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2 User macros supported by location


User-definable macros are supported in the following locations:

  • Hosts
    • Interface IP/DNS
    • Interface port
  • Passive proxy
    • Interface port
  • Items and item prototypes
    • Name (since Zabbix 1.8.4)
    • Key parameters
    • Update interval (since Zabbix 3.4)
    • Custom intervals (since Zabbix 3.4)
    • History storage period (since Zabbix 3.4)
    • Trend storage period (since Zabbix 3.4)
    • SNMPv3 context name
    • SNMPv3 security name
    • SNMPv3 auth pass
    • SNMPv3 priv pass
    • SNMPv1/v2 community
    • SNMP OID
    • SNMP port
    • SSH username
    • SSH public key
    • SSH private key
    • SSH password
    • SSH script (since Zabbix 2.0.3)
    • Telnet username
    • Telnet password
    • Telnet script (since Zabbix 2.0.3)
    • Calculated item formula
    • Trapper item "Allowed hosts" field (since Zabbix 2.2)
    • Database monitoring additional parameters (since Zabbix 2.0.3)
    • JMX item endpoint field (since Zabbix 3.4)
  • Discovery
    * Update interval (since //Zabbix 3.4//)
           * SNMPv3 context name
           * SNMPv3 security name
           * SNMPv3 auth pass
           * SNMPv3 priv pass
           * SNMPv1/v2 community
           * SNMP OID
✔ Copied
  • Low-level discovery rule
    • Name (since Zabbix 1.8.4)
    • Key parameters
    • Update interval (since Zabbix 3.4)
    • Custom intervals (since Zabbix 3.4)
    • SNMPv3 context name
    • SNMPv3 security name
    • SNMPv3 auth pass
    • SNMPv3 priv pass
    • SNMPv1/v2 community
    • SNMP OID
    • SNMP port
    • SSH username
    • SSH public key
    • SSH private key
    • SSH password
    • SSH script (since Zabbix 2.0.3)
    • Telnet username
    • Telnet password
    • Telnet script (since Zabbix 2.0.3)
    • Trapper item "Allowed hosts" field (since Zabbix 2.2)
    • Database monitoring additional parameters (since Zabbix 2.0.3)
    • JMX item endpoint field (since Zabbix 3.4)
    • Keep lost resources period (since Zabbix 3.4)
    • Filter regular expressions (since Zabbix 2.4)
  • Web scenario
    * Name (since //Zabbix 2.2.0//)
           * Update interval (since //Zabbix 3.4//)
           * Agent (since //Zabbix 2.2.0//)
           * HTTP proxy (since //Zabbix 2.2.0//)
           * Variables (since //Zabbix 2.2.0//)
           * Headers (since //Zabbix 2.2.0//)
           * Step name (since //Zabbix 2.2.0//)
           * Step URL (since //Zabbix 2.2.0//)
           * Step post variables (since //Zabbix 2.2.0//)
           * Step headers (since //Zabbix 2.2.0//)
           * Step timeout (since //Zabbix 3.4//)
           * Required string (since //Zabbix 2.2.0//)
           * Required status codes (since //Zabbix 2.2.0//)
           * Authentication (user and password) (since //Zabbix 2.2.0//)
           * SSL certificate file (since //Zabbix 2.2.0//)
           * SSL key file (since //Zabbix 2.2.0//)
           * SSL key password (since //Zabbix 2.2.0//)
✔ Copied
  • Triggers
    * Name (since //Zabbix 1.8.4//)
           * Expression (only in constants and function parameters)
           * Description
           * URLs (since //Zabbix 3.0//)
✔ Copied
  • Trigger-based notifications (since Zabbix 2.4)
  • Trigger-based internal notifications (since Zabbix 2.4)
  • Event tags (since Zabbix 3.2.2)
    * Tag name 
           * Tag value 
           * Tag for matching 
✔ Copied
  • Action operations
    * Default operation step duration (since //Zabbix 3.4//)
           * Step duration (since //Zabbix 3.4//)
✔ Copied
  • Action conditions
    * Time period condition (since //Zabbix 3.4//)
✔ Copied
  • Global scripts (including confirmation text) (since Zabbix 2.2.0)
  • URL field of dynamic URL screen element (since Zabbix 2.4)
  • Administration → Users → Media: 'When active' field (since Zabbix 3.4)
  • Administration → General → Working time: 'Working time' field (since Zabbix 3.4)

For a complete list of all macros supported in Zabbix, see supported macros.

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