Zabbix MeetUp Andina

May 7, 2020

Zabbix MeetUp Andina


14:00 Welcome speech

Imagunet (Zabbix Certified Partner)

14:05 Welcome speech

Alexei Vladishev, CEO, Zabbix

14:25 What's new in Zabbix 5.0 beta 2

Carlos Ortega, Engineering Director, Imagunet

14:55 Certifications in version 5.0

Gustavo Guido, Director, Custos UY - Certified Training Partner

15:15 Break

15:35 Distributed Architecture with Zabbix in Telconet

Carlos Marín, Head of the BOC, Telconet, Ecuador

16:00 Zabbix monitoring for the physical infrastructure of the Data Center

Álvaro Daye, Director of Datacenter, Chicago Digital Power, Colombia

16:30 Break

16:45 Common mistakes in Zabbix

Ricardo Pinto, Director of Operations, Imagunet

17:15 Zabbix performance

Luciano Alves, CEO, Unirede Brasil - Zabbix Premium Partner, Brazil

17:45 Closing speech
