18:00 |
Event opening
Alexei Vladishev, Zabbix Founder and CEO, Zabbix, Latvia
18:05 |
Event opening
Ivan Panchenko, Deputy CEO, Postgres Pro, Russia
18:20 |
Setting up Zabbix Agent 2 for PostgreSQL monitoring and revealing how it works
Daria Vilkova, Software Engineer , Postgres Professional, Russia
18:40 |
New Monitoring-Related Features in PostgreSQL 13
Anastasia Lubennikova, Sr. Database Developer (Postgres Professional), PostgreSQL contributor, Postgres Professional, Russia
19:10 |
How to deploy Zabbix on PostgreSQL with Timescale DB plugin
Dmitry Lamberts, Head of Technical Support, Zabbix, Latvia
19:30 |
Workshop: Final Tuning of PostgreSQL for Zabbix
Artūrs Lontons, Technical Support Engineer, Zabbix, Latvia