Conference Benelux 2024 Agenda

Day 1







Alexei Vladishev

CEO, Zabbix Founder, Zabbix,

Alexei is the author of Zabbix, an enterprise-class, open-source monitoring solution, and also the founder of Zabbix LLC, the company developing Zabbix.
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Deep Dive into Zabbix Proxies

A Zabbix proxy is an optional Zabbix component enabling the horizontal scaling of your Zabbix infrastructure and distributed monitoring across multiple geographical locations. In this presentation, we will take a look at the internal mechanisms of a Zabbix proxy. Learn how Zabbix proxies collect, process, and store data, the proper way of monitoring, maintaining, and tuning your proxies, use cases for deploying Zabbix proxies, and more.

Karlis Salins

Technical Support Engineer, Zabbix,

Karlis is a Zabbix Trainer and Technical Support Engineer with over 6 years of experience working with Zabbix. Before joining Zabbix, he worked as a DBA and System Administrator in the financial sector.
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Coffee break


Zabbix Proxy High-availability and Load Balancing in Zabbix 7.0

Zabbix proxy high-availability and load balancing features are coming in Zabbix 7.0. The presentation will cover the implementation details, common use cases, and other aspects of these upcoming features.

Edgars Melveris

Technical Support Engineer, Zabbix,

Edgars has more than 15 years of experience as a System Administrator and 12 years of experience working with Zabbix. He is knowledgeable in administering Linux and networking, and is both a Zabbix Technical Support Engineer and a Certified Trainer.
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Zabbix Agent 2: Deep Dive and Key Benefits

Zabbix agent 2 is an ever-evolving Zabbix component that enables out-of-the-box monitoring of a variety of endpoints. In this presentation, we will take a look at the latest updates to Zabbix agent 2, the underlying data collection logic, and key benefits of deploying the agent.

Rudolfs Zvejs

Go Developer, Zabbix,

A skilled backend developer proficient in Go and multiple other programming languages, Rudolfs specializes in debugging and is adept at innovating and navigating large-scale projects. He is also committed to enhancing Zabbix Go components.
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Browser Monitoring in Zabbix 7.0

Zabbix 7.0 will introduce new synthetic web page monitoring features. In this presentation, we will give a preview of the new features and discuss the use cases for browser monitoring.

Kaspars Mednis

Training Project Manager, Zabbix,

Kaspars has more than 15 years of experience as a Network Administrator and more than 10 years of experience with Zabbix. He is highly knowledgeable about networking, SQL based databases (MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle), and both Windows and Linux server administration. He previously worked in the banking sector, administering and monitoring bank network infrastructure.
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Analyze Zabbix Problems in Elasticsearch

I have created a mediatype to export problems to Elasticsearch, which gives you the possibility to search, analyze, and visualize problems. It will also give you insights into recurring problems or problematic hosts, particularly in large environments.

Albert-Jan Goedhart

Solution Engineer, Conclusion,

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Monitoring Enterprise Environments with Zabbix

Zabbix can be deployed to monitor infrastructures of various scales and scopes. Enterprise environments can be especially complex to design a monitoring solution for, due to multiple enterprise policies, different IT teams working on and monitoring various projects and solutions, additional security requirements, and more. With this in mind, the presentation will cover the best practices for designing Zabbix to monitor enterprise environments and infrastructures.

Vittorio Cioe

Technical Account Manager, Zabbix,

Vittorio is a databases and open-source technology enthusiast. He spent almost ten years working for world-leading technology companies, focusing on infrastructure and security aspects of the application layer as well as middleware and web performance. His long-standing passion for open-source technology and databases led him to Oracle, where he worked with MySQL, the leading open-source database on the market, helping leading customers across Eastern Europe to successfully shape their projects. During his time at MySQL, he presented at many events around Europe, including OpenSource Day Warsaw, OpenSource Day Lisbon, DevTalks Bucharest, Highload++ Moscow, and DevOps Days Kazan.
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Coffee break


Zabbix Ansible Collection

Learn how to scale your Zabbix configuration workflows with the official Zabbix Ansible collection. The presentation will cover an overview of the Ansible collection and a variety of example use cases.

Andrey Tocko

Integrations Engineer, Zabbix,

A key member of the Zabbix integration team, Andrejs has a passion for automation, over 15 years of experience as a system administrator in the television field, and a love of scripting languages.
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Zabbix Audit Log - Underlying Design and Considerations

Zabbix Audit log received a redesign in Zabbix 6.0. Over time it has and will continue to receive a variety of improvements and changes. In this presentation, we will take a look at how Audit log entries are stored, filtered, and sorted, as well as the underlying logic and performance impact of audit logging in Zabbix.

Artjoms Rimdjonoks

C Developer, Zabbix,

Artjoms is a Zabbix 6.0 Certified Expert with 10+ years of experience as a C/C++ developer (5 years in Zabbix). He previously, worked in the financial markets sector in the UK, developing low-latency trading systems. He brings with him an MSc in Software and Systems Security and a GCHQ certification from the University of Oxford.
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Conference first day closing

Day 2


Zabbix Exam


Workshop: Zabbix Proxy High-availability and Load Balancing

This workshop will consist of a live demonstration of the upcoming Zabbix proxy high-availability and load-balancing features. During the workshop, you will be able to see the features in action, play out a variety of scenarios, and ask questions in an open-ended demo/workshop class.

Edgars Melveris

Technical Support Engineer, Zabbix,

Edgars has more than 15 years of experience as a System Administrator and 12 years of experience working with Zabbix. He is knowledgeable in administering Linux and networking, and is both a Zabbix Technical Support Engineer and a Certified Trainer.
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Workshop: zabbix_utils - Examples and Use Cases of Automating your Zabbix Workflows

This workshop will demonstrate a variety of use cases for zabbix_utils - the official python library for Zabbix API. During the workshop, attendees will learn how to use zabbix_utils and a variety of possible scenarios for automating Zabbix workflows with Zabbix API and zabbix_utils.

Karlis Salins

Technical Support Engineer, Zabbix,

Karlis is a Zabbix Trainer and Technical Support Engineer with over 6 years of experience working with Zabbix. Before joining Zabbix, he worked as a DBA and System Administrator in the financial sector.
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Coffee break


Zabbix services : Helping you prepare for Zabbix 7.0 LTS

Samir Dzavadov

Partner Relation Manager, Zabbix,

Samir is a passionate individual who has had a love for technology since childhood. With a problem-solving mentality, he has been responsible for partnerships at Zabbix for over 3 years. On a daily basis, Samir assists all Zabbix partners with a variety of matters and works to spread the word about Zabbix.
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Enterprise User Management and Provisioning in Zabbix

This presentation will cover a variety of Zabbix features for enterprise user management and provisioning, such as LDAP and Just-in-time (JIT) user provisioning, managing user permissions and roles, multi-factor authentication, and more.

Kaspars Mednis

Training Project Manager, Zabbix,

Kaspars has more than 15 years of experience as a Network Administrator and more than 10 years of experience with Zabbix. He is highly knowledgeable about networking, SQL based databases (MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle), and both Windows and Linux server administration. He previously worked in the banking sector, administering and monitoring bank network infrastructure.
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Alexei Vladishev

CEO, Zabbix Founder, Zabbix

Nathan Liefting

Zabbix Consultant and Trainer, Opensource ICT Solutions

Peter Vader

CEO, Xifeo

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Using cURL Library in Zabbix

In 7.0 the detection of cURL library features was moved from compilation time to runtime. This should greatly improve user experience for the cases when Zabbix is built with one version of cURL library and then used with another.

Vladimir Levijev

Senior C Developer, Zabbix,

With 23 years of experience in IT, Vladimir started as a GNU/Linux technical support engineer and then switched to software development after 2 years. He primarily worked with open-source projects and joined the Zabbix team in 2011 as a C developer.
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Reliably Backing Up your Zabbix Instance

Enterprise environments store a lot of important monitoring data in addition to complex Zabbix configuration. It's important to have a proper backup logic for a variety of Zabbix components in order to prevent potential data loss in case of a disaster. In this presentation, we will look at best practices for backing up Zabbix configuration and the collected data.

Nathan Liefting

Zabbix Consultant and Trainer, Opensource ICT Solutions,

Nathan's first introduction to Zabbix was back in 2016 when he had to upgrade an existing installation from version 2 to 3. He was working as a Network Engineer at the time and was immediately sold on Zabbix’s usefulness for network monitoring. In 2020 he went on to become a full-time Zabbix consultant and trainer, while also writing books, creating blog posts, and helping the Zabbix community in multiple areas.
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