Release-Hinweise für Zabbix 5.0.31rc2

Das Zabbix Team freut sich, Ihnen Zabbix vorzustellen 5.0.31rc2.

Zabbix ist eine Open-Source-Lösung für das verteilte Monitoring und dabei für Unternehmen ausgelegt (Enterprise-Klasse). Zabbix wird unter der GPL veröffentlicht und ist daher zur Verwendung kostenlos, ob kommerziell oder nicht. Den vollständigen Text der Lizenz finden Sie unter

Dieses Dokument enthält die Release-Hinweise für Zabbix 5.0.31rc2. Sie finden es unter download.

Die folgenden Abschnitte beschreiben den Release im Detail und stellen später hinzugekommene oder sonstige Informationen bereit, um die hauptsächliche Dokumentation zu ergänzen.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-7962 Fixed the discovery rules for interfaces in OPNsense and PFSense templates Templates
ZBXNEXT-6119 Added an option to retrieve all JSON data from the container info key in Zabbix agent 2 docker plugin Agent
ZBXNEXT-8058 Reduced locking between the history syncers, trappers and proxy pollers Proxy Server


ZBX-20110 Added single field search option to oracle, ts.stats,, and diskgroups.stats keys for Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBX-21227 Improved error logging during the agent start for Windows service Agent
ZBX-21538 Fixed the `history.get` API method blocking `drop_chunks` requests during housekeeping API
ZBX-21956 Fixed the severity sign overlapping a trigger name in the map element configuration Frontend
ZBX-22215 Fixed incorrectly quoted parsing of the function parameter Server
ZBX-21936 Fixed actions not being displayed in an *Action log* widget Frontend
ZBX-21254 Removed `kernel.maxproc` from the processes graph in Linux by Zabbix agent templates Templates
ZBX-21754 Improved value cache warmup when retrieving the two last values with one day update interval Server
ZBX-21862 Updated tablespaces query for the Oracle plugin in Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBX-21665 Fixed an infinite loop of the SMART plugin for Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBX-19138 Fixed the configuration of Redis plugin in Zabbix agent 2 configuration files Agent
ZBX-21563 Changed the order in which the escalation steps and recovery operations are executed Frontend Server
ZBX-21783 Fixed Zabbix JS timeout validation
ZBX-22126 Fixed trends being deleted from cache and retrieved from a database when data is older than one hour after receiving Server
ZBX-17419 Optimized API queries when searching by names in the hosts and items tables API Server
ZBX-21540 Moved some static items under LLD rules to improve the performance in Oracle by Zabbix agent 2 template Templates
ZBX-22071 Extended the description for an OPSGenie media type Templates
ZBX-20845 Fixed the availability of an SNMP interface in the case of wrong credentials Proxy Server
ZBX-21441 Added the overriding to skip metadata collection on ZFS and BTRFS for Nix templates Templates
ZBX-21927 Fixed crash on the Oracle database when connection is lost Proxy Server
ZBX-21696 Fixed Windows agent 2 unicode path support for log* items Agent
ZBX-21903 Fixed the agent 2 timeout behavior for the `net.tcp.port` item Agent
ZBX-21039 Fixed README for PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent 2 template Templates
ZBX-21806 Fixed fatal PHP error in case incorrect variable type for controller action is given Frontend
ZBX-21799 Fixed an undefined offset error during the host import process API
ZBX-21206 Reverted the PostgreSQL connection to be per database for Zabbix agent 2 PostgreSQL plugin Agent
ZBX-20397 Fixed the alignment of a draggable object Frontend
ZBX-20356 Fixed Zabbix agent 2 to remove and re-add the performance counters on failed collection and to keep query always open Agent
ZBX-21296 Updated the Oracle plugin and Oracle agent 2 template documentation grant select variables and added new grant Agent Templates
ZBX-21884 Changed `system.sw.packages[<package>,<manager>,<format>]` to `system.sw.packages[<regexp>,<manager>,<format>]` Frontend

Installations- und Upgrade-Hinweise


Siehe das Zabbix Handbuch für alle Details.


Siehe das Upgrade-Verfahren for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 5.0.31.

Kommerzieller Support

Das Unternehmen Zabbix bietet eine umfassende Palette an professionellen Services. Wir stellen für Sie auch eine problemlose Upgrade-Services und einfache Migration von früheren Zabbix Versionen bereit. Bitte Vertrieb kontaktieren um Preise und weitere Details anzufragen.


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