BMC Control-M

BMC Control-M delivers is business automation solution that simplifies and automates diverse batch application workloads. When events meet predetermined criteria, this integration with xMatters relays critical BMC Control-M insight data to the correct people and systems to help coordinate and resolve incidents faster.

Available solutions

This template is for Zabbix version: 7.2
Also available for: 7.0 6.4 6.2 6.0


Control-M enterprise manager by HTTP


The template to monitor Control-M by Zabbix that work without any external scripts.


Zabbix version: 7.2 and higher.

Tested versions

This template has been tested on:

  • Control-M 9.21.0


Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the Templates out of the box section.


This template is intended to be used on Control-M Enterprise Manager instances.

It monitors:

  • active SLA services;
  • discovers Control-M servers using Low Level Discovery;
  • creates host prototypes for discovered servers with the Control-M server by HTTP template.

To use this template, you must set macros: {$API.TOKEN} and {$API.URI.ENDPOINT}.

To access the API token, use one of the following Control-M interfaces:

Control-M WEB user interface;

Control-M command line interface tool CTM.

{$API.URI.ENDPOINT} - is the Control-M Automation API endpoint for the API requests, including your server IP, or DNS address, Automation API port and path.

For example, https://monitored.controlm.instance:8443/automation-api.

Macros used

Name Description Default

The API endpoint is a URI - for example, https://monitored.controlm.instance:8443/automation-api.

<set the api uri endpoint here>

A token to use for API connections.

<set the token here>


Name Description Type Key and additional info
Get Control-M servers

Gets a list of servers.

HTTP agent controlm.servers
Get SLA services

Gets all the SLA active services.

HTTP agent

LLD rule Server discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Server discovery

Discovers the Control-M servers.

Dependent item controlm.server.discovery


  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 2h

LLD rule SLA services discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
SLA services discovery

Discovers the SLA services in the Control-M environment.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $.activeServices

    ⛔️Custom on fail: Set value to: []

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Item prototypes for SLA services discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Service [{#SERVICE.NAME}, {#SERVICE.JOB}]: stats

Gets the service statistics.

Dependent item service.stats['{#SERVICE.NAME}','{#SERVICE.JOB}']


  • JSON Path: $.activeServices.[?(@.serviceName == '{#SERVICE.NAME}')]

    ⛔️Custom on fail: Discard value

  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.serviceJob == '{#SERVICE.JOB}')].first()

    ⛔️Custom on fail: Discard value

Service [{#SERVICE.NAME}, {#SERVICE.JOB}]: status

Gets the service status.

Dependent item service.status['{#SERVICE.NAME}','{#SERVICE.JOB}']


  • JSON Path: $.status

  • JavaScript: The text is too long. Please see the template.

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Service [{#SERVICE.NAME}, {#SERVICE.JOB}]: jobs 'executed'

Gets the number of jobs in the state - executed.

Dependent item['{#SERVICE.NAME}','{#SERVICE.JOB}',executed]


  • JSON Path: $.statusByJobs.executed

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Service [{#SERVICE.NAME}, {#SERVICE.JOB}]: jobs 'waitCondition'

Gets the number of jobs in the state - waitCondition.

Dependent item['{#SERVICE.NAME}','{#SERVICE.JOB}',waitCondition]


  • JSON Path: $.statusByJobs.waitCondition

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Service [{#SERVICE.NAME}, {#SERVICE.JOB}]: jobs 'waitResource'

Gets the number of jobs in the state - waitResource.

Dependent item['{#SERVICE.NAME}','{#SERVICE.JOB}',waitResource]


  • JSON Path: $.statusByJobs.waitResource

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Service [{#SERVICE.NAME}, {#SERVICE.JOB}]: jobs 'waitHost'

Gets the number of jobs in the state - waitHost.

Dependent item['{#SERVICE.NAME}','{#SERVICE.JOB}',waitHost]


  • JSON Path: $.statusByJobs.waitHost

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Service [{#SERVICE.NAME}, {#SERVICE.JOB}]: jobs 'waitWorkload'

Gets the number of jobs in the state - waitWorkload.

Dependent item['{#SERVICE.NAME}','{#SERVICE.JOB}',waitWorkload]


  • JSON Path: $.statusByJobs.waitWorkload

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Service [{#SERVICE.NAME}, {#SERVICE.JOB}]: jobs 'completed'

Gets the number of jobs in the state - completed.

Dependent item['{#SERVICE.NAME}','{#SERVICE.JOB}',completed]


  • JSON Path: $.statusByJobs.completed

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Service [{#SERVICE.NAME}, {#SERVICE.JOB}]: jobs 'error'

Gets the number of jobs in the state - error.

Dependent item['{#SERVICE.NAME}','{#SERVICE.JOB}',error]


  • JSON Path: $.statusByJobs.error

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Trigger prototypes for SLA services discovery

Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
Control-M: Service [{#SERVICE.NAME}, {#SERVICE.JOB}]: status [{ITEM.VALUE}]

The service has encountered an issue.

last(/Control-M enterprise manager by HTTP/service.status['{#SERVICE.NAME}','{#SERVICE.JOB}'],#1)=0 or last(/Control-M enterprise manager by HTTP/service.status['{#SERVICE.NAME}','{#SERVICE.JOB}'],#1)=10 Average Manual close: Yes
Control-M: Service [{#SERVICE.NAME}, {#SERVICE.JOB}]: status [{ITEM.VALUE}]

The service has finished its job late.

last(/Control-M enterprise manager by HTTP/service.status['{#SERVICE.NAME}','{#SERVICE.JOB}'],#1)=3 Warning Manual close: Yes
Control-M: Service [{#SERVICE.NAME}, {#SERVICE.JOB}]: jobs in 'error' state

There are services present which are in the state - error.

last(/Control-M enterprise manager by HTTP/['{#SERVICE.NAME}','{#SERVICE.JOB}',error],#1)>0 Average

Control-M server by HTTP


This template is designed to get metrics from the Control-M server using the Control-M Automation API with HTTP agent.

This template monitors server statistics, discovers jobs and agents using Low Level Discovery.

To use this template, macros {$API.TOKEN}, {$API.URI.ENDPOINT}, and {$SERVER.NAME} need to be set.


Zabbix version: 7.2 and higher.

Tested versions

This template has been tested on:

  • Control-M 9.21.0


Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the Templates out of the box section.


This template is primarily intended for using in conjunction with the Control-M enterprise manager by HTTP template in order to create host prototypes.

It monitors:

  • server statistics;
  • discovers jobs using Low Level Discovery;
  • discovers agents using Low Level Discovery.

However, if you wish to monitor the Control-M server separately with this template, you must set the following macros: {$API.TOKEN}, {$API.URI.ENDPOINT}, and {$SERVER.NAME}.

To access the {$API.TOKEN} macro, use one of the following interfaces:

Control-M WEB user interface;

Control-M command line interface tool CTM.

{$API.URI.ENDPOINT} - is the Control-M Automation API endpoint for the API requests, including your server IP, or DNS address, the Automation API port and path.

For example, https://monitored.controlm.instance:8443/automation-api.

{$SERVER.NAME} - is the name of the Control-M server to be monitored.

Macros used

Name Description Default

The name of the Control-M server.

<set the server name here>

The API endpoint is a URI - for example, https://monitored.controlm.instance:8443/automation-api.

<set the api uri endpoint here>

A token to use for API connections.

<set the token here>


Name Description Type Key and additional info
Get Control-M server stats

Gets the statistics of the server.

HTTP agent controlm.server.stats


  • JSON Path: $.[?( == '{$SERVER.NAME}')].first()

    ⛔️Custom on fail: Set error to: Could not get server stats.

Get jobs

Gets the status of jobs.

HTTP agent
Get agents

Gets agents for the server.

HTTP agent controlm.agents
Jobs statistics

Gets the statistics of jobs.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $.['returned', 'total']

Jobs returned

Gets the count of returned jobs.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $.[0]

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jobs total

Gets the count of total jobs.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $.[1]

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Server state

Gets the metric of the server state.

Dependent item server.state


  • JSON Path: $.state

    ⛔️Custom on fail: Set error to: Could not get server state.

  • JavaScript: The text is too long. Please see the template.

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Server message

Gets the metric of the server message.

Dependent item server.message


  • JSON Path: $.message

    ⛔️Custom on fail: Set error to: Could not get server message.

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Server version

Gets the metric of the server version.

Dependent item server.version


  • JSON Path: $.version

    ⛔️Custom on fail: Set error to: Could not get server version.

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h


Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
Control-M: Server is down

The server is down.

last(/Control-M server by HTTP/server.state)=0 or last(/Control-M server by HTTP/server.state)=10 High
Control-M: Server disconnected

The server is disconnected.

last(/Control-M server by HTTP/server.message,#1)="Disconnected" High
Control-M: Server error

The server has encountered an error.

last(/Control-M server by HTTP/server.message,#1)<>"Connected" and last(/Control-M server by HTTP/server.message,#1)<>"Disconnected" and last(/Control-M server by HTTP/server.message,#1)<>"" High
Control-M: Server version has changed

The server version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.

last(/Control-M server by HTTP/server.version,#1)<>last(/Control-M server by HTTP/server.version,#2) and length(last(/Control-M server by HTTP/server.version))>0 Info Manual close: Yes

LLD rule Jobs discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Jobs discovery

Discovers jobs on the server.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $.statuses

    ⛔️Custom on fail: Set value to: []

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Item prototypes for Jobs discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Job [{#JOB.ID}]: stats

Gets the statistics of a job.

Dependent item job.stats['{#JOB.ID}']


  • JSON Path: $.statuses.[?(@.jobId == '{#JOB.ID}')].first()

    ⛔️Custom on fail: Discard value

Job [{#JOB.ID}]: status

Gets the status of a job.

Dependent item job.status['{#JOB.ID}']


  • JSON Path: $.status

  • JavaScript: The text is too long. Please see the template.

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Job [{#JOB.ID}]: number of runs

Gets the number of runs for a job.

Dependent item job.numberOfRuns['{#JOB.ID}']


  • JSON Path: $.numberOfRuns

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Job [{#JOB.ID}]: type

Gets the job type.

Dependent item job.type['{#JOB.ID}']


  • JSON Path: $.type

  • JavaScript: The text is too long. Please see the template.

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Job [{#JOB.ID}]: held status

Gets the held status of a job.

Dependent item job.held['{#JOB.ID}']


  • JSON Path: $.held

  • JavaScript: The text is too long. Please see the template.

Trigger prototypes for Jobs discovery

Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
Control-M: Job [{#JOB.ID}]: status [{ITEM.VALUE}]

The job has encountered an issue.

last(/Control-M server by HTTP/job.status['{#JOB.ID}'],#1)=1 or last(/Control-M server by HTTP/job.status['{#JOB.ID}'],#1)=10 Warning Manual close: Yes

LLD rule Agent discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Agent discovery

Discovers agents on the server.

Dependent item controlm.agent.discovery


  • JSON Path: $.agents

    ⛔️Custom on fail: Set value to: []

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Item prototypes for Agent discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Agent [{#AGENT.NAME}]: stats

Gets the statistics of an agent.

Dependent item agent.stats['{#AGENT.NAME}']


  • JSON Path: $.agents.[?(@.nodeid == '{#AGENT.NAME}')].first()

    ⛔️Custom on fail: Discard value

Agent [{#AGENT.NAME}]: status

Gets the status of an agent.

Dependent item agent.status['{#AGENT.NAME}']


  • JSON Path: $.status

  • JavaScript: The text is too long. Please see the template.

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Agent [{#AGENT.NAME}]: version

Gets the version number of an agent.

Dependent item agent.version['{#AGENT.NAME}']


  • JSON Path: $.version

    ⛔️Custom on fail: Set value to: Unknown

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Trigger prototypes for Agent discovery

Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
Control-M: Agent [{#AGENT.NAME}]: status [{ITEM.VALUE}]

The agent has encountered an issue.

last(/Control-M server by HTTP/agent.status['{#AGENT.NAME}'],#1)=1 or last(/Control-M server by HTTP/agent.status['{#AGENT.NAME}'],#1)=10 Average Manual close: Yes
Control-M: Agent [{#AGENT.NAME}}: status disabled

The agent is disabled.

last(/Control-M server by HTTP/agent.status['{#AGENT.NAME}'],#1)=2 or last(/Control-M server by HTTP/agent.status['{#AGENT.NAME}'],#1)=3 Info Manual close: Yes
Control-M: Agent [{#AGENT.NAME}]: version has changed

The agent version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.

last(/Control-M server by HTTP/agent.version['{#AGENT.NAME}'],#1)<>last(/Control-M server by HTTP/agent.version['{#AGENT.NAME}'],#2) Info Manual close: Yes
Control-M: Agent [{#AGENT.NAME}]: unknown version

The agent version is unknown.

last(/Control-M server by HTTP/agent.version['{#AGENT.NAME}'],#1)="Unknown" Warning Manual close: Yes


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