Notas de la versión de Zabbix 5.0.4

El equipo Zabbix se complace en anunciar la disponibilidad de Zabbix 5.0.4.

Zabbix es una solución de monitoreo distribuido de código abierto y de clase empresarial. Zabbix se publica bajo la GPL, por lo que es gratuito para uso comercial y no comercial. El texto completo de la licencia está disponible en

Este documento contiene las notas de lanzamiento de la versión de Zabbix 5.0.4. Descárgalo desde download.

Las siguientes secciones describen la versión en detalle y proporcionan información reciente u otra información que complementa la documentación principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-6023 Added Windows service support for Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBXNEXT-6019 Added Oracle Database plugin Agent
ZBXNEXT-6139 Added GetHeaders method to CurlHttpRequest javascript object Server
ZBXNEXT-6116 Added SysAid media type Templates
ZBXNEXT-6167 Added diaginfo runtime command to log internal diagnostic information Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-6106 Added Host context menu to hosts listed on 'Web monitoring' page Frontend
ZBXNEXT-6065 Added SolarWinds Service Desk webhook Templates
ZBXNEXT-6117 Added media "TOPdesk" Templates
ZBXNEXT-5540 Added LLD rules for stand-alone and CAPsMAN APs Templates
ZBXCTR-10 Added iLert media type Templates

Corrección de errores

ZBX-17993 Fixed ZabbixWeb Test Item for Admin is not working Server
ZBX-13384 Fixed minor template issues to follow guidelines Templates
ZBX-18114 Fixed documentation for Agent2 PersistentBuffer Documentation Installation
ZBX-17842 Updated VMware template to follow guidelines Templates
ZBX-17848 Fixed fping interval detection, added log prints of detected options in debug mode, re-detect options every hour Proxy Server
ZBX-18341 Removed media_jira_with_CF_example.xml and moved example with custom fields example to readme Templates
ZBX-18131 Added support of single-select, checkbox and radio button customfield types and "__zbx" tag filter for labels in Jira webhook Templates
ZBX-18065 Add help flag to Zabbix Agent 2 Agent
ZBX-17906 Fixed HTTP agent JSON output when using HTTP/2; thanks to Mike Noordermeer for the patch Proxy Server
ZBX-18206 Fixed incorrect housekeeping form behaviour Frontend
ZBX-18167 Fixed filter block in lld overrides popup Frontend
ZBX-18174 Fixed oracle errors for host macro updates when linking templates Server
ZBX-18188 Increased age and duration related macro resolution to seconds Server
ZBX-18152 Fixed incorrect selected menu option for template screens page Frontend
ZBX-18340 Added runtime command diaginfo option to command line help messages Proxy Server
ZBX-18250 Changed link to "Web monitoring" page in context menu with filtering parameters Frontend
ZBX-18170 Fixed LLD override for applications Server
ZBX-15904 Added check of required cache size for vmware event messages Proxy Server
ZBX-18121 Fixed SSH monitoring when compiled with libssh; thanks to MATSUDA Daiki for the patch Proxy Server
ZBX-17927 Fixed Agent2 user-defined parameter key testing Agent
ZBX-18314 Fixed description of URI field in Template DB MySQL by Zabbix agent 2 Templates
ZBX-18067 Fixed using outdated dynamic host when editing dynamic widgets on dashboard Frontend
ZBX-18261 Fixed performance of the "Latest data" screen with partitioned history tables Frontend
ZBX-18322 Enabled Memcached and MySQL plugins for Windows Agent
ZBX-17982 Added non-trigger event types support to webhooks Templates
ZBX-18190 Removed triggers for items Log growths, Log shrinks for MSSQL ODBC template Templates
ZBX-18122 Fixed russian character in setup section and templates for Oracle ODBC and PostgreSQL agent2 Templates
ZBX-18074 Fixed unresolved macros in item names in data overview table Frontend
ZBX-18195 Changed log level increase command for Agent 2 to match Agent 1 Agent
ZBX-17984 Added support of ipv6 and unix sockets for memcached plugin Agent
ZBX-18189 Fixed crash when performing housekeeping with disabled value cache Server
ZBX-18181 Fixed undefined index when importing host with non-existing interface API
ZBX-14503 Updated JMX template to follow guidelines Templates
ZBX-18196 Added overriding of triggers for IPMI Threshold sensors discovery Templates
ZBX-18021 Changed Opsgenie media to handle extra options Tags and Teams Templates
ZBX-18050 Removed proxy name from host breadcrumbs Frontend
ZBX-18202 Added new default item keys for item type "Zabbix aggregate" Frontend
ZBX-18124 Fixed discovered host group prototype saving during import Frontend
ZBX-17692 Fixed column sizes and paddings for items in graph edit form Frontend
ZBX-17812 Fixed incorrect copying of severeties in Problem widgets Frontend
ZBX-17886 Fixed SNMP type item test form not sending and resolving interface macros Frontend
ZBX-18183 Fixed displaying negative time in convertUnitsS() function Frontend
ZBX-18103 Fixed host connection macro in Slack media type Templates
ZBX-18249 Fixed Oracle ODBC Template issues Templates
ZBX-18072 Fixed Discord API version in Discord media type Templates
ZBX-17952 Fixed compression availability not being checked when deleting history API
ZBX-17981 Fixed Discord endpoint validation Templates

Notas de instalación y actualización


Ver Manual de Zabbix para conocer todos los detalles.


Ver Procedimiento de actualización for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 5.0.4.

Soporte comercial

Zabbix ofrece una gama completa de Servicios profesionales. También proporcionamos sin problemas Servicio de actualización para una fácil migración desde versiones anteriores de Zabbix. Por favor Contactar con el equipo de ventas para precios y más detalles.


Zabbix 5.0 Manual

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