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5 Actions


In the Configuration → Actions section users can configure and maintain actions.

The actions displayed are actions assigned to the selected event source (trigger, service, discovery, autoregistration, internal actions).

Actions are grouped into subsections by event source (trigger, service, discovery, autoregistration, internal actions). The list of available subsections appears upon pressing on Actions in the Configuration menu section. It is also possible to switch between subsections by using a title dropdown in the top left corner.

Third-level menu. Title dropdown.

After selecting a subsection, a page with a list of existing actions with their details will be displayed.

For users without Super admin rights actions are displayed according to permission settings. That means in some cases a user without Super admin rights isn’t able to view the complete action list because of certain permission restrictions. An action is displayed to the user without Super admin rights if the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • The user has read-write access to host groups, hosts, templates, and triggers in action conditions
  • The user has read-write access to host groups, hosts, and templates in action operations, recovery operations, and update operations
  • The user has read access to user groups and users in action operations, recovery operations, and update operations

Displayed data:

Column Description
Name Name of the action. Clicking on the action name opens the action configuration form.
Conditions Action conditions are displayed.
Operations Action operations are displayed.
Since Zabbix 2.2, the operation list also displays the media type (e-mail, SMS or script) used for notification as well as the name and surname (in parentheses after the username) of a notification recipient.
Action operation can both be a notification or a remote command depending on the selected type of operation.
Status Action status is displayed - Enabled or Disabled.
By clicking on the status you can change it.
See the Escalations section for more details as to what happens if an action is disabled during an escalation in progress.

To configure a new action, click on the Create action button in the top right-hand corner.

Mass editing options

Buttons below the list offer some mass-editing options:

  • Enable - change the action status to Enabled
  • Disable - change the action status to Disabled
  • Delete - delete the actions

To use these options, mark the checkboxes before the respective actions, then click on the required button.

Using filter

You can use the filter to display only the actions you are interested in. For better search performance, data is searched with macros unresolved.

The Filter link is available above the list of actions. If you click on it, a filter becomes available where you can filter actions by name and status.