Заметки о выпуске для Zabbix 7.0.5

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Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3), thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. More about Zabbix license.

Этот документ содержит заметки о выпуске для Zabbix 7.0.5. Загрузите его со страницы скачать.

Следующие разделы описывают выпуск в деталях и предоставляют самую последнюю и другую информацию, которая дополняет основную документацию продукта.

Новые возможности и улучшения

ZBXNEXT-6726 Added auto renew Hashicorp vault periodic service tokens Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-9397 Replaced forced proxy timeout sync between Zabbix server and proxy by sync on demand Server
ZBXNEXT-9457 Added Huawei OceanStor V6 by SNMP template Templates
ZBXNEXT-9281 Added configurable item timeout support Agent
ZBXNEXT-9246 Added monitoring of HA manager process utilization Server

Исправления ошибок

ZBX-24500 Fixed an issue that allowed defining multiple PSK keys for the same PSK identity used in hosts, proxies, and autoregistration API
ZBX-24960 Fixed specified item test by Zabbix agent 2 on Windows for "system.uptime" and other performance counter-based items Agent
ZBX-25298 Fixed LLD rule lifetime parameters to be updated during template linking by autoregistration and network discovery Server
ZBX-24955 Fixed cuid_timestamp PostgreSQL function for database dump and restore Installation
ZBX-25265 Fixed macro function parameter escaping in LLD Server
ZBX-25157 Fixed misleading error message while testing a scheduled report Server
ZBX-24273 Fixed potential Zabbix agent crash for vfs.fs.get item Agent
ZBX-25090 Fixed missing binary data type when streaming data to external systems API Frontend Server
ZBX-25296 Removed overzealous preprocessor test for LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-24249 Fixed labels overflowing in widget configuration forms Frontend
ZBX-25182 Removed length restriction for trigger expression and recovery expression fields Frontend
ZBX-25033 Fixed errors in Problem view and widget in case "Problems" option is set and all symptoms are resolved Frontend
ZBX-25223 Resolved issue where the selectAction parameter with "extend" in mediatype.get request returns only actionid API
ZBX-25029 Fixed initiating HA failover in the case of invalid server response Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-25159 Resolved issue where API maintenance.get returns HTTP 500 when using a single "hostids" ID API
ZBX-25309 Fixed Zabbix agent crash on 3 user parameters reload Agent
ZBX-25293 Fixed not-null constraint violation during low level discovery when overrides are used Server
ZBX-24938 Added new line handler for columns with text item data type and display set to "As is" in Item history widget Frontend
ZBX-23007 Added chunking when collecting related objects for item and item prototype API
ZBX-24931 Fixed vertical text layout for Korean, Japanese and Chinese languages Frontend
ZBX-25314 Added check for *UNKNOWN* values in the existing webhooks Templates
ZBX-24949 Fixed uniqueness check of grouping attributes in Host navigator and Item navigator widgets Frontend
ZBX-25040 Fixed incorrect DB query in item value widget when the referred widget is unavailable Frontend
ZBX-24975 Fixed inability to retrieve "username", "name" and "surname" by "selectAcknowledges" parameter of event.get API API
ZBX-24826 Fixed external link icon overlapping text in System information widget Frontend
ZBX-23171 Fixed escaping of slash character in context-based macro patterns Frontend
ZBX-25095 Fixed action log filtering Frontend
ZBX-25141 Fixed {FUNCTION.VALUE} and {FUNCTION.RECOVERY.VALUE} macro expansion in notifications, commands, event names and manual event action scripts Server
ZBX-24684 Moved Zabbix agent 2 plugin shutdown message to debug log level Agent
ZBX-24805 Added filter for discovery rule for family of APC templates Templates
ZBX-23520 Added timeout and fixed keys for raw items for family of MSSQL templates Templates
ZBX-25072 Fixed splitting of a trigger expression in the expression builder Frontend
ZBX-22918 Added database name macro for connection to all agent keys in PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent 2 Templates
ZBX-25199 Updated filesystem space metrics JavaScript preprocessing in Linux by SNMP template with manual value type conversion Templates
ZBX-24366 Fixed host group filters on availability report to show correct items Frontend
ZBX-25255 Fixed macro in PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent 2 template Templates
ZBX-24702 Improved certificate related error messages while loading dashboard Server
ZBX-24902 Fixed disappearing graph type filter options when changing view mode from values back to graph Frontend
ZBX-24922 Prevented attempt to update trigger or graph prototypes while importing discovery rules without "update existing" option specified API
ZBX-25156 Fixed runtime error in trigger expression constructor if non-existent function was used in the expression field Frontend
ZBX-25098 Fixed regsub output pattern issue with backslash and "at" sign in macro functions Server
ZBX-25280 Fixed trigger expression in Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP Templates
ZBX-23010 Allowed execution of files symlinked to AlertScriptsPath directory Server
ZBX-24914 Fixed conditional jumps error in cacheconfig when non-numeric item types are used with trends Server

Заметки по инсталляции и обновлению


Смотрите Документация Zabbix для получения более подробной информации.


Смотрите пошаговым инструкциям for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 7.0.5.

Коммерческая поддержка

Компания Zabbix предоставляет полный спектр Профессиональных услуг. Мы также предоставляем Услугу обновления с отсутствием времени простоя для более простой миграции с более ранних версий Zabbix. Пожалуйста Свяжитесь с отделом продаж для уточнения стоимости и более детальной информации.

Полезные ссылки

Zabbix 7.0 Manual

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