePeriod After how many seconds of unreachability treat the host as unavailable.
User Drop privileges to a specific, existing user on the system.
Vault The vault provider.
VaultDBPath The location, from where database credentials should be retrieved by keys.
VaultPrefix Custom prefix for the vault path or query.
VaultTLSCertFile The name of the SSL certificate file used for client authentication.
VaultTLSKeyFile The name of the SSL private key file used for client authentication.
VaultToken The HashiCorp vault authentication token.
VaultURL The vault server HTTP[S] URL.
VMwareCacheSize The shared memory size for storing VMware data.
VMwareFrequency The delay in seconds between data gathering from a single VMware service.
VMwarePerfFrequency The delay in seconds between performance counter statistics retrieval from a single VMware service.
VMwareTimeout The maximum number of seconds a vmware collector will wait for a response from VMware service.
WebDriverURL WebDriver interface HTTP[S] URL.

All parameters are non-mandatory unless explicitly stated that the parameter is mandatory.

Note that:

  • The default values reflect daemon defaults, not the values in the shipped configuration files;
  • Zabbix supports configuration files only in UTF-8 encoding without BOM;
  • Comments starting with "#" are only supported in the beginning of the line.

Parameter details


Allow the proxy to run as 'root'. If disabled and the proxy is started by 'root', the proxy will try to switch to the 'zabbix' user instead. Has no effect if started under a regular user.

Default: 0
Values: 0 - do not allow; 1 - allow


Allow the proxy to work with unsupported database versions.

Default: 0
Values: 0 - do not allow; 1 - allow


The size of the configuration cache, in bytes. The shared memory size for storing host and item data.

Default: 32M
Range: 128K-64G


This parameter is deprecated (use ProxyConfigFrequency instead).
How often the proxy retrieves configuration data from Zabbix server in seconds.
Active proxy parameter. Ignored for passive proxies (see ProxyMode parameter).

Default: 3600
Range: 1-604800


The proxy will send collected data to the server every N seconds. Note that an active proxy will still poll Zabbix server every second for remote command tasks.
Active proxy parameter. Ignored for passive proxies (see ProxyMode parameter).

Default: 1
Range: 1-3600


The database host name.
With MySQL localhost or empty string results in using a socket. With PostgreSQL only empty string results in attempt to use socket. With Oracle empty string results in using the Net Service Name connection method; in this case consider using the TNS_ADMIN environment variable to specify the directory of the tnsnames.ora file.

Default: localhost


The database name or path to the database file for SQLite3 (the multi-process architecture of Zabbix does not allow to use in-memory database, e.g. :memory:, file::memory:?cache=shared or file:memdb1?mode=memory&cache=shared).
Warning: Do not attempt to use the same database the Zabbix server is using.
With Oracle, if the Net Service Name connection method is used, specify the service name from tnsnames.ora or set to empty string; set the TWO_TASK environment variable if DBName is set to empty string.

Mandatory: Yes


The database password. Comment this line if no password is used. Ignored for SQLite.


The database port when not using local socket. Ignored for SQLite.
With Oracle, if the Net Service Name connection method is used, this parameter will be ignored; the port number from the tnsnames.ora file will be used instead.

Range: 1024-65535


The database schema name. Used for PostgreSQL.


The path to the MySQL socket file.
The database port when not using local socket. Ignored for SQLite.

Default: 3306


The database user. Ignored for SQLite.


Setting this option enforces to use TLS connection to the database:
required - connect using TLS
verify_ca - connect using TLS and verify certificate
verify_full - connect using TLS, verify certificate and verify that database identity specified by DBHost matches its certificate
On MySQL starting from 5.7.11 and PostgreSQL the following values are supported: "required", "verify", "verify_full".
On MariaDB starting from version 10.2.6 "required" and "verify_full" values are supported.
By default not set to any option and the behavior depends on database configuration.


The full pathname of a file containing the top-level CA(s) certificates for database certificate verification.

Mandatory: no (yes, if DBTLSConnect set to verify_ca or verify_full)


The full pathname of a file containing the Zabbix proxy certificate for authenticating to database.


The full pathname of a file containing the private key for authenticating to the database.


The list of encryption ciphers that Zabbix proxy permits for TLS protocols up through TLS v1.2. Supported only for MySQL.


The list of encryption ciphersuites that Zabbix proxy permits for the TLS v1.3 protocol. Supported only for MySQL, starting from version 8.0.16.


Specify the debug level:
0 - basic information about starting and stopping of Zabbix processes
1 - critical information;
2 - error information;
3 - warnings;
4 - for debugging (produces lots of information);
5 - extended debugging (produces even more information).

Default: 3
Range: 0-5


Whether remote commands from Zabbix server are allowed.

Default: 0
Values: 0 - not allowed; 1 - allowed


The location of external scripts (depends on the datadir compile-time installation variable).

Default: /usr/local/share/zabbix/externalscripts


The location of fping6. Make sure that the fping6 binary has root ownership and the SUID flag set. Make empty ("Fping6Location=") if your fping utility is capable to process IPv6 addresses.

Default: /usr/sbin/fping6


The location of fping. Make sure that the fping binary has root ownership and the SUID flag set.

Default: /usr/sbin/fping


The size of the history cache, in bytes. The shared memory size for storing history data.

Default: 16M
Range: 128K-2G


The size of the history index cache, in bytes. The shared memory size for indexing the history data stored in history cache. The index cache size needs roughly 100 bytes to cache one item.

Default: 4M
Range: 128K-2G


A unique, case sensitive proxy name. Make sure the proxy name is known to the server.
Allowed characters: alphanumeric, '.', ' ', '_' and '-'. Maximum length: 128

Default: Set by HostnameItem


The item used for setting Hostname if it is undefined (this will be run on the proxy similarly as on an agent). Ignored if Hostname is set.
Does not support UserParameters, performance counters or aliases, but does support system.run[].

Default: system.hostname


How often Zabbix will perform housekeeping procedure (in hours). Housekeeping is removing outdated information from the database.
Note: To lower load on proxy startup housekeeping is postponed for 30 minutes after proxy start. Thus, if HousekeepingFrequency is 1, the very first housekeeping procedure after proxy start will run after 30 minutes, and will repeat every hour thereafter.
It is possible to disable automatic housekeeping by setting HousekeepingFrequency to 0. In this case the housekeeping procedure can only be started by housekeeper_execute runtime control option.

Default: 1
Range: 0-24


You may include individual files or all files in a directory in the configuration file.
To only include relevant files in the specified directory, the asterisk wildcard character is supported for pattern matching.
See special notes about limitations.



The IP address (or hostname) of Zabbix Java gateway. Only required if Java pollers are started.


The port that Zabbix Java gateway listens on.

Default: 10052
Range: 1024-32767


The maximum number of pending connections in the TCP queue.
The default value is a hard-coded constant, which depends on the system.
The maximum supported value depends on the system, too high values may be silently truncated to the 'implementation-specified maximum'.

Range: 0 - INT_MAX


A list of comma-delimited IP addresses that the trapper should listen on.
Trapper will listen on all network interfaces if this parameter is missing.



The listen port for trapper.

Default: 10051
Range: 1024-32767


The module to load at proxy startup. Modules are used to extend the functionality of the proxy. The module must be located in the directory specified by LoadModulePath or the path must precede the module name. If the preceding path is absolute (starts with '/') then LoadModulePath is ignored.
It is allowed to include multiple LoadModule parameters.


The full path to the location of proxy modules. The default depends on compilation options.


The name of the log file.

Mandatory: Yes, if LogType is set to file; otherwise no


The maximum size of a log file in MB.
0 - disable automatic log rotation.
Note: If the log file size limit is reached and file rotation fails, for whatever reason, the existing log file is truncated and started anew.

Default: 1
Range: 0-1024


Enable the logging of executed shell commands as warnings.

Default: 0
Values: 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled


The type of the log output:
file - write log to the file specified by LogFile parameter;
system - write log to syslog;
console - write log to standard output.

Default: file


How long a database query may take before being logged (in milliseconds).
0 - don't log slow queries.
This option becomes enabled starting with DebugLevel=3.

Default: 0
Range: 0-3600000


The maximum number of asynchronous checks that can be executed at once by each HTTP agent poller, agent poller or SNMP poller. See StartHTTPAgentPollers, StartAgentPollers, and StartSNMPPollers.

Default: 1000
Range: 1-1000


The name of the PID file.

Default: /tmp/zabbix_proxy.pid


Specifies history, network discovery and autoregistration data storage mechanism: disk - data are stored in database and uploaded from database; memory - data are stored in memory and uploaded from memory. If buffer runs out of memory the old data will be discarded. On shutdown the buffer is discarded. hybrid - the proxy buffer normally works like in the memory mode until it runs out of memory or the oldest record exceeds the configured age. If that happens the buffer is flushed to database and it works like in disk mode until all data have been uploaded and it starts working with memory again. On shutdown the memory buffer is flushed to database.

See also: Proxy memory buffer.

Default: disk
Values: disk; memory; hybrid


How often the proxy retrieves configuration data from Zabbix server in seconds.
Active proxy parameter. Ignored for passive proxies (see ProxyMode parameter).

Default: 10
Range: 1-604800


The proxy will keep data locally for N hours, even if the data have already been synced with the server.
This parameter may be used if local data will be used by third-party applications.

Default: 0
Range: 0-720


The maximum age of data in proxy memory buffer, in seconds. When enabled (not zero) and records in proxy memory buffer are older, then it forces proxy buffer to switch to database mode until all records are uploaded to server. This parameter must be less or equal to ProxyOfflineBuffer parameter.

Default: 0
Range: 0;600-864000


The size of shared memory cache for collected history, discovery and autoregistration data, in bytes. If enabled (not zero) proxy will keep history discovery and autoregistration data in memory unless cache is full or stored records are older than defined ProxyMemoryBufferAge. This parameter cannot be used together with ProxyLocalBuffer parameter.

Default: 0
Range: 0;128K-2G


The proxy operating mode.
0 - proxy in the active mode
1 - proxy in the passive mode
Note that (sensitive) proxy configuration data may become available to parties having access to the Zabbix server trapper port when using an active proxy. This is possible because anyone may pretend to be an active proxy and request configuration data; authentication does not take place.

Default: 0
Range: 0-1


The proxy will keep data for N hours in case of no connectivity with Zabbix server.
Older data will be lost.

Default: 1
Range: 1-720


If ProxyMode is set to active mode:
Zabbix server IP address or DNS name (address:port) or cluster (address:port;address2:port) to get configuration data from and send data to.
If port is not specified, the default port is used.
Cluster nodes must be separated by a semicolon.

If ProxyMode is set to passive mode:
List of comma delimited IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation, or DNS names of Zabbix server. Incoming connections will be accepted only from the addresses listed here. If IPv6 support is enabled then '', '::', '::ffff:' are treated equally.
'::/0' will allow any IPv4 or IPv6 address. '' can be used to allow any IPv4 address.



Mandatory: yes


A temporary file used for passing data from the SNMP trap daemon to the proxy.
Must be the same as in zabbix_trap_receiver.pl or SNMPTT configuration file.

Default: /tmp/zabbix_traps.tmp


The directory to store IPC sockets used by internal Zabbix services.

Default: /tmp


The source IP address for:
- outgoing connections to Zabbix server;
- agentless connections (VMware, SSH, JMX, SNMP, Telnet and simple checks);
- HTTP agent connections;
- script item JavaScript HTTP requests;
- preprocessing JavaScript HTTP requests;
- connections to the Vault


The location of public and private keys for SSH checks and actions.


The location of SSL client certificate files for client authentication.
This parameter is used in web monitoring only.


The location of SSL private key files for client authentication.
This parameter is used in web monitoring only.


The location of certificate authority (CA) files for SSL server certificate verification.
Note that the value of this parameter will be set as the CURLOPT_CAPATH libcurl option. For libcurl versions before 7.42.0, this only has effect if libcurl was compiled to use OpenSSL. For more information see the cURL web page.
This parameter is used in web monitoring and in SMTP authentication.


The number of pre-forked instances of Zabbix agent pollers. See MaxConcurrentChecksPerPoller.

Default: 1
Range: 0-1000


The number of pre-forked instances of browser item pollers.

Default: 1
Range: 0-1000


The number of pre-forked instances of history syncers.
Note: Be careful when changing this value, increasing it may do more harm than good.

Default: 4
Range: 1-100


The number of pre-forked instances of discovery workers.

Default: 5
Range: 0-1000


The number of pre-forked instances of HTTP agent pollers. See MaxConcurrentChecksPerPoller.

Default: 1
Range: 0-1000


The number of pre-forked instances of HTTP pollers.

Default: 1 | Range: 0-1000


The number of pre-forked instances of IPMI pollers.

Default: 0
Range: 0-1000


The number of pre-forked instances of Java pollers.

Default: 0
Range: 0-1000


The number of pre-forked instances of ODBC pollers.

Default: 1
Range: 0-1000


The number of pre-forked instances of ICMP pingers.

Default: 1
Range: 0-1000


The number of pre-forked instances of pollers for unreachable hosts (including IPMI and Java). At least one poller for unreachable hosts must be running if regular, IPMI or Java pollers are started.

Default: 1
Range: 0-1000


The number of pre-forked instances of pollers.

Default: 5
Range: 0-1000


The number of pre-started instances of preprocessing workers.

Default: 3
Range: 1-1000


The number of pre-forked instances of SNMP pollers. See MaxConcurrentChecksPerPoller.

Default: 1
Range: 0-1000


If set to 1, an SNMP trapper process will be started.

Default: 0
Range: 0-1


The number of pre-forked instances of trappers.
Trappers accept incoming connections from Zabbix sender and active agents.

Default: 5
Range: 0-1000


The number of pre-forked VMware collector instances.

Default: 0
Range: 0-250


A list of comma-delimited IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation, or DNS names of external Zabbix instances. The stats request will be accepted only from the addresses listed here. If this parameter is not set no stats requests will be accepted.
If IPv6 support is enabled then '', '::', '::ffff:' are treated equally and '::/0' will allow any IPv4 or IPv6 address. '' can be used to allow any IPv4 address.



Specifies how long to wait for connection to server, agent, Zabbix web service, or SNMP checks (except SNMP walk[OID] and get[OID] items), in seconds.

Default: 3
Range: 1-30


What incoming connections to accept from Zabbix server. Used for a passive proxy, ignored on an active proxy. Multiple values can be specified, separated by comma:
unencrypted - accept connections without encryption (default)
psk - accept connections with TLS and a pre-shared key (PSK)
cert - accept connections with TLS and a certificate

Mandatory: yes for passive proxy, if TLS certificate or PSK parameters are defined (even for unencrypted connection); otherwise no


The full pathname of a file containing the top-level CA(s) certificates for peer certificate verification, used for encrypted communications between Zabbix components.


The full pathname of a file containing the proxy certificate or certificate chain, used for encrypted communications between Zabbix components.


The GnuTLS priority string or OpenSSL (TLS 1.2) cipher string. Override the default ciphersuite selection criteria for certificate- and PSK-based encryption.



The cipher string for OpenSSL 1.1.1 or newer in TLS 1.3. Override the default ciphersuite selection criteria for certificate- and PSK-based encryption.

Example for GnuTLS:


Example for OpenSSL:


The GnuTLS priority string or OpenSSL (TLS 1.2) cipher string. Override the default ciphersuite selection criteria for certificate-based encryption.

Example for GnuTLS:


Example for OpenSSL:


The cipher string for OpenSSL 1.1.1 or newer in TLS 1.3. Override the default ciphersuite selection criteria for certificate-based encryption.


The GnuTLS priority string or OpenSSL (TLS 1.2) cipher string. Override the default ciphersuite selection criteria for PSK-based encryption.

Example for GnuTLS:


Example for OpenSSL:


The cipher string for OpenSSL 1.1.1 or newer in TLS 1.3. Override the default ciphersuite selection criteria for PSK-based encryption.



How the proxy should connect to Zabbix server. Used for an active proxy, ignored on a passive proxy. Only one value can be specified:
unencrypted - connect without encryption (default)
psk - connect using TLS and a pre-shared key (PSK)
cert - connect using TLS and a certificate

Mandatory: yes for active proxy, if TLS certificate or PSK parameters are defined (even for unencrypted connection); otherwise no


The full pathname of a file containing revoked certificates. This parameter is used for encrypted communications between Zabbix components.


The full pathname of a file containing the proxy private key, used for encrypted communications between Zabbix components.


The full pathname of a file containing the proxy pre-shared key, used for encrypted communications with Zabbix server.


The pre-shared key identity string, used for encrypted communications with Zabbix server.


The allowed server certificate issuer.


The allowed server certificate subject.


The temporary directory.

Default: /tmp


How many seconds the trapper may spend processing new data.

Default: 300
Range: 1-300


How often a host is checked for availability during the unavailability period in seconds.

Default: 60
Range: 1-3600


How often a host is checked for availability during the unreachability period in seconds.

Default: 15
Range: 1-3600


After how many seconds of unreachability treat a host as unavailable.

Default: 45
Range: 1-3600


Drop privileges to a specific, existing user on the system.
Only has effect if run as 'root' and AllowRoot is disabled.

Default: zabbix


The vault provider:
HashiCorp - HashiCorp KV Secrets Engine version 2
CyberArk - CyberArk Central Credential Provider
Must match the vault provider set in the frontend.

Default: HashiCorp


The location from where database credentials should be retrieved by keys. Depending on the vault, can be vault path or query.
The keys used for HashiCorp are 'password' and 'username'.



The keys used for CyberArk are 'Content' and 'UserName'.



This option can only be used if DBUser and DBPassword are not specified.


A custom prefix for the vault path or query, depending on the vault; if not specified, the most suitable defaults will be used.


The name of the SSL certificate file used for client authentication. The certificate file must be in PEM1 format.
If the certificate file contains also the private key, leave the SSL key file field empty.
The directory containing this file is specified by the SSLCertLocation configuration parameter.
This option can be omitted, but is recommended for CyberArkCCP vault.


The name of the SSL private key file used for client authentication. The private key file must be in PEM1 format.
The directory containing this file is specified by the SSLKeyLocation configuration parameter.
This option can be omitted, but is recommended for CyberArkCCP vault.


The HashiCorp vault authentication token that should have been generated exclusively for Zabbix proxy with read-only permission to the path specified in the optional VaultDBPath configuration parameter.
It is an error if VaultToken and the VAULT_TOKEN environment variable are defined at the same time.

Mandatory: Yes, if Vault is set to HashiCorp; otherwise no


The vault server HTTP[S] URL. The system-wide CA certificates directory will be used if SSLCALocation is not specified.



The shared memory size for storing VMware data.
A VMware internal check zabbix[vmware,buffer,...] can be used to monitor the VMware cache usage (see Internal checks).
Note that shared memory is not allocated if there are no vmware collector instances configured to start.

Default: 8M
Range: 256K-2G


The delay in seconds between data gathering from a single VMware service.
This delay should be set to the least update interval of any VMware monitoring item.

Default: 60
Range: 10-86400


The delay in seconds between performance counter statistics retrieval from a single VMware service.
This delay should be set to the least update interval of any VMware monitoring item that uses VMware performance counters.

Default: 60
Range: 10-86400


The maximum number of seconds a vmware collector will wait for a response from VMware service (vCenter or ESX hypervisor).

Default: 10
Range: 1-300


WebDriver interface HTTP[S] URL.

Example (used with Selenium WebDriver standalone server):
