









Zabbix has 263 partners located in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. This number continues to grow.



Zabbix Certified Trainer


+30 2177770188 - Greece

ADAPTERA provides the best of breed mix of integrated visibility, performance optimization and advanced security solutions for supporting their customers’ digital transformation journey.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Allenta Consulting S.L.

+34 881 922 600 - Spain

Allenta delivers professional services in Linux and UNIX system administration, including design, deployment, maintenance, support and advice. Customers contact Allenta when: Considering the usage of Linux and UNIX for critical tasks Require experienced technical support in Linux and UNIX system administration Depend on one or several data centres with Linux and UNIX servers Need advice about Linux or UNIX systems infrastructure Allenta specialists have experience in Zabbix solutions design, integration and administration in large environments. Service provision is not bound by location: apart from meetings in person, specialists are used to work remotely. Allenta understands – response time matters much more than geographic proximity.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Aplitt sp. z o.o.

+48 58 782 82 82 - Poland

Aplitt sp. z o.o. provides high quality solutions for business, especially for financial institutions. In addition to offering IT monitoring services and training in this area, Aplitt maintains a wide range of services including outsourcing IT, software development, Electronic Document Workflow system or Call Center. The company consists of a team of highly qualified specialists who take care of both the infrastructure and the entire IT processes.
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+81 3 5276 5565 - Japan

アシストは、パッケージ・ソフトの販売・サポートで得たノウハウを基にお客様のITシステムの課題解決を通して、ビジネスを成功に導くベストプラクティスをご提案しています。ITサービスマネジメント、データベース、データ活用、セキュリティなどの分野において、お客様に最適なソフトウェアを選択し、アシストの豊富なサービスと組み合わせたITソリューションとしてご提供します。 アシストが持つ運用管理分野での知見を活かした、柔軟性・スケーラビリティ、そしてコストパフォーマンスに優れた統合監視基盤としてのZabbixの提供は、これまで多くのお客様にご評価を頂いています。また、お客様の監視要件に基づき、設計・実装・運用を迅速に行い、Zabbixの立ち上げをスムーズに行うための実践型トレーニングサービス「Smart Start for Zabbix」もご提供しています。
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+91 99014 90796 - India

ASPL Info Services is an IT services provider headquartered in the silicon city of Bangalore, India and has presence also in the UAE. The company serves global enterprises, blue-chip giants, and ambitious SMB’s across the world. ASPL Info Services offers the advantages of a mid-tier company while creating high-quality results delivered professionally. It is ISO certified in 3 standards – ISO 9001:2015; ISO/IEC 20000:2011 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013.
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ATS Group

717-856-6901 - USA

Since 2001, ATS Group has positioned itself as a recognized leader and trusted advisor for businesses who are serious about digital transformation. ATS supports customers by providing expert services centered on the complexities of the next-generation data center. With over 75 industry certified professionals, the company supports a wide range of industries including SMBs, Fortune 500 enterprises, government agencies, and educational institutions. As experts in today’s prominent technologies, ATS focuses on evolving technologies that operate mission-critical systems on premise, in the Cloud, or in a hybrid environment.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

PT. Bangunindo Teknusa Jaya

(021) 7183641 - Indonesia

Bangunindo enables enterprises to survive and strives for the best in this everchanging digital world. Established in 2012, we are a leading information technology services and consulting company in Indonesia. Our belief in the constant technological evolution in this ever-changing digital world and our long-lasting relationships with our customers make us a trusted and preferred business partner in many of our clients’ digital transformation. We offer an integrated portfolio of world-class solutions & services across Infrastructure, IoT, Enterprise Security, Cloud & Mobility, and Product Engineering & Development to Industry Verticals like BFSI, Telecom, Government/ PSU, Manufacturing, and Healthcare. We empower top global enterprises across myriad verticals by helping them drive business-enabled IT initiatives with our end-to-end provisioning of IT services combined with the latest digital technology.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer


+45 4485 5060 - Denmark

CapMon is a market-leading Danish IT security company. Our purpose is to automate IT security, providing data protection with the fewest possible resources, using the best technologies. Our services cover Monitoring solutions, SIEM log management, UEBA (User Entity Behavior Analytics), Endpoint Protection, Vulnerability Scanning as well as response time measurement on business applications. Our goal is to offer our customers new solutions and services that can compete on quality, high functionality, and ease of use. We provide the services you need to get safely through a digital transformation of your company.
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CTCシステムマネジメント株式会社(略称:CTCS)は、伊藤忠テクノソリューションズ株式会社グル-プの中でシステム運用管理を中核とした、効率的で付加価値の高いITアウトソーシングサービスを提供する企業です。 CTCSはZabbixを中心とした各種OSS運用管理ソフトウェアでの構築・運用経験を有しています。 CTCSにお任せいただければ、高い技術力を持った当社エンジニアがOSSの導入からアフターサポートまでワンストップで対応します。 ITシステム運用会社ならではのきめ細かいサービスと、30年以上の実績により確立したノウハウを活用することで、お客様の需要を満たすOSSを利用したIT統合運用管理ソリューションを提案します。
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+43 1 811 50-0 - Austria

The core business of Frequentis are highly-available communication and information solutions for the civil air traffic management market. Frequentis has continued to expand its portfolio and evolved into a provider of complete solutions with outstanding competence in integration: a supplier that delivers both standard products and customized solutions.

The core activities of Frequentis in civil air traffic management are end-to-end communication systems, tower automation systems, ATM information systems and value added Front-Ends. The company’s comprehensive product range covers all the central requirements of air traffic management.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Giz Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Danısmanlık Tic. Ltd. Sti.

+90 216 3684795 - Turkey

Carrying out many value-added projects in Information Technologies in Turkey since 2010, GizIT provides consultancy, professional service and training solutions particularly on monitoring, IT service management and system automation. Today, the company continues to provide value for its customers in different business areas.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Imagunet S.A.S.

+57 350 7819036 - Colombia

Imagunet is a leading Systems Integrator and IoT Solutions Provider based in Colombia. Company is primarily focused on business transformation by using the latest technology trends in realistic deployment models with real end-user value.

Imagunet helps customers automate their infrastructure performance on both physical and logical fronts. Their Solutions Portfolio includes: Cloud Services, Predictive Maintenance, IoT, Connectivity as a Service, Training Services and Implementation Services.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

initMAX s.r.o.

+420 800 244 442 - Czech Republic

initMAX delivers certified training and professional services primarily for OpenSource platforms including architecture design, infrastructure deployment, support services and consulting.

Typical use cases of our customers are:
Complex monitoring solution designs based on Zabbix. Analysis, review and redesign of already implemented monitoring solutions. Assisting customers with non-typical monitoring use cases for retail and telco companies with specific requirements and focus on high availability solutions. Customers are reaching out to the company to find comprehensive and creative solutions to complex tasks they are facing. initMAX is helping its customers in fields of monitoring, systems architecture design, infrastructure automation, troubleshooting databases and database engines, log management or security threat assessments. And last but not least, the company is organizing webinars, on-line courses, Zabbix Certified Training and much more.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Intellitrend GmbH

+49 521 557716 0 - Germany

Intellitrend GmbH is a professional IT services company with its specialists having extensive experience in all sectors of IT, from anti-virus and anti-spam installation to server virtualization. The company strategy is analysis–planning–consolidation. It is focusing on cost reduction through proven consolidation concepts, which include network monitoring as the key.
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IOS Informática

+55 (61) 3533-0003 - Brazil

IOS provides innovative and effective digital solutions to help customers on their digital journeys. To achieve those goals, IOS applies their purpose of making technology an agent of change for a better world. Together with their customers, they seek to digitally transform their businesses and build solutions for a better future.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer


+45 70 42 42 20 - Denmark

itm8 has gained Zabbix experience since 2012 Zabbix partner since 2017 Plus 30 of our customers are being monitored by Zabbix We use Zabbix in our Service – and Hosting departments. Our use of Zabbix is proactive and we correct issues for our customers before things breaks. We are certified trainer and increases the professional level for our customers by educating them
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Zabbix Certified Trainer


+33184605590 - France

IZI-IT delivers high-quality IT services including full stack monitoring, optimized for both small and large environments, by using either SAAS or implementing on-premise solution. IZI-IT can help you monitor your IT infrastructure and applications, as well as the impact on user experience and key business metrics.

The company helps their customers simplify monitoring and troubleshooting with automated anomaly detection and contextual insights, so that they can act proactively on performance changes that impact their end-users or bottom line.

Living now in an era of dynamic, constantly changing infrastructures that require new monitoring tools and methods, IZI-IT provides best practices for both sysadmins and developers.
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JLCP Treinamentos e Serviços em TI

+55 (16) 99793 5754 - Brazil

JLCP provides expert IT consulting. Besides deployment, company's portfolio offers training and technical support, custom development, dashboard and integration services.

Addressing many different industries- from financial, data center and banking to food manufacturing companies, JLCP allows the customization of Zabbix solution for all types of businesses.
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Linux Polska

+48 22 213 95 71 - Poland

Linux® Polska is a Polish IT company founded in 2009. We are experts in open source technologies in the Polish market and the CEE region. We provide consulting, auditing, implementation, integration and maintenance services. We specialize in developing and implementing solution, system and application architectures based on open source technologies. Alongside our own services, at Linux Polska, we also provide information technologies in collaboration with the global IT leaders such as Red Hat, EnterpriseDB, Splunk, Docker, Hortonworks, Microsoft, Puppet, Suse, Oracle, DataStax, Zabbix and Canonical. Our technology offering is supplemented with training services.
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Lunio Cloud Solutions

(81) 2011-2758 - Brazil

Lunio Cloud Solutions is a company specialized in IT, Cloud Computing and Security services, with over 10 years of experience in the market, developing a methodology based on international frameworks to help organizations on the journey of digital transformation, developing or promoting the evolution of digital products that can provide innovative experiences.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Metricio AB

+46 8 13 1337 - Sweden

Metricio provides professional services and monitoring solutions for the Nordic market. Their customers range from large enterprises to small and medium businesses. The company always aims to deliver the best monitoring solutions and develop modern integration services that assist IT-operations to take the correct action. With over 20 years of experience in the IT sector Metricio is confident that they can deliver the most cost-efficient and reliable solutions to their customers. Metricio provides professional services like IT development, consulting, technical support and training.
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NECは、オープンソースソフトウェア(OSS)をはじめて導入されるお客様や、OSSを安心してシステム構築・運用に利用したいお客様のために、ミドルウェア領域のOSSを対象にしたサポートサービスを「OSSミドルウェアサポートサービス」として2004年に発表し体系化しました。事前検証から設計・構築・保守まで、お客様システムのライフサイクルをトータルにサポートできる、基幹業務でのOSS利用拡大に対応したサービスとして提供しています。 「OSSミドルウェアサポートサービス」では、「OSSプロフェッショナルサービス」(コンサルティング、バックエンドサービス)、「OSS構築サービス」(OSS適用支援、SI)、「OSS保守サポートサービス」(ヘルプデスク、障害対応)の3種類のサービスを用意し、お客様システムへのOSS導入及び運用を統合的に支援します。 また近年、企業において、グローバル環境での、OSSベースによるシステム構築が活発になっています。NECでは、グローバル環境におけるOSS利活用をより促進していくために、海外拠点等を活用し、OSSを利用したシステム構築や保守サポートサービスの支援強化を実現しています。
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

NTTコム エンジニアリング株式会社

+81 50 3811 9414 - Japan

世界初のプレミアムパートナーとしての豊富な実績と先進ICTの活用でお客さまに最適なソリューションを提供しております。ぜひ弊社へご用命ください。 世界初のZabbixプレミアムパートナーとして、 2008年より『ZABICOM』ブランドでZabbixを活用した様々な監視運用ソリューションのご提供実績 Zabbixの導入コンサル&構築~保守や弊社が独自に開発したZabbix連携プロダクトのご提供などお客様の運用現場の課題やお悩みを解決する総合的サポート力 1000人以上を研修した公式トレーナーによる手厚い保守サポートサービス
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Open-Future B.V.B.A

+32 2 255 70 70 - Belgium

Open-Future is the Belgian competence center for everything covered by "Linux & Open Source" and is driven by a team of highly motivated Linux guru’s. Open­Future focuses on open source based infrastructure, using the strength of Open Source to make the integration of our proposed solution work seamlessly with existing setups. Although Linux is a cornerstone in an Open Source based infrastructure, Open-­Future goes beyond the OS, looking at the vast horizon Open­Source is offering.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Opensource ICT Solutions B.V.

+31 (0)72 743 65 83 - Netherlands

Opensource ICT Solutions is your go to partner for opensource products. From the ground up fully started as a Zabbix partner, you are assured real Zabbix knowledge and focus. They provide multiple Official Zabbix trainers and a selection of IT consultants.

Besides their focus on and dedication towards Zabbix, Opensource ICT Solutions consultants are highly skilled in Linux management, Network Engineering, Opensource Software products and other IT Infrastructure related architecture.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Piros NV

+32 495 61 57 38 - Belgium

Piros NV is a long lasting Open Source solution provider. With a heritage spanning three decades, company covers a broad Open Source product portfolio- from web-application development to system administration, mobile development, storage and cloud hosting solutions.

Piros NV can help and is your partner of choice when it comes to adopting Open-Source technology and is always looking to extend its Open Source product portfolio based on market demand.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Quadrata Service Group s.r.l.

+39 3474531356 - Italy

Quadrata provides a wide range of IT related services to small and medium size businesses in Italy. From very simple to very complex problems, Quadrata delivers reliable and cost-effective solutions to satisfy every customer need. With over 15 years of experience in IT sector Quadrata offers a vast range of services to satisfy every consumer requirement - long or medium term.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Quadrata FZCO

United Arab Emirates

Quadrata is a team of professionals specialized in IT services, tackling challenges of Enterprise customers in the fields of telco, finance, manufacturing and broadcasting for over 10 years in Europe. The company's passion to grow led them to a long path during which they as a well-known European company reached the heart of Middle-East to extend their services in the city of innovations - Dubai.

Quadrata's solutions focus on optimizing business processes and managing every technical trouble, with the aim of reduce time and costs, and in the end increase productivity of their customers’ business.

Taking advantage from a long experience and great passion of its team, Quadrata is the best partner to manage your infrastructure.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Rhein-Main Solutions GmbH

+49 6021 90 17 500 - Germany

Rhein-Main Solutions is specialized in custom software development and consulting, meeting the business needs of their clients.

Being competitive today means to react flexibly to changes and to shape workflows individually. Standard software solutions do not always meet all the requirements that an individual business process entails.

To close gaps in the business processes, we help you with individual software development. Together with you we find ways to adapt your existing solutions as well as to optimize the business processes with new developments.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer



SCSK株式会社は、システム開発から、ITインフラ構築、ITマネジメント、BPO(ビジネス・プロセソーシング)、ITハード・ソフト販売まで、ビジネスに必要なすべてのITサービスを、フルラインアップでご提供します。 また、住友商事をはじめとするお客様の世界各国におけるITシステム・ネットワークのサポート実績を活かし、グローバルITサービスカンパニーとして、さらなる飛躍を目指してまいります。
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Zabbix Certified Trainer


+33 (0)1 84 23 06 43 - France

Since 2006, SOMONE support its clients in the field of strategic management of services and business indicators in real time and delayed time, thanks in particular to a Service & Software packaged offer. Thanks to our wide experience with different monitoring tools and our past responsibilities in the spheres of systems and network infrastructure in major accounts, we securely manage your project up to production. SOMONE is recognised as a key actor in the area of surveillance and observability.
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+81 3 5979 2701 - Japan

SRA OSS は、OSS(オープンソースソフトウェア)に関するトータルサービス企業です。 OSSのミドルウェアに専門性が高く、サポートサービス、コンサルティング、トレーニングなどを通じて、OSSを利用するお客様の技術支援を行っています。 Zabbixにおいては、サポートサービス、導入コンサルティング、導入サービスを提供しています。
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Axians Slovakia s.r.o.

+421 (2) 58 273 111 - Slovakia

Axians Slovakia is part of VINCI Energies’ global brand network for ICT solutions. Axians supports its customers — private-sector companies, public-sector entities, operators and service providers — in their infrastructures and digital solutions development. To this end, Axians offers a comprehensive range of ICT solutions and services spanning business applications and data analytics, enterprise networks and digital workspaces, datacentres and cloud services, telecommunications infrastructure and cybersecurity. Axians's specialized consulting, design, integration and service teams develop bespoke digital transformation solutions that contribute to successful business outcomes for its customers.

Axians Slovakia has many years of experience in implementing IT infrastructure management solutions for large environments with a large number of servers, active network components and equipment. Zabbix is part of a rich portfolio of offered solutions, which is provided as a service or as "on-premises" implementation in the customer environment.

With our comprehensive and innovative IT solutions and around 100 experts, we meet all customer requirements: from IT infrastructure, intelligent solutions and industrial software to IT operations and services. Axians in Slovakia represents a 360° IT partner that optimizes processes and implements future digital business strategies in order to help its customers succeed.

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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Unirede Inteligência em TI

+55 (51) 2312 5100 - Brazil

Founded in 1999 Unirede Soluções Corporativas is a consulting firm that delivers technology solutions to growing businesses. Powered by Unirede, customers and partners are able to leverage the use of technology to focus on their core business and realize their goals.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Xifeo ICT B.V.

+31362002357 - Netherlands

Xifeo ICT B.V. is an innovative Dutch ICT company that provides consultancy to a variety of customers with a complex ICT environment. All consultants have more than ten year’s experience in this field. Xifeo ICT B.V. is active within the world of DevOps, Infrastructure (as code), automation, (hybrid) cloud and monitoring.
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+55 (17) 3513-6767 - Brazil

The Add Solution is a company focused on the development of information technology solutions, with the exceptional quality of services offered. We specialize in design and management of infrastructure Linux and Unix systems. Our team has years of experience implementing development projects for large corporations.
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ALDABA Servicios Profesionales S.L.

+34 981902060 - Spain

ALDABA is a Spanish IT professional services Company. Our main working area: Design, Deploy and support complex IT environments. Zabbix is our choice to monitor and measure the behavior of our customer’s infrastructure. We are providing support and specialized IT services to several Spanish customers using Zabbix.
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+420225090111 - Czech Republic

ALEF NULA, a.s., a leading supplier of ICT solutions in the Czech Republic, is part of the multinational ALEF Group, operating in several countries in Central and Southern Europe.
In addition to implementation projects of traditional LAN/WAN infrastructure, ALEF NULA, a.s. has cutting-edge know-how, extensive experience and professional certifications in a number of other technology areas - from data centers, network security and wireless to IP telephony, contact centers, MS Azure and AWS cloud products.
Zabbix monitoring is important part of ALEF NULA’s business. We provide implementations of new complex infrastructure monitoring solutions, as well as redesign and improvement of existing monitoring deployments. With created automations ALEF NULA builds umbrella systems which can monitor all important components of customer infrastructure. In addition, ALEF NULA, a.s. provides support together with regular upgrades and maintenance of the system.
Quality management system of ALEF NULA, a.s. complies with the ISO 9001:2008. ALEF NULA, a.s. has set high standards of information security management in accordance with ISO 27001:2013 and holds a NSA security clearance for the Secret and NATO Secret levels.
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Alpha Technologies

+593 2 281 4291 - Ecuador

Alpha Technologies is an Ecuadorian Computer security Company established in Quito in 2001, specialized in data security, web security and digital media. Their products and services are part of the day-to-day work of important banking, commercial and state entities in the country.
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03 5403 6345 - Japan

株式会社アップドラフトは、情報通信インフラの提案および導入を通じて、お客様の情報システムの効率的な利活用に貢献する企業です。 当社は、最適化されたICTインフラの提案や導入、稼働中のシステムとの連携部分の開発、 システム運用保守まで幅広いサービスを提供しています。 特にZabbixに関しては、日本国内で初めて認知された頃から取り扱っており、 大小様々な規模や事業者様のニーズに応えてきた豊富な経験と技術を保有していることが当社の強みです。
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03 3666 8140 - Japan

アークシステムは、株式会社神戸製鋼所と株式会社リクルートを母体とし設立された、SEサービスのプロフェッショナル集団です。ミッションクリティカルなシステムの構築や大規模センターの運用を通じて、企業システムに不可欠な「システム管理技術」、「運用管理技術」、「システム構築技術」に高い評価をいただいてまいりました。現在はシーエーシーグループの一員として、開発から運用ま でITのライフサイクル全般にわたるソリューションをご提供しております。 これまでのご支援で培った運用・監視に関するノウハウと、Zabbixに関するノウハウを活用し、低コストかつスピーディーに導入する「ZABBIX導入サービス」をご提供しております。導入後にはローコストなQ&Aサポートをご利用いただけるなど、監視システムの運用フェーズまでをスコープとした包括的なサービスですので、自社で監視運用を実施しているユーザー企業様に特にお勧め致します。また、Zabbixのご利用がはじめての方やご不安をお持ちの方には環境構築技術を独自で学べる教育パッケージもご用意いたしております。
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Aurionpro Solutions Limited

+91-22-4040 7070 - India

Aurionpro Solutions is an India-based global technology solutions company that offers a variety of services, including digital innovation, infrastructure services, cyber security, and enterprise applications. The company specializes in helping businesses digitize their operations and improve their efficiency and customer.
Aurionpro Solutions has a global presence with offices and clients in various countries. It operates in regions including North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East.
It is ISO certified in 3 standards ISO 9001:2015,ISO 20000:2018, ISO 27001:2013 as well as CMMi Level 5 organization
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Bigg Practices

55-2910-3905 - Mexico

Bigg Practices is a Mexican company with highly proven personnel in the market in different IT fields, dedicated to carrying out projects tailored to the needs of clients, taking as a main basis the best international practices in the market that can be used for service management.
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+41 31 858 58 58 - Switzerland

Founded in 1998, BNC Business Network Communications AG is a major Swiss IT infrastructure service provider with over 70 employees based in Bern, Zurich and Lausanne. BNC designs, implements and manages custom solutions and services in the areas of Networks, Security and Cloud & Data Center. We consult for and support medium to large-sized enterprises and organizations and other IT service providers. Our Professional, Support and Managed Services enable them to not just keep up with the rapid pace of technological progress but realize a competitive advantage.
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03 6701 3430 - Japan

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+81 3 5740 7451 - Japan

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+34910141242 - Spain

Civir is an IT company dedicated to providing high-quality services through innovation, commitment, and technical excellence. Based in Spain and Mexico, we focus on delivering cutting-edge technological solutions that help our clients achieve their business objectives. We specialize in the monitoring and observability of IT infrastructures, ensuring that our clients can maintain total control over their networks, applications, servers, and cloud environments.

Integrating Zabbix into our portfolio allows us to offer robust and scalable monitoring solutions capable of managing complex environments with thousands of devices and millions of checks per minute. Additionally, we are moving towards incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance anomaly detection and fault prediction, enabling our clients to anticipate issues before they impact operations.

Our mission is to generate value through a customer-centric approach and by focusing on our employees, who are the key to our company’s success. We aspire to be the most innovative, successful, and reliable IT company, standing out for our ability to deliver creative and efficient solutions. In the future, we will continue to lead the market with a firm commitment to technical excellence, integrity, innovation, and teamwork, creating a positive impact on society and our collaborators.
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Clouledge GmbH

+49 8921 7037 50 - Germany

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03 5791 1001 - Japan

シイエヌエスは1985年の設立以来、金融・通信・医療・製造・流通・小売・サービスとオープン系システムを中心に多くの実績をあげています。 システムインテグレーション事業に加えサーバ・クラウド導入等のITインフラに関する設計・構築から運用までのサービス事業を展開し、お客さまへワンストップサービスを提供します。 これまで大小様々なエンタープライズ環境におけるインフラ構築で積み重ねた監視システム構築の実績をもとに、Zabbixを利用した監視システムの提案・構築・運用サービスの提供を進めてまいります。
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092 432 5300 - Japan

株式会社コラボレーションシステムは、主に大学向けのソフトウェア開発やITインフラの構築サービスを提供している企業です。その中核として、Zabbixを使ったITインフラの統合監視環境の構築・サポートを正式に開始しました。 弊社は長年のITインフラ関連技術を活かした、監視環境の構築の他、セキュリティインシデントの早期検知等も可能なZabbix環境の構築も得意としています。 お客様の生の声を反映し、より顧客企業に寄り添ったZabbix環境の構築、サポートサービスの提供を目指してまいります。
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03-5645-3685 - Japan

株式会社コムニックは、「和」と「誠」そして「縁」を経営理念として、お客様のニーズに寄り添いながら、システム企画、設計、開発、構築、運用をトータルコーディネートします。 システム開発分野では、通信事業、製造業、金融業のアプリケーション開発を得意とし、大規模から小規模まで幅広い提案・開発実績を有し、お客様のニーズに合わせた最適なシステム構成をご提案します。 基盤構築分野では、OSSを利用したITインフラ基盤構築、運用/保守業務の経験が豊富で、オンプレミスでの大規模なサーバ環境構築や、クラウドサービスを活用したサーバ構築実績を活かし、コストパフォーマンスに優れた構成をご提案します。 特にシステムの運用に欠かせない監視領域では、Zabbixの構築、監視設計を得意とし、構築の自動化、監視設定の自動化ソリューションの提供が可能です。
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+30 210 3000630 - Greece

In a particularly complex technological period, where we have the creation of a new technology or the upgrade of the old ones almost every hour, there is a need for a different approach in this technological knowledge. CoreNetworks invests in technology and its people in a way that is no longer the turning point for the solution. The company believes in providing custom-made solutions, but not solutions that just 'bind' the customer to them, as well as in the freedom to develop any solution further and be bound to specific vendors. Their goal is to be a solution provider based on the intelligence and capabilities of the solution.
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048 644 6450 - Japan

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03 4405 7901 - Japan

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CTL Information Technology

+54 11 28212100 - Argentina

We are a company dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for technical support and maintenance.
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03 5487 6030 - Japan

キューブシステムは独立系のシステムインテグレーターとして、流通・通信・金融・公共・製造等幅広い業種に対して、システムソリューションサービスを提供しています。 これまではオンプレミスの環境においてのZabbix運用監視サービスの設計や構築、別監視ソフトからのZabbix監視ソフトへの移行を行ってきました。直近では、クラウド環境におけるZabbixを用いた運用監視を実施しており、弊社独自のサービスとして、Oracle CloudへのZabbix運用監視の展開を進めています。
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Zabbix Certified Trainer


+598 99 286741 - Uruguay

Custos is a group of professionals with over 5 years of experience in real time information systems monitoring at international level, providing service quality indicators throughout the Uruguay. We focus in assuring continuous and right performance of hardware and software installed on our client’s data centers, detecting degradation or failures of services and facilities. We offer custom reports according to the client’s requirements about recurrent problems, average failures time, issues prevention and advices to avoid them.
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株式会社 大和総研

03 4562 7209 - Japan

大和総研では、証券、銀行、保険などの金融機関、ならびに通信、流通などの一般事業会社のほか、官公庁、地方公共団体など、幅広い分野のお客様に対して高品質で信頼性の高い情報システムサービスを提供しています。 サービスの内容は、情報システムの活用、IT戦略策定支援等に関するシステムコンサルティングをはじめ、大規模基幹系システムに関するシステム設計から構築、保守に至るシステムインテグレーション、およびシステムの運用、管理、改善を担うデータセンターサービス、また、それらを統合的に提供する共同利用型サービスやアウトソーシングサービスまで、ワンストップでのトータルサービスを特徴としています。 また、大和総研は、特定のメーカー等に偏らない中立的なシステムインテグレータとして、ハード、ソフト、サービス等について、お客様にとって最適な組み合わせによるサービスを特徴としています。. 大和総研は、Zabbixの優れた機能・サービスを、お客様の要望に合わせてカスタマイズ、他OSSの機能と組み合わせることにより最適なシステム運用を可能にします。
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Datadope S.L.

+34 919 41 05 39 - Spain

Datadope improves performance of their customers by providing them with in-depth analysis of their data. Datadope only creates products it can be proud of. The company has become the trusted partner of its customers on their journey from traditional analytics to intelligent operational analytics, which aims to automate tasks while minimizing the impact of human error, detect incidents early and improve time-to-resolution (MTTR). In short, Datadope makes IT operations more predictable, measurable and less complex to manage.

Their IOMetrics solution is key for companies in all business sectors (distribution, industry, telecommunications, insurance, energy, banking, logistics, services) and public administration.
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+420 225 308 250 - Czech Republic

The DATASYS provides IT services at a high professional level. The key fields that our company focuses on are:

IS implementation and integration custom software development customer support and outsourcing consultancy and advisory services The DATASYS company has had extensive experience in implementing systems for IT environment monitoring and management. Our solutions are based on many reliable commercial and open source network management systems, and Zabbix is among them.
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+52 55 10083218 - Mexico

Specialized consulting in Infrastructure Monitoring and Software Development tailored to the customer.

We focus on offering solutions in balance with the Contemporary Design of User Interfaces,and the adequate functionality to meet the needs of our customers.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Dmove Co., Ltd.

+82-2-6405-0800 - South Korea

Dmove Co., Ltd. is a fast-growing IT infrastructure consulting firm in South Korea. As an Atlassian Solution Partner, they provide a full range of Atlassian products portfolio with best-in-class expertise to help the customers to efficiently transform their business. Dmove Co., Ltd. also offers business consulting, technical support and integrated management services with open source solutions such as DBMS, Backup & Restore, Deep Learning and Monitoring.
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+57 324 399 3791 - Colombia

At E3Creatic we define ourselves as a team of passionate engineers who share the same vision: solving problems in an innovative way, facing challenges with enthusiasm and creating solutions that are not only functional and optimized, but also aesthetically appealing. We take pride in executing plans with precision, having fun in the process and seeking continuous improvement in all our activities.
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03 5367 2021 - Japan

1965(昭和40)年の創業以来、東日本計算センターは情報技術の発展と変化に対応し続けHOSTマシンから、WS、C/S、PC、組込み分野へと活躍の場を多様化して参りました。 また、事業領域もビジネス系システム分野、大規模制御系及び組込み系を中心としたエンジニアリング分野、ネットワーク及びセキュリティといった情報インフラ分野、データセンター業務と地域性を活かしてBPO分野などへと領域を拡大しております。 これからも時代のニーズに合った進化を遂げるとともに、それらの縦糸と横糸を組み合わせ、お客様と社会のエンパワーを目指して参ります。
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eGroup Solutions Inc.

+421 2 3211 28 40 - Slovakia

eGroup designs and implements solutions based on different technologies, systems and applications. eGroup manages the technical infrastructure of information systems with the maximum data protection and resistance to their loss. The result is a highly available, reliable and secure IT infrastructure for the customers. eGroup also provides high added value for business partners by their knowledge of IT technologies of strong technological leaders: IBM, HP, Oracle, EMC, VMware, Microsoft.

Our team has an extensive experience in infrastructure design, implementation and the following high availability support services, storage and backup strategies, virtualization and cloud computing, ICT infrastructure management, system monitoring together with a service desk integration.
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Ferrum Networks Sdn. Bhd.

+6012 216 2801 - Malaysia

Ferrum Networks is a provider specializing in integrated solutions, networking, cloud and on-premise infrastructure solutions. We provide consultancy and services across multiple industries with customers ranging from telecommunication, finance to enterprises requiring professional services.

With more than ten years in the industry, Ferrum Networks strive to provide suitable and cost-effective solutions, with many successful deployments of turnkey solutions and services that fulfils our customer requirements.
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株式会社フルエナジーはクラウド専業インテグレーターです。最新のZabbix Serverをクラウド環境上で稼働させる際は、是非ご相談下さい。 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI)、Azure、AWSいずれのクラウド環境に統合監視基盤としてZabbix Serverを構築し、 同クラウド内だけでなくマルチクラウド・ハイブリッドクラウド環境で稼働するサービス・サーバ・コンテナ等の監視を実現します。 監視対象が少ない段階では、弊社主管のZabbix Serverからの監視もご検討頂けますので、自社での導入完了を待たず監視を開始することも可能です。
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03 5740 5792 - Japan

フューチャーアーキテクト株式会社は、最先端のIT(情報技術)を駆使し、お客様に最適なソリューションを提供する、 ITコンサルティングサービス会社です。1989年の設立当初から最新のITを武器をした課題解決型のコンサルティング、システムインテグレーションを提供しております。常に最適なITソリューションを実践的なノウハウをもとに駆使し、お客様へ提供することで多くの企業課題を解決してまいりました。お客様のシステム運用全体の課題分析やコスト削減のコンサルティングサービスの実施および、コンサルティング結果を基にしたシステムの品質改善、コスト削減を実現いたします。 Zabbixは、当社の推奨する運用・監視ソリューションとして金融機関の24時間365日ミッションクリティカルシステムを始め、流通業、サービス業等の多様な業種/システムの監視システムとして導入し、安定的なシステム運用を低価格で実現して参りました。弊社の運用ノウハウと組み合わせ、より多くのお客様にZabbixを活用頂くためのお手伝いをいたします。
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Galaxy Office Automation Pvt Ltd.

1800 266 2515 - India

Galaxy Office Automation Pvt. Ltd is a leading technology solutions provider and helps organizations to digitally transform their business. Over the past 36 years, the company has strived to help their customers meet the most difficult challenges by providing innovative solutions that integrate cutting edge technologies. They have been constantly upgrading their portfolio of solutions and skills to keep up with the fast-changing digital world. Their vast experience across various industries, large investments in developing skills and solutions, ability to execute complex transactions and over 245+ professionals put them in the best position to deliver transformational solutions to their clients.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Shanghai Grandage Data Systems Co. Ltd.

021-69786188 - China

Grandage was established in 2010 and is headquartered in Shanghai. The company is always focused on providing exceptional IT services to a large number of customers, among which are large enterprises as well as medium-sized financial institutions. Grandage has been actively engaged in various products and solutions related to IT infrastructure monitoring management, Big Data and operations management maintenance, and application and transaction monitoring.
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Hangzhou KC Information Technology Co., Ltd.

0571-88149098 - China

Hangzhou KC Information Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2011, the registered capital of RMB 20.09 million. KC is a professional computer system integration services company of high-tech enterprises, the company has a number of senior Internet experts (CCIE) and system engineers. The company provide bank customers with secure Internet security solutions, Intranet security solutions, overall data security solutions and so on.
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011 221 5800 - Japan

株式会社HARPは、電子自治体の推進を目的として2004年に設立された自治体クラウドサービスを専門とする第三セクターです。 自社開発の自治体向けクラウドサービスの提供を行うとともに、LGWAN-ASPを始め、自治体向けクラウド基盤の設計・構築・運用を数多く行ってきており、自治体クラウドに関する全てのレイヤーを網羅したサービスを提供します。 これまで自治体向けクラウド基盤の運用で培ってきた監視システム構築運用のノウハウ・実績を基に、Zabbixを利用した監視システムの技術支援サービスの提供を進めてまいります。
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+48 696 830 663 - Poland

Established in 2011, Hatomi is an independent, professional company providing IT solutions. The company is focused on delivery of complex solutions based on Open Source, commercial as well as their own software.

Its team of experts has gained professional experience working for leading IT and Telco companies on the Polish market. In 2013, Hatomi acquired 2DO S.C., which has over 11 years of experience in building business applications (Software House) proven with many solution deployments.

Enjoying the benefits of Zabbix advanced functionality and free customization, plus their own monitoring and programming experience, Hatomi builds complex monitoring, covering fault and performance management, sophisticated automation tools and SLA reporting.
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Hawatel sp. z o.o.

+48 22 266 26 03 - Poland

Hawatel delivers professional IT monitoring, infrastructure management, and custom software development services. The company's strength is a team of specialists that participated in IT projects for the biggest organizations in Poland. Hawatel apply their industry-adopted, best-practices approach during each activity in their customers' environment.

Over the years, Hawatel has been providing IT monitoring services based on Zabbix and commercial solutions. Their experienced consultants and engineers implement projects on every scale of the monitored environment. Hawatel can prepare the concept of the monitoring approach and apply it to your organization.

Hawatel team also specialises in the migration process of commercial solutions like HP Operations Manager, IBM Tivoli Monitoring, MS SCOM, and Op5 to the Zabbix platform. The company performs integration with third systems, e.g., event synchronisation with the central system, non-standard notifications, and transfer of monitoring metrics to another system. Hawatel creates support tools and dedicated monitoring scripts that work in the Zabbix solution.
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4iG Information Technology Ltd.

+36 1 270 7600 - Hungary

4iG Plc is a leading Systems Integrator in the Hungarian market with close to 30 years experience. The focus of the company is managed IT services for large and medium enterprises and public sector organizations. 4iG offers standardized and customizable services including monitoring, security consulting and integration, 24x7 helpdesk, infrastructure and application specialists.
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株式会社インターネットイニシアティブ(IIJ、東証第一部 3774)は、1992年、日本企業として初めての商用インターネットサービスプロバイダとして設立されました。現在では、IIJグループとして 8,500社を超える法人顧客に対して、インターネット接続、アウトソーシングサービス、WANサービス、クラウド等の各 種ネットワークサービスから、システム構築、運用管理などのシステムインテグ レーションまで、総合的なネットワーク・ソリューションを提供しています。 IIJのクラウドサービス「IIJ GIO(ジオ)サービス」は、HaaS/IaaSからSaaSまですべてのサービスレイヤをカバーした高品質なクラウドサービスです。システムを構成するITリソースをコンポーネントとして用意し、1,000通り以上の組み 合わせから選択することでお客様に最適なシステムを安価に構築できます。高いセキュリティと柔軟なネットワーク構成により、企業内のプライベートクラウド 環境からパブリッククラウド環境まで、幅広いシステム基盤を提供します。
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03 3536 3434 - Japan

インフォセンス社は、1989年の設立以来、基幹ERP系や物流系システム等さまざまな情報システムの導入コンサルから構築、運用までを行っております。 サーバ基盤の監視運用に関しては Zabbixを利用する監視ソリューションを進めてまいります。
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Ingrifo IT Sp. Z o.o.

+48 22 400 79 96 - Poland

Ingrifo IT is a leading company providing comprehensive IT solutions across various industries. The company's team of experienced specialists is dedicated to ensuring both the stability of IT infrastructure and the optimization of their clients' business processes.

They specialize in monitoring processes and infrastructure, as well as integrating systems and developing software. Their dedicated team of specialists ensures the smooth operation of IT environments, allowing their clients to focus on their core business activities. With Ingrifo's expertise in system integration and software development, the company tailors solutions to meet the specific needs of each client.

Customer trust is Ingrifo's priority, and they strive to provide them with top-notch service. With their customer-centric approach and passion for excellence, Ingrifo IT is a reliable partner in the field of information technology.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

initMAX s.r.o.

+420 800 244 442 - Slovakia

initMAX delivers certified training and professional services primarily for OpenSource platforms including architecture design, infrastructure deployment, support services and consulting. Typical use cases of our customers are: Complex monitoring solution designs based on Zabbix. Analysis, review and redesign of already implemented monitoring solutions. Assisting customers with non-typical monitoring use cases for retail and telco companies with specific requirements and focus on high availability solutions. Customers are reaching out to the company to find comprehensive and creative solutions to complex tasks they are facing. initMAX is helping its customers in fields of monitoring, systems architecture design, infrastructure automation, troubleshooting databases and database engines, log management or security threat assessments. And last but not least, the company is organizing webinars, on-line courses, Zabbix Certified Training and much more.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Inqbeo GmbH

+49 176 30423265 - Germany

Inqbeo is a specialized service and consultancy partner, focusing on IT infrastructure and enterprise-level open source technologies. Our expertise extends across Monitoring, Observability, Containerization, and Automation. Established in 2023, Inqbeo brings with it a rich legacy of over 7 years of experience in working with Zabbix. Our mission is to be your premier Zabbix partner, dedicated to enhancing your business value. We offer a comprehensive suite of services including trainings, expert consultancy, tailored custom development, and comprehensive operations services. Our commitment is to leverage our deep industry knowledge and technical proficiency to deliver solutions that not only meet but exceed your business needs.
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03 6385 7400 - Japan

パーソルクロステクノロジー株式会社は技術領域の派遣・受託サービスを軸に10,000名を超えるエンジニアが所属する IT・エンジニアリング事業を展開する会社です。 ソリューション事業においてはコンサルティング、システムインテグレーション、クラウド基盤・システム導入/展開、保守までを 一気通貫でサポートしています。また、クラウド環境、企業のシステム基盤など、環境に応じたシステム統合管理を実現するノウハウも有しています。 これまで、某通信事業者クラウドシステムなど複数件のZabbix導入実績があり、大規模環境・クラウド環境でのZabbix導入の豊富な知識を活用しています。
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InTTrust S.A.

+30 210 65 13 040 (ext.184) - Greece

InTTrust is an IT Consulting, Technology and Digital solutions provider with a significant track record of Implementation and Support services, IT Managed Services, Cloud Infrastructure Managed Services, MSaaS, BaaS, DSaaS, SAPaaS, Design and Implementation of Private/Public/Hybrid Cloud services. It is part of InTTrust’s capabilities to provide Application services that include Information Management, Application Development, Engineering, Data and AI, Dynamic infrastructure services to deploy and support customers’ infrastructure onsite in the cloud or hybrid models, DBA services, Digital Transformation Solutions, Custom Applications Development, Multi-Cloud Integration, Cloud Governance & Security, IoT and ML/AI solutions. InTTrust's Services and Solutions development team provides high-quality IT solutions consisting of more than 170 highly experienced engineers with over 400 Certifications on the latest technologies from leading ICT vendors ensuring the excellence of the solutions and services deployment.
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日本アイ・ビー・エム システムズ・エンジニアリング株式会社


日本アイ・ビー・エム システムズ・エンジニアリング(ISE)は、日本アイ・ビー・エム グループにおける情報技術の専門家集団として、日本IBMの100%出資により本社SE部門が独立し、1992年7月に設立されました。発足以来、お客様のご要望に応じ、難易度の高い複雑なシステム構築に、卓越したITスキルにより果敢にチャレンジしてまいりました。 ISEでは、IBM製品を使用したシステムの提案・構築や、ZabbixやChefなどのOSSを使用した自動化ソリューションの提案も行っております。
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(+52) (55) 3300 0650 - Mexico

At Itera, we transform businesses with sustainable and scalable cloud solutions. From adoption to governance and optimization, we guide clients every step of the way to ensure continued, strategic growth in the cloud.
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03 5447 6811 - Japan

情報工房は、海外の通信業界の製品を取り扱い、日本国内での販売、サポート含め ハイクオリティな管理ソリューションを提供する企業です。 1992年設立当時から製品のカスタマイズ、トレーニング、保守サポートなど販売後のアフターサービスに注力し、独自の付加価値を提供しております。 Zabbixにおきましては、今までの経験をもとに高品質な構築サービス・サポートの提供をしつつ、自社でZabbix連携レポート作成ツールの開発も行っております。
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Know How

+59 8 29028262 - Uruguay

Since 1999, Know-How has been proving administration and support services for databases, Linux and UNIX operating systems, design and implementation of backup policies, administration of application servers and virtualized platforms. Know-How manages hundreds of highly critical multi-provider databases, implementing high availability solutions, standby databases, replication, distributed databases, achieving the best availability indicators. Also, the company manages backup&recovery services, under its responsibility and control the execution of thousands of backup processes on hundreds of servers it manages. The Know-How team is made up of professionals and specialists with vast experience in administration and support of large-scale systems and databases, performance tuning, application development and consulting.
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+36 1 371 8000 - Hungary

Kontron , the IT Partner, are the team, the individuals, equipped with the best solutions for the changes and expectations we all face today and in the future. We support our Partners to achieve their business goals through continuous improvement, sustainable and environmentally conscious, modern and reliable answers. We believe in the eternal value of quality, our relentless drive to improve our services is inspired by the satisfaction of our customers and the diversity of the IT profession. At Kontron, we always want to be the best!
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LinearIT S.p.A.

+39 081 5377201 - Italy

LinearIT S.p.A. is an Italian Digital Integrator, providing “end-to-end” solutions addressing and supporting the digital transformation process. We deliver custom projects where we apply best of breed market technologies to the specific business, sustainability and growth requirements of our Customers.

Our main competences are the design and implementation of User Experience, Advanced Analytics, IoT, Blockchain as a Service, Machine Learning, RPA and Cloud Transformation solutions. A unique value of LinearIT is the Innovation Lab, our internal engineering lab that works in close contact with Academic institutions for technology based research projects and provides ready-to-use, transversal sw modules, such as identity management, workflow, monitoring and notification functions, allowing to accelerate and standardise the delivery process.

Our professional services portfolio include IT Consulting, Business Process Analysis, Enterprise Applications Integration, Application Management, PMO Test and Sw Quality.

We have developed a strong market know-how in Telco, Financial Services, Energy & Utilities and Public Administration sectors and our customers base is mainly made of Top Customers of the Italian market.

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+81 3 5733 6811 - Japan

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Lugos SAS

+33 253 9750 14 - France

Since 2013, Lugos as an independent French company, based in Nantes and Paris, delivers high technical expertise in Network, Metrology and Security. Lugos proposes consulting and support to public or private companies and services providers at each stage of their IT projects : think, build and run. Visibility is a key driver for expertise of Lugos, that is why the company includes Zabbix monitoring in every project: audit, support, blueprint for every market: banking, retail, media, manufacturing, service provider.

Lugos has built an automated SaaS platform to provide Zabbix services to customers and give them an always on managed visibility monitoring solution that also includes logging and performance module.
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Master Support

(91) 3223-0619 - Brazil

Master emerged in 2016 with headquarters in Belém/PA. It was created based on a need observed in the market itself, that is, there were few companies specialized in solutions aimed at the Infrastructure segment in Datacenter, Service Center/Monitoring and Database, which provided quality services and qualified technical teams and specialists.
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MDS Informatički inženjering

+381112015200 - Serbia

MDS informaticki inzenjering is one of the pioneer companies to have implemented IT market development in the areas of the former Yugoslavia through planning, designing, delivery of equipment, implementation of solutions, training, and 24-hour support. During its 45 years of operation and continuing progress, MDS has grown into a prestigious domestic brand. The head office of the company is situated in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia.
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Indra Soluciones Tecnologías de la Informacion S.L.U.

(+34) 914 805 002 - Spain

Indra is one of the leading global consulting and technology companies and the technology partner for its clients' key businesses around the world. Minsait is the Indra brand commercializing services and solutions in the information technology industry. It has developed an offering of proprietary solutions and advanced services with high technological added value, enabling its clients to solve their more critical matters and improve their processes, efficiency, profitability and differentiation.
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031-8009-0315 - South Korea

MKISCORE is an IT company that provides know-how to customers for many years of consulting related to data center construction and supercomputer operation experiences.
Main business areas:
- High Performance Computing (HPC) Implementation;
- Consulting on Data Center Construction with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD);
- Building a Cloud Data Center Based on OpenSource;
- IT Security Consulting and Penetration Testing.
Key Solutions:
Monitoring (Zabbix), Application Performance Management (Dynatrace), Terminal Device Management (Tanium);
Virtualization(MapR, OracleODA, etc.);
Cloud, Bigdata AI/ML, OpenSource.
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+593993511157 - Ecuador

Montechco is a company dedicated to providing administrative, operational and IT management services. We have a group of professionals with experience in the communications, information security, infrastructure, software and data analysis sectors. offering cutting-edge services and solutions designed for the professional, business and government sectors.
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+54 (11) 3987-3593 - Argentina

Murc offers IT services and solutions designed to modernize processes and services, minimizing associated risks, adding value to businesses, and optimizing organizational process productivity.
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Netjer Networks México

(+52) 55 1054 1185 - Mexico

Netjer Networks México seek the best technology offered by the telecommunications market worldwide and make partnership with high-level companies to provide qualified technological solutions adjustable to the market and to the needs of their clients. Their mission is always being pioneers, with a continuous renewal of their catalog of products and services and keeping their team of experts trained to provide constant advice to their clients in all stages of the business.
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Netmetrix S.A

(+56) 9 9825 2477 - Chile

Netmetrix is an Advanced Network Management company, formed by a group of professional engineers specialized in IT, Networks and Communications with over 30 years of experience in design, operation and sale of integrated solutions to ICTs.

They also offer network management solutions based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to protect web services against DDos attacks on corporate LAN, WAN and Man data networks.
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03 6221 6826 - Japan

「できるわけある」 エヌアイデイは、1967年の創立以来、”ヒューマンウェアの創造”の基本理念として、システム開発事業と情報処理サービス事業において幅広い領域を手掛けてきた独立系IT企業です。 創業50周年を迎え、更なる飛躍を目指し、人と社会の未来のためになる企業グループとなるべく新たに「できるわけある」をコーポレートメッセージとして掲げました。 エヌアイデイは、お客様の細かなニーズに合わせた下記サービスをトータルにご提供することで、お客様のビジネス推進を強力にサポートしています。 アプリケーションの企画 UI/UX・サービス設計 システム開発 インフラ構築 アプリケーション保守 サーバ運用監視
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03 6774 7222 - Japan

株式会社ニッセイコムは、1974年の設立以来、様々な業種の中堅・中小企業をはじめ、官公庁・自治体や大学法人など多くのお客様のIT構築を支援しています。ニッセイコムのソリューションは、システムインテグレーションを基盤にERPパッケージ「GrowOne Cube」、国公立大学法人の財務会計で導入実績No.1の「GrowOne財務会計」、製造業向けSAPテンプレート「GrowOne Comp.」などのパッケージを中心に、業務コンサルティングサービス、クラウドサービスやネットワーク構築などを含め、ワンストップソリューションを提供しています。 ニッセイコムは、Zabbixをベースに他製品との連携や組み合わせなども実装し、独自ソリューションで、お客様の運用上の課題を解決いたします。
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Nobius Ltd.

+44 7791 292026 - United Kingdom

Leveraging over 80 years of experience in IT Management and monitoring, Nobius provides on-premise and hosted Zabbix services and solutions.

Adding to the core IT Monitoring solution with Zabbix, Nobius will facilitate integration with existing ITOM tools and dashboarding, notification, reporting, and other solutions. Nobius' experience spans all industries, financial services, retail, manufacturing, government, IT Service Providers, oil & gas and healthcare.

Nobius staff are Zabbix Certified Specialists and Zabbix Certified Professionals.
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Novian Technologies

(370 5) 219 0000 - Lithuania

UAB Novian Technologies is an IT infrastructure services company, providing consultation services for the establishment and implementation of the digital transformation strategy, high-availability solutions, high-performance computing and cloud computing solutions, design, implementation and management of solutions, maintenance of critical infrastructure and resilience services.

As a business and service partner to the leading global hardware and software manufacturers, Novian Technologies provides its customers with complete supply chain and equipment life cycle management – from architectural design, selection, delivery and deployment of equipment, professional maintenance, warranty and post-warranty services.

Novian Technologies also provides its clients with consultations on the design of modern, digital workplace strategy and its implementation, workplace as a service, Internet of things, information kiosks and print-copying managed services.

Novian Technologies is owned by INVL Technology, a UTIB investment company in information and communication technology, listed on AB NASDAQ OMX Vilnius.

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03 3770 0096 - Japan

1966年に創業。各業種対応のシステム開発、大規模システム運営、データセンターでのアウトソーシングなどをワンストップで提供します。これらの実績を生かし、ITリソースを提供するだけでなく、監視・運用などのデータセンターソリューションや移行設計などのインテグレーションを含めた幅広いサポートを提供するクラウドコンピューティングサービスも実現しています。 また、モバイル端末・カーエレクトロニクスなどの組込みシステム開発を行うほか、LSIやボードの設計開発も手掛けています。
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03 6712 1270 - Japan

1983年に設立されたオージス総研は常にお客様サイドに立ち、特定のベンダーや製品に偏らないオープンな立場でビジネスを進めます。オープンソースソフトウェアの採用もその一環です。また、国内だけではなく、最適な地域でのグローバルな開発、お客様ニーズに応じたグローバルなデリバリーを目指します。さらに、システム開発だけではなく、教育、コンサルティング、維持管理、運用、ハウジング、EC/EDI、ヘルプデスクからSaaS、PaaS まで、多様なインフォメーションサービスを提供します。
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Opensource ICT Solutions LLC

+1 (929)-377-1253 - USA

Opensource ICT Solutions is your go to partner for opensource products. From the ground up fully started as a Zabbix partner, you are assured real Zabbix knowledge and focus. They provide multiple Official Zabbix trainers and a selection of IT consultants.

Besides their focus on and dedication towards Zabbix, Opensource ICT Solutions consultants are highly skilled in Linux management, Network Engineering, Opensource Software products and other IT Infrastructure related architecture.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Opensource ICT Solutions Limited

+44 (0)20 5441 1827 - United Kingdom

Opensource ICT Solutions is your go to partner for opensource products. From the ground up fully started as a Zabbix partner, you are assured real Zabbix knowledge and focus. They provide multiple Official Zabbix trainers and a selection of IT consultants. Besides their focus on and dedication towards Zabbix, Opensource ICT Solutions consultants are highly skilled in Linux management, Network Engineering, Opensource Software products and other IT Infrastructure related architecture.
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+33134933535 - France

Orsenna, Monitoring Expert, is specialized in supporting structures, from the evaluation of needs and their qualification by a team of specialist consultants to the complete engineering of solutions.

Orsenna has solid references, include companies large and small with clients in the retail, banking, press, industry, energy, public administration, hospital and education sectors. Their team will help you to ensure the implementation of solutions for the monitoring and control of network and application infrastructures. Orsenna’s network training is firmly based on practical experience and a professional delivery. Their trainers are also consultants working in their relevant areas of expertise and bring their day to day knowledge of real situations into the classroom.
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パナソニック ソリューションテクノロジー株式会社

0570 087870 - Japan

パナソニック ソリューションテクノロジーは、パナソニックグループの中で、B2Bクラウドを基軸としたICTソリューションの提供を行う会社です。 自社開発の検索エンジン、OCR技術、統合コンテンツ管理などのソフトウェア製品および教育コンテンツやモバイルソリューションなどを用いて、信頼性・可用性に優れた最適なシステム環境を構築します。 さらに、Zabbixを使用した「システム監視サービス」を始めとする、マルチプラットフォームに対応した運用・保守サービスでシステムの安定稼働を支え、事業継続に貢献します。
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Shanghai Pinyi Information Technology Co., Ltd.

13916351943 - China

Shanghai Pinyi Information Technology Co., Ltd. is a well-known high-tech company in Shanghai, specializing in providing enterprise-level IT services. Their services cover IT infrastructure design, business consulting, training, implementation and deployment to customers of various industries. Relying on world-class process platform technology and perfect services, the company has successively built integrated IT service management and information security solutions in line with ISO20000/ISO27000 standards for insurance and network information industries.
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Prologic Tunisie

+216 71 155 500 - Tunisia

Prologic helps their clients create reliable and secure infrastructures so they can distribute information and maintain service continuity. High dependability and effective use of the resources at their disposal are guaranteed by their secure facilities. To address connection, IT system security, and cost-effectiveness challenges, the company designs and develops specialized network solutions.
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Prosmart(Beijing)Technology Co., Ltd.

010-62156990 - China

Prosmart(Beijing)Technology Co., Ltd. is a technology-based company that provides information system construction and information system services to customers. The company also provides integration services including server, storage, backup and other products.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

P.S. Solutions and Consulting Co., Ltd.

+66 108-8888 - Thailand

P.S. Solutions and Consulting Co., Ltd. is a modern solutions integrator fully merging technology, solutions and services. The company is focusing on both commercial and government sectors from small to enterprise segment.

Their professional team will support customers in maximizing the benefit of technology investment, develop and modernize technology framework, focus on the best possible integration to support customer in digital transformation journey.
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092 515 1206 - Japan

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Quality Digital

(11) 99552-5187 - Brazil

Quality Digital is one of the main technology companies in Brazil, with the ability to create unique digital experiences in multiple channels as a differential. The Company's mission is to digitally accelerate its clients' businesses with creative, innovative and high-value solutions focused on Strategy, Business, Commerce, Automation, IT Optimization and ESGRC (Audit, Governance, Risk and Compliance).
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SAF Tehnika

+371 670 468 40 - Latvia

SAF Tehnika is one of the leading microwave data transmission equipment manufacturers with a global presence in more than 130 countries worldwide and more than 20 years of experience in the field. Our knowledge of microwave technologies has also given us unique skills and know-how to develop the Spectrum Compact series of the world's first truly hand-held microwave spectrum analyzers and signal generators for field engineers, as well as the next-generation industrial IoT solutions for environmental monitoring – Aranet.
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Saga doo Beograd

+381 11 3108 500 - Serbia

For more than 30 years, Saga has secured its place as a market leader having customers in 25 countries offering solutions and services from global providers such as Oracle, Cisco, DELL, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Juniper, VMWare, among others. As of February 2023, Saga is a Noventiq company.
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+39 02 607 651 - Italy

SCAI TECNO develop integrated IT solutions, manage infrastructure, support digitization processes to empower your teams and play ahead in the most competitive markets: Industry 4.0, Manufacturing, Services and Utilities, Finance and Insurance, Web.

We choose solutions that integrate with your tools and optimize your business processes. We follow the entire lifecycle of complex projects and end-to-end solutions, supporting you at every stage: development, testing, production, maintenance, monitoring.

Our resources, creativity and teamwork, and customer centricity are the key elements for service, project and product excellence. We develop emerging technologies and innovation to improve business operations and business culture.

SCAI TECNO is a part of Gruppo SCAI. Gruppo SCAI (SCAI Group) was established in Turin in 1973. It has seen significant growth cycles since then, both internally and through acquisitions which have sharply gathered speed over the last few years. Today, Gruppo SCAI is a business network of over 15 subsidiaries and 1400 employees.

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+52 5536841708 - Mexico

Scentec is a company positioned and specialized in the installation, implementation, customization, consulting, best practices, development and integration of systems, solutions: IT, telecommunications; and even more, all this can be provided in the cloud.
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Sedam IT d.o.o.

+385 (1) 2353 777 - Croatia

Sedam IT is a leading Croatian provider of IT & Communications solutions and services since 2003. By optimizing business processes and providing support with decision-making and management, Sedam IT provides its users with the means to achieve their business goals and gain returns on their investments. Company's portfolio covers entire ICT spectrum: from infrastructure to optimization and business development solutions.

Sedam IT is especially proud of its solutions, developed to achieve each of their client's specific goals accomplished by years of experience and knowledge provided with more than 100 experts in Sedam IT.
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Shaanxi Dongyu Information Engineering Co., Ltd.

(029)88257602 - China

Shaanxi Dongyu Information Engineering Co., Ltd., established in 2002, is headquartered in the High-tech Zone of Xi'an City. As a technology-centric enterprise, we specialize in promoting Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC), End-User Computing (EUC), and enterprise-level solutions with virtualization technology at the core. We have established good cooperative relationships with numerous well-known manufacturers, including Dell, Inspur, Citrix, VMware, Veeam, Longsys Cloud, QingCloud, H3C, smartX, and AsiaInfo Security, dedicated to providing high-quality technical products and solutions to our customers. Since its establishment, the company has accumulated rich experience in operational services in industries such as manufacturing, finance, and energy, and has provided on-site services to some large clients. We always adhere to the philosophy of innovation and service, continuously expand our business scope, and provide solutions that best suit the needs of our customers.
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Esun Technology Shanghai Co., Ltd

021-23135900 - China

As a fully licensed and experienced private enterprise with more than a decade of experience operating integrated telecommunications services in China, ESUN provides customer with integrated services across fixed network ,VPN, SDWAN,MPLS and IDC areas. Moreover, ESUN is a carrier-neutral service provider in China and is able to align various resources to deliver high-quality and reliable services to customers.
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Shanghai uTecare Technology Co., Ltd.

021-61135828 - China

Shanghai Hengxiang Network Technology Co., Ltd. was established on January 5, 2011, with its registered address at 3 / F, D7 building, 39 Hongcao Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, and its legal representative is Qiu Zhen. The business scope includes general items: technology development, technology transfer, technical consultation and technical service in the field of computer network and communication equipment, network generic cabling, sales of mechanical and electrical equipment, electronic products, communication equipment, instruments and office supplies, and chemical products (except hazardous chemicals, monitored and controlled chemicals, fireworks, civil explosives, precursor chemicals) Sales of computer hardware and software and accessories, computer system integration. (except for the items that need to be approved according to law, they shall independently carry out business activities according to law with their business license) permitted items: basic telecommunication services; first class value-added telecommunication services; second class value-added telecommunication services.
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Shanghai Wicrenet Co., Ltd.

86 21 50374949 - China

Wicrenet Co., LTD., a subsidiary of Wicresoft Group, was established in 2015, its predecessor being Wicresoft Group Solutions Business Group. The process of accelerating development in the digital era is also a process of enduring innovation and breakthroughs in minimally invasive technologies and services. Minimally invasive network's persistent pursuit of technological innovation, continuous accumulation and research and development to form the core technology platform - WISE. The digital solution under the WISE platform has now fully covered the entire links of enterprise production, management and operation, and has become the core source of power for enterprises to move from information technology to digital management and industrial intelligence.
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+34 902 480 580 - Spain

SIA, an Indra Company, leader in digital services like Digital Signature, Cybersecurity, and Digital Risk. Indra is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies and the technological partner for core business operations of its customers world-wide. It is a world-leader with more than 49,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries. SIA has a division specialized in guaranteeing the IT services of our clients, for this we rely on the latest monitoring technologies such as Zabbix, as well as the best trained and certified professionals, we offer from managed 24x7 monitoring services to specific projects for our clients.
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Sielte S.p.A.

+39 095 717.13.52 - Italy

Sielte was founded in 1925 in Genoa as an Italian Ericsson Telephone System Company. Today it has ninety years of experience in the fields of Telecommunications, Technology Systems for Transport & Infrastructures and ICT Services oriented to Cloud Computing. A group with a total turnover of over 400 million Euros is now recognized on the market as one of the major Italian partners with whom to undertake major integration projects, representing a company operating throughout Italy with 30 offices in Italy and around 20 abroad. With its headquarter in Catania and the General Management in Rome, Sielte has a registered capital of 28 million euros, a team of over 3,000 people, constantly engaged in important certification and specialization courses. Attention is given to the training of young resources acquired in recent years, through targeted training projects with the aim of improving know-how and skills to offer highly qualified System Engineers, Team Leaders and Project Managers certified for the use of standard and international methodologies.

Sielte is widely present throughout the national territory, having its own operational centers. All the operational centers are manned from Monday to Friday, by specialized and appropriately trained personnel. All services are active for ordinary activities from 07:00 to 18:00. For assistance services with SLA 24x7 a technical team is always available with guaranteed availability. In all the operational centers, there are teams specialized in the management of data network systems, VoIP, telecommunication systems and all the main IT tools for productivity; In San Gregorio di Catania, Rome and Milano offices the system support teams also work on server, storage and application systems. The skills guaranteed by all the support teams range over the entire area of the above-mentioned technological partnerships of the bidder.

Sielte has 18 main warehouses located throughout the country for a total of 90,000 square meters of which 19,000 square meters of covered area and 71,000 square meters of uncovered surface. 70% of the total areas are committed to the storage of goods owned by clients.
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Sistemi Band doo

+381 11 4066 354 - Serbia

With decades of hands-on expertise in the domain of software innovation, deployment, and maintenance, we have consistently pushed the boundaries of what is possible in the ever-evolving landscape of technology. At sistem:i solutions, we are a dynamic force in the world of software development and maintenance, delivering top-notch solutions to the technology, finance, and transportation industries. Our journey of achievement is fueled by a relentless pursuit of excellence, which has enabled us to forge strong partnerships with industry leaders like Oracle, Checkpoint, and Cisco. These partnerships have provided us with valuable insights and resources, allowing us to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. By combining our expertise with these collaborations, we empower our clients with innovative solutions that drive efficiency, enhance security, and foster growth.
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Shanghai Shujing Information Technology Co., Ltd

13361801558 - China

Shanghai SJStack Info Tech Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of SMT Information Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. SJStack is focusing on the brokerage and futures industries by provide professional IT services. They are committed to creating the most efficient, stable and easy-to-use system and platform for the end-users.
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株式会社スカイ365はクラウドの運用経験豊富なテラスカイとサーバーワークスが共同で設立したMSP専業会社です。クラウドの時代、ノウハウ豊富なスカイ365が貴社のビジネスをサポートいたします。当社のクラウドシステムに関する優れた技術力とマネジメント力によりお客様の情報システムの運用を高いレベルで継続的に支援するためにISO20000-1に準拠した国際的なITサービスマネジメントシステムを確立し、継続的に改善することに取組みます。 監視システムは主としてZabbixを採用しており、自社で培ったZabbixのノウハウを活用し、Zabbix構築サービスやコンサルティングサービス等のZabbix関連サービスをお客様にご提供いたします。
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03 6222 0831 - Japan

エス・エム・エス・データテックは、金融・流通・製造業界・公共分野を中心に、システムライフサイクル全般にわたる事業を広く展開しています。 弊社の運用自動化ラボでは、RPAやRBA、独自開発システムを用いた様々な業務自動化をお客様のニーズに合わせて提供しております。 この技術とこれまで培った運用のノウハウを活かし、Zabbixを用いた「システム監視サービス」と連携した、運用自動化を推進しており、トラブル時の迅速な対応など、システムの安定稼働へ貢献致します。
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55 71 987170989 - Brazil

Solutis is the Tech Partner that supports digital journeys. It unites technology and business, through DevOps, digital products, business platforms, Cloud, Support and Digital Monitoring with AI.
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ソニーマーケティング株式会社は、エレクトロニクス事業領域を担うソニー株式会社グループの一員として 国内のセールス&マーケティングプラットフォーム、及びB2B領域におけるSI機能を持った企業です。 ソニーの最先端の技術、製品、培ったノウハウを活用し、B2Bの様々な分野のお客様を支援するソリューションを提供することが使命です。 システム監視ツールとしてZabbixを採用し、主に放送局を中心としたメディア業界、シネマ領域など幅広いお客様に対し 監視システムをご提案・導入するとともに、サポートセンター(湘南)によるアフターサポートも提供しています。 提案から運用保守まで、ワンストップでのサービスを提供し、将来にわたるお客様のサステナビリティをご提供してまいります。
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03 5846 2151 - Japan

スタイルズは、アプリケーション開発からインフラ設計構築、障害監視、運用保守のトータルサービスを提供している企業です。2015年にビーグッド・テクノロジーから商号変更を実施しました。 障害監視、運用保守サービスは「24時間の有人監視」で対応しており、お客様の監視サーバを当社より監視するサービスも提供しています。 メールによるアラート通報はもちろん、電話によるクリティカルなアラート通報、障害時の保守や運用作業も提供しています。 Zabbix導入/カスタマイズ/サポートサービス 24*365障害監視サービス 24*365運用保守サービス クラウドサービス(AWSや各種クラウド基盤) インフラ設計構築 アプリケーション開発 高い柔軟性を有するスタイルズのサービスは、お客様独自のサービスメニューを構築する事で、独特な要求仕様に対応させることが可能で、民間企業だけではなく公共機関からも高く評価されています。
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ADS S.p.A.

+39 051 6307411 - Italy

ADS S.p.A. is a subsidiary of Finmatica, a group that worked in the IT market since 1969. At present more than 250 people are employed in the group’s companies. The group offers the most comprehensive suite of information solutions to the local government and to the healthcare organizations.

ADS S.p.A. designs and manufactures solid and secure network infrastructure, constantly monitored to ensure continuity of service. It also provides additional tools in order to comply with local law regulations and pro-actively detect possible issues.
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+81 3 4235 2455 - Japan

株式会社システナは、スマホアプリやWebアプリの開発、スマートデバイスを利用したネットビジネスの企画から設計・開発・運用までを一貫してサポートする「サービスソリューション事業」、スマホアプリやWebアプリの性能評価・品質検証、サービスプロバイダー向けのサーバー監視・運用サービスを行う「クオリティデザイン事業」、金融機関をはじめ幅広い業種向け基幹・周辺システムの開発およびアプリケーションプラットフォームの設計・構築を行う「フレームワークデザイン事業」を展開。 IT関連商品の企業向け販売を行うソリューション営業の営業力をグループ全体に浸透させ、システムの運用・ヘルプデスクを行うITサービス事業、クラウド型サービスの提供・導入支援を行うクラウド事業、スマートフォン向けゲームの開発・提供を行うコンシューマサービス事業も含め、各事業の強みを連結し、企画・設計から保守・ユーザーサポートまでのトータル・ソリューション・サービスを提供しています。 「フレームワークデザイン事業」のZabbixやプラットフォームの設計・構築に関するノウハウと、「ITサービス事業」のシステム運用に関するノウハウを活用し、システム監視サービスの構築からその後の監視対応までをトータルでサポートする「システム監視自動化サービス」をご提供しております。 これから監視サービスの導入を検討している企業様、安価な監視サービスへのリプレイスを検討している企業様や自社で監視運用を実施している企業様にお勧め致します。
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Target Solutions

+55 (21) 99372-4676 - Brazil

Target is an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) company specialized in providing products, services, support and software development for Business Support Systems (BSS) and Network Operation Support (OSS) integration projects. With over 20 years' experience, Target Solutions have a qualified professional team, with high technical skills and extensive knowledge in heterogeneous hardware and software environments.
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+51 970-008-126 - Peru

TDI LATAM is a computer services company that provide solutions and services in the Latin American region since 1993. Their vision is provide comprehensive, innovative and flexible solutions that supply value to companies. Their mission is being the best business partner for their clients, working on solutions according to the business needs of each particular client. Therefore, TDI LATAM have the main technology companies in the international market as strategic partners. Their solutions have a consultative and integrative approach, with activities of configuration, integration, deployment, support, administration and operation of IT solutions.
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株式会社テクノプロ テクノプロ・エンジニアリング社

03 6859 0358 - Japan

株式会社テクノプロ テクノプロ・エンジニアリング社は、大手自動車メーカーを筆頭に、大手製造メーカー、最先端のIT技術が求められる情報通信関連企業、未知の領域に挑戦を続ける官民の研究機関、公共団体など上場企業含む多くのお客様と取引実績を有している国内最大規模の技術サービス会社です。 半世紀以上のナレッジを蓄積しておりますため、既存技術の応用は勿論、最新IT技術分野(クラウド/仮想/ハイパーコンバージドインフラストラクチャ 他)にも挑戦し続け、 お取引様に新たな価値を創造をすることができます。 当社の技術組織は企画・提案・設計・構築・維持など全工程において、お客様の課題解決のために高品質且つニーズにあった最適な技術をご提供致します。
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03 5337 4244 - Japan

TISは、SI・受託開発に加え、データセンターやクラウドなどサービス型のITソリューションを多数用意しています。 Zabbixについては、設計・導入開発時の支援から運用時の保守サポートまで一貫したサポートサービスをお客様に提供します。また、Zabbixをより効果的に活用するための各種連携ツール(HyClops for Zabbix,HyClops JobMonitoring等)を独自開発・提供しています。
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TOPPANエッジITソリューション 株式会社


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+420 270 002 811 - Czech Republic

TOTAL SERVICE a.s. has been on the Czech market since 1997. For that period, the company has been focusing primarily on project solutions and services in the field of ICT infrastructure management and ensuring the operation of critical systems of their clients.

Majority of more than 100 employees are engineers, consultants and analysts specialized in the project delivery and consultations to customers and professional management of a wide range of information and communication technologies from small systems to datacenters.

Their services are powered by:

Systems monitoring (provides Zabbix monitoring to all of their clients); 24/7 NOC, Service Desk and Emergency service; SOC security response team; Expert teams (Microsoft & Linux); Detailed reporting of their delivery. Currently TOTAL SERVICE a.s. is a partner to more than 120 SLA service contracted clients across variety of verticals and technologies.
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Beijing Trust&Far Technology Co.,LTD

010-82629666 - China

Founded in 2004, Yinxin Technology is a national key high-tech enterprise and a one-stop IT operation and maintenance solution provider for data centers.Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on data center IT operation and maintenance services, and is the leader and promoter of third-party data center operation and maintenance services in China.
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TSP DATA, a.s.

+420 281 864 203 - Czech Republic

TSP DATA, a.s. is a leading provider of ICT and telco OSS management solutions in the Czech republic with business both locally and internationally. Solutions comprise both network and datacenter environment. The company uses proven systems from leading global suppliers and clients from the telco, government, banking and insurance sectors, as well as a major system integrators. Provided services include analysis and consultancy, high-level and low-level design, proof-of-concept installation, licenses delivery, installation in physical/virtual environment, system implementation, software development, 3rd party software integration, training, maintenance and support including NOC.
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+90 532 216 4040 - Turkey

TSSX is a solution partner offering end-to-end turnkey services and projects in the EMEA region, specializing in Infrastructure Monitoring, end to end Automation, Vulnerability and Patch Management, Asset Management, DataOps, Infrastructure Performance Management, and Root Cause Analysis for IT Infrastructure incidents.
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Unicorn Systems

+420 221 400 111 - Czech Republic

Unicorn is a renowned European company providing the largest information systems and solutions in the area of information technology. We focus on providing solutions, which provide a high added value while also delivering a competitive business advantage to its clients. We have been serving our clients since 1990 and over the years, we have developed a number of high-end, large-scale solutions, which are being used to serve the IT needs of important companies in many of the key sectors of the economy.

At the same time, we develop Unicorn Universe - Digital Twin Construction Kit. This product is used by Plus4U Internet Service to offer a large portfolio of services based on robust software solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises and end users. Our software helps the efficient and careful handling of natural resources and environmentally friendly behaviour. Our goal is to educate people and society too. Therefore we established the Unicorn University in 2007 that also performs the Unicorn Top Gun Academy - the complex educational system for all our co-workers, for all of us.

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03 5463 6383 - Japan

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Zabbix Certified Trainer


+33 768024472 - France

Coming from the service world, listening to the customer's needs is the key to success. The Zabbix solution, which has been implemented many times, provides added value in the control of information systems, both historical (containerization, Cloud, etc.) and evolving (Windows, AIX, Linux, AS400, etc. We look forward to sharing these values and this software solution.
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Zabbix Certified Trainer


+48 793 511 144 - Poland

VECTO is a Polish IT company that has been supporting companies and institutions in addressing IT challenges and in the process of their digitization since 2008. The company supplies and implements IT systems and provides IT outsourcing services for companies. It offers comprehensive data security and backup solutions using proprietary products as well as systems from renowned global manufacturers.

VECTO's advantage is its many years of experience and the broad competence of its team of certified engineers who perfectly understand the needs and specifics of Polish companies' operations. The company has been repeatedly awarded for its contribution to building the IT value of its customers and strengthening their competitiveness through the implementation of innovative IT solutions - it is a laureate of, among others, Forbes Diamonds or the Business Gazelles program carried out by the daily newspaper Puls Biznesu, one of the most important economic editorials in Poland. For the past five years, the company has published an annual report entitled "Cyber Security in Polish Companies", which is an important analysis of the threat awareness and available security and data protection solutions used by Polish companies.

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06 6348 5422 - Japan

株式会社ヴィンクスは、流通小売業様向けのシステム・インテグレーションおよび運用サービスを行っております。その中でもプロダクト事業においては流通小売業向けパッケージやIBMi運用管理パッケージ分野において多数のお客様にご提供してきました。この度、Zabbixの認定パートナーとして、運用監視パッケージをリリース致しました。また、Zabbix一次サポートおよび運用構築サービスなどの充実したサポート・サポートもご提供しております。 ●Integrated Viewer for Zabbix
Windows/Linux/UNIX/IBMiを統合監視できる統合監視ビューアを搭載しています。他社製品連携機能により、既存運用を変えずにスムーズな導入と運用コストを抑えることができます。また、IBMi(AS/400)を監視するIBMi Zabbix連携オプションも用意しております。
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61 3321-0788 - Brazil

With a foundation in technology and innovation, VOYAGER is a consulting firm specializing in corporate information technology solutions, operating in the following verticals: Open Intelligence (open-source software/free software), Smart Government (smart cities), Organic Governance (standards, norms, and frameworks), and Cyber Security (cyber defense).
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Wakke IT Proyects SL

+34 944 061 906 - Spain

Wakke IT Proyects SL is a technology company with offices in Bilbao, Barcelona and Madrid founded with the aim of providing innovative solutions to improve their clients' business. The company is focused on monitoring, observability, discovery and automation solutions.
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+48 32 33 25 500 - Poland

WASKO is one of the largest technology companies in Poland, implementing modern solutions. We specialise in the design, implementation and integration of software, IT systems and advanced industrial automation. We support companies and institutions in the process of adapting to dynamic market changes and the challenges of digital transformation.

Versatility, 35 years of experience and expert knowledge allow us to comprehensively implement even the most complex IT projects using the latest developments in data processing and security, including data mining, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Our individual approach and the high quality of our project management are confirmed by long-term technology partnerships and customer trust.

The multi-branch structure of the company allows us to provide advanced implementation and maintenance services. As an authorised partner of the world's largest computer and telecommunications hardware and software manufacturers, we provide our customers with stable and modern technologies. We are one of the country's leading providers of specialised maintenance services.

After 35 years of its existence, WASKO can proudly use the slogan: time has proven us, which is confirmed by completed projects, received awards, as well as planned implementations.

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03 5829 4178 - Japan

ワイドテックは、お客様や社会が抱える問題の解決に最適なソリューションを提供すべく2000年12月に創立されたテクノロジーカンパニーです。 ネットワーク、サーバ、セキュリティの設計・構築・運用などのICTをコアビジネスとし、新たなプロダクトやソリューション・サービスの開発に日々取り組んでいます。 特に、運用自動化をテーマに各種ソリューションをご提供しており、近年はZabbixと弊社インフラ運用管理自動化ソリューションPOLESTAR Automationとの連携による監視~運用管理の自動化に注力しております。
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Wittwer IT Services

+41 52 511 87 80 - Switzerland

Wittwer IT Services is your partner for all Linux questions. We provide professional consulting and hands-on for all kinds of open source software, for Linux servers and clients. Wittwer IT Services is also known for MailStash a resilient mail solution and SwissStash, our Nextcloud hosting. Our customers should always feel that they are being supported in the best possible way.
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045 662 0881 - Japan

株式会社ワイイーシーソリューションズは、1969年の設立以来、地元横浜ならびに首都圏から全国にいたる地方公共団体および民間企業のお客様に対して、ICT活用のコンサルティングからシステムの構築・運用サービス、業務用アプリケーションソフトウエアの開発、自社iDCを活用してのクラウドサービスやBPOなど、効率的かつ安全で質の高い、幅広いサービス・ソリューションを提供しております。 また、ソリューションビジネスを通じて地域社会やお客様の発展に寄与するため、数々のマネジメント規格に取り組んでいます。 お客様が、将来にわたってICT技術を有効に活用しながら本来の業務に専念していただけるよう、 事業者として万全の体制でサポートすることにより、お客様とともに発展し歩んでまいります。
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+52 55 2744-1706 - Mexico

Networks, servers and IOT, have become essential tools in the operation of any company, and according to many forecasts they will be growing exponentially for several years. Zatagonet's mission is to bring the best technologies to meet your needs, identify and address areas of improvement in networking, monitoring and automation of your business, providing high quality support and contribute to the growth of your business.
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Zero Networks株式会社

03 6550 9246 - Japan

Zero Networks株式会社では、Zabbix有識者(資格保持者)が複数名在籍する中、NW機器、サーバ、クライアントPCのみならず、 ネットワークインフラ全般にて要件/設計支援、構築支援、保守(24時間365日/オンサイト可)、コンサルティングを提供しております。 「お客様のご予算に応じ、柔軟に対応する/低価格ご案内」をポリシーとして、Zabbixなどを利用した監視ソリューションの他、各機器の構築/保守まで一括にてご提案を進めてまいります。
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Jiangsu ZongMu Information Technology Co., Ltd.

0519-88559985 - China

Jiangsu ZongMu Information Technology Co., Ltd. is a technology-leading automated O&M platform vendor, with the vision that there is no challenging O&M in the world, committed to helping users use simpler, more comprehensive protection of O&M, to become a solid backing for business operations.
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+34 910 883 711 - Spain

Famytec is a company based in Madrid, Spain, with the purpose of providing high value to their customers through the most appropriate and efficient use of the best Information Technologies. In Famytec are more than 70 professionals working and in 2021 we have invoiced more than 6 million euros carrying out projects in Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia) and around the world (Portugal, Romania , Peru).

Famytec offers specialized services in the IT area through a team of highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in the different reference technologies in IT Service Management. The company's deep knowledge in IT Service Management is a sure value when it comes to the reliability, robustness, scalability and persistence of the processes designed according to these premises. Solutions in the world of IT Service Management and the projects associated with them are one of the strategic areas of Famytec, for which there is a dedicated area in the company to develop them. Famytec comprises of a team of consultants with extensive experience and knowledge in the pre-sale and execution of projects (analysis, implementation, custom development, integration with other tools, knowledge transfer, post-implementation support, administration, developments, etc.) in the following business lines: - Monitoring, Management of Events and Services; - Discovery of the Infrastructure; - Process Planning; - ITIL Process Management - ITSM (Service Desk, Incident Management, Change Management, CMDB, Asset Management, SLAs, etc.); - Automation and Orchestration; - Business Intelligence: Reporting and Scorecards.

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AKA Sistemas

+52 333-7236315 - Mexico

AKA Sistemas is a company focused on Open Source and GNU / Linux solutions, currently based in the Riviera Nayarit, dedicated to serving the niches of small and medium-sized companies in central-eastern Mexico.
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Alerta Security Solutions

+55 11 3105-8655 - Brazil

Provider of Managed Services for Information Technology and Remote Monitoring Security solutions with a portfolio of over 200 customers from medium and large companies and more than 12 years in the information security market, the Alerta security Solutions became a MSSP (Manage Security Services Provider) covering the entire security infrastructure and networks with extreme speed efficiency and assertiveness.
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Shanghai Anchnet Network Technology Co., Ltd

400-821-7070 - China

Anchnet is a technology company specializing in Next-Gen Cloud MSP (Managed Service Provider). The company has professional technical capabilities and large-scale industry practices in the fields of cloud infrastructure, cloud security, data intelligence, and cloud-native applications.

According to multiple research reports from authoritative third-party institutions such as IDC Research, Gartner, and the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Anchnet has been ranked in the first echelon of China's MSP market, becoming a domestic independent cloud MSP with a certain scale.

Currently, Anchnet has successfully helped more than 3,000 enterprises and institutional clients in industries such as retail, real estate, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and government to achieve "cloud transformation," making it a reliable partner in the process of digital transformation.
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Beijing Apline Information Technology Co.,Ltd

13602518751 - China

Established in 1995, Apline is a professional service provider specializing in product maintenance services and spare parts sales for minicomputers, storage products, networking hardware, X86 servers, databases and middleware. In order to specialize in IT services, Beijing Apline Information Technology Co., Ltd. (Apline) was established in Beijing in 2005. Now the company has established 5 branches and more than 20 offices based in Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Hefei, Wuhan, Changsha, Changchun, Shenyang, Hohhot, Yinchuan, Lanzhou, Xining, Taiyuan, Xi'an, Chongqing, Chengdu, and Guiyang, covering the whole country with its maintenance service team.
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Anthosa Consulting

+61 (0) 433 002 884 - Australia

Anthosa Consulting is a dynamic and forward-thinking boutique firm that bridges the chasm between strategy and execution. Our dynamic team of 15 strategy and human-centred design experts thrives on co-creating ingenious solutions that propel businesses forward. As a remote-first company with a global footprint, we empower organisations worldwide, focusing on the Asia-Pacific region.

Our observability implementations give visibility to intricate landscapes of IT and OT environments, enabling service management and operations transformations. With unparalleled visibility, we equip you to navigate complexity, seize opportunities, and outmanoeuvre competitors. Transform your operations and services with Anthosa.
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Arka Systems

+98 (21) 91300476 - Iran

The increasing expansion of computer networks brings important issues and needs such as management, security, maintenance, and system integration. Rayan Samaneh Arka Company, considering these needs and with the aim of providing comprehensive solutions for the ICT needs of the country, was established in 2004. This company, utilizing the experiences of prominent network and communication specialists and having the representation of reputable and well-known products globally, offers extensive services in the field of implementation, consulting, and providing comprehensive IT solutions, especially in the areas of security, management, messaging, and bandwidth allocation. We are currently proud to provide these products and services to more than 2500 centers, including ministries, organizations, universities, and large companies across the country.
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Axone Systems

+21266160709 - Morocco

AXONE is an innovative company specializing in technological solutions and IT services. With diverse expertise, it offers services such as IT infrastructure management, monitoring and hypervision, staff augmentation, and software development. AXONE is committed to helping its clients optimize their systems while ensuring increased operational efficiency. With a team of highly skilled professionals, AXONE takes pride in delivering customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client.
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+972 (9) 772 2045 - Israel

Belocal is one of the leading Cloud, Data and IT solutions integrator to mid and enterprise companies in Israel, with unmatched capabilities and a history of building strategic, customizable, and insight-driven solutions that maximize efficiency and results. Belocal commitment to you is to provide you with the most innovative, cutting edge solution that fits perfectly to your business needs, without making any compromise in delivery, quality, serviceability, stability and competitiveness. Since its inception in 2006, Belocal has experienced consistent and sustainable growth by developing strong long-term relationships with its technology partners and by providing tremendous value to its clients. We believe that innovation is linked to performance and customer trust and therefore our ability to stay competitive or ahead of it as a market leader has largely depended on our ground-breaking strategies, innovation and early technology adoption and internal management expertise.
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+55 16 3010-8645 - Brazil

BeOnUp operate in the assessment, migration, architecture design, consulting, backup, support and management of IT Infrastructure environments in the cloud and Zabbix Monitoring, whether in a cloud, hybrid or multicloud environment. Their services are optimized and flexible according to each need, offering maximum benefit from the cloud, maximizing profits and improving workflows.
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BGmot Canada

+1-289-622-8433 - Canada

BGmot Canada is a professional IT services company focused on monitoring and automation solutions. As a Zabbix Certified Partner and solution provider, they are dedicated to delivering cutting-edge monitoring solutions achieving peak performance and unparalleled reliability.

BGmot Canada’s staff has deep knowledge and experience with Zabbix. Not only the company is experienced with large, complex implementations, they are also contributors to the Open Source community. BGmot also have extensive knowledge and experience with Linux, Windows, networking, virtualization, containers, automation and orchestration.

All these skills and offerings combined make BGmot Canada your provider of choice for infrastructure monitoring and management needs.
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BlueSharp Co., Ltd.

+66959649245 - Thailand

BlueSharp was established by experienced software developers specializing in telecom network management, particularly for mobile operator services. Leveraging our extensive expertise in telco OSS/BSS solutions, fault/performance/configuration management, customized enterprise IT infrastructure monitoring, and network automation, we deliver comprehensive IT solutions adaptable to any business. As a trusted Zabbix partner, we provide scalable, innovative monitoring solutions that enhance operational efficiency and reliability for businesses.
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Bluewave co., Ltd

+82-10-2678-4645 - South Korea

Blue Wave Co., Ltd is an IT company that develops and manages IT solutions and WEB ERP systems in Korea. Monitoring using Zabbix can be established and operated by experts to establish and operate optimal infrastructure monitoring suitable for consulting and customer companies.

(주)블루웨이브는 한국의 IT솔루션 및 WEB ERP시스템을 개발하고 운영관리하는 IT업체입니다. Zabbix를 활용한 모니터링은 전문가에 의해 컨설팅과 고객사에 맞는 최적의 인프라 모니터링을 구축/운영 할 수 있습니다.
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Broadcun(Tianjin)Information Technology Co., Ltd

18622053872 - China

A high-tech company specializing in the research and development, system integration, and service of manufacturing production management software.
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BSM Consultoria

+58-426-5361696 - Venezuela

Having more than 7 years of experience, BSM Consultoria specializes in management of infrastructure and applications’ components that support critical business services of the organizations.

“Becoming the partner of Zabbix, we will now be able to offer our clients a high-quality resource-efficient tool that can monitor and correlate events on large IT platforms, benefiting from professional support and elimination of downtime”.
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0857 30 4791 - Japan

バードワークスはシステムの開発・導入サポートの経験豊富なエンジニアにより、お客様の希望現実にし、新たな希望を生み出すシステムインテグレーションを行います。 弊社の提案するシステムの安定稼働に欠かせない監視サービスはZabbixを提案させて頂きます。 また、システム監視でお困りの場合、お気軽にご相談ください。
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Carmine Red IT

+371 66208888 - Latvia

Carmine Red IT's core focus and what the company strives to be of service to their customers is to provide highly reliable and efficient IT infrastructures on-premise, in the cloud or hybrid scenarios, which includes: • Design, implementation and maintenance of IT infrastructures • Providing of managed cloud services • Support, integration, planning, migration and consulting services.
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Clube da TI

55 (68) 99975 3965 - Brazil

Founded in 2016, Clube da TI, have been helping several companies in the development of solutions for network infrastructure, focusing mainly on open source environment, always seeking to maintain the balance between performance and security in our projects. New experience in software security can be increasingly partnered with the best software delivering and economy.
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Converged Networks for Tele and IT ( C-Nets )

00966 569035608 - Saudi Arabia

C- Nets is a Saudi IT and cybersecurity company that focuses on providing leading IT solutions and cybersecurity products and services for digital transformation, protection and security of our customers' environments.
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03 6677 4653 - Japan

サイバーコンシェルジュは、お客様の利用環境にあわせたシステム管理や運用改善など、システム運用のご支援をさせていただいております。 安定運用に欠かせない運用監視は、Zabbixを利用した監視サービスから各種OSSの組み合わせ、サポートサービスご紹介まで幅広くご提案させていただきますので、お気軽にお問い合わせください。
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Converge Technology Solutions Corp.

+1 (416) 3601495 - USA

Converge’s global solution approach delivers advanced analytics, application modernization, cloud platforms, cybersecurity, digital infrastructure, and digital workplace offerings to clients across various industries. Converge supports these solutions with advisory, implementation, and managed services expertise across all major IT vendors in the marketplace. This multi-faceted approach enables Converge to address the unique business and technology requirements for all clients in the public and private sectors.

Converge’s goal is to provide a trusted partner that brings together world-class solutions and services to help reduce costs, increase efficiency, and create competitive advantages.

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Cubuss Co., Ltd.

+82 10 30101615 - South Korea

Cubuss is an msp company that sells products and services necessary to provide cloud services, and provides managed services based on intelligence and automation using the platform developed by Cubuss itself.
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06 6343 6430 - Japan

データプロセス株式会社は、昭和43年の創業以来、数多くのお客様環境にてシステムの運用保守業務をご支援させていただいてまいりました。そこで培ったノウハウをを集結し、お客様にとってより良い業務改善のご提案やシステム導入提案などを推進しております。 Zabbixについては、新規構築および他の有償監視ツールからのリプレースにおけるコンサルティング、またはシステムインテグレーションサービスを提供し、その後の運用業務までトータルでご支援することが可能です。また、弊社システムセンターとのVPN接続によるリモート監視サービスについてもご相談いただけます。
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+55 11 4195-9663 - Brazil

Delfia is a consultancy that offers digital innovation curation with a portfolio of products and services providing that partners, customers and employees can build their digital future. Their portfolio of products and services functions as a hub of integrated solutions that are intelligently architected according to customer demand.
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Beijing Deliver Service Information Tech Co.,Ltd.

010-56233223 - China

BeiJing DeliverService Information Tech Co.,Ltd. was established in October 2013 with a registered capital of 30 million yuan. It is a first-class IT operation and maintenance management products and service provider in China. Since its establishment, the company has obtained ISO20000, ISO27001, ISO90001, ISO14001, CMMI, National High-tech enterprise, Zhongguancun High-tech enterprise and other qualification certifications, and also obtained the free financial support of the Innovation Fund of Beijing Science and Technology Commission.
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+52 5523300167 - Mexico

Consulting in observability, development and infrastructure, we specialize in the usability of our developments and their functionality to have monitoring, functional applications with the satisfaction of our clients.
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Di-Matrix (Shanghai) Information Technology Co., Ltd.

021-50591753 - China

Di-Matrix is an innovator of data intelligence operation technology and product. Di-Matrix regards “AI driven closed-loop operation management” as its major innovation and best practice in technical research and product development, so as in the field of financial industry. The machine learning and NLP abilities are integrated in the platform and industry know-how is in the application. Through the decoupling architecture of platform and AIOps applications, Di-Matrix provides the technologies for the future IT operations in financial industry that deal with AIOps use cases out-of-the-box.
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DongGuan ADS info.co., ltd.

13322618501 - China

ADS info located in DongGuan Guangdong Province, was established in 2005 Service scope: ICT System integration and maintenance services, Cisco,Huawei, Redhat ,Microsoft. Available languages: Chinese, English Business area: Guangdong.
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Duosis Bilgi Sistemleri SAN. VE TIC. A.S.

0(216) 999 98 57 - Turkey

Duosis is an IT services and solutions provider that focuses on offering innovative and reliable technology solutions to various sectors. The company specializes in areas such as IT Operations Management (ITOM), IT Service Management (ITSM), Application Performance Management (APM), Configuration Management and Discovery (CMDB), IT & Business Automation and DevOps. They provide a range of services including consultancy, support, training, and outsourcing, aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of IT departments.
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Dynamic Data for Solutions Systems

+96265833380 - Jordan

Dynamic Data has been in IT Solutions with experience over than 25 years. We have been an established and popular company with an excellent track record for the best customer satisfaction. We have never compromised on the quality and the services provided to the customer. We believe in keeping the customers happy and providing them with products at a very competent price. We have an excellent staffs who will guide you with their best ideas by keeping in constant touch with your company and informing about the market trends.
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EDU Trainings s.r.o.

+420 724 792 023 - Czech Republic

EDU Trainings offers an extensive portfolio of IT education services in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. We provide certified training from leading global companies such as Red Hat, Microsoft, Micro Focus, VMware and others. Not only as traditional classroom training, but also as virtual or On-Demand training. We organize interesting seminars, webinars, and online discussions, and provide certification exams in an authorized testing center for Pearson VUE and PEOPLECERT, the providers of internationally recognized certification exams. Training is delivered in Czech, Slovak, and English language, some courses are also available in German and Spanish. EDU Trainings Education Center's priority is to deliver high-quality education matching the current trends and market requirements, which meets customer demands and enables them to grow further.
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ExtremeData System Inc.

+886-2-8797-8681 - China

ExtremeData (Taiwan) is a full services software integration company, which offers outsourcing, consulting and training on all aspects of DevSecOps support, application and database maintenance.
Our team is savvy in AlOps, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) approaches and Database Management.
Our DevSecOps / AlOps experts will help you align your development and operations to achieve the increased frequency of software releases and improve its reliability.
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03 5420 2470 - Japan

株式会社フォーカスシステムズは、1977年に設立され、公共・通信ほか、社会性の高い分野におけるシステム開発・運用に携わり、近年ではIoT、クラウドやAI 等、時代の流れを見据えたビジネス展開も積極的に推進しています。 アプリケーション開発・インフラ基盤構築から運用保守まで一環したご提案が可能な中、「Zabbix」を通じたシステム基盤の運用監視サービスによりお客様へのさらなるバリューを提供してまいります。 【デジタルビジネス事業本部 特設サイトはこちら】https://bberc.focus-s.com/
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Gals Software LLC

+77076816234 - Kazakhstan

Gals Software delivers professional monitoring services primarily for OpenSource platforms including architecture design, infrastructure deployment, support services and consulting. Our services covering monitoring solutions (full cycle), SIEM (based on Elasticsearch/OpenSearch) and IT-management platforms (iTop). We're providing services in Kazakhstan and Central Asia on behalf of our certified devops-engineers: ZCS, ZCP, Elastic Certified Engineer and others.

Typical fields where we can help:

- Complex monitoring solution designs based on Zabbix. Analysis, review and redesign of already implemented monitoring solutions.

- Assisting customers with non-typical monitoring use cases with specific requirements and focus on high availability solutions.

- Troubleshooting databases and database engines, log management or security threat assessments.

- Custom integration with 3rd party solutions (alerting systems, IT Service Management systems, automation systems and others).

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グローバルブレインズ株式会社は、ITシステム、クラウド、WEB、モバイル、アプリ、インフラ、システムサポートなど、幅広いソリューションを提供しており、様々なITシステムの設計、開発、構築に携わっております。 また、幅広い技術力を生かして、「エリアNo.1」を目指し、常に新しい技術を求め、お客様満足を第一に考え、ITを通じて広く社会に貢献することをミッションとしています。 本社は福岡県福岡市博多区にあり、その他にも熊本支店や佐賀オフィスなどがあります。「Zabbix」の新規導入や他ソリューションからの移行など、お気軽にご相談ください。
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Gmatesystems Corp

+8215667956 - South Korea

Gmate Systems was established in December 2008 and provides operation agency services to various domestic companies.

Gmate also developed an IT managed monitoring service to provide integrated monitoring services. Monitoring service experts with various functions provide the best service.

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Grupo Voalle

(55) 3220 1350 - Brazil

We are an ecosystem of companies with innovative technology solutions. We believe that the connection between people and business is the key to delivering solutions that generate real results. That's why we provide smart solutions for internet providers of all sizes. These are creative, standardized and automated processes to streamline your company to the right extent.
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Guangdong Zhongxin Technology Co., Ltd.

020-37889869 - China

Guangdong Zhongxin Technology Co., Ltd. was established in March 2017. The registered capital is 30 million yuan; A company that focuses on open source (open source) architecture software products and open source software technology services. The company mainly cooperates with ISV and SI partners to provide technical support and after-sales service for open source software localization for government information centers, manufacturing industries, universities and other important industry customers. In the practice of providing open source software technical services to customers, we have established good cooperative relations with industry IT system integrators and independent software developers. The company is committed to becoming a reputable open source software products and open source software technical services supporting partner.
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Guangzhou Canway Technology Co., Ltd.

020-38847288 - China

Guangzhou Canway Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2001 and has core bases in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Hangzhou and other places, operating a network that radiates across the country. As a leader in digital research and operation solutions, based on the advanced integrated platform "Canway BlueKing", we provide customers with products and solutions in the fields of IT research and development, operation and maintenance, and comprehensive support for the digital transformation of government and enterprise customers.

Canway BlueKing is a leading digital research and operation solution brand in the industry. It combines the advanced Tencent BlueKing PaaS technology architecture with Jiawei Technology's nearly 20 years of research and operation experience to create an integrated platform, including one-stop research and development efficiency solution DevOps, integrated, platform based, and intelligent operation and maintenance solution AIOps, and integrated operation and maintenance subscription service product WeOps.
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GWS Bitwise System Limited

+1-416-836-6107 - Canada

GWS facilitates and accelerates service reliability, autonomous DevOps, cloud, security and network operations to provide our clients global winning technology solutions cost effectively.

GWS help customers implement Zabbix monitoring with custom dashboards, service maps and SLO view. Configuration drift management, OPA based compliance and network automation are some of the domains where we help customers achieve their service reliability strategy and vision.
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Zhengzhou Honops Information Technology Co., Ltd.

0371-61875719-805 - China

Zhengzhou Hounuo Information Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2019, focusing on DevOps, intelligent operations and cloud services. Adhering to the concept of "technology driven achievement of users", the company provides stable, reliable, and secure solutions, products, and services for enterprise level users.
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Huizhou Changtong Information Technology Co., Ltd.

0752-2115280 - China

Founded in 2006, Huizhou Changtong Information Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise focusing on the field of information security and IT infrastructure building. The company continues to show sustainable growth and development and provides its customers with technology and professional services.
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インタービレッジ株式会社は、システム基盤構築・保守を中心にシステム開発現場において技術提供を行っております。 システム基盤の信頼性・可用性・保守性を確保する技術分野に特に強みを持ち、多数の実績がございます。 システムについて何かお困りのことがございましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。
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Jiangsu Dingyue Intelligent Information Technology Co., Ltd.

(+86) 025-83373636 - China

Jiangsu Dingyue Intelligent Information Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province in 2017. Its founding members include technical consultants and sales elites from major international and domestic well-known manufacturers. At present, the company has developed into a modern high-tech enterprise integrating research and development, sales and services, covering information security, cloud computing and big data, intelligent applications, IT infrastructure installation and maintenance services, database product support services Backup management software support services, data center overall operation and maintenance services, industrial operation and maintenance services, training services, involving government, energy, finance, telecommunications, enterprises and other industrial customers. More than 50 employees of the company are committed to becoming the industry leader in the fields of automatic operation and maintenance, data processing and information security, based on the national market, closely combining the characteristics of various industries, deeply exploring customer applications, relying on strong R&D strength, integrating the world's cutting-edge technical concepts, rapidly responding to customers' changing needs, and providing advanced, reliable, safe, high-quality Easily extensible application customization solution and product inheritance solution.

With the cooperation with well-known domestic manufacturers and the efficient and professional technical strength, our users can continuously enjoy many value-added services. The company has a senior technical background, superb professional technology and a strong and stable professional service team, and has the same technical level with the international level, and has cross-platform, middleware, database cross-knowledge and comprehensive maintenance experience; It has a simulation environment laboratory, which can provide customers with various system test environments and various problem environments that can simulate the system to find solutions suitable for users.
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Hangzhou JiuZhou Fang Yuan technology Co., Ltd.

0571-87007799 - China

Hangzhou Jiuzhou Fangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. is a newly established technology company engaged in one-stop information products and services, data warehouse and data visualization, financial inclusive points and other businesses such as cloud computing solutions, network security solutions and dual active data centers. The company has more than 100 employees and developers take more than 80% of the whole team.
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+91 97634 79119 - India

KNIMBUSINFO SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is India based company with headquarters in Singapore founded in 2013. We focus on selling software products and services across APAC. We will understand your requirements and tailor the solution accordingly which will help you in your decision making. We provide outstanding service and support throughout the entire process Most of the products are listed in magic quadrant of Gartner. Nimbus services was a finalist of Channel Asia awards in 2019.
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Koala Management Solutions GmbH

+49 7262 999900 - Germany

As a consulting and service partner for small, medium and large companies, we offer a comprehensive service for the information technology sector. We are at our customer's side as a competent partner in all phases of the IT business process, such as analysis, concept development, concept implementation, procurement and outsourcing. We work together with the responsible persons of the departments in all questions concerning IT and commercial consulting.
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Konsalt Bilgi Teknolojileri De Danismanlik Tic. Ltd. Sti.

+90 (216) 570 19 46 / +90 (216) 570 19 02 - Turkey

Konsalt Information Technologies, based in Istanbul, is a software consulting company that focuses on strengthening the connection between the business operations and information technologies of large enterprises operating in the banking, insurance, telecommunications, manufacturing, and retail sectors. The Konsalt team provides expertise and guidance to integrate solutions into customer business goals, aiming to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in complex business environments. As a Konsalt, we support efforts to provide customers with more comprehensive, reliable, and performance-oriented IT solutions in collaboration with Zabbix. We aim to help customers manage their business processes more effectively. Konsalt is recognized not only in Turkey but also in regional and global geographies such as the United States, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, Greece, and Germany, through its successful projects
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Kvint LLC

+7 (727) 3907949 - Kazakhstan

KVINT LLC is a company from Kazakhstan with its head office in Almaty. The main focus of the company is to provide network and server hardware for building the infrastructure of data centers. For doing so, the company uses high-tech solutions developed by public cloud services providers. KVINT LLC is working with vendors who concentrate their efforts on the development of specialized niche products. Therefore, their technological base is highly innovative, and the developed solutions are far ahead of the nearest competitors. KVINT LLC is a partner of the leading vendors of a product line being unique to Kazakhstan. Creating solutions for cloud infrastructure of data centers and their further support is in fact much more difficult than many initially assume. The company’s products help to reduce the necessary effort for deploying data centers out of the box, while also creating the best solutions in terms of density, low latency and, at the same time, simplicity. On a large scale, simplicity is the key to success.
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025-58234369 - China

Live400 was established in 2015. Its core team mainly comes from focus technology (002315), focusing on cutting-edge technology fields such as information security, cloud platform and cloud operation and maintenance services. It is the first domestic company to focus on business stability assurance services, providing services for enterprises, including Alibaba cloud, Tencent cloud, Huawei cloud AWS and other internal cloud platform consulting, architecture, construction, backup, security, operation and maintenance, and optimize one-stop services to help enterprises ensure enterprise data security, platform stability, save costs and solve worries through professional services.
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+55 (43) 30478300 - Brazil

Made4it has been operating for over 7 years delivering IT solutions for ISP - Internet Service Providers and Companies of all sizes throughout Brazil and other countries from Latin America. They are specialized in Backbone Networking, MPLS and Networking solutions, Linux and Windows Servers and 24x7 Infrastructure Monitoring. Their team has many years of experience in all types of environments.
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Mageo Services

+41 27 560 21 62 - Switzerland

Mageo Services is your trusted partner for Zabbix-based monitoring solutions. Our deep expertise, spanning over a decade, allows us to design, implement, and maintain robust Zabbix deployments. We specialize in crafting custom solutions and integrating Zabbix with your critical IT infrastructure, including CMDBs, ticketing systems, and more.
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11 983729669 - Brazil

MASM is a technology company specialized in observability, providing support, services and training in Zabbix and BMC
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Zabbix Certified Trainer

Mikrotik Warsaw Training Center

+48 796 171 971 - Poland

Mikrotik Warsaw Training Center is the leading training center located in Poland. The company provides high-level expertise in: telecommunication, IT infrastructure deployments, IP network architecture, IT systems monitoring.

In addition to the training business, Mikrotik Warsaw Training Center delivers state-of-the-art solutions in various areas including communication & network management services, system integrations, complex network design. Over the years the company worked with over 200 customers: service providers, system integrators, healthcare, finance, public services, small and medium size businesses.
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+55 21 2018-6771 - Brazil

We are an innovative company in the use of information technology that promotes customer success, cultivating a partnership in services based on the best market frameworks, seeking to deliver exceptional results in the areas of Service Desk, Information Security, Development and Systems Maintenance.
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Minutus Computing Private Ltd.

9823426674 - India

Dedicated focus at Minutus Computing is put on delivering top-tier software services across key domains, including IT Infrastructure Management, DevOps, Cloud Computing, Application Modernisation, and Enterprise Business Applications. The company’s commitment extends beyond traditional service provision – they assist their clients in establishing robust system infrastructure, overseeing seamless implementations, and providing end-to-end development and support.

Minutus Computing team of experts brings extensive experience to the table, particularly in the development and management of intricate Enterprise applications. This includes proficiency in handling Dassault Systemes 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, PLM, CAD, and ERP solutions.

In addition to their service portfolio, they take pride in crafting cutting-edge products. Among them is KosDriv™, a SAAS-based Data Protection application tailored for small and medium businesses, and their Infrastructure Monitoring System.

Geographically, their footprint spans across India, the US, UK, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil. As they rapidly expand their reach, their mission remains steadfast – to empower businesses globally through innovative solutions and unparalleled expertise.
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MMX Solutions SRL

+40733104878 - Romania

MMX Solutions, based in Romania, is a leading IT service provider specializing in staff augmentation and custom IT solutions for large enterprises across banking, finance, and other sectors. With over 15 years of experience, we bring together top specialists to deliver high-impact projects worldwide, focusing on data management, cloud transformation, cybersecurity, and advanced analytics. Our adaptive, collaborative approach ensures tailored solutions that meet specific client needs, making MMX Solutions a trusted partner in digital transformation and operational excellence. Visit us at https://www.mmxsolutions.ro to learn more.
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Mobius Partners, Inc.

281.538.4700 - USA

Mobius Partners, Inc. is a relationship driven IT solutions provider offering a continuum of best-of-breed technology and services for large enterprise organizations as well as small and medium-size businesses (SMBs).
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Naseej Business

+966920007796 - Saudi Arabia

A Startup Company That Just Happens To Invest in Technology.
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Nimbus Services Pte Ltd

+65 9754 3602 - Singapore

Nimbus Services Pte Ltd is a Singapore based company founded in 2013. We focus on selling software products and services across APAC. We will understand your requirements and tailor the solution accordingly which will help you in your decision making. We provide outstanding service and support throughout the entire process Most of the products are listed in magic quadrant of Gartner. Nimbus services was a finalist of Channel Asia awards in 2019.
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+385 1 4852 639 - Croatia

Whether it is about the design and implementation of computer networks, or a solution based on Linux operating systems, Nimium strives to be the best.

Nimium team listens to the demands and needs of customers and provides them with the optimal solutions and the highest quality services.

Nimium is also a Red Hat Premier Business, EnterpriseDB and Zimbra partner in Croatia, and offers years of experience in implementation of demanding projects.
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+54 11 4383-7831 - Argentina

Company specialized in Big Data and Observability Platforms, with a highly qualified and certificated team, experienced in Implementation and Administration of Products related to Infrastructure.
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Nixe Chile

+56 9 9533 7673 - Chile

Company specialized in Big Data and Observability Platforms, with a highly qualified and certificated team, experienced in Implementation and Administration of Products related to Infrastructure.
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Norsec Delta Projects

+7 7122 31 55 66 - Kazakhstan

Norsec Delta Projects has been in business for 13 years. During this time, they have earned a reputation as a professional and reliable partner among their clients. Norsec Delta Projects has become a leading IT company in the market, providing a full range of IT solutions and related services, hardware, software in the following areas:

- Business and operational intelligence
- Hosting and storage
- Data center
- Telecommunication and cable systems
- End-user infrastructure (computers, peripherals and accessories)
- Video control and IPTV
- Access control systems
- Audio / video (multimedia) and conference systems

Their difference and success lies in the fact that company use an individual approach to each client and always find new ways to meet the growing needs of their customers. In 2020 Norsec Delta Projects entered the top 3 companies in the ranking of the 10 best companies providing IT services in the oil sector of Kazakhstan.
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+84 28 38 6200 22 - Vietnam

Since 2006, Officience has been a global player providing tailor-made solutions in data, IT and design from Vietnam. Now partnering with IZI-IT in IT system monitoring, we are ready to elevate our capabilities to the next level and foster business growth.

We follow our causes (Social Entrepreneurship, Sharing Knowledge, Sustainability, Tech for Good, Developing Vietnam) and we believe our people are the key for our success.
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ORing Industrial Networking Corp.

+ 886-2-2218-1066 ext. 233 - China

Founded in 2005, ORing specializes in developing innovative own-branded products for industrial settings. Over the years, ORing has accumulated abundant experience in wired and wireless network communications industry. In line with the commercialization of 5G, ORing has stretched its arm into the IIoT field, helping customers realize all kinds of IIoT applications such as smart manufacturing, smart city, and industrial automation. With high product quality and best customer services in mind, ORing has continued to launch cutting-edge products catering to customer needs. ORing's products have been widely adopted in surveillance, rail transport, industrial automation, power substations, renewable energy, and marine industries with offices worldwide to address customer needs in real time.
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Paramaah IT Services LLP

+91 7204393736 - India

Paramaah IT Services LLP is an organisation that focuses on providing enterprise-level solutions and services based on open-source software. The company has successfully implemented and managed large sites using Zabbix for global customers and for End-to-End IT infrastructure monitoring, DB Monitoring, monitoring for BigData environments, proprietary/indigenously built Application monitoring, integration with Visualization tools like Grafana, integration with Ticketing tools, creating custom reports, custom dashboards and much more.
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Paramaah IT Services

+971528660138 - United Arab Emirates

Paramaah IT Services is an organisation that focuses on providing enterprise-level solutions and services based on open-source software. The company has successfully implemented and managed large sites using Zabbix for global customers and for End-to-End IT infrastructure monitoring, DB Monitoring, monitoring for BigData environments, proprietary/indigenously built Application monitoring, integration with Visualization tools like Grafana, integration with Ticketing tools, creating custom reports, custom dashboards and much more.
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03 5213 4370 - Japan

ぷらっとホームは「Zabbix Enterprise Appliance」をはじめとしたZabbixソリューションの検討から導入後の運用までお客様のニーズにトータルにお応えします。Zabbixの新規導入や、乗り換えのご検討など、まずはお気軽にお問い合わせください。
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Guangzhou Qi Rui Information Science and Technology Co.,Ltd

020-38390810 - China

Founded in 2008, Guangzhou QiRui Information Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional IT service company integrating independent software R&D, IT services and system integration. We has end-to-end delivery capabilities for consulting, software development, product agency, implementation and high-end technical services. And committed to providing information security services, operation and maintenance enhancement services and Microsoft services for customers in the financial industry and other industries, mainly including network security, data security, automated operation and maintenance services etc.
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Rexsystem co., Ltd.

82-2-423-4007 - South Korea

Rexsystem is a company that operates solution development and maintenance infrastructure systems, and provides services that satisfy customer needs through its long-term experience in operating Zabbix.
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HangZhou RoseSystem Co., Ltd.

0571-89739188 - China

HangZhou RoseSystem Co., Ltd. which originated in TCP/IP network technology research, solution implementation and product agency business, is the world's leading value-added supplier, integrator and technical service provider of network interconnection application technology in China.
The company has technical application and service advantages in the fields of intelligent operation and maintenance management, data center, cloud computing, collaborative communication, wireless technology, network security, industrial network, intelligent manufacturing, and perceptual services. He has accumulated rich customer cases in the financial, electric power, education, Internet enterprises, manufacturing, and transportation operation and maintenance industries.
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SadidAfarin (SACO)

+98 21 2642 1399 - Iran

Sadid Afarin Company (SACO) operates in information security market and delivers open source professional solutions and services.

SACO provides a list of security and open source services such as consulting, planning and implementing solutions for a wide range of customers, including financial institutions (banks and insurance companies), IT companies (telecommunications), IT development companies, government, public institutions, education and research organizations, medical-related organizations, general consumers, etc.

SACO specialists have experience in Zabbix solution design, integration and administration in large environments. Service provision is not bound by location; apart from meetings in person company specialists are used to work remotely. SACO understands – response time matters much more than geographic proximity.
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SAF Tehnika

720 502 0728 - USA

SAF Tehnika is one of the leading microwave data transmission equipment manufacturers with a global presence in more than 130 countries worldwide and more than 20 years of experience in the field. Our knowledge of microwave technologies has also given us unique skills and know-how to develop the Spectrum Compact series of the world's first truly hand-held microwave spectrum analyzers and signal generators for field engineers, as well as the next-generation industrial IoT solutions for environmental monitoring – Aranet.
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さくらインターネットは、クラウドコンピューティングサービスやIoTサービスを、自社運営の国内のデータセンターを生かし提供しています。 インターネット環境の変化とともにお客さまのご要望にお応えする多様なサービスを開発し、お客さまのDXを支援しています。
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Secure Maximum Company

+966567533411 - Saudi Arabia

Founded in 2010, SecureMax is a leading Saudi IT services and consultancy provider dedicated to empowering businesses of all sizes across both public and private sectors. We take the burden of IT management off your shoulders, allowing businesses to focus on their core strengths.

We assist businesses with a reliable IT department without the hassle of building and managing one. We offer a comprehensive suite of IT services, from creation and implementation to ongoing management and support.
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00966500052889 - Saudi Arabia

Shabaka Tech is Saudi company located in Riyadh, providing wide range of Information and Cyber Security services and solutions. With a team of highly skilled professionals, we are passionate about delivering exceptional IT solutions that empower our clients to thrive in the digital landscape.
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Eden Information Service Limited

0755-88262572 - China

Founded in 2002, Edensoft Holdings Limited ("Edensoft") is a first-class integrated IT solutions and cloud managed service provider in China. With years of solid presence in the IT enterprise service market in China, Edensoft is committed to providing world-class products, solutions and efficient and convenient technical support service for corporate customers. Relying on its best practices of self-developed industry-specific solutions, Edensoft can help enterprises with informatization, digital transformation, cloud migration and overseas market exploration so as to empower enterprises, improve business performance and enhance their market competitiveness.
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Shenzhen Rongqi Mobile Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

(+86) 0755-22664143 - China

Shenzhen Rongqi Mobile Digital Technology Co., Ltd. was established on December 21, 2020. Its business scope includes general business items: information technology development and technical services; Development, design, production, testing and sales of computer and application software; Computer data processing, database service, information system integration, information technology consulting, business consulting, enterprise management consulting, economic information consulting; Market research and data processing; Technology development, technology transfer, technical consultation and technical services in the field of communication technology and computer technology; Sales of communication equipment and auxiliary equipment (except satellite television broadcasting ground reception facilities) and electronic products; Engaged in the import and export business of goods and technology (except for the items prohibited by laws, administrative regulations and the decisions of the State Council, and the restricted items can only be operated after obtaining permission).
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Silvery LLC

+380442347711 - Ukraine

Silvery LLC is a successful Ukrainian system integrator with a presence in the international and Ukrainian IT markets. With a track record of 7 years of successful operation, they offer a comprehensive range of services, from complex IT solutions for businesses to advanced cybersecurity technologies. Their expertise lies in providing integrated solutions in network management and monitoring, helping businesses streamline their operations and improve overall performance. Silvery LLC is a member of German-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Ukraine) and serves as the chair of the IT & Cyber Security Committee.
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About SK C&C USA, Inc.

Who we are : End-to-End IT and Automation Solution Provider

SK C&C USA, Inc. is a leading provider of Automation System, Manufacturing Solution, IT infrastructure, and IT outsourcing services across the United States. With a strong focus on industries such as EV batteries and semiconductors, the company offers advanced solutions that drive digital transformation and operational efficiency for businesses.

We offer : Material Handling Automation Solutions

SK C&C USA excels in providing turnkey automation solutions, which include complete support from equipment supply to installation and ongoing operations. The company’s expertise in material handling automation ensures that clients benefit from fully integrated systems that optimize logistics, supply chains, and production processes. These solutions reduce costs, improve accuracy, and enhance overall productivity.

We also offer : Manufacturing Solution , IT Infrastructure, IT Outsourcing

SK C&C USA specializes in Manufacturing Solutions that provide tailored, optimized solutions to meet the unique needs of each manufacturing environment, improving production efficiency and operational performance. The company also excels in IT infrastructure , offering robust network environments and maintaining high levels of security to ensure stable and secure systems. Additionally, SK C&C USA provides IT outsourcing services, allowing businesses to focus on their core activities while managing system maintenance, cloud computing, and data management. A key offering of SK C&C USA is its 24/7 system and network support, which ensures continuous monitoring and maintenance of IT systems and network infrastructure. This proactive management approach minimizes downtime, boosts productivity, and guarantees uninterrupted operations for clients.

We Expertise: EV Battery and Semiconductor Industries

SK C&C USA has established expertise in EV battery and semiconductor industries. In the EV battery sector, the company’s automation solutions streamline production lines and improve quality control, supporting sustainable energy efforts. In the semiconductor sector, SK C&C USA enhances production processes with advanced automation, ensuring higher yields and better efficiency to meet growing global demand for semiconductors.

Why SK C&C USA, Inc.: Customer-centric, specialized services designed to exceed client expectations

SK C&C USA, Inc. is a trusted partner dedicated to driving productivity and efficiency through digital innovation. With our specialized team and extensive experience, we are committed to meeting our clients' needs and delivering tailored solutions. For inquiries regarding our advanced IT and automation technologies, please contact us at [email protected].
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60 14858585 - Colombia

SKILLNET S.A.S., is a commercial company that provides technological integration services appropriate to the requirements of different markets. SkillNet has strengthened its portfolio of products and services, transforming itself into a company that integrates technological solutions.
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Solucions Informàtiques Maresme S.L.

34-93-522 26 27 - Spain

Founded in 2012, Solucions Informàtiques Maresme, is a professional and independent IT services company. Being experts in monitoring operations, the company provides to its customers personalized services, that have become one of the company’s added values.

Solucions-IM offers to its customers a full spectrum of IT monitoring project management - starting from development and implementation, and up to maintenance services according to customer needs. The company helps its customers improve their businesses by optimizing resources through IT monitoring services.
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Stratesfy, Inc.

+1 (202)-319-1115 - USA

Stratesfy is a global technology solutions provider. Committed to delivering innovation, Stratesfy collaborates with clients to help them achieve high-performance. With deep industry and business process expertise, broad global resources, and a proven track record, Stratesfy mobilizes the right people, skills, and technologies to improve the performance of all their clients.

The company is the first and last point of contact for all IT related issues from technical to governance. Their team of experts include certified technology professionals that are the best at what they do and strive to deliver the highest quality service and product every time. Stratesfy provides full onsite and remote support and engineering services to meet the needs of your business and make available all the tools to streamline the operation.

• Custom Application Development
• Mobile App and Product Development
• End-to-end IT Infrastructure Support
• Systems and Network Engineering
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Syone, S.A.

+351 214 246 710 - Portugal

Syone is the leading Open Source Software Reseller and System Integrator in Portugal. Works with outstanding companies by implementing mission-critical projects and helping organizations to increase agility and to drive Digital Transformation in a wide range of sectors. Syone has delivered projects worldwide in different business areas, such as Data Management & BI, Development & Integration, Business Applications, Mobility Solutions and IT Infrastructure & Cloud.
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Technovage Solution Co., Ltd.

+85592 282 412 - Cambodia

Technovage was founded in 2022 by talented and skillful teams of IT consultants, web developers, network engineers and other professionals with extensive experiences in working with both public and private sectors.

Our main Objective is to make your information management more secure, effective and efficient through our efforts in providing high quality of security solutions, network infrastructure, software and mobile application development. We always thrive to achieve excellent results from continuous improvement through our commitment to highest standards and it is our vision to earn the trust of our clients by delivering innovative and robust solutions to enhance their quality of services At Technovage, we are dedicated to implement best tailored technology solutions to align with our customer budgets.

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Tecsidel ITS

+34 932922110 - Spain

Since 1979 Tecsidel is providing solutions based on Information and Communications Technologies within the following scopes:

• Traffic Management Systems in Toll and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

• Warehouse and Supply Chain Management Systems,

• eGovernment (Document Management and Archiving, eSignature, Interoperability),

• ICT Monitoring and Support Operations Systems.

Tecsidel has offices in Spain (Madrid, Barcelona and Valladolid), Argentina, Brazil, Chile, India and Mexico). Tecsidel builds IT solutions based on company’s own software, others suppliers software or Open Source, and delivers turn-key projects to the clients in order to implant it. Specialization, expertise, alignment with customer objectives and flexibility are the main characteristics of the company.

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Tiandao Jinke Co., Ltd.

4000509000 - China

As a typical platform for new formats and models of the digital economy, the company is positioned to create a first-class industrial digital financial technology platform, fully participating in the wave of digital reform, and providing Zhejiang experience to support the digital development of industries in various cities across the country, helping to promote the high-quality and vigorous development of digital China and the digital economy.
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03 6206 7383 - Japan

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Verdanatech Soluções em TI

+55 (81) 30914252 - Brazil

Verdanatech develops solutions focused on strategic pillars such as cost, utility, guarantee, performance, capacity and scalability, based on solving real problems in corporate environments. They enable Service Management processes in IT departments, IT service providers and for business areas with an improved methodology in what really adds value to their customers. All work is developed based on important concepts present in IT Market Standards and best practices.
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Verticom Oy

+358108503100 - Finland

Verticom Oy specialises in providing high-quality maintenance, and professional services for demanding customer needs in multi-vendor environments with decades of combined experience. Our client base includes companies from Scandinavia, the Baltics and from Europe. From the public to the private sector, we have 5 offices that employ approximately 20 people, and our partner/subcontractor network reaches around 40 professionals in total.

Verticom Oy provide a wide range of professional services for a variety of environments, utility programs, and network devices. We provide solutions for Unix-, Windows-, and Linux -environments as well as a variety of virtualised architectures. In addition, we providerequirement evaluation, planning, installation, administration and performance optimisation services.

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+60 13 836 8083 - Malaysia

Voculus Sdn Bhd specializes in systems management and infrastructure monitoring. The company offers a wide range of ICT solutions to their customers, addressing their business requirements with best of breed technologies.

Voculus has strong roots in open source systems and is able to provide consulting, implementation and support services for commercial and free open source products.

The company provides their customers with solutions with the most optimal balance of technology and cost, working with technology partners from around the world.
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WeCloud Technology JSC

(+84) 1900 988 986 - Vietnam

WeCloud constantly improves business performance, constantly innovates to become a modern and professional technology service provider, and always focuses on quality and brings outstanding efficiency to clients. We have many experts and experience in consulting and supporting customers to implement ITIL/ISO20000/ISO270000 and other framework. We have the following main business segments:
- Cloud Services;
- System Integration & Services;
- Software Development.
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Wuhan Minglong Information Technology Co., Ltd.

027-87998887 - China

Wuhan Minglong Information Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2012 (hereinafter referred to as Wuhan Minglong), headquartered in the "China Optics Valley" Wuhan East Lake High tech Development Zone Optics Valley Software Industrial Park. The company is a high-tech enterprise and a technology-based small and medium-sized enterprise. Minglong Information mainly serves intelligent information overall solutions for large and medium-sized government and enterprise users in the healthcare industry, government industry, and smart industrial parks, We mainly provide integrated solutions for data center construction, core network planning and network level protection security construction, standardized computer room engineering construction, security monitoring system integration construction, IT information system integration, and intelligent operation and maintenance services.
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Wuxi XinMinTong Network Technology Co., Ltd.

86 510-82750050 - China

Wuxi Xinmintong Network Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional system integration company engaged in computer network system integration, intelligent building cabling and computer equipment sales. Wuxi Mintong Computer Network Co., Ltd. was founded in October 1995.
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Youwei Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

0755-23023448 - China

Youwei Technology is a leading next-generation ITOM service provider in China. Provide enterprises with integrated IT management solutions through management consulting, tool products and professional services.Focus on the realization of "Internet +" capabilities for the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, emphasizing on the realization of enterprise IT lean management capabilities and sustainable value under the premise of safety and stability, and assisting enterprises in continuous business innovation.
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Zen Networks SARL AU

+212 522 219 782, +212-521-102-214 - Morocco

Zen Networks is a monitoring and telecommunications expert company, having extensive experience in deploying highly scalable and geo-redundant monitoring solutions for their customers, as well as creating advanced monitoring modules adapted to their needs.

Due to the synergy between company's DevOps and monitoring experts, Zen Networks is able to secure efficient monitoring which is adapted it to the business applications of their customers.
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toBizIT (Shanghai) Information System Co.,Ltd.

021-62497005 - China

toBizIT (Shanghai) Information System Co., Ltd. pays attention to and continues to engage in enterprise informatization integration services, using various informatization methods to solve problems encountered in the process of enterprise development, and strengthen operational physique, in manufacturing, finance, retail, medical and other fields There are many successful cases, which have been highly recognized by customers!
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Ziva Tecnologia e Soluções

+55 11 3365-0410 - Brazil

Ziva is one of the main Brazilian integrators in the networking area. The company develops projects in the areas of lan, wan, wlan. Through its NOC installed in São Paulo, it manages and administers networks throughout the brazilian territory.
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富士通株式会社は、富士通の強みである高性能・高信頼なPCサーバ『PRIMERGY』を中心とした「ハードウェア」、ならびにICT環境の変化に対しても新たなスキルを必要としない運用を実現する統合運用管理ソフトウェア『FUJITSU Software Systemwalker』をベースに、『Zabbix』を組み合わせてお客様のご要望に合ったソリューションを提供し、お客様のICTシステムの成長に貢献します。
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