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9 Wijzigingen in sjablonen

Op deze pagina worden alle wijzigingen in de standaardsjablonen vermeld die met Zabbix worden meegeleverd.

Let op: het upgraden naar de nieuwste versie van Zabbix zal de sjablonen die worden gebruikt niet automatisch upgraden. Het wordt aanbevolen om de sjablonen in bestaande installaties te wijzigen door:

  • De nieuwste sjablonen te downloaden vanuit de Zabbix Git-repository;
  • Vervolgens kunt u ze handmatig in Zabbix importeren via GegevensverzamelingSjablonen. Als sjablonen met dezelfde namen al bestaan, moet de optie Ontbrekende verwijderen worden aangevinkt bij het importeren om een schone import te bereiken. Op deze manier worden de oude items die niet meer in het bijgewerkte sjabloon staan, verwijderd (let op dat dit betekent dat u de geschiedenis van deze oude items verliest).

Changes in 7.0.0

New templates

  • Website by Browser template has been added for monitoring complex websites and web applications.

Updated templates

Changes in 7.0.1

New templates

Updated templates

The templates Zabbix server health, Remote Zabbix server health, Zabbix proxy health, and Remote Zabbix proxy health have been updated for improved visual representation by transferring item data visualizations from graphs to dashboard widgets and regrouping the displayed metrics.

Changes in 7.0.2

New templates

Changes in 7.0.4

New templates

Updated templates

The templates within the VMware and VMware FQDN template sets have been updated and supplemented with several improvements including the following:

  • new LLD rules "VMware overall health discovery" and "VMware alarm discovery", as well as new dashboards for all VMware templates;
  • new items about network statistics - as part of the VMware Hypervisor template;
  • new items for getting information about snapshots and triggers for free disk space, as well as an update for the trigger “VM has been restarted” - as part of the VMware Guest template.

Changes in 7.0.5

New templates

Updated templates

  • In all APC templates, the discovery rule for external defective battery packs has been supplemented with a filter to avoid creating unsupported items.
  • In the templates MSSQL by Zabbix agent 2 and MSSQL by ODBC, a timeout has been added and certain item keys have been adjusted to increase monitoring stability.

Changes in 7.0.6

New templates

  • Nutanix Prism Element by HTTP, a template set that also includes the templates Nutanix Cluster Prism Element by HTTP and Nutanix Host Prism Element by HTTP.

Updated templates

The template VMware Hypervisor within the VMware and VMware FQDN template sets has been updated with the option to be used as a standalone template.

Changes in 7.0.7

Updated templates

  • All templates have been updated to reintroduce trigger name prefixes that were removed in Zabbix 7.0.0.

Changes in 7.0.8

New templates

Changes in 7.0.10

New templates

A new template is available:

  • The Azure by HTTP template set has been supplemented with the template Azure SQL Managed Instance by HTTP.

Updated templates

  • All Dell HTTP and SNMP templates have been updated with improvements, including fixes for items, macros, and scripts.