整数/数组 dservice.get(对象 参数)
The method allows to retrieve discovered services according to the given parameters.
Parameters defining the desired output.
(对象) 定义所需输出的参数
The method supports the following parameters.
参数 类 | 描述 | |
dserviceids | string/array | Return only discovered services with the given IDs. 只返回指定ID的已发现服务 |
dhostids | string/array | Return only discovered services that belong to the given discovered hosts. 只返回指定已发现主机的发现服务 |
dcheckids | string/array | Return only discovered services that have been detected by the given discovery checks. 只返回指定检查ID探测到的服务 |
druleids | string/array | Return only discovered services that have been detected by the given discovery rules. 只返回给指定现规则ID探测到的服务 |
selectDRules | query | Return the discovery rule that detected the service as an array in the drules property. 将探测到服务的发现规则作为drules 属性中的数组返回 |
selectDHosts | query | Return the discovered host that service belongs to as an array in the dhosts property. 将服务归属的已发现主机作为dhosts 属性中的数组返回 |
selectHosts | query | Return the hosts with the same IP address as the service in the hosts property.Supports count . |
limitSelects | integer | Limits the number of records returned by subselects. 限制子选项返回的记录数 Applies to the following subselects: 子选项的应用 selectHosts - result will be sorted by hostid . 结果按照hostid 排序 |
sortfield | string/array | Sort the result by the given properties. 结果按照指定属性排序 可能的值: dserviceid , dhostid 和 ip . |
countOutput | flag | 下面这些参数对于所有get方法都是通用的,详情可参考 reference commentary. |
editable | boolean | |
excludeSearch | flag | |
filter | object | |
limit | integer | |
output | query | |
preservekeys | flag | |
search | object | |
searchByAny | boolean | |
searchWildcardsEnabled | boolean | |
sortorder | string/array | |
startSearch | flag |
被使用,返回检索对象的计数.Retrieve all discovered services detected on discovered host "11". 获取在已发现主机11
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "dservice.get",
"params": {
"output": "extend",
"dhostids": "11"
"auth": "038e1d7b1735c6a5436ee9eae095879e",
"id": 1
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [
"dserviceid": "12",
"dhostid": "11",
"value": "",
"port": "80",
"status": "1",
"lastup": "0",
"lastdown": "1348650607",
"dcheckid": "5",
"ip": "",
"dns": "john.local"
"dserviceid": "13",
"dhostid": "11",
"value": "",
"port": "21",
"status": "1",
"lastup": "0",
"lastdown": "1348650610",
"dcheckid": "6",
"ip": "",
"dns": "john.local"
"id": 1
CDService::get() in frontends/php/include/classes/api/services/CDService.php.