Table of Contents

Proxy object

The following objects are directly related to the proxy API.


The proxy object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
proxyid ID ID of the proxy.

Property behavior:
- read-only
- required for update operations
name string Name of the proxy.

Property behavior:
- required for create operations
proxy_groupid ID ID of the proxy group.

0 - proxy is not assigned to any proxy group.
local_address string Address for active agents. IP address or DNS name to connect to.

Property behavior:
- required if proxy_groupid is not 0
local_port string Local proxy port number to connect to.

User macros are supported.

Default: 10051.

Property behavior:
- supported if proxy_groupid is not 0
operating_mode integer Type of proxy.

Possible values:
0 - active proxy;
1 - passive proxy.

Property behavior:
- required for create operations
description text Description of the proxy.
lastaccess timestamp Time when the proxy last connected to the server.

Property behavior:
- read-only
address string IP address or DNS name to connect to.

User macros are supported.

Property behavior:
- required if the Zabbix proxy operating mode is passive
port string Port number to connect to.

User macros are supported.

Default: 10051.

Property behavior:
- supported if the Zabbix proxy operating mode is passive
allowed_addresses string Comma-delimited IP addresses or DNS names of active Zabbix proxy.
tls_connect integer Connections to host.

Possible values:
1 - (default) No encryption;
2 - PSK;
4 - certificate.
tls_accept integer Connections from host.
This is a bitmask field, any combination of possible bitmap values is acceptable.

Possible bitmap values:
1 - (default) No encryption;
2 - PSK;
4 - certificate.
tls_issuer string Certificate issuer.
tls_subject string Certificate subject.
tls_psk_identity string PSK identity; must be paired with only one PSK (across autoregistration, hosts, and proxies).

Do not include sensitive information in the PSK identity, as it is sent unencrypted over the network to inform the receiver which PSK to use.

Property behavior:
- write-only
- required if tls_connect is set to "PSK", or tls_accept contains the "PSK" bit
tls_psk string Pre-shared key (PSK); must be at least 32 hex digits.

Property behavior:
- write-only
- required if tls_connect is set to "PSK", or tls_accept contains the "PSK" bit
custom_timeouts integer Whether to override global item timeouts on the proxy level.

Possible values:
0 - (default) use global settings;
1 - override timeouts.
timeout_zabbix_agent string Spend no more than timeout_* seconds on processing.
Accepts seconds or time unit with suffix (e.g., 30s, 1m). Also accepts user macros.

Possible values range: 1-600s.

Default: "".

Property behavior:
- required if custom_timeouts is set to 1.
version integer Version of proxy.

Three-part Zabbix version number, where two decimal digits are used for each part, e.g., 60401 for version 6.4.1, 70002 for version 7.0.2, etc.
0 - Unknown proxy version.

Property behavior:
- read-only
compatibility integer Version of proxy compared to Zabbix server version.

Possible values:
0 - Undefined;
1 - Current version (proxy and server have the same major version);
2 - Outdated version (proxy version is older than server version, but is partially supported);
3 - Unsupported version (proxy version is older than server previous LTS release version or server major version is older than proxy major version).

Property behavior:
- read-only
state integer State of the proxy.

Possible values:
0 - Unknown;
1 - Offline;
2 - Online.

Property behavior:
- read-only