Заметки о выпуске для Zabbix 2.4.6

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Zabbix - открытое решение распределенного мониторинга корпоративного класса. Zabbix выпускается под лицензией GPL, таким образом, продукт бесплатный как для коммерческого, так и некоммерческого использования. Полный текст лицензии доступен на http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.

Этот документ содержит заметки о выпуске для Zabbix 2.4.6. Загрузите его со страницы скачать.

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Новые возможности и улучшения

ZBX-1357 Enabled Czech locale to be displayed by default API Frontend
ZBX-1357 Updated Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (Taiwan), Czech, Dutch, Japanese and Spanish translations; thanks to Zabbix translators API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-786 Made net.tcp.service[ntp] item work over UDP Agent Proxy Server

Исправления ошибок

ZBX-9375 Fixed "Group" and "Host" dropdowns not setting values in "Events" page when navigating from trigger menu pop-up link and fixed availability reports filter dropdowns mistakenly using "Dropdown first entry" config Frontend
ZBX-9703 Fixed a memory leak in SSH checks when configured public and/or private key is not a regular file Server
ZBX-9605 Fixed an issue with start lines and end lines in vfs.file.regexp[] and vfs.file.regmatch[] Agent
ZBX-9332 Fixed correct display of green circle in maps and showing more unacknowledged problems than total number of problems Frontend
ZBX-9381 Removed 'groupid' parameter from global search URLs sometimes causing inaccessible forms due to insufficient permissions Frontend
ZBX-9623 Fixed possible SQL error when network discovery rule and LLD rule are processed at the same time Server
ZBX-8949 Fixed possible deadlocks when deleting items on systems with MySQL backend Server
ZBX-9592 Fixed possible crash due to uninitialized counterpath variable Agent
ZBX-9595 Added variable initialization for correct operation of system.swap.*[,pages] items Agent
ZBX-9290 Fixed log file reloading if its size is updated later than modification time Agent
ZBX-9456 Fixed system.cpu.util item to work correctly on OpenBSD 5.7 Agent
ZBX-9402 Fixed sorting of elements in pages and fixed several requests returning more results than record count set in configuration Frontend
ZBX-4529 Fixed security vulnerability in alerter script execution by using strong quoting for script arguments; thanks to Pavel for the report Server
ZBX-9385 Fixed proc.num[,,run] and proc.num[,,sleep] always returning 0 on AIX hosts Agent
ZBX-9511 Fixed compiler warnings in discoverer, SNMP trapper, LLD, and DNS item code Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-8299 Fixed SQL errors in case a network discovery rule or check is deleted during processing Proxy Server
ZBX-9467 Fixed agent compilation error related to "ifnet" and "ifnet_head" structs on OpenBSD 5.5 and above Agent

Заметки по инсталляции и обновлению


Смотрите Документация Zabbix для получения более подробной информации.


Смотрите пошаговым инструкциям for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 2.4.6.

Коммерческая поддержка

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