> 服务对象

以下对象与service API直接关联。

Service 服务

The service object has the following properties. 服务对象具有以下属性。

Property 属性 T pe 类型 Des ription 说明
serviceid string 字符串 *( eadonly 只读)* ID of the service. 服务的ID。
(required 必须)
integer 整数型 Al
orithm used to calculate the state of the service. 用于计算服务状态的算法。
Possible values: 许可值:
0 - do not calculate; 不计算;
1 - problem 问题, if at least one child has a problem; 如果至少有一个子项有问题。
2 - problem问题, if all children have problems. 如果所有子项都有问题。
(required 必须)
string 字符串 Na e of the service. 服务的名称。
(required 必须)
integer 整数型 Wh
ther SLA should be calculated. 是否应计算SLA。
Possible values: 许可值:
0 - do not calculate; 不计算;
1 - calculate. 计算。
(required 必须)
integer 整数型 Po ition of the service used for sorting. 用于排序服务的位置。
goodsla float 浮点数 Mi imum acceptable SLA value. If the SLA drops lower, the service is considered to be in problem state. 最低可接受的SLA值,如果SLA降低,则该服务被认为处于有问题状态。

Default: 99.9. 默认:99.9。
status integer 整数型 *( eadonly 只读)* Whether the service is in OK or problem state. 服务是否处于正常或问题状态。

If the service is in problem state, status is equal either to: 如果服务处于问题状态,status相当于以下情况之一:
- the priority of the linked trigger if it is set to 2, "Warning" or higher (priorities 0, "Not classified" and 1, "Information" are ignored); 优先级设置为2,"Warning"或更高级别所链接的触发器告警(忽略优先级0,"Not classified"和1,"Information")
- the highest status of a child service in problem state. 其中一个最高级别状态的子服务处于问题中。

If the service is in OK state, status is equal to 0. 如果服务是正常状态,那么status等于0。
triggerid string 字符串 Tr gger associated with the service. Can only be set for services that don't have children. 与服务相关联的触发器只能设置在没有子项的服务上。

Default: 0 默认:0

Service time 服务时间

The service time object defines periods, when an service is scheduled to be up or down. It has the following properties. 当一个服务按照计划上线或下线时,服务时间对象可定义周期。服务时间对象具有以下属性。

Property 属性 T pe 类型 Des ription 说明
timeid string 字符串 *( eadonly 只读)* ID of the service time. 服务时间的ID。
(required 必须)
string 字符串 ID
of the service. 服务的ID。
Cannot be updated. 不可更新。
(required 必须)
integer 整数型 Ti
e when the service time comes into effect. 服务时间生效的时间。
For onetime downtimes ts_from must be set as a Unix timestamp, for other types - as a specific time in a week, in seconds, for example, 90000 for Tue, 2:00 AM. 对于一次性停机时间,ts_from必须设置为Unix时间戳,对于其他类型的事件 —— 设置为一周中的特定时间,以秒为单位,例如,90000代表星期二,凌晨2:00。
(required 必须)
integer 整数型 Ti
e when the service time ends. 服务时间关闭的时间。
For onetime uptimes ts_to must be set as a Unix timestamp, for other types - as a specific time in a week, in seconds, for example, 90000 for Tue, 2:00 AM. 对于一次性开机时间,ts_to必须设置为Unix时间戳,对于其他类型的事件 —— 设置为一周中的特定时间,以秒为单位,例如,90000代表星期二,凌晨2:00。
(required 必须)
integer 整数型 Se
vice time type. 服务时间类型
Possible values: 许可值:
0 - planned uptime, repeated every week; 计划开机,每周重复;
1 - planned downtime, repeated every week; 计划停机,每周重复;
2 - one-time downtime. 一次性停机。
note string 字符串 Ad itional information about the service time. 有关服务时间的附加信息。

Service dependency 服务依赖

The service dependency object represents a dependency between services. It has the following properties. 服务依赖对象表示服务之间的依赖关系,它具有以下属性。

Property 属性 T pe 类型 Des ription 说明
linkid string 字符串 *( eadonly 只读)* ID of the service dependency. 服务依赖的ID。
(required 必须)
string 字符串 ID of the service, that a service depends on, that is, the child service. An service can have multiple children. 被子服务依赖的服务ID,一个服务可以有多个子服务。
(required 必须)
string 字符串 ID of the service, that is dependent on a service, that is, the parent service. An service can have multiple parents forming a directed graph. 依赖于父服务的服务ID,一个服务可以有多个父服务,从而形成一张定向图表。
(required 必须)
integer 整数型 Ty
e of dependency between services. 服务之间的依赖关系类型。
Possible values: 许可值:
0 - hard dependency; 硬依赖;
1 - soft dependency. 软依赖。

An service can have only one hard-dependent parent. This attribute has no effect on status or SLA calculation and is only used to create a core service tree. Additional parents can be added as soft dependencies forming a graph. 一个服务只能有一个强依赖的父服务。该属性对状态或SLA计算没有影响,仅用于创建核心服务树。 新增的父服务可以作为形成图形的软依赖添加。

An service can not be deleted if it has hard-dependent children. 如果服务有硬依赖子服务,则无法删除该服务。

Service alarm

Service alarms cannot be directly created, updated or deleted via the Zabbix API.

The service alarm objects represents an service's state change. It has the following properties.

Property Type Description
clock timestamp Time when the service state change has happened.
value integer Status of the service.

Refer to the service status property for a list of possible values.

Problem tag

Problem tags allow linking services with problem events. The problem tag object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
string Problem tag name.
operator integer Mapping condition operator.

Possible values:
0 - (default) equals;
2 - like.
value string Problem tag value.