Nextcloud by HTTP
This template is designed for monitoring Nextcloud by HTTP via Zabbix, and it works without any external scripts.
Nextcloud is a suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services.
For more information, see the official documentation
Zabbix version: 7.2 and higher.
Tested versions
This template has been tested on:
- Nextcloud ver. 27.0.1
Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the Templates out of the box section.
The user must be included in the Administrators group.
Macros used
Name | Description | Default |
{$NEXTCLOUD.SCHEMA} | HTTP or HTTPS protocol of Nextcloud. |
https |
{$NEXTCLOUD.USER.NAME} | Nextcloud username. |
root |
{$NEXTCLOUD.USER.PASSWORD} | Nextcloud user password. |
<Put the password here> |
{$NEXTCLOUD.ADDRESS} | IP or DNS name of Nextcloud server. | |
{$NEXTCLOUD.LLD.FILTER.USER.MATCHES} | Filter of discoverable users by name. |
.* |
{$NEXTCLOUD.LLD.FILTER.USER.NOT_MATCHES} | Filter to exclude discovered users by name. |
{$NEXTCLOUD.USER.QUOTA.PUSED.MAX} | Storage utilization threshold. |
90 |
{$NEXTCLOUD.USER.MAX.INACTIVE} | How many days a user can be inactive. |
30 |
{$NEXTCLOUD.CPU.LOAD.MAX} | CPU load threshold (the number of processes in the system run queue). |
95 |
{$NEXTCLOUD.MEM.PUSED.MAX} | Memory utilization threshold. |
90 |
{$NEXTCLOUD.SWAP.PUSED.MAX} | Swap utilization threshold. |
90 |
{$NEXTCLOUD.PHP.MEM.PUSED.MAX} | PHP memory utilization threshold. |
90 |
{$NEXTCLOUD.STORAGE.FREE.MIN} | Free space threshold. |
1G |
{$NEXTCLOUD.PROXY} | Proxy HTTP(S) address. |
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Get server information | This item provides useful server information, such as CPU load, RAM usage, disk usage, number of users, etc. |
HTTP agent | nextcloud.serverinfo.get_data Preprocessing
Server information status | Server information API status |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.status Preprocessing
Version | Nextcloud service version. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.version Preprocessing
Free space | The amount of free disk space. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.freespace Preprocessing
CPU load, avg 1m | The average system load (the number of processes in the system run queue), last 1 minute. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.cpu.avg.1m Preprocessing
CPU load, avg 5m | The average system load (the number of processes in the system run queue), last 5 minutes. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.cpu.avg.5m Preprocessing
CPU load, avg 15m | The average system load (the number of processes in the system run queue), last 15 minutes. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.cpu.avg.15m Preprocessing
Memory total | The size of the RAM. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Memory free | The amount of free RAM. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Memory used, in % | RAM usage, in percent. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.mem.pused Preprocessing
Swap total | The size of the swap memory. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Swap free | The amount of free swap. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Swap used, in % | Swap usage, in percent. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.swap.pused Preprocessing
Apps installed | The number of installed applications. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.apps.installed Preprocessing
Apps update available | The number of applications for which an update is available. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.apps.update Preprocessing
Web server | Web server description. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.apps.webserver Preprocessing
PHP version | PHP version |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.php.version Preprocessing
PHP memory limit | By default, the PHP memory limit is generally set to 128 MB, but it can be customized based on the application's specific needs. The php.ini file is usually the standard location to set the PHP memory limit. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.php.memory.limit Preprocessing
PHP memory used | PHP memory used |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.php.memory.used Preprocessing
PHP memory free | PHP free memory size. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
PHP memory wasted | Memory allocated to the service but not in use. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.php.memory.wasted Preprocessing
PHP memory wasted, in % | Memory allocated to the service but not in use, in percent. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.php.memory.wasted_percentage Preprocessing
PHP memory used, in % | PHP memory used percentage |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.php.memory.pused Preprocessing
PHP maximum execution time | By default, the maximum execution time for PHP scripts is set to 30 seconds. If a script runs for longer than 30 seconds, PHP stops the script and reports an error. You can control the amount of time PHP allows scripts to run by changing the 'max_execution_time' directive in your php.ini file. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.php.max_execution_time Preprocessing
PHP maximum upload file size | By default, the maximum upload file size for PHP scripts is set to 128 megabytes. However, you may want to change this limit. For example, you can set a lower limit to prevent users from uploading large files to your site. To do this, change the 'upload_max_filesize' and 'post_max_size' directives. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.php.upload_max_filesize Preprocessing
Database type | Database type. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.db.type Preprocessing
Database version | Database description. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.db.version Preprocessing
Database size | Size of database. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.db.size Preprocessing
Active users, last 5 minutes | The number of active users in the last 5 minutes. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.active_users.last5m Preprocessing
Active users, last 1 hour | The number of active users in the last 1 hour. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.active_users.last1h Preprocessing
Active users, last 24 hours | The number of active users in the last day. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.serverinfo.active_users.last24hours Preprocessing
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Nextcloud: Server information unavailable | Failed to get server information. |
last(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.serverinfo.status)<>"OK" |
High | |
Nextcloud: Version has changed | Nextcloud version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually. |
change(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.serverinfo.version)=1 and length(last(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.serverinfo.version))>0 |
Info | Manual close: Yes |
Nextcloud: Disk space is low | Condition should be the following: |
last(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.serverinfo.freespace)<{$NEXTCLOUD.STORAGE.FREE.MIN} |
Average | Manual close: Yes |
Nextcloud: CPU load is too high | High CPU load. |
min(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.serverinfo.cpu.avg.1m,5m) > {$NEXTCLOUD.CPU.LOAD.MAX} |
Average | |
Nextcloud: High memory utilization | The system is running out of free memory. |
min(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.serverinfo.mem.pused,5m) > {$NEXTCLOUD.MEM.PUSED.MAX} |
Average | |
Nextcloud: High swap utilization | The system is running out of free swap. |
min(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.serverinfo.swap.pused,5m) > {$NEXTCLOUD.SWAP.PUSED.MAX} |
Average | |
Nextcloud: Number of installed apps has been changed | Applications have been installed or removed. |
change(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.serverinfo.apps.installed)<>0 |
Info | Manual close: Yes |
Nextcloud: Application updates are available | Updates are available for some of the installed applications. |
last(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.serverinfo.apps.update)<>0 |
Warning | Manual close: Yes |
Nextcloud: PHP version has changed | The PHP version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually. |
change(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.serverinfo.php.version)=1 and length(last(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.serverinfo.php.version))>0 |
Info | Manual close: Yes |
Nextcloud: High PHP memory utilization | The PHP is running out of free memory. |
min(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.serverinfo.php.memory.pused,5m) > {$NEXTCLOUD.PHP.MEM.PUSED.MAX} |
Average | |
Nextcloud: Database version has changed | The Database version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually. |
change(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.serverinfo.db.version)=1 and length(last(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.serverinfo.db.version))>0 |
Info | Manual close: Yes |
LLD rule Nextcloud: User discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Nextcloud: User discovery | User discovery. |
HTTP agent | nextcloud.user.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Nextcloud: User discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
User "{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}": Get data | Get common information about user |
HTTP agent | nextcloud.user.get_data[{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}] Preprocessing
User "{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}": Status | User account status. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.user.enabled[{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}] Preprocessing
User "{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}": Storage location | The location of the user's store. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.user.storageLocation[{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}] Preprocessing
User "{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}": Last login | The time the user has last logged in. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.user.lastLogin[{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}] Preprocessing
User "{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}": Last login, days ago | The number of days since the user has last logged in. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.user.inactive[{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}] Preprocessing
User "{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}": Quota free space | The size of the free available space in the user's storage. |
Dependent item |[{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}] Preprocessing
User "{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}": Quota used space | The size of the used available space in the user storage. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.user.quota.used[{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}] Preprocessing
User "{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}": Quota total space | The size of space available in the user's storage. |
Dependent item |[{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}] Preprocessing
User "{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}": Quota used space, in % | Usage of the allocated storage space, in percent. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.user.quota.pused[{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}] Preprocessing
User "{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}": Quota | The size of space available in the user's storage. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.user.quota[{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}] Preprocessing
User "{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}": Display name | User visible name. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.user.displayname[{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}] Preprocessing
User "{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}": Language | User language. |
Dependent item | nextcloud.user.language[{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for Nextcloud: User discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Nextcloud: User "{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}" status changed | User account status has changed. |
change(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.user.enabled[{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}]) = 1 |
Info | |
Nextcloud: User "{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}": inactive | The user has not logged in for more than {$NEXTCLOUD.USER.MAX.INACTIVE:"{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}"} days. |
last(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.user.inactive[{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}]) > {$NEXTCLOUD.USER.MAX.INACTIVE:"{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}"} |
Info | |
Nextcloud: User "{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}": High quota utilization | More than {$NEXTCLOUD.USER.QUOTA.PUSED.MAX:"{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}"} percent of the allocated storage space has been used. |
min(/Nextcloud by HTTP/nextcloud.user.quota.pused[{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}],5m) > {$NEXTCLOUD.USER.QUOTA.PUSED.MAX:"{#NEXTCLOUD.USER}"} |
Warning |
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