3 自动发现(LLD)宏

3 Low-level discovery macros




There is a type of macro used within the low-level discovery function:


它是一个在LLD规则中使用的宏,并返回文件系统名称、网络接口和 SNMP OIDs。

It is a macro that is used in an LLD rule and returns real values of file system names, network interfaces and SNMP OIDs.


These macros can be used for creating item, trigger and graph prototypes. Then, when discovering real file systems, network interfaces etc., these macros are substituted with real values and are the basis for creating real items, triggers and graphs.


These macros are also used in creating host and host group prototypes in virtual machine discovery.


Supported locations

LLD 宏可以用在:

LLD macros can be used:

  • 用于监控项原型中:
    • names
    • key parameters
    • units
    • SNMP OIDs
    • IPMI sensor fields
    • calculated item formulas
    • SSH and Telnet scripts
    • database monitoring SQL queries
    • descriptions (从 2.2.0 开始支持)
  • 用于触发器原型中:
    • names
    • expressions
    • URLs (从 3.0.0 开始支持)
    • descriptions (从 2.2.0 开始支持)
    • event tag names and values (从 3.2.0 开始支持)
  • 用于图形原型中:
    • names
  • 用于主机原型中 (从 2.2.0 开始支持):
    • names
    • visible names
    • host group prototype names
    • (详细查阅 全部列表)
  • for item prototypes in
    • names
    • key parameters
    • units
    • update intervals
    • history storage periods
    • trend storage periods
    • SNMP OIDs
    • IPMI sensor fields
    • calculated item formulas
    • SSH and Telnet scripts
    • database monitoring SQL queries
    • JMX item endpoint fields
    • descriptions
    • since Zabbix 4.0 also in:
      • item value preprocessing steps
      • HTTP agent URL field
      • HTTP agent HTTP query fields field
      • HTTP agent request body field
      • HTTP agent required status codes field
      • HTTP agent headers field key and value
      • HTTP agent HTTP authentication username field
      • HTTP agent HTTP authentication password field
      • HTTP agent HTTP proxy field
      • HTTP agent HTTP SSL certificate file field
      • HTTP agent HTTP SSL key file field
      • HTTP agent HTTP SSL key password field
      • HTTP agent HTTP timeout field
  • for trigger prototypes in
    • names
    • expressions
    • URLs
    • descriptions
    • event tag names and values
  • for graph prototypes in
    • names
  • for host prototypes in
    • names
    • visible names
    • host group prototype names
    • (see the full list)

在上述所有位置,LLD 宏都可以在用户宏上下文中使用。

In all those places LLD macros can be used inside user macro context.

一些自动发现(LLD)宏在 Zabbix 中是已经预先内置的,例如 {#FSNAME}、 {#FSTYPE}、{#IFNAME}、 {#SNMPINDEX}、 {#SNMPVALUE} 这些宏。然而,当你在创建自定义自动发现规则的时候,遵守这些宏名称不是强制性的。所以,你可以使用任何其他的 LLD 宏名称并引用该名称。

Some low-level discovery macros come "pre-packaged" with the LLD function in Zabbix - {#FSNAME}, {#FSTYPE}, {#IFNAME}, {#SNMPINDEX}, {#SNMPVALUE}. However, adhering to these names is not compulsory when creating a custom low-level discovery rule. Then you may use any other LLD macro name and refer to that name.