Заметки о выпуске для Zabbix 3.2.8rc1

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Zabbix - открытое решение распределенного мониторинга корпоративного класса. Zabbix выпускается под лицензией GPL, таким образом, продукт бесплатный как для коммерческого, так и некоммерческого использования. Полный текст лицензии доступен на http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.

Этот документ содержит заметки о выпуске для Zabbix 3.2.8rc1. Загрузите его со страницы скачать.

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Новые возможности и улучшения

ZBX-1357 Enabled Turkish translation to be displayed by default API Frontend
ZBX-1357 Updated Czech, English (United States), French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Turkish translations; thanks to Zabbix translators API Frontend
ZBX-12258 Added bulk selections to improve performance in processing of escalations Server

Исправления ошибок

ZBX-12769 Fixed XSS vulnerabilities in argument passing for popup forms and file import forms Frontend
ZBX-12768 Added schema validation for URL fields based on schemas whitelist in ZBX_URI_VALID_SCHEMES API Frontend
ZBX-11675 Fixed crash that could occur during connection failures to MySQL Proxy Server
ZBX-12617 Fixed sorting by host name for items on availability report page Frontend
ZBX-12696 Fixed trigger not being calculated for newly received item values if last one of those is unsupported value Server
ZBX-12548 Fixed notification sound not being played for message with timeout set to greater than minute Frontend
ZBX-12653 Fixed heap corruption in Windows agent; thanks to Ronnie Kaech for the patch Agent
ZBX-12660 Fixed result of hostinterface.replacehostinterfaces method API
ZBX-12469 Added new context for 'Second' string to be properly translated in maintenance period form Frontend
ZBX-12493 Fixed address and ports array size in zbx_init_ipmi_host() to match OpenIPMI internals Proxy Server
ZBX-12623 Fixed label macro resolving in maps Frontend
ZBX-11042 Allowed libcurl to choose SMTP authentication mechanism other than PLAIN Frontend Server
ZBX-8997 Fixed trigger expression validation test form Frontend
ZBX-12434 Fixed housekeeping of problems and events for deleted items and triggers; added optional database patch to cleanup problems for deleted items and triggers Frontend Installation Server
ZBX-12646 Fixed incorrect SQL query in availability reports Frontend
ZBX-12545 Fixed undefined index error on latest data page when host was deleted in another session Frontend
ZBX-12321 Fixed removal of multiselect options using backspace button Frontend
ZBX-12416 Optimized data selection of user preferences stored in profiles Frontend
ZBX-11607 Fixed a rounding of large unsigned numbers Frontend
ZBX-12404 Fixed visibility of item data first row for 'latest data' page and 'audit log' page Frontend
ZBX-12463 Fixed undefined index error in "Last 20 issues" Frontend
ZBX-12186 Fixed parallel processing of multiple values for same lld rule Server
ZBX-11887 Fixed improper DB::refreshIds() call when selected row is locked Frontend
ZBX-12022 Fixed trigger resolving in services configuration; fixed popup window size Frontend
ZBX-12429 Fixed template replacement in mass update form Frontend
ZBX-12396 Fixed an error in screens if screen trigger overview element contains deleted host group Frontend
ZBX-12439 Fixed macro name field length in host configuration form Frontend
ZBX-10820 Fixed potential loss of data when server/proxy processes zabbix_sender data Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-12446 Fixed discovery and auto registration to accept empty DNS names Server
ZBX-12295 Fixed possible accumulation of executed tasks in database Server
ZBX-12318 Fixed maintenance status not being updated in cache if host is disabled Server
ZBX-12224 Fixed connection to Oracle database when database server gives out warnings Proxy Server
ZBX-12195 Fixed contamination of script output with Zabbix'es own log messages when logging level is set to 4 or 5 and LogType=console Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-12270 Fixed processing of AIX item 'system.stat[ent]' in agent; thanks to Marc for patch Agent
ZBX-12277 Fixed trigger expression test form incorrectly replacing macros Frontend

Заметки по инсталляции и обновлению


Смотрите Документация Zabbix для получения более подробной информации.


Смотрите пошаговым инструкциям for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 3.2.8.

Коммерческая поддержка

Компания Zabbix предоставляет полный спектр Профессиональных услуг. Мы также предоставляем Услугу обновления с отсутствием времени простоя для более простой миграции с более ранних версий Zabbix. Пожалуйста Свяжитесь с отделом продаж для уточнения стоимости и более детальной информации.

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Zabbix 3.2 Manual

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