Zabbix certificate granted

We hereby certify that {__CERT_FIRST_NAME__} {__CERT_LAST_NAME__} has passed {__CERT_COURSE__} exam on {__CERT_DATE__} and received a certificate {__CERT_NUMBER__}.

Zabbix attendance certificate granted

We hereby certify that {__CERT_FIRST_NAME__} {__CERT_LAST_NAME__} has attended {__CERT_COURSE__} course and received an attendance certificate {__CERT_NUMBER__} on {__CERT_DATE__}.

Zabbix certificate not found

We are sorry! Certificate with the requested parameters was not found in Zabbix Training system.

Zabbix Training version: {__COURSE_VERSION__}

First name: {__CERT_FIRST_NAME__}
Last name: {__CERT_LAST_NAME__}
Certificate number: {__CERT_NUMBER__}

If you believe Zabbix Training System is missing your certificate data, please report this case to us.

Report missing certificate

Please check search parameters carefully and try again.

Perform another check

Oops... something went wrong!

An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later or contact us by +1 877-4-ZABBIX phone or [email protected] email.